• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 801 Views, 14 Comments

OBJECTION!!!!!! Spike's Sacrifice Was Completely Unnecessary (The Retrial) - Mpony1

Chrysalis and Tirek are soon to be sentence to death for the murder of Spike The Dragon. Raven Inkwell steps in to defend them and prove their innocence and expose the truth.

  • ...


The spirits of Spike and his parents flew over the city of Canterlot. They had little time to admire the city's beauty because today was the day when Twilight would visit the vile monsters who ended the life of Spike to lie down the case against them. They soon arrived at the entrance of the Canterlot dungeons just as his harem and friends, The CMC, the Young six, the Mane five, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight, Luna, Celestia, Garble, Ember, Pharynx, and Thorax also arrived. Even though Twilight was technically in the lead, the angel spirits of Spike and his parents were actually leading the way to Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis' cell. Spike and his parents soon made it there and Spike glared down the three fiends.

His glare softened, however, when he came upon Cozy Glow. He looked her right in the eye and noticed something wasn't right with her. Tirek, although slightly remorseful, still seemed to have no soul. Cozy, on the other hand, seemed like she had a soul, but it seemed like it was screaming out for some kind of help, that it said it didn't have any control over what the body it inhabited did. Chrysalis, however, seemed excited. One look into her eyes told Spike that she was irredeemable without a second thought. Her eyes were empty and soulless, void of any life. Like a desert that was frozen over. He felt every inch his spiritual body run cold. Even though she didn't know Spike was there, Chrysalis' icy, heartless look was enough to make both Spike and his parents feel uncomfortable at best. Her facial expression, however, was what put Spike the most at unease. She seemed excited about this. Like she wanted this to happen. The three angels gazed at her as if she was a lone figure on a deserted island. Was this creature even real? Was she really this heartless and demonic? Spike also couldn't help but have a bad feeling that something really bad was going to happen today. That thought was interrupted when he heard the sound of Twilight's voice cut through the tension that had been brought by the silence like a knife.

"Hello, Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow," Twilight said bitterly.

"Hello, Twilight," Chrysalis said, her voice oozing with venom. "Say, where's that little pet dragon of yours? Or was he your boyfriend? I honestly can't remember. Either way, I would've assumed he'd want to come along too."

She took a look around at the group of creatures.

“How lovely,” she laughed. “Everyone’s present. Here to throw us a parade?”

Everyone except Cozy Glow and Tirek winced slightly at Chrysalis' words, feeling disgusted with her unremorseful attitude. Spike and his parents just felt another wave of shock rush over them. They'd never really known Chrysalis, but, already, she was proving her worth as one of Equestria's worst enemies and nightmares.

"I think you know what happened to him," Celestia said simply. “No, we’re not here to throw you a parage either.”

Chrysalis snickered before Twilight spoke up.

"Listen up, you've all been charged with 1st degree murder. Cozy, since you're a child we cannot charge you with treason. How do you plead?" Twilight said curtly.

"Guilty. No contest," Cozy and Tirek said in unison. The Centaur and filly Pegasus knew it was no point in saying innocent. The chips were stacked too tall against them, and a trial would only prolong the ordeal for them.

"Chrysalis, we didn't hear your plea," Luna said.

Everyone turned to face her.

"Guilty. No contest," she answered, a smile etched at the corners of her mouth.

Everyone felt even more disgusted with Chrysalis' attitude. Even though Tirek and Cozy were just as guilty as her, they, at least, looked a tiny bit remorseful at first glance, although they didn't want them to see it. Chrysalis didn't even look like Spike's death affected her in any way. In fact, she seemed happy about it. It was as if she had wanted this to happen all along. Chrysalis looked the perturbed ponies, dragons, griffons, changeling, yak, hippogriff, and Draconequus standing before her. She decided to play dumb.

Spike's parents were starting to go from shocked to angry. The reality of what was going on almost fully sunk in by now and the fact that she was blatantly trying to start something to try and derail this event rather than keeping her mouth shut and getting her punishment over with made them even more angry. Spike just felt sad. He had held out some kind of little hope that Chrysalis and Tirek had some kind of good inside them, but Tirek had silently proved that he didn't, and Chrysalis was proving it right now,

"What?" she asked, pretending as if she didn't know why they were all mad at her to begin with. "Why are you all angry?"

