• Published 14th Nov 2023
  • 930 Views, 6 Comments

Sentry of My Heart - Serina

Twilight and Flash's love transcends realities. Can the magic of their connection overcome the challenges of duty and distance, or will their love remain a distant star in the night sky of Equestria?

  • ...

A Royal Vow

“Come now, darling. You have to look simply fabulous for your date!” Rarity pouted at the purple mare struggling to breathe in the constricting clothes. “It needs more...” She tapped her chin before her eyes lit up. “Glitter to add more glamor!”

Twilight gasped. “R-rarity, can’t b-b-breathe-”

The white pony was already digging in a messy dresser, throwing fabric one way, fashion design parchments the next. “Ah-ha!”

Rarity trotted over to the now swaying Twilight and sprinkled some glitter on her outfit. “That should do it, don’t you think?”

Twilight felt her chest continue to tighten, “Still c-can’t b-breathe!”

The fashionista gasped. “Well, why didn’t you just say so?!” She began to loosen the back of the dress with a blue aura.

As Rarity worked her magic, Twilight felt the strings loosen around her chest and let mouthfuls of air fill her lungs. “Whew!” As Twilight caught her breath she turned to her friend, “Thank you again for making me the dress, Rarity.”

Rarity let go of the strings as a blue silk bow formed on the young alicorn’s back. “Oh, it’s no problem at all! I just can’t believe you are so grown up, going on a date with a special somepony like Flash Sentry, lieutenant of the Crystal Guard! It's positively heartwarming."

Twilight blushed, her lavender cheeks turning a deeper shade of purple. "Well, it's not a big deal. We're just going out for a business dinner to discuss exports of armor between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire."

Rarity raised an elegant eyebrow, her sapphire eyes twinkling with mischief. "Darling, I've seen the way you two look at each other. There's something more than friendship in the air, and I have a feeling tonight might just be the beginning of something magical."

Twilight couldn't deny the truth in Rarity's words. She had been spending a lot of time with Flash Sentry lately thanks to her current assignment in the Crystal Empire, and their connection had grown stronger with each passing day. Despite her initial hesitation about dating, she found herself looking forward to their meetings with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Unbeknownst to Rarity, or anypony really, Flash and Twilight had been dating for some time now, trying to avoid the public's ever-present invasive eye.

With Rarity's help, Twilight finally had her outfit in order – a beautiful, sparkling dress that shimmered in the soft light of the boutique. Her mane and tail were elegantly styled, and her shoes matched the ensemble perfectly. She looked stunning.

Rarity stepped back to admire her work. "There, my dear, you are ready to dazzle. Now, don't keep your stallion waiting."

Twilight thanked Rarity once again before stepping out of her boutique and with a bright purple aura enveloping her body, she was on her way to Crystal Empire where she and Flash Sentry had agreed to meet.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Flash Sentry was nervously fidgeting with his tie. He had arrived early and had chosen a table with a perfect view of the setting sun. The restaurant was known for its romantic atmosphere, and he had thought it would be the ideal place for their meeting. Now, however, he was starting to doubt his choice.

"What if she doesn't like the place?" Flash mumbled to himself. "What if I messed everything up?"

Just then, Twilight walked through the restaurant's entrance, and all his doubts vanished. She looked absolutely stunning, and a warm smile crossed his face as he watched her approach.

"Flash!" Twilight greeted him with a smile, her nerves dissipating as she saw the relief in his eyes. "You look great!"

"You look... wow!" Flash stammered, completely taken aback by her beauty. "I mean, you look absolutely stunning, Twilight."

They exchanged a shy laugh, and the awkward tension that had filled the air began to ease. As they sat down and ordered their meals, they fell into an easy conversation, talking about their days, their friends, and the latest books they had read.

The restaurant was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, creating an intimate ambiance that seemed to wrap around Twilight and Flash like a comforting blanket. Soft music played in the background, a gentle melody that added to the romantic atmosphere.

