• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 669 Views, 14 Comments

Cozy Glow vs. Flurry Heart, Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Saiyan Cartoon Champion

She tried to give her a chance, she tried to redeem her. But the time for that has passed. And now Princess Flurry Heart must confront the villainous Cozy Glow and settle things once in for all.

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The Final, Epic Confrontation between hero and villain, turned sort of friend, but not really, now back to villain...

Princess Flurry Heart blew through yet another massive set of doors, after battling through yet another platoon of armored soldiers wearing her foe's red cutie mark engraved on their curisses. She strode forward with a look of intense determination in her blue eyes, as she searched for her quarry. Casually swatting away any guards still foolish enough to get in her way and barely giving the ones wise enough to cower in her wake a second notice.

Her formerly well kept mane and fur was ragged and singed. The pristine and silvery armor she had reentered her beloved city in, which covered most of her body, was now beaten, burned, slashed, and blasted to Tartarus and what remained of it, only covered her barrel. The battle to get here had claimed the leg pieces and helmet. And not one, but two fresh and bloody cuts crossed her left eye and right cheek.

But she paid none of it any mind. She came with a mission. A mission that would decide the fate of her beloved homeland. And whether or not all that had been lost had been in vain. Whether or not she corrected a mistake she had made that got her here.

And as she blew her way through the next platoon of guards and the last magically reinforced door, she found her mission objective.

Standing in the very throne room her beloved parents had once ruled nobilly from. Now defaced with a massive portrait in the usurper's likeness above the throne and banners of her red rook cutie mark hanging all around the room. There she was: Cozy Glow.

Cozy had once again managed to acquire, no, steal the power to become an alicorn. Though this time she had given herself a curved, sword-like horn like the last tyrant to enslave Flurry's homeland, as well as batlike wings, ears, and long fangs that peeked out of her closed mouth. And her eyes seemed to glow a brighter shade of red than they ever had before. Which alongside her pitch black armor and blood red cape, made her finally look on the outside, how wicked she had always been on the inside. Though oddly, she still insisted on keeping her childish curls, even now. But that was of no consequence to Flurry. Not now anyway.

She stared out the window, down towards the massive battle and citywide fires still raging in the streets. Not yet even acknowledging the alicorn that just bursted in. Seemingly transfixed at the massive death and destruction unfolding below her. At what she had brought upon this once beautiful city of love.

Flurry slowly and cautiously, but intently strode forward. Her horn aglow, expecting some kind of trap. But surprisingly, she was able to stroll right up behind her old former "friend" without trouble. Without Cozy even taking her eyes off of the carnage or acknowledging her in any sort of way.

"Hello Flurry," Cozy finally spoke up. Still not turning away from the window. "I was wondering when you would get here." She let out a quiet chuckle.

"How did you know it was me?" Flurry Heart asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I knew as soon as I got word somepony had punched through my defenses and was coming straight for me. I said, 'Golly, that just has to be my good old friend and savior, Princess Flurry Heart!'" She chuckled again. This time noticeably louder and happier. "And of course, you know, only an alicorn could have fought through all my defenses on her own. And there just are not that many of those left anymore." Her happy giggles turned into mad cackles, as she turned to finally face the princess. Who was now glaring at her furiously.

To which Cozy Glow smiled happily and serenely. Like nothing was even wrong between them.

Flurry Heart was tempted to strike down this vile villainess here and now. And see if she'd still have that stupid grin then. But she steeled herself. Despite everything, she decided she still needed to at least try one final time to show Cozy to the light. Like the noble hero she was, she always tried to show mercy and understanding and redemption to even the horrid and irredeemable ponies. Like she knew her Aunty Twilight did… despite what Cozy said otherwise.

And besides, she at least thought they had become good friends…

"Why Cozy? Why did you do this? Why did you betray us? Why did you betray me?" She asked melancholically. With a dramatic look to the side and tears forming around her eyes.

"Why?" She cackled at this. "Oh golly, Flurry Heart, why do you think?'" She reached out to brush a hoof against the princess's snout. But Flurry jerked away. So Cozy put her hoof against her chin, as if she was thinking hard about it. "Do you think maybe it's because I'm a treacherous, evil, no good, and power hungry villain, who played you like a fiddle?" She smirked as she lowered her leg down.

"I vouched for you! I asked ponies to forgive you! I convinced mom and dad to let you into our home! We… We played together! You became my best friend… you.. you were like a sister to me…" Flurry looked at the tyrant with tear filled eyes. "Did that really mean nothing to you?"

Cozy rolled her eyes at the theatrics. "Sure it did. But you didn't think you'd actually change me did you?" She let out another evil laugh. As she began circling Flurry. "Besides, I told you we could rule the world together! I mean, I would still be the brains and face of the regime, but we would still be doing it together!"

Flurry sighed, as she looked down and shook her head. "I guess you are truly lost. Even after everything I have done to try and save you, you still refuse to see the light. And you've embraced the darkness and spite in your heart fully."

"Why do you always have to be so melodramatic when we play our games?" Cozy scoffed.