"Oh, I don't know," came a voice. "Maybe it's because you're still showing no remorse after killing someone, a kid for that matter."

"Who said that?" Chrysalis growled. "Show yourself, now!"

Chrysalis looked around to see where that voice came from. She already knew it was Starlight but wanted to play dumb more to really let everyone know just what she thought about them. Eventually, Starlight came up to her.

"That was me," Starlight said through clenched teeth.

Spike felt his gut drop when Starlight revealed herself. The feeling that something really bad was going to happen increased ten-fold. He knew the rivalry between these two was about to boil over now and there was nothing he could do prevent Starlight from being pushed over the edge.

Chrysalis' demeanor changed from angry to excited looking at the angry visage of her archenemy. Although she hated Starlight most of all, she now knew exactly what to say to taunt the already angry Pink Unicorn. An evil grin spread across her face.

"Oh my," Chrysalis mused. "Whatever happened to the Starlight I knew who wanted to reform me? Certainly, out of everyone here, I would've expected you to be the one who extended me a hoof of friendship hoping to lead me down a better path."

"That was before you became a deranged psychopath hellbent on trying to kill us all," Starlight snapped back. "Had I known that you were going to go and pull a stunt like this, I would've just put you out of your misery right then and there."

"But you didn't," Chrysalis said in a sing-song voice before laughing again. "And, boy, did you pay a price for it. Such a shame too. Although he was a complete nuisance, I must admit that stupid boyfriend of yours, was such a promising soul, so full of life, so ready to take on all the challenges the world had to offer to him. He won't be missed. Ever."

Spike wanted to feel angry, but he was too busy silently praying that Starlight didn't do something she'd regret. One look at Starlight as she glared hatefully at her arch-rival only signaled to Spike that Chrysalis' taunts were really starting to make her angry. She wasn't the only one either. Spike also noticed that Thorax, Ember, and Smolder were also looking like they wanted to punch Chrysalis in the face right now. He noticed Smolder was probably the angriest and was already marching up to confront Chrysalis. Starlight saw Smolder coming up and backed up so the orange dragon could say her piece.

"He was just a kid, you fiend!" she shouted.

Chrysalis just shrugged.

"Ehh, kids grow up to be problems in this world. You, my friend, are no exception. The way I see it, I've made not just this hellhole you call your home, but the entire world, a better place by ridding it of one more flaw."

Spike felt anger starting to boil inside him. Even if he felt bad that Chrysalis couldn't be reformed, she had no right to talk to his lovers, friends, and home like that. He barely had time to grasp those new feelings before Smolder spoke up again.

"He was worth an infinite number of you!" Smolder countered. "He was more sweet, more pure, more loving, and, best of all, he was loved by many. Unlike you."

"Please do us both a favor, you insignificant, little insect, and shut the hell up," Chrysalis said, growing annoyed. "Your insults don't hurt me in any way, and they won't bring your boyfriend back."

Spike went from angry to furious.

"How dare you talk to my Smolder like that?" he growled.

He wanted to just go into that cell and grab Chrysalis by the neck and demand she apologize to his girlfriend, as well as his other lovers for the pain and suffering she put them through. Unfortunately, the fact that he was a spirit and couldn't cause anyone pain reared its ugly head again. He could only watch as Smolder's face changed from angry to shocked. No one had ever talked to her like that. Before she could think of a comeback, Starlight spoke up again.

"Well, just remember that we're not the ones in the cell," Starlight snarled. "Before I leave here though, however, I just want ask one thing. Was it worth it? Was not being my friend just to try to take Equestria but failing miserably worth all this?"

This was the shot Chrysalis was waiting for. It was time for her to show her foes just what she really thought about not just the battle, but all of them entirely.

