• Published 22nd Sep 2023
  • 150 Views, 9 Comments

Blossoming Breezies - Matsu

Born without a talent to call her own, Blossom tackles the near-impossible task of just trying to fit in.

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Chapter 0 - Seeds of Hope

Chapter 0

Seeds of Hope

"Sow change, harvest joy..."


If you head toward the second star on your right and fly straight on till morning, you'll come to Breezie Hollow, a magical land where seaponies play and foals never grow up. When you arrive, you might hear something like the tinkling of little bells, follow that sound and you'll find the great Breezie Dust Tree, the heart of Breezie Hollow and the source of all the magic that moves this little world.

The Breezies of Breezie Hollow all work together in order to bring the four seasons to the outside world with their harmonious magic and delicate touch. These whimsical and petite creatures, no larger than a butterfly, possess the unique ability to harness the essence of each season and transport it beyond their enchanted haven, combining their many different talents in order to create the most beautiful of landscapes.

As spring awakens, the Garden Breezies care for the flowers, infusing them with the rejuvenating energy of growth and renewal. The Water Breezies gather dewdrops and, with the help of the gentle flutters of the Gust Breezies, sprinkle this essence across fields and forest, coaxing buds to bloom and motivating nature to burst forth in vibrant colors.

When summer arrives, the Light Breezies dance through sunbeams, capturing the warmth and radiance that only this season can bring, while the Cloud Breezies make sure the skies are nice and clean. With each twirl and whirl, the Heat Breezies carry burning essences to distant lands, where it warms the earth and fills the air with a sense of joy and vitality.

As autumn leaves begin to fall, the Wind Breezies traverse mountains and valleys with their graceful flight, releasing these autumnal hues and creating landscapes that capture the beauty of change and transition. Meanwhile, the Storm and Thunder Breezies work together to release all the rain that has accumulated during summer, making sure the land is never too dry.

When winter spreads its icy embrace, the Polar Wind Breezies embrace the chill, capturing the frosty breath of the season. The Ice and Snowflake Breezies carry their frost-kissed essence to far-off places, where it blankets the world in a soft shimmering white, turning landscapes into a winter wonderland and evoking feelings of tranquility and reflection, all of this while the Frosting Breezies cover the plants with a thin layer of frost, protecting them from the harsh temperatures.

And not every Breezie has to leave Breezie Hollow in order to do their jobs, many of them have special talents that let them perform all kinds of stuff around these magical lands, like cooking, nursing, cleaning the skies, and even taking care of all sorts of animals!

Guided by their deep connection to nature, the Breezies work tirelessly to maintain the delicate balance that brings harmony to the world. Through their unwavering dedication, they remind all who encounter their magic of the cyclical beauty of life and the interconnectedness of all living things, and this is all thanks to their amazing talents...have I mentioned that ALL Breezies have their own special talent that makes them an important part of the Breezie society?

Oh...well, that is, until...


"My team will check around Lily Meadows!"

"Alright...Gusty and I will cover west of Daisy Orchard."

"Oh my, we can't forget to look behind the mushroom patches this time..."

Many different voices could be heard coming from all around the breezies' gathering spot, their tiny wings fluttering in excitement. They were all sitting in a little cafe located inside of a giant lavender tree, small lights were hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the place. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation as the little creatures discussed their plans.

"Wait, i thought Daybloom's team was going to Lily Meadows..."

"Gusty? But Gusty said she was going to help me!"

"...Um...w-where are the mushroom patches again?"

They certainly didn't look like the most organized of folks. The gathering of breezies continued to buzz with energy as they laid out their "meticulous" search plans when, suddenly, a voice caught their attention.

"Tsk tsk...you're all hopeless...I'll let you know that we have less than FIVE MINUTES before The Search begins!"

The one who spoke was the epitome of elegance and refinement, a Breezie whose grace was as captivating as the petals of a delicate rose. She arrived at the cafe, gliding with an air of sophistication that set her apart from the ordinary, a vision of haute couture wrapped in a resplendent red dress that mirrors the beauty of the most exquisite bloom. With every flutter of her dainty wings, she left an indelible impression of opulence and charm, the very embodiment of snobbish chic. No one dared to confront her, so she continued her rant.

"Ugh, I hope we get a Spring Breezie this time...you know how hard it is to take care of ALL those flowers with such a miniscule team?"

"Aw c'mon Petunia...the Garden Breezies are, like...the biggest team in all of Spring Valley...y'know?...It won't be the end of the world..."