"This isn't a game Cozy Glow! Ponies, dragons, changelings and all the others are killing each other in the streets as we speak!" Flurry stomped a hoof on the floor. "This is serious!"

The villain rolled her eyes again. "It's Empress Cozy Glow, princess. I told you to call me that when this game started and you haven't done it yet."

Flurry groaned with another shake of her head. Before flaring her wings out aggressively. "That's it Cozy Glow-"


"Empress Cozy Glow, your reign of tyranny is at an end." She pointed a hoof back at the window the evil empress had her eyes glued to earlier. "Your forces are surrounded and those that haven't already surrendered are falling fast! This is all that was left of your army after we routed your attempts to invade Equestria! You see that?" Flurry slammed her hoof back on the floor. Looking into Cozy's red eyes, that were somehow cooler than Flurry's burning blue eyes. "All your allies that were crazy enough to support you have been dealt with! I've personally slain Tirek and Chrysalis! You have nowhere left to run and nopony left in all the lands that would not love to see your head on a pike, but me." The princess put a hoof over her heart and looked at the villain pleadingly. "So please, end this madness before anypony else gets hurt."

Cozy didn't seem too phased. "Like I said, always melodramatic," the empress said with another roll of her eyes. Before striking a dramatic pose."This isn't anything I can't work with!" She laughed maniacally. "Your friends have no idea what I have in store for them! But that can wait… till after I'm done with you!"

Cozy suddenly struck Flurry across the face hard enough to send her reeling back! Before conjuring up a wicked looking dagger and lunging at her!

But the noble princess used her magic to conjure a golden shield to halt her attack! Then thrust the shield forward. Knocking the empress back and putting enough distance between them for Flurry to regain her footing.

The villain gritted her teeth as she quickly charged her horn and unleashed a red beam of energy that struck her enemy's shield with enough force to knock the wielder hiding behind it back a step or two. Hoping to overwhelm her opponent before she fully recovered from the surprise attack.

But Flurry's shield held firm. So Cozy ceased her direct assault and took to the air to change tactics. Firing on Flurry from above.

But the princess rolled out of the way! as the beam of energy blew a hole in the floor! Which was followed by a rapid barrage of red bolts from the evil alicorn, trying to keep Flurry too busy dodging them to retaliate. While she thought of a plan.

Eventually the princess did manage to find an opening and took to the air while firing off her own golden beam. Which Cozy only very narrowly avoided. Before returning fire.

The two alicorns danced around each other in midair over the throne room. Blasting, energy beams, conjuring shields, teleporting around, and tossing debris at each other. Whatever they had to do to try and get the edge on each other.

"Seems like we're an even match," Flurry said. Giving a cocky smile despite the serious situation.

"Sure," Cozy replied. Trying to maintain an air of indifference towards the good alicorn. "You can believe that if you want Flurry."

The once pristine room around them lay in such ruin, it's a wonder the ceiling did not collapse on top of the two. As they circled each other in the air. Both waiting in anticipation for the other to make the next move. But no such move came.

"It's still not too late to surrender," Flurry Heart offered out halfheartedly.

"Hmm" Cozy Glow put a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "You know, maybe we can talk this out," she said. Easing ever so closely to Flurry as she did so. Who tensed up, but did not try to stop her. "After all, you did say we were like sisters at one point."

Flurry raised an eyebrow at this. But still allowed Cozy to get in close enough to put a hoof on her shoulder.

"And after all, I do owe everything to you Flurry. It's only fair that I repay your kindness…" She looked the skeptical princess straight in the eye with a gentle expression. But it quickly morphed into the face of a madmare. "With a quick death!" With a sudden flash of Cozy's horn, she conjured a long, wickedly curved and jagged, red sword into her free hoof, before quickly pushing the princess away as she swung her blade into where the surely off balanced and shocked Flurry's neck should be.

But her ears were met with a loud clang, as Flurry conjured a sword of her own, long, blue, and straight, right in its path. Before swinging her hind legs forward into the now off guard villain. Knocking her into a tailspin she struggled to get out of. Before hitting the floor and rolling with the momentum. As Flurry floated in place coolly, alongside her sword, which was carried in her golden magic aura.

"You're really getting predictable, you know that?" The heroic princess called out to Cozy. Who snarled at her as she recovered and retook to the air with her blade in hoof. "Do you really think I'm still naive enough to fall for your little tricks?"

Cozy just glared at her while rubbing her head. And for a brief moment, Flurry's smug temperament shifted to one concern. "I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"

The villain growled and lunged at the hero, while swinging her sword for force. Which Flurry blocked with her own sword. Though the shear forced knocked her back, despite not even physically connecting with the clashing sword.

"I don't need your pity princess!" Cozy Glow yelled as she unleashed a ferocious flurry of sword strike at Flurry Heart. Who blocked and parried them, until she was able to deflect one in such a way, that it gave her an opening to press the edge of her sword. Stopping her former friend from pressing on with her assault.

"Oh yeah, you so didn't need my pity when you were first freed and you literally hid behind me and my mom, everytime somepony that might have a bone to pick with you was around," Flurry said while practically rolling her eyes.