"On the contrary, it is actually us who have defeated you," Chrysalis smirked. "See, you may have stopped us, but at what cost? We may be defeated, but the fact that we got one of you is more than reward enough for me alone, but now it's even better because 12 of you misguided fools actually thought of him as more than a friend. I was already pleased thinking about how much torture you twits were going through, but hearing that fact made that feeling of happiness indescribable. The icing on the cake of this whole ordeal is, if I remember correctly, he was an orphan. I'm willing to bet money that he's probably already reunited with his parents in the bowels of Tartarus. Now, they can all enjoy rotting down there together. So, in a way, I did him a favor. Now, rather than having no other choice but to consider any of you idiots his family, he gets to be with his true family. It's honestly funny how things work out sometimes. Wouldn't you agree? Oh, and here’s the cherry on top of it all. While I was biding my time in here, I began to think the magic of Friendship solved everything and kept everyone okay."

She paused impressively.

”Guess. Not.”

That did it, Spike watched as Starlight became probably the angriest he'd ever seen her. The same could be said for Thorax and Ember. Smolder, on the other hand, looked irate and Spike couldn't blame her. He could only watch as her fists clenched tighter than ever before. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of orange, she bared and gnashed her teeth, letting a somewhat loud growl escape from her throat, and a thin trail of black smoke slowly seeped out of her nostrils. The feeling of something bad happening finally revealed itself to Spike. Even if he hated Chrysalis, the angel Dragon nor his parents wanted to see Spike's lovers and friends hurt or possibly kill her in a fit of blind rage.

"You really think this is FUNNY?!!" Ember shouted.

"Funny, no. Hilarious, yes," Chrysalis corrected.

Chrysalis gave herself a mental pat on the back looking at the seething faces of Starlight Glimmer and Smolder, as well as many other creatures in the hallway. A handful of them just stared at her with pure shock. They had, like Starlight, never come across someone as shameless as her and didn't know what to think or say. It had worked, she had said what she wanted to say just to be a brazen, unapologetic jackass. She turned back to face Starlight, who only looked even angrier.

"Something the matter, Starlight?" Chrysalis said, not bothering to hold back another snicker. "You look a little red. Do you have a fever?"

Spike watched as Chrysalis paused for a brief second and he heard another irate growl from Starlight break through the silence.

"Or was it something I did?"

Starlight turned to the Royal Sisters.

"Celestia, Luna," Starlight said through clenched teeth. "Could you kindly hoof me the keys to this demon's cell and grant me five minutes alone with her?"

"Is this a private event, Starlight?" Smolder said with a louder growl and the smoke from her nostrils was getting thicker. "Or can anyone join?"

"You're more than welcome to join in if you want," Starlight growled.

"Thank you, Starlight," Smolder said in a low, scary tone.

Garble stepped up to hopefully try and calm his boiling sister down. He put a hand on her shoulder before speaking.

"Smolder, come on," he said. "She's not worth-"

Smolder abruptly swatted his hand away, never taking her eyes of Chrysalis, the object of her fury.

"No," she snarled. "This sick, twisted psycho tried to destroy the whole world and our Spike had to pay with his life to save us. Now, she not only has no remorse for what she did, but she has the audacity to make fun of him while he's dead IN FRONT OF US!!!"

Smolder almost screamed out the last four words of her sentence. A few creatures were scared seeing not just Smolder, but Thorax and Ember as well, pushed to the point where they all wanted to fight Chrysalis. Spike felt tears welling up in his eyes looking at the four incensed creatures. Tyson and Kimba also felt scared looking at them. They had never come across anyone as angry as they were. They watched in fear as Smolder continued on.

"Well, I'm sick of it. This satanic beast has made it clear as day that any time in jail isn't going to do her or us any good. It's high time Starlight and I gave this lunatic the punishment she's had coming for a long time," Smolder finished. Her tone had turned from shouting to low and scary. "You want something to laugh and smile about, Chrysalis? I'll give you something to laugh and smile about."

"I want in on this too," growled Ember as she cracked her knuckles.

"Same here," snarled Thorax.