No one except this guy. Millpond was his name...not nearly as fashionable as Petunia (that's pretty impossible to accomplish), but was pretty charming in his on way. His grayish blue coat and moldy green mane created a lot of contrast with her pretty purples and magentas. Petunia sighed as she delicately sipped some nectar tea, her wings quivering with frustration.

"Yes Mill, I'm aware of their grandeur, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. All those petals, all that fuss... it's simply exhausting. And don't even get me started on the pollination process!"

Millpond couldn't help but chuckle at Petunia's exasperation.

"Well...we can't really choose which type of Breezie we get every year, that's for destiny to decide...all we can do is search...i'm telling you, you just gotta relaaax girl..."

"Hmph...I guess you're right..." Petunia conceded with a reluctant nod, her perfectly coiffed mane shimmering like spun gold in the gentle glow of the cafe's lights. "But if those Autumn Breezies find the seed again, I'm going to FAINT."

Every single Breezie in that room seemed to resonate with that, as the Spring Breezies didn't really get along with the Autumn Breezies...actually, they didn't get along with any other season.

"I know right!?" One of the Garden Breezies, Tulip Tips, felt the urge to agree. "I swear they get a new Breezie every other festival! That's so unfair, what do they have that we don't?"

"Um...organization skills?..."

Somebreezie said on the back of the café, the room immediately fell silent after her comment.

"...T-They're still dumb tho."

They instantly went back to their usual cheerful selfs after hearing the complete sentence, happily agreeing.

"AHEM! Maybe a little bit of focus could help." Petunia seemed annoyed by the search team's low attention span. "Maybe that's why the Autumn Breezies always find the seed! I hope none of you were slacking during the Festival Search..."

"O-Of course not, Petunia! We always give it our all during the search, it's just that..." Tulip responded, a little bit intimidated. "W-We can't really choose where the seed will appear..."

"UGH! You and your excuses..."

"B-But that's a fact-"

"Anyway, the sun's about to rise, you better be ready! Come on, get to your positions everybreezie!"

She fluttered away, leaving the search team with a sense of urgency. They quickly scattered to their designated spots, their determination outweighing the earlier frustration.

"...Sigh...Petunia may be a little...VERY bossy, but she's right..." Tulip Tips went after Petunia as the other Garden Breezies followed her. As the first rays of the morning sun began to paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, her voice rang out once more. "Remember everybreezie, we may not control where the seed appears, but we do control our effort and teamwork. Let's make this year's Festival Search our best one yet!"

With renewed motivation, the team started their meticulous search through the garden, their spirits lifted by the beauty of the sunrise and the prospect of finding the precious seed.

"I'm sure that, this time, The Search will be a..."


"A DISASTER!" Petunia's voice rang out from across the garden, filled with frustration and disappointment. "This is absolutely terrible! Are you sure you searched all of it?!"

"Oh, I'm really sorry Petunia, but we looked around every single lake and every single river...we even checked the ponds! And no sign of the seed whatsoever..." Despite the obvious concern, the Breezie who hovered in front of Petunia spoke with a very calming voice. With her tranquil demeanor and serene beauty, her presence alone was enough to soothe a Breezie's heart...but it didn't really seem to affect Petunia, who was in the process of freaking out. "And you know how much us Water Breezies value hard work and focus!"

Petunia froze for a moment, then quickly switched her attention to the other Water Breezies who were all taking a nap at the lakeshore below her.

"Dewdrop, dear, I don't think I would call you all...focused." She tried to regain her composure. "Oh, sweet Robin...we didn't find anything around the gardens, the Gust Breezies searched the entire valley and found nothing, we even asked the General Work Breezies to help us! And now you're telling me that the Water Breezies failed as well?! M-Maybe it's underwater and you forgot to check INSIDE the lake!"

"I don't think so, I asked the little fishies if they could help us search, and as far as I know, they didn't find anything..."

"OH, SUCH A TALE OF WOE!" Dewdrop had to quickly hold Petunia before she fainted. "Twelve festivals Dew...TWELVE FESTIVALS! How much longer before we just...just...RUN OUT OF BREEZIES?!"

"Oh I don't think that's gonna happen, we have a lot of Spring Bree-"

"And I bet those Autumn Breezies are going to find the seed again! Argh, those smug little fast-flyers...they get on my nerves!"

