• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 903 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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7: The Blarg Station

The Trio continued to fly through space once again on they're way to the station, they did a few loops every now and then to keep things entertaining, but they soon finally came upon the station and went to it. They entered the place and got out of they're ship, Spike looked around pretty impressed.

"Gotta say, i'm impressed on how well people can make things here." Spike said looking at the place.

"Let's hope we find some cool gadgets, lets go!" Ratchet said as they went around.

Ratchet proceeded to buy a weapon called the Taunter, which will make enemy's come to them and leave them open to attack. They used this to they're advantage as they went they're way through the station.

It was a big mess honestly, there were creatures coming out from the vents and they had to take down dozens of them at once.

"I don't think this place cares for safety hazards" Spike said as they finished the last one.

"Yeah, who the heck would wanna work here? I don't care if it pays well, we're getting lot's of bolts from just smashing crates" Ratchet said as they moved on.

"You know it's kind of weird that people actually would wanna work here." Spike said as they kept moving.

"Yeah, i'm never working for these people that's for sure" Ratchet replied and they all nodded in agreement as they kept moving.

They proceeded to move through more rooms, they had to jump across some large ledges and go above high platforms, they had to avoid steams of gas and lasers, they kept on moving more. They then had to fight off some weird science experiments as they broke free from they're glass tubes much to they're shock.

"Yep, these guys do not care for safety" Spike said as he slashed down one.

They took down the creatures again and continued forward, they made they're way through a large open space that had caves of such, they then had to move around a platform with lasers from left to right and disable the power source, they then entered a large green room in which a huge one of the monsters came down.

"Who made that thing?!" Spike said pointing at it.

"Don't know, but i know what we have to do!" Ratchet said taking out his wrench, Spike sighed as he took out his swords and charged at it.

This was tougher then the other ones they've faced, it had a long reach to attack them which they had to dodge, they then to take out smaller versions of it again as it was like a boss arena, but eventually they stopped it by slashing at it one more time and Ratchet used his flamethrower and the thing was defeated.

"If this is what becomes of the creatures on planets if we don't stop these guys, then i won't stand by and let it happen" Spike said looking at the monster.

"I won't either let's see if there's anything up ahead" Ratchet said as they looked at the nearby door. They both nodded in agreement and went forward.

When they got to the room they saw a scientist on a crate trying not to be attacked by two smaller monsters, Spike came up and slashed at them and they were defeated, the scientist calmed down relieved.

" Phew! Thought i was a goner this time! Someone in genetics must have left the cages open again!" The scientist told them.

"Again?" Spike asked raising his eyebrow.

"You can come down now." Ratchet told him and the scientist hopped off

"Honestly, a gadget engineer deserves a bit more respect if you ask me!" He said a little annoyed.

"That depends on who you work for honestly." Spike told him.

"So, you are an inventor!" Clank told him.

"Gadget Engineer, i create revolutionary devices for executive chairmen Drek" He corrected.

"That's the same as an inventor." Spike said and they chuckled a little at that.

' Whatever, for instance, my newest inventions, my soon to be patented Grind boots" He said pulling out two pairs of boots with skates on the bottom.

" Look i need to get out of here so i can find a new job, how bout i sell you these? At cost!" He offered much to they're shock.

"Sell?! After we just saved your scrawny butt?!" Ratchet asked upset.

"This is how you repay us from that?" Spike asked angry as he was cowering in front of them.

"Alright alright! I'll give you two the employee discount too!" He told them and they sighed in annoyance at that, they then payed him the proper amount of bolts and he handed them the boots.

"Well thanks, i better get out of here while i still can" He said as he went to a nearby ship and they looked at the boots.
"At least we got something after going through all that." Spike said looking at the boots, Ratchet then noticed there was a rail nearby them.

"Hey looks like there's a way back to the ship right there, let's test these out while we do so." Ratchet suggested, Spike smile at that and they put the boots on and jumped on it.
The grinding was pretty fun, they got to see multiple parts of the station as they went down, they eventually jumped down and landed on the ground.

"Whoo! that was fun!" Spike said feeling great from that.

"Yeah, wonder there else there is here?" Ratchet asked as they looked around, they then noticed a nearby door and they used the Trespasser on it and it opened.

'Looks like we can't go out there, Clank you think you can go out there to see if you can find anything?" Spike asked.

"Of course, leave it to me, just stay out of trouble you two!" Clank said as he went to the door.
"Right, just be careful yourself okay?" Ratchet asked and Clank nodded and he left them alone.

The two had been waiting a little while before Ratchet noticed Spike was looking a little down.

"You okay Spike?" Ratchet asked worried, Spike only sighed.

"I'm just worried about my friends, i literally vanished in front of them, and now they could be searching everywhere for me, not to mention these devices we've found, it's like there's a bigger picture that none of us know about, i just have to wonder who left these for me, and why i feel so familiar with them." Spike asked looking at the armor and swords, Ratchet looked down sadly as he felt bad for him.