By now, everyone, except the four seething creatures and Fluttershy, were frozen in fear. Smolder's close friends all stared at her in shock. They had never seen Smolder, or anyone on that matter, this angry before. Neither had Garble. Gallus' knees quivered. He did enjoy pulling a prank or two on Smolder from time to time, as well as Smolder chasing him down and warning him of dire consequences if he ever tried it again, but now, it seemed Smolder was at least twenty times angrier than all the times she was with him from all the pranks he pulled on her combined.

Pharynx looked at his brother with the same shock. He had never seen his brother even slightly angry in his whole life. Ocellus wanted to say something, anything, to calm down the king of her species, but she couldn't think of anything and seeing Thorax so livid scared her half to death. Tears of fear brimmed in her eyes as she looked back and forth between Thorax's furious expression and Chrysalis' smug one. She didn't want to see someone who she basically considered her father to hurt someone else out of pure rage, even if they deserved it.

Spike and his parents were also shocked into silence. Spike was hovering, but his parents were standing. Spike looked back at his parents and noticed both of their knees were quivering in fear. They didn't know what to do or say here because they had never been in a situation like this before in their lives.

Chrysalis, on the other hand, wasn't fazed at all. All three angels felt themselves becoming more fearful as they watched as the bitter and shameless creature took one look at each of her four would-be attackers before breaking down in a fit of hysterical laughter. This lasted about 30 seconds before she got back up and looked at them again. Spike also stepped in front of them to look at what Chrysalis' laughing had done to them and noticed that all four were now trembling with pure rage. The little angel could've sworn the insides of Ember and Smolder's nostrils were now glowing orange. He looked at Thorax and noticed his horn and antlers were now glowing a slight shade of Turquoise. No Doubt in his mind the Changeling King's rage had likely manifested itself into magic. Starlight's horn was also the same way except it was glowing much, much brighter. One look at Chrysalis also told Spike that she felt very pleased with herself.

"Oh, what? What are you going to do?" she asked trying not to break down in another fit of laughter. "Friendship me to death? Kill me with kindness? Now, that's something I'd like to see you try."

It was at this moment that Spike and his parents knew that Chrysalis couldn't be saved from her own big mouth. Even so, Spike's fear didn't go away. His parents, however, seemed to have lost all fear knowing there was nothing to stop Chrysalis from getting a possibly fatal beating. One look at Smolder, Starlight, Thorax, and Ember signaled to Spike and his parents that maybe they did need this. Maybe they just needed to take out all that pent up rage inside them with a good fight and then, they'd be back to normal. One look at everyone else in the dungeon hallway told Spike and his parents that they were thinking the exact same thing. That was until Fluttershy stepped in-between them. She whispered something in Starlight's ear for a few seconds, which seemed to calm the Pink Unicorn down, before doing the same with Smolder, Ember, and Thorax. Spike felt a huge rush of relief wash over him seeing Fluttershy once again being the unofficial peacekeeper and uniter of the harem.

"Good work, Fluttershy," Spike whispered, his tears of fear turning into those of pride. "I'm very proud of you."

Spike watched as the four, formerly irate, creatures stepped away from Chrysalis' cell. Smolder, however, wasn't finished with her boyfriend's killer just quite yet.

"I want to make something very, very clear right now," Smolder said with another loud growl. "You're fucking lucky that Fluttershy was here to calm us down or Starlight, Thorax, Ember, and I would've personally made sure that you would not live to see your sentencing. Part of me still does want nothing more than to tear you limb from limb to show you personally what kind of pain we're going through right now, as well as the kind of pain you put our Spike through in his last moments of life. Just remember that."

Once Smolder was finished, the cream-colored Pegasus turned to face the arrogant, barefaced, disgraced Changeling Queen. Her turquoise eyes vibrating with determination for the third time in less than two weeks. Chrysalis just looked right back at her with the same smirk, but she wasn't aware of what this usually shy pony had to say to her. Spike and his parents also watched with interest.

"What's she going to say?" Tyson asked.

"Just sit back, watch, and prepare to be amazed," Spike smirked.