As they chatted, Twilight found herself captivated by Flash Sentry's easygoing charm and genuine smile. He shared stories about his time in the Crystal Guard and the adventures he had experienced. In turn, Twilight spoke about her recent studies and the magical discoveries she had made. The conversation flowed effortlessly, each word building a bridge between them.

The waiter brought their food, a delightful array of Crystal Empire delicacies. Twilight had ordered the Starlight Soufflé and Flash the classic Crystal Berry Bliss Parfait that showcased the restaurant's culinary prowess. As they savored the delicious flavors, Twilight couldn't help but notice the spark in Flash's eyes whenever he looked at her or maybe it was how good the food was… Either way, It was a look of admiration and warmth that sent a pleasant shiver down her spine.

Twilight delicately spooned a mouthful of her Starlight Soufflé, savoring the ethereal blend of flavors. The subtle sparkle on the surface of the soufflé seemed to reflect in her eyes as she glanced up at Flash Sentry, who was thoroughly enjoying his Crystal Berry Bliss Parfait.

Flash, with a twinkle in his eyes, couldn't help but notice Twilight's enjoyment. "You know, I've never tasted anything quite like this parfait. It's like a burst of magic in every bite."

Twilight chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, the Crystal Empire is known for its unique and magical ingredients. It's like they've captured the essence of the entire kingdom in this parfait."

Flash nodded in agreement, taking another spoonful. "I can see why. It's amazing how food can capture the spirit of a place. Just like how this dinner captures the essence of our friendship."

Twilight smiled warmly. "I'm glad we could share this experience, Flash. It's not often we get to enjoy such small moments together."

Between bites of soufflé and sips of Crystal Cider, Flash couldn't help but express his admiration. "Twilight, I have to say, you've been doing an amazing job as the Princess of Friendship. It's inspiring to see how you bring ponies together and foster harmony."

Twilight blushed, a mix of modesty and gratitude in her expression. "Thank you, Flash. But it's not just me; it's the magic of friendship that makes everything possible. And having friends like you certainly makes it all worthwhile."

Flash smiled, his gaze softening. "Well, I feel lucky to be a part of that magic. And not just as a friend, Twilight."

The air seemed to shimmer with a touch of something more profound. Twilight met Flash's gaze, and for a moment, they shared a silent understanding. Whether it was the enchanting food or the magic of their connection, the evening became a testament to the extraordinary moments that something closer than friendship could bring.

Flash, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, spoke softly. "Twilight, there's something I've been wanting to say. Our friendship means a lot to me, and, well, I've been thinking that maybe there could be more something more… Public."

Twilight felt a mixture of emotions swirling within her. His words echoed the unspoken sentiments she had tucked away, unsure whether the timing or circumstances were right. The distance between them, both in terms of their responsibilities and the literal miles that often separated their worlds, had always been a silent companion in their relationship.

She hesitated, her gaze dropping to her plate momentarily before meeting Flash's earnest eyes. "Flash, you know I value our relationship immensely. But with everything going on—my duties as Princess, your responsibilities in the Royal Guard, and the distance between Ponyville and the Crystal Empire... it's just that I don’t want to make things more complicated than they already are. Can you imagine the media?"

Flash nodded, a hint of disappointment flickering in his eyes. "I understand, Twilight. It's just that whenever we get the chance to spend time together, like tonight, it feels like there's something more, I want all of Equestria to know how much I care for you. Maybe I'm wrong to want that, or maybe it's just wishful thinking."

Twilight sighed, her expression a mix of longing and uncertainty. "It's not wishful thinking, Flash. I've felt the same way before too. But being a princess comes with its own set of challenges, and I worry about how our announcement might affect our livelihoods." She looked at him with a pained expression. “What if the enemies of Equestria come after you?”

Flash reached across the table, his hoof gently covering hers. "Twilight, I'm willing to navigate those challenges with you, no matter the dangers. I believe we can find a way to make it work, even with the distance. Our friendship has already withstood so much. Maybe it's time to see where this could lead outside ‘business meetings’."

Twilight took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. The pained expression in her eyes spoke volumes about the internal struggle she faced. "I appreciate your willingness, Flash. It's just that being a princess means not only considering our feelings but also the safety and stability of Equestria. What if our announcement draws attention and puts not just us but the entire kingdom in danger? What if the enemies of Equestria come after you?"