Petunia put her hooves in front of her as if she was holding another Breezie's neck. Dewdrop, however, seemed a tad bit uncomfortable with the comment, trying her best to ignore it.

"Ah...well...t-there's no need to be sad...see? No one raised the flag yet, so the seed is still out there!" She tried her best to calm her friend down. She put one of her hooves in front of Petunia, levitating a little tear that had just trickled down Petunia's cheek, gently wiping it away. "I'm sure we can still find it if we just try a little bit harder...we've faced many challenges before! Remember when that hawk showed up all of a sudden and we had to ask Hazel for help? Oh, and what about that time where a crazy fairy almost destroyed the entire place and we had to redo the spring preparations in only three days? And what about that time Millpond fell on that pond! Wait...that happens everyday..."

"You are right Dew! We can still find the seed and beat those fools!" Apparently, Petunia stopped listening after 'can still find it', not really getting the lesson at all. "I wish the other Water Breezies were as determined and competitive as you! We have, like, THE SAME MINDSET!"

"...Huh?" Dewdrop was wondering whether or not Millpond had fallen into a pond today, so she didn't pay much attention either. "Oh, uh...yeah!"

Petunia gave Dewdrop a big hug before flying away, hoping to catch up with the rest of the Search Team in order to give them one of her brand new 'motivational speeches'.

"...Phew, thank Robin it wasn't a question..." Dew looked around to see if anyone else was around (save for the sleeping Water Breezies of course). "Yawn...a little nap would be pretty swell right now..."


Have you ever thought about why things happen?

Why does it rain? Why does a flower bloom? Why does the sun always come up in the morning? Have you ever asked yourself those questions? More often than not, your answer will be 'yes'...at least once in our lives, we've questioned things.

The Ponies from outside of Breezie Hollow, as expected, are no different. They are creatures who often either overthink or underthink, but rarely find a middle ground. They come up with the most creative answers too.

'Condensation and precipitation in the water cycle', 'photoperiodism, hormonal changes, and genetic factors', 'axial rotation', lots and lots of fancy words that would probably make a lot of sense in another world, but not this one of course. They try to come up with excuses in order to distract you from the destruction they cause, very arrogant creatures, if you ask me...

The Breezies however, know the truth of it, they're the ones who make everything happen after all. They don't question things, they just do as they are asked, and they care little about the ins and outs of the things they do. A long time ago, when a Blue Robin found Breezie Hollow, the little creatures were intrigued. They always existed of course, but they were much different from what they are now, they cared little about the outside world, they just stayed in their little safe haven all day, every day. The Robin, however, brought magic, and not just any magic, it was different from everything they had ever seen, it was like they could feel nature itself inside that mystical creature. In fact, her magic was so potent that, when she finally decided to lay down and rest her wing, the very tree she sat upon ended up becoming the Breezie Dust Tree.

The Robin wanted to move away from the world of Ponies...they had become cold and unkind, deciding to abandon Mother Nature in order to pursue other painfully trivial goals, ignoring any possible consequences that could've come with that, and with nature itself crumbling, so did the lands, the skies, the oceans...the seasons. But what The Robin discovered was a way to fix things, to bring back beauty to those lands...so she sprinkled her magic all around Breezie Hollow, bestowing upon those whimsical creatures the power to change the world, and in turn, they kindly agreed to bring the four seasons back to the Ponylands.

From this day on, every single Breezie is born with a connection to one of the four seasons, and eventually comes to unravel a powerful special talent. And ever since then, they work together in order to bring all four seasons to the Ponylands with the power of harmony and friendship!

Oh, who am I kidding, we all saw what happened before...

The Robin wanted them to bring back joy, beauty...but the Breezies...they just bring the seasons. After all, they don't care about the ins and outs, they just do what they're told, and they're fine with the way things are. They don't care about interacting with anyone other then their own seasonal Breezies, they still don't care about the outside world, they don't even care about the Ponies at all.

Very arrogant creatures, if you ask me...

Perhaps the Ponies and the Breezies aren't really that different.

Perhaps that's why they never ever saw the Blue Robin again.

But why am I telling you all of this? Am I some sort of Breezie hater perhaps? Not at all, I adore them, and I'm also a fierce believer of forgiveness and reconciliation, we just needed some context for this tale, that's all. And what's more than obvious now is that...there needs to be a change.

Things change, that's for sure, but how do they change? Again with the questions...maybe the Breezies just needed something to get them out of their comfort zone. Or...maybe...someone?


Author's Note:

"Do you believe in fairies?"