"You may have taken Spike's body from us, but there are two things you will never, ever take away from us. The first is his spirit. We all hold a little bit of him inside us. His kindness, generosity, laughter, loyalty, and honesty all live on inside our hearts. The other thing is all the happy memories that we have made with him. We will always have things that will remind us of all the fun things we all did together with him. His love for us, as well as the love we felt for him, is something you would never be able to suck out of us because even one percent of it would overload the system that resides inside your soulless body. My pride as being one of his twelve marefriends increases ten-fold with each passing day. We've seen thousands of creatures of all kinds support us and praise Spike. Those who barely even knew him were writing poems and sending letters praising him on a daily basis. I've never seen a single person in the time I've known you ever come out in support of you. I think I'll leave you to think about that as you sit here until your sentencing," Fluttershy said, her tone had shifted to Bold Fluttershy.

"Wow," Tyson said, stammering for a second. "I did not expect her to do that."

"Same," Kimba added. "When you said Fluttershy was truly an inspiration for all of Equestria, you weren't kidding."

"That's just Fluttershy for you," Spike smiled. "Sweeter than sugar to the core and always willing to put someone who's acting out of line in their place. I was really, really lucky to have her as one of my girlfriends."

Chrysalis' smirk slowly faded. By the time Fluttershy finished her speech, Chrysalis looked at her in shock. At the back of the room, Cozy and Tirek's shock changed to dumbfounded amazement, both their mouths hung slightly open. They had never expected such strong words to come from such a meek, quiet Pegasus. Spike's parents were also amazed. Spike, on the other hand, just grinned. The second he saw Fluttershy walk up to confront Chrysalis, the angel Dragon knew that she had the perfect thing in mind to put the evil creature in her place. Everyone else seemed a little shocked by Fluttershy's change in demeanor as well. Fluttershy looked back at Twilight who began to step forward to say when the villains would be sentenced.

But before Twilight could say anything a chuckle was heard. It started out small but quickly grew to a full blown laughter. Spike’s grin drop, everyone else could only stare in shock as the Chrysalis began laughing, as if someone had just told her the worlds most funniest joke.

All since of pride and inspiration that Fluttershy brought from her speech was evaporated in an instant by the ex-queen mocking laugher. Clearly, the yellow Pegasus had no clue who she was talking to.

"What?" Chrysalis asked, locking eyes with Fluttershy's. "You think I care that you still have memories of that stupid lizard? I don't. If anything, it's probably depressing for you all to relive memories with him knowing you can't make any more of them with him. You may think you hold a part of him in you, but that statement is not only wrong, it's stupid as well. That is unless you all did some rather unspeakable things with him during your relationship. If that is the case, I'm glad I was never your ally to begin with. Also, never underestimate a changeling's power to suck love from another being. One Changeling can suck love from 50 creatures in one sitting, no matter how large it may be, and still be able to transport it back to me. Also, "pride as being one of his 12 marefriends". Give me a break. The only reason you probably got with him was out of pure pity. That's right, I heard about that whole admirer fiasco. I just can't buy the fact that you loved him genuinely because this whole confession came out of nowhere. He probably only made up those "reasons" he loved you out of the blue. If anything he only did it for an ego boost, because he's a Dragon among ponies and he needed some, sad reason to validate himself in pony society, even though that whole harem thing changed nothing. Also, I could honestly care less how many poems and letters get sent to you that praise your worthless, little pet. Like I said before, this whole place is a hellhole. What makes you think I'd think of the residents any differently?"

Fluttershy's determined expression turned into a completely shocked one. The cream-colored Pegasus didn't know what to say or do. This was the first time that her speech seemed to have zero effect whatsoever. For a full five seconds, she just stared at Chrysalis' sadistic, grinning visage as if she were a lone piece of a puzzle in a box and the rest of the puzzle was missing, but it felt like a solid half hour to her. Then, her usually vibrant, turquoise eyes drooped to the ground and her vision blurred with salty water. For the first time since seeing her Spike lying on the ground at the scene of that awful battle, she felt powerless and didn't know what to say or do. Neither did anyone else.

Watching Chrysalis mock Fluttershy like that only added fuel to the rage building inside the young Drake. Every word she said just made him angrier and angrier, and it only made him feel worse that he can't do or say anything. Like Fluttershy he to was powerless and couldn't do anything to show how wrong Chrysalis was about his feelings for his herd.