"Did not!" Cozy responded while knocking Flurry's blade away with her own. And going in for another killing swing. Which Flurry once again deflected.

"Did too!" (clang)

"Did not!" (clang)

"Did too!" (clang)

"Did not!" This exchange and the accompanying clang of their weapons went on for some time. With no real change.

"Well only because I was using you and Cadence's foolish and pathetic pity to wrap you around my hooves and use you to my black heart's content!" (clang) Cozy said with a mad cackle. Though Flurry was definitely rolling her eyes now.

"And that included begging to sleep with me or mom when you had a bad dream?" Flurry asked in a mocking tone while parrying another strike. Before they locked blades. Cozy pushing into Flurry full force. But Flurry casually held firm.

"I told you! I only did that, because I needed an alicorn's protection in case that night witch tried to attack me through my dreams again! As punishment for stealing her and her stupid sister's power!" She headbutted the princess while their blades were locked. But it oddly didn't seem to faze Flurry, like Cozy's previous blows had.

"And what about when Aunt Luna met with us in the dream world, specifically to clear up that she was not doing that?" Flurry asked with a smirk, as Cozy broke from the blade lock to go for another swing.

"She was lying!" This time when the villain swung at her, the hero did not even bother trying to block the blow. Which… bounced harmlessly off her neck.Before being followed by a series of similarly ineffective strikes. While Cozy growled in frustration. "You can at least try to fight back, you know!"

"Oh yeah! Sorry!" Flurry suddenly swung her sword at the villain. Who while busy going in for another swipe of her own, was caught off guard by her opponent's blade. Which connected right with her head. And unlike Cozy's own blows, Flurry's strike did do something.

But that something was not slicing through her little skull. But instead, hitting it bluntly. And knocking her down to the floor.

"Cozy!" The princess let her weapon fall to the floor as she flew back down. To her enemy's side.

"Are-are you okay?" She asked as she reached down to Cozy. Who seemed to be groaning in pain and rubbing her eye… until Flurry laid a hoof on her at which point Cozy spat in her face. Causing Flurry to jump back while trying to wipe it off. At which point the pony tackled her to the floor.

"Still think I'm getting predictable?", Cozy as smugly. As she pinned the princess down under her hooves.

"That was low and gross!" Flurry yelled out, before easily pushing her off her and pinning Cozy herself. Who struggled trying to get free.

"No fair! You said you would hold back!" Cozy said with a scowl as she gave up trying to break free with break free.

"I am holding back," Flurry responded with a teasing grin.

"You…" Cozy began, but her retort was cut with a throat clearing noise. Causing the two combatants to turn towards the doorway.

There stood Flurry's parents, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Looking over two fillies in the ruined remains of Princess Flurry Heart's personal playroom.

They both had ruffled manes, coats, and feathers and were wearing child sized costume capes. Cozy Glow was also wearing a costume unicorn horn and vampony fangs. They were surrounded by scattered toys, books, and game boards littering the floor. Among which, you could spot a pair of obviously toy swords. One of which was noticeably bent.

On the far right side of the crystal pink room, a miniature table reserved for tea parties was turned over. As was a small swing and slide set towards the back room.

"Do you two have any idea what time it is?" Shining asked while looking over them sternly. "Or how much noise you two were making?"

Flurry Heart let out a nervous laugh as she stepped off the pegasus. Who looked more annoyed by the intrusion than anything. But managed to put on a well practiced, apologetic mask as she got back up to her hooves. Quickly spitting out the toy fangs and tossing off the felt unicorn horn as well.

"Sorry daddy, I guess we just got caught up in our game," Flurry Heart said. Giving her dad the best puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"Considering it's three hours past your bedtime, I'd say so," he said sarcastically but warmly. "And you!" He called out authoritatively while pointing a hoof at Cozy Glow. Who jumped back and put a hoof on her chest, as if to innocently ask 'uh, me?"

"You still technically have a court mandated curfew." He tried to take a step forward, but his wife put a hoof on his shoulder to hold him back. While Cozy prepared her most innocent voice.

"I was just following what Flurry Heart wanted," she said while grinding her hoof into the floor. "And be a good friend to her, like your sister told me to."

"Yeah daddy! It was all my fault! Honest!" Flurry chimed in. Figuratively and also literally taking Cozy's side in that moment. While Cadence gave them a smile and Shining shook his head in mild frustration.

"Ok, you two. But it really is time for bed," the elder princess said. Motioning the fillies to follow her.

Author's Note:

Well there it is. My second entry in this contest. (I hope I read that right and this was allowed.)

I hope that twist ending wasn't too abrupt, disappointing, obvious, or confusing. I don't have too much experience in this sort of thing. But I tried to strike a balance of leaving in subtle clues and trying to not make it too obvious what's really going on.

There will be short second chapter to wrap this little story up. Truth be told, it probably could have just been a scene at the end of this one. But I was struggling to find a way to cut to it without it feeling too awkward to me. So I decided to just write it as a short little chapter.

Any comments or criticisms are very welcome. And I hope I hope some of y'all enjoyed it.