"I know things are rough now despite what we've been through, i never even knew my parents or my own kind, you should consider yourself lucky that you have one to call your own.. i... never really had mine, i just grew up on that planet dreaming of traveling the galaxy one day, then i met you, and you gave me hope and motivated me to work hard on that ship, and thanks to Clank we now have that chance" Ratchet told him.

"i'm sorry to hear that, if i could i'd help you find yours, i just hope that one day we push through this and find my home, and maybe we could be like brothers?" Spike asked and Ratchet smiled at that.

"I like the sound of that, let's focus on stopping Drek and then we'll search for your home" Ratchet told him and they both smiled at eachother.

"Thank you for this, really, i don't know where i'd be if i hadn't met you" Spike told him, just before they could continue talking Clank came back through the elevator.

"I'm back." Clank told them.

"So you are." Ratchet replied.

"How'd things go?" Spike asked, Clank then pulled out another gadget and tossed it to Ratchet." I found this" he told them.

"Cool! It's a.. what is it?" He asked

"This is a hydrodisplacer" Clank explained.

"Great, i always wanted one of those.. i guess" He said a little awkwardly.
"Well in other words thanks for going out there Clank" Spike told him and Clank smiled at that.

"You are welcome, did everything go well while i was gone?" He asked getting on Ratchet's back again.
"Yeah just was a little bored while we waited, but nothing bad happened." Spike explained.
"Glad to hear that, there is a small ship nearby, i think it will take us to the nearby ship." Clank suggested.

'Sounds good to me, let's hope we find something interesting." Ratchet said as they got moving again.
"Hopefully we find an info bot or something like that." Spike said as they kept moving.

The next part of the station had them taking a small ship to one that was nearby the station, they then had to fight they're way through a hallway with more robots and monsters, thanks to the taunter Ratchet used, it was able to fool them into walking into hazards making them explode.

"Who programed these guys?" Spike asked as they moved forward.
"Don't know, i'm just glad we have a smart guy like Clank with us" Ratchet told him.
" Thank you for that, i must agree that they're programming is a bit.. wonky i think" Clank asked trying to put it into better words.

They kept on moving and they soon came upon the bridge, they took down more scorpion like monsters and soon found a large button.
"Ooh! Shiny!" Ratchet said looking at it.

"Ratchet don't you dare.. it could be for something bad." Spike said annoyed.
"He is right, it could be for something dangerous!" Clank warned as they tried to stop him, Ratchet wasn't listening and pushed the button.

"Ratchet!!" Spike and Clank both shouted as the ground started to shake.
"Self destruct sequence initiated!" The computer voice told them.

"I freaking told you!" Spike said annoyed.
"Sorry! We'll talk about this later, let's get out of here!" Ratchet said with worry as they ran as fast as they could.

The place was coming down as multiple explosions were seen coming from multiple parts of it, they had less then a minute to escape while they ran, Spike noticed an info bot right next to the way out and he quickly grabbed it right before the thing exploded.

They then went back on the ship and watched as the thing they were on had just exploded and they sighed in relief.

"5 more seconds and we'd have been goners." Ratchet said as they entered the station, Spike then slapped him on the arm annoyed.
"Ow! Sorry sorry! I won't do something like that again i promise!" Ratchet defended, Spike was still upset but sighed as he calmed down.
" i'm Sorry too, i was just upset as well, let's see what this info bot has for us" Spike said pulling the thing out and they watched another video.

They then proceeded to watch a news report of what looks like a women talking about the hoverboard races in Blackwater city, Captain Qwark will apparently be there to present the prizes to whoever wins the thing, she also talked about an infestation of some strange creatures, they saw some large blob like monster was behind her and was about to eat her right as the camera cut off.

"Geez!" Spike said worried for her.
"Did you see that?" Ratchet asked them.
"Yes, i hope that poor woman is alright." Clank said worried with Spike nodding worried for her as well, but Ratchet brushed it off.

"Ah she's fine, i think.. I was talking about the hoverboard races" Ratchet corrected.

"Shouldn't we be worried about these creatures in the city?" Spike asked worried
'That shouldn't be much of a problem for us, besides Qwark is said to be there, i think it's best we'd go to finally meet him" Ratchet suggested, Spike was still a little unsure but sighed.

"Alright then, let's head to the city, i just hope Qwark has a good reason for us not hearing anything about him" Spike said a little upset on that.
"I'm sure he has a logical reason, let's head there now" Clank told them, They all nodded and went back to they're ship and headed to Blackwater city.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this next chapter! Again sorry if the dialogue seems a little awkward, but there wasn't much to these first games in terms of story and interactions like the other ones i've done so i hope you don't mind, i'll try working on better exchanges as the story progresses though. Thank you all for reading this chapter again and i'll see you next time!