Fortunately for everyone there, however, three loud voices that belonged to Rainbow Dash, Starlight, and Smolder seemed to do the talking for them. The words that exited the mouths of all three girls seemed to cut through the thick silence like a hunting knife.


Everyone turned to the source of the voices and found Starlight, Rainbow, and Smolder once again stepping up to face Chrysalis, Thorax and Ember following half a step behind. One look at all five of them told everyone there that any sliver of hope calming them down was now gone. Their faces looked even more irate than before when Fluttershy first intervened. Fluttershy would've wanted to do something to calm them down, but it seemed, even to her, that Chrysalis had blatantly ignored the warning signs. Now, the irredeemable, cold-blooded killer had crossed the point of no return and there was no nothing to stop Chrysalis from receiving a beating like no other. Fluttershy gave a dirty look up at the evil, soulless, former ruler of the Changelings. Chrysalis' smirk turned into a full-blown, evil grin as she returns Fluttershy's look.

"I'm sorry, Chrysalis," Fluttershy said, almost growling as she spoke. "I tried to save you from this, but you left me with no choice but to leave you at the mercy of these five. Have fun."

"Psh," Chrysalis scoffed. "I'll live."

"No, you won't," Starlight said in a low and scary tone as she walked up to the bar of the cell and looked up to her most hated rival. "I am throughly sick of you."

Chrysalis pretended to be surprised.

"Sick of me?" she asked innocently, before turning to the crowd. "Does anyone here have any pills on hoof for this patient? She could be coming down with something very serious."

Starlight's horn began to glow as bright as it did when Chrysalis first laughed at Smolder, Ember, Thorax, and her.

"I have tried to help you to get onto the right path," Starlight growled. "I held out hope for you being alright after you ran away from us, and I was praying that you'd see the light and come join us for a better life, but this is the last straw. You're nothing but a big, sad, ruthless, psychotic waste of oxygen."

Chrysalis was unfazed. She knelt down so she was nose to nose with Starlight. For a solid three seconds, no one moved or said a word. Then, Chrysalis spoke her sentence and it only seemed to anger Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Smolder, Ember, and Thorax further.

"So, revoke my good conduct medal and cancel the parade you were going to throw in my honor, you revolting, little rat."

Celestia and Luna walked up to speak to Chrysalis next. The wore glares almost as bad as Chrysalis' soon-to-be assailants. Chrysalis jumped back up and looked the Royal sisters over with a menacing grin.

"You two again?" she sneered. "There's something different about you, but I just can't put my hoof on it. Wait, don't tell me. You've changed your mane styles."

The Princesses didn't respond. While Luna held her harsh glare to Chrysalis, Celestia levitated a ring of keys, stuck one of them into the key slot of the locked door, jiggled it around for a second, before the door was unlocked and swung inward. The Royal Sisters beckoned for Tirek and Cozy to come with them and they did just that with a word or resistance. They did not want to stick around for what was to come next for their unremorseful cohort. As Cozy passed by the Princesses, both Celestia and Luna noticed there was something off about her, like she was trying to tell them that she wasn't competent when she did all her evil deeds. It seemed her soul was almost broken and crying out for help. The crowd also noticed that and couldn't help but feel like they'd be seeing her again soon. even Starlight, Smolder, Ember, and Thorax had that same feeling in the back of their minds. They pushed that aside for now, they were somewhat eager, and somewhat afraid at the same time, of what the two Dragons, two Ponies, and Changeling were going to do to Chrysalis. It was five to one, but Chrysalis was still taller than all of them and had more experience in fighting. They watched as the five seething creatures entered Chrysalis' cell, followed by Celestia. They moved up to see what was happening, but Luna stopped them.

"No, I'm sorry, but you can't go up there. This is something they need to resolve on their own" she said.

"WHAT!?!" yelled Garble. "Are you crazy?! I don't want my sister fighting that lunatic alone. She's bigger than her and we've already found out she's more dangerous than her."

"The same could be said for my brother," added Pharynx.

