• Published 9th Sep 2023
  • 411 Views, 15 Comments

Blues Clues: A Costume to Find - Big Imagination E

It's fall in the city. Spike got invited to a Halloween party with Fluttershy. Problem is she doesn't know what costume to wear! Time to play Blues Clues Spike!

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The First Spooky Clue

Spike kept on walking to the right til he reached the backyard door. He opened it up all saw that even the backyard was decorated for Halloween. Spike was now really excited for the party. He stepped outside and walked all around.

"Wow. Steve really gave it his all decorating. Did a good job too." Spike said as he continued his way. While walking he passed a hole with a paw print on it. Meaning that it's a clue!!

"A clue! A clue!!" The reader said.

"Yeah Steve and Blue did great out here! Wish Pinkie could see this." Spike said.

"No. A clue." The reader said.

"Oh. Oh you see a clue! Where is it?" Spike said.

"It's right there." The reader said.

Spike turned and saw the hole with a paw print on it.


"Right there!!" Spike said as he went to the clue. "There's A clue on this...hole in the ground. Alright. We need our handy dandy..." Spike said.

"Notebook!!" The reader said.

"Notebook right!" Spike said as he took out his notebook and crayon ready to draw. "So. A hole in the ground." Spike said starting to draw.


"Ok first a line across like this, then an oval for the hole, some little lines for the grass, color in the hole and we have a hole in the ground." Spike said.

"So we're trying to figure out what costume Fluttershy can wear. And our first clue is a hole in the ground." Spike said as the image flew above his head.


"So what costume can Fluttershy wear with a hole in the ground?" Spike said. He was still thinking but doesn't know yet.

"Yeah maybe." Spike said as the image flew back in. "But there's 2 more clues left to find then we'll know for sure." He said.

"What is that scary sound?" A voice said drawing Spike's attention.

"That sounds like Shovel and Pail. Let's see what's going on." Spike said making his way to them.

We see Shovel and Pail making scary noises. Both were wearing an animal costume. Pail was a pig and Shovel was a cow. They see Spike coming to them and got scared because of the vampire costume he was wearing.

"AHH!! A vampire!!" Pail said scared.

"Whoa whoa! Guys it's me Spike! Im not a real vampire." Spike said as the two calmed down.

"Oh it's you Spike. Thank goodness. That's a cool costume. But you just look very scary." Shovel said.

"I know im not trying to be so scary. Anyways I heard you were making scary noises. What's that all about?" Spike asked.

"Well Spike we were playing a guessing game. Name that Halloween sound. Do you wanna play with us?" Pail said.

"You wanna play to? You do? Great! We would love to play this game. So let's start." Spike said.

"Okay Spike. Listen to the sound so you can guess what Halloween creature makes it." Shovel said as he started groaning and moaning, walk so slow.

"Ok this creature moans and groans. What do you think it is?" Spike said trying to guess.

"A zombie!" The reader said.

"Yeah a zombie! Cause zombies moan and groan, and they go super slow. Is that right Shovel?" Spike said.

"Yep that's right!! Now Pail's got another one. Try and guess this." Shovel said as Pail started to howl and growl like a vicious beast.

"Ooh ok. So this one howls and growls. What creature makes that sound?" Spike said as he thought about it.

"A werewolf!!" The reader said.

"Yeah that's it! Cause werewolves howl at the moon, and they growl at the enemies. So Pail you a werewolf?" Spike said.

"Correct again! Now Shovel's got one more creature for you to guess. Now listen carefully." Pail said as Shovel started hissing and saying "Blah, blah, blah." This was a tough one to guess.

"Ok so this one hisses a lot. And says " Blah, blah, blah." What creature do you think it is?" Spike said.

"A vampire!!" The reader said.

"Yeah! Cause vampires hiss a lot, and some like to say " Blah, blah, blah." Good guessing." Spike said.

"Yep that's right! Man your good at this game. Well we gotta finish getting ready for the party. See ya later Spike." Shovel said as he and Pail left.

"Bye!" Spike said. "We should check out Fluttershy. See how she's doing." Spike said as he went to check on her in the kitchen.

"Hey Fluttershy! You doing okay?" Spike said.

"Oh hey Spike. Im just making a cake for the party. And im okay thanks for asking." Fluttershy said.

"Well that's good. Alright im going leave you to it. Check on you later." Spike said as he left.

"See you later Spike." Fluttershy said.

Spike was back in the living room and saw Blue.

"Hey Blue. I still need 2 more clues to find. We really need a costume for Fluttershy. Which way do we go now?" Spike said.

Blue pointed to the left and went in that direction.

"Okay so left it is. Come on." Spike said as he went to the left. The first clue was found! Now he needs the other two. What will they be? Only time will tell.

Author's Note:

First clue found! What do you think the second clue is? Find out next time!