Flash maintained eye contact, his expression serious yet filled with determination. "Twilight, I understand the risks. But I also believe in our ability to overcome challenges. We've faced threats before, and we've always come out stronger. As for our announcement, we can be strategic. We'll take precautions, and I'll do whatever it takes to ensure our love doesn't jeopardize the safety of Equestria."

Twilight sighed, a mixture of relief and apprehension in her features. "I know you mean well, Flash, and I want to believe it can work. It's just that everything is so uncertain, and the responsibilities that come with being a princess..."

Flash squeezed her hoof reassuringly. "Twilight, we don't have to figure everything out right now. We can take things one step at a time. We'll face each challenge as it comes, together. And as for the ‘business meetings’ and the distance, well, maybe it's time we redefine what that means for us. Make it personal rather than just professional."

Twilight managed a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "You're right, Flash. We'll navigate this together. I've always believed in the power of friendship and love to conquer even the toughest obstacles. It's just a matter of finding the right balance and being prepared for whatever comes our way." She booped Flash’s nose, “Now about those exports…”

As the evening unfolded, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, Twilight and Flash found themselves immersed in a tender exchange of dreams and uncertainties. Their dinner table, adorned with the remnants of Crystal Empire delicacies, became a sanctuary for the intimate conversation that unfolded.

The soft glow of the twilight sky outside seemed to mirror the gentle anticipation in Twilight's heart. She embraced a delicate blend of apprehension and excitement, recognizing that the journey they were contemplating required more than just casual commitment. Love, she understood, demanded a nuanced dance of effort, compromise, and a courageous embrace of the unknown.

In the tranquil ambiance of the restaurant, Twilight's gaze met Flash's, and a shared understanding passed between them like a silent promise. The gentle clinking of cutlery against plates provided a melodic backdrop to their exchange as they delved into the tapestry of plans and aspirations that painted the canvas of their shared future.

Wrapped in the soft glow of the Crystal Empire's magical atmosphere, Twilight felt a cascade of emotions. She acknowledged the trepidation that fluttered within her, yet it was eclipsed by the burgeoning excitement that bloomed like a delicate blossom. With Flash at her side, she envisioned a path where challenges weren't roadblocks but rather stepping stones, each one a testament to the enduring strength of their connection.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the scene. Twilight's hoof found its way to Flash's, and as they shared a tender gaze, she whispered, "Flash, I can't predict the future, but I can choose who I want to face it with. With you, the unknown feels like an adventure, and I'm ready to embrace it."

Flash's eyes sparkled with affection, and he squeezed her hoof in response. "Twilight, whatever challenges come our way, we'll face them together. Our love will be a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead. This is just the beginning of our story."

As the night descended, they lingered in the quiet enchantment of the Crystal Empire, their hearts entwined with the promise of a shared tomorrow—a journey into the unknown, hoof in hoof.

Author's Note:

Another draft dusted off from the shelf of never-ending shelved ideas from years ago.... :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 6 )

I always found it funny how much people hate this ship. Like why lmao. It's amazing.

Right? I tend to find it pretty wholesome. Besides the princess falling for the guard trope is soooo popular.

True. I'm waiting for my first story to be approved and it's something along those lines.

Twilight felt her test continue to tighten, “Still c-can’t b-breathe!”

Yeah seriously is it really necessary for a girls to wear a tight dresses especially if they can barely move

Awww I absolutely like the story especially my two favorite shipping and despite the reputation it's getting for some odd reason I don't care what anybody said I think this is really cute so it looks like flash and Twilight having their dates with each other and they're having enjoyable evening but Twilight was worried about what the relationship would be if somebody will talk something about them and even threats coming towards them but flash thinks that they can overcome this income bad or good and I think that's pretty sweet they just needed to take it slow and easy and maybe someday they well come out this was a pretty nice story I really like it keep up the good work

Fixed! It actually can damage your ribcage if the wear is prolonged and frequent enough.

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