Smolder and Thorax overheard their sibling's concern and took a few steps back to look at them. Their expressions softened considerably.

"Don't worry about me, Gar-Gar," Smolder called. "I'll be fine."

"Same with me, Pharynx," called Thorax.

Before either sibling could say another word, Smolder and Thorax went back into the cell. A large glow could be seen from the bars to the crowd.

"What-What happened?" Garble asked.

"Celestia has transported everyone to an ancient battlefield that my sister and I have fought many a foe on," Luna explained. "She had a feeling that something would go down with the heated rivalry between Starlight and Chrysalis and told me that if Chrysalis acted like this, she'd teleport them to that battlefield rather than have them battling in a small cell."

"I swear, if my sister gets really hurt during this, you will not hear the end of it from me," Garble warned. "She means the whole world to me."

"Same with Thorax," Pharynx added again.

Luna remained calm.

"I understand Your concerns for your loved ones, but rest assured, should they get hurt, we will make sure that they receive top of the line care."



In a flash of magic, Celestia had transported herself, five angry justice seekers, and Chrysalis to a flat, grassy field with nothing around for miles. Not even a tree. They landed on a circular platform made out of white marble and had about five feet of elevation off the ground. Although still eager for the impending fight, Chrysalis was very confused about why the others and she were here and not in the dungeon. She glared hatefully at the Sun Princess.

"Why are we here?" she demanded.

Celestia responded by first putting a magical forcefield around the abandoned arena. Then verbally answered Chrysalis' question.

"This is an ancient arena where my sister and I have fought many a foe that threatened Equestria," Celestia explained, her glare harshening as she looked Chrysalis right in the eye. "We recently retired this method of dealing with threats as the last few my sister and I had were easily squashed. You, however, are a special case of evil that has led me to briefly unretire this method so that these five can deal with you themselves."

Hearing this made Chrysalis smile sadistically again.

"Oh my," she began. "Unretiring a form of how you dealt with threats just for me? I am deeply honored. Thank you soooooo much. In fact, I feel so honored that I won’t use any magic to fight you."

The venom oozing from Chrysalis' voice as she taunted Celestia only made everyone there even more angry.

"Oh," growled Starlight. "Let's see if you still feel "honored" after we KICK YOUR ASS!"

"Bring it bitch," laughed Chrysalis. "I'll make sure you all will reunite with your little salamander pet in Tartarus."

"THAT'S IT!!!" screamed Smolder.

She jumped up and began flying toward Chrysalis at full speed. As smug and sadistic as she was, Chrysalis didn't have the time to react as Smolder landed a direct punch to the face, knocking her off her hooves and a tooth went flying out of her mouth. The other four creatures followed close behind, not wanting to miss out on giving Chrysalis her well-deserved karma.

Chrysalis, however, reacted fast and began to fight Smolder back. She landed a blow on Smolder's cheek and knocked the orange Dragon off of her with a buck to the stomach just as the other four irate creatures caught up where the two were scuffling. Chrysalis jumped back up only to be knocked back down again by another punch from Starlight. That only lit Chrysalis' fire as she kicked Ember, Thorax, Rainbow, and Smolder away and lunged at the pink unicorn. Unfortunately, she was right on target and successfully managed to sink her razor-sharp teeth into Starlight's side, making her scream out in pain. On instinct, she bucked Chrysalis off of her. It knocked her back no more than a foot before she lunged again at Starlight. She was met with another punch, this time from Rainbow Dash. It didn't affect her at all this time, though, and she returned the blow to her face, catching the cyan Pegasus off guard for just enough time for her boyfriend's killer to land another two blows to Rainbow's face, knocking out a tooth. She would've gotten a third blow if it weren't for Thorax and Ember slugging her in the cheeks from opposite sides. The combined force of the blows dazed Chrysalis enough for both Dragon and Changeling to land another blow on Chrysalis' face. Chrysalis immediately snapped out of her daze after that one, however, and punched both Ember and Thorax as hard as she could. The blow intended for Ember hit her dead center of the chest, knocking the wind out of her. The punch for Thorax hit him square in the nose. Both were left stunned for just enough time for Chrysalis to make another lunge for Starlight and make another attempt to hit her. This time, however, Starlight was ready for her and bucked the evil former ruler of the Changelings with all her might. That one really hurt for Chrysalis. Up until now, the other blows delivered to her hurt just a bit, but any pain would disappear after a second because of the adrenaline rushing through her body at lighting speeds. Now, it seemed that the adrenaline was starting to fail her in terms of numbing her pain. She also seemed to feel a liquid filling inside and leaking out of her mouth. It tasted like iron. Starlight also seemed to realize Chrysalis was in a weakened state and prepared to strike her again. This time, with a blast of magic. It hit her square in the chest. For the first time since Smolder jumped to kick the fight off, Chrysalis was knocked off her hooves and she went for a tumble across the arena. It was now taking every ounce of her strength to try and stand back up. She was successful in doing just that, but she didn't have much time to celebrate that achievement before Rainbow Dash decked her square on the nose.

