• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 1,153 Views, 17 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Smurfs - ponydog127

A little while after their last adventure, our faithful pony heroes team up with the Smurfs when the small blue creatures are being chased by an evil wizard all the way to New York City.

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Smurfy Adventures in New York (Part 2)

As the Smurfs and ponies were causing a huge amount of stress for Patrick at his office, Gargamel and Azrael were out on the streets, Gargamel dancing through the smoke being created from the nearby building, chuckling to himself. “I love emerging dramatically through the smoke!” he grinned. “It makes... It makes me feel so deliciously mysterious. Also, it gives the skin a wonderful glow.”

“Meow!” Azrael cried upon seeing the same building with the logo on the business card they got yesterday. “What?” Gargamel looked around. “Where? Where?”


Upon seeing the logo, Gargamel pulled out the business card, but upside down, making him frown in frustration. “Curses! So close!”




Gargamel seemed to understand what his cat was saying, and flipped the card the right way so he could see that the logos did match up. “Theirs is upside-down,” he muttered to himself, causing Azrael to roll his eyes. “Idiots. They painted it wrong. Come, Azrael.”


Grace would have expected all the Smurfs and ponies to be at the house by the time she got back from the doctor, but when she got there, she only found Clumsy outside on the balcony. “Hey,” she greeted the hard-working Smurf. “What are you doing?”

“Just greening things up a bit,” Clumsy explained, finishing up touches to the garden he was making. “That’s so sweet,” Grace smiled. “That's very sweet but, you know, I'm not so sure this stuff's gonna grow out here.”

“We'll see. Smurfs have a very blue thumb.”

Grace looked around, but didn’t see any other Smurfs or tiny ponies out there on the balcony with Clumsy. “So where is everybody else?”

“They went to get a stargazer so Papa can smurf a blue moon to get us home.”

“And they went without you?”

“Yeah,” Clumsy shrugged. “I mean, who knows why?”

At that ironic moment, Clumsy leaned against a pot which tipped over and fell to the ground with a crash.

“Hey!” someone yelled from down below. “Sorry!” Grace apologized. “Why don’t we come inside?”


Meanwhile, Gargamel was searching around in that particular building he (when it was really Azrael) found earlier. “Smurfs, where are you?”

Suddenly, the evil wizard heard voices around a corner and inconspicuously walked around. One of the people talking happened to be Odile, standing in front of a model sitting in a chair next to her. “This new anti-aging cream can make any woman look beautiful, young, vibrant. It’s almost magical.”

Once he got close enough, Gargamel studied the older woman’s face. “I see no transformation.” He said. “Your potion has no power.”

“Excuse me?” Odile sounded offended as Gargamel continued. “Well, she’s still an eye-offending dogfish, if you ask me.”

“Sir!” Henri chastised as the older woman got up from her chair. “This is my mother who you’re speaking of!” Odile hissed angrily. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize,” Gargamel said in a fake tone. “How sad for you in 30 years.”

“Henri, escort this lunatic out,” Odile ordered harshly. “Security!” Henri called out.

“I am the great and powerful Gargamel!” the wizard yelled before be grabbed a hair stick from another woman. “Lunatic. Could a lunatic do this?”

He dipped the hair stick in the Smurf essence and waved it at Odile's mother. Her grey hair colored back to a beautiful brown, her skin vacated all aging spots, and her body shrink and plumped up in all the right places.

The crowd all gasped at the transformation, and Odile was the most surprised, other than her mother. “How did you do that?!”

“Yes, and seriously, me next!” Henri added.

“So sorry, but lunatics and great wizards never reveal their secrets.” Gargamel scoffed. Odile's mother gasped and passed out as she saw herself in a mirror as Gargamel began walking away. “Come, Azrael! Now, where are those Smurfs?”

“No, no, no, no, no! Don’t go!” Odile begged, chasing after him. “I need to know what you just did.”

“Not telling.” Gargamel shot back. “Please, señor. Can you do that again?”

Gargamel looked down to Odile hand that was wrapped around his arm. “You may attempt to persuade me.”

“What is that you desire?” Odile asked slyly. “Riches? Fame? Fortune? With my help, the whole world will know the name that is Garbagesmell.”

The wizard gave her a deadpanned look. “Gargamel.”

“Yes. With my help, the whole world will know the genius that is Gargamel.”

“I’m…” Gargamel stopped and stomped on the laughing Azrael’s tail who yelped in pain. “I’m sorry. Did you just say “genius”?”


Back at the Winslows' apartment, Clusmy and Grace were busy conversing while Grace painted a tiny cabinet. “So, even though I’m what you might call accident-prone, on the bright side, I did land us all here in your little mushroom, and we got to meet you and Patrick. And Sunny and all her friends-- and you're all really great,” Clumsy said. “You’re so sweet. And I know how you feel. I’m so clumsy, too,” Grace said as she got up. “Well, I used to be.”



“So how long did it take you to…” Clumsy slipped off the cabinet and into a wooden box, causing Grace to wince. “...gosh. Un-fumble your feet?”

“Well, about as long as it takes to realize that nobody’s just one thing,” Grace said softly. “You can be anything you want.”

“Hero Smurf.” Clumsy put his hands to his hips, smiling before he brushed away the thought. “Probably not.”

“Well, those ponies seem to have an awful lot of faith in you,” Grace said. “I can't believe that this is really happening.”

“Neither could we when we showed up in this place and when Sunny and her friends appeared from out of nowhere,” Clumsy shrugged. “Hard to believe they still haven't found their magic crystal yet.”

“What sort of crystal do they need?”

“One shaped like a star with six points. I better explain the whole story so you know what they need to look for. Maybe if we find it, I can surprise them with it when they get back.”


Meanwhile, at Patrick’s office, the ponies and Smurfs were messing around with stuff around the room. Gutsy and Zipp were playing with a drone, while Grouchy was messing with an automated golfing set. “Hey, Brainy, help me figure this out.”

“Let me show you First, you put your…” Brainy couldn’t finish his sentence when the hole sprung upward, sending Brainy into the ceiling and down into a trash bin, sending Pipp and Izzy into a laughing fit. “Oh-ho, wow, Grouchy!” Izzy giggled. “That's the funniest thing I've seen all day!”

“Yeah it is,” Grouchy smirked. “Works every time.”

Smurfette and Misty, at the same time, aas singing a tune while moving pictures around on a shelf, Papa was messing with the nearby fan's blades, and Sunny and Hitch were reading some of the books Patrick had handy.

Having enough of the antics going about his office, Patrick frantically grabbed the phone and dialed a number.

Back at the apartment, Grace’s phone rang. She picked it up and answered. “Hi, Patrick.

“Grace, help. Help!” Patrick said. “They are everywhere and they won’t stop singing. I cannot get a thing done. Please come and get them.”

Then, he ducked to narrowly avoid getting hit by the out of control drone. “Ooh, sorry!” Zipp winced. “Still trying to work this whole being tiny thing out when it comes to electronics.”

“I'm glad we're having a good time,” Hitch said, “but we still haven't found a stargazer or the cutie mark crystal anywhere around here! What's our next move, Sunny?”

“I'm honestly not sure,” Sunny said. “Maybe when Grace comes to pick us up, we can look around the city for clues. It's not like we're going to be on a city wide rampage at this size.”

Misty sighed to herself. “I just hope Gargamel doesn't find us before we find what we need. The Smurfs are counting on us... and all of Equestria is too.”