"That was for invading Canterlot," snarled the Rainbow-maned Pegasus.

Starlight ran up and bucked the sadistic and badly injured killer in the face next.

"That was for capturing all my friends to try and suck the love out of them," Starlight growled.

Thorax came up and slugged his former ruler right in the face.

"That was for brainwashing all the Changelings into believing they had to feed off love and not share it."

Ember came up next to give her final punch to the face for incorrigible villain next.

"That was for endangering all the students, particularly Smolder, at the School of Friendship."

Lastly, it was Smolder's turn. Rather than delivering a final punch, however, she bared her claws hidden within her fingers and slashed them across Chrysalis' cheek, drawing more blood.

"That was for trying to kill my fellow harem members!" she yelled before she took a deep inhale. "And this..."

She opened her mouth to reveal an orange flame, very bright, very beautiful, very hot, and very deadly. It made Chrysalis feel a whole new level of pain as the flames licked at her scratches, cuts, and bruises, but she absolutely refused to scream out. She didn't want to give anyone that satisfaction of seeing her reduced to a screaming mess begging for mercy.

"...is for MAKING OUR SPIKE PAY WITH HIS LIFE TO MAKE SURE WE WERE ALL SAFE!!!!!" Smolder finished, screaming.

Starlight charged up her horn one last time. She gave the harshest glare she could to the barely standing villain.

"And this is for making fun of our Spike while he was dead," she growled and released her magic blast.

At this point, however, Chrysalis didn't even bother fighting anymore. She just closed her eyes and waited for the final hit. It hurt for a few seconds before everything went black.


Starlight released her magic and sent Chrysalis flying through the air. She hit the forcefield and landed hard on the arena once more. This time, though, she didn't get back up. The five battered heroes and Princess approached her cautiously, making sure she wasn't playing dead. One look at her beaten up, swollen, bruised, and bloodied face told everyone she wasn't playing. Although they hated her more than anything, the five heroes decided against giving more blows to their now unconscious enemy. Celestia's horn lit up and she closed her eyes for a brief second before her horn stopped glowing and she reopened her eyes.

"She's alive, but unconscious," Celestia said.

"Let's head back," Starlight said. "I know Pharynx and Garble are worried sick about their siblings."

With that said, the six creatures, with Chrysalis in tow, teleported away. The white marble arena once again stood solitary in the field. Everything sat eerily quiet, and no animals made a sound. No happy singing of the birds and no happy chittering of the squirrels.

Spike along with his parents just sat there in dungeon along with everyone else, as they waited for Celestia and the combatants return. Like Garble and Pharyrnx, Spike was also worried for his three lovers and two friend. He wish he could go and watch the fight, but of course he nor his parents knew where the old battlefield even is. So, their only option was to just sit and wait.

Spike just sat there on the floor in silence, thinking to himself about everything Chrysalis said. He knew she was evil but not THAT evil. She really didn't have a conscience, let alone a heart. She truly did not care at all that she has murdered a 15-year-old drake, she even went as far to speak ill about his death with a proud smile on her face, as well as mock everything about his relationship with his herd, and spit on Fluttershy’s words as if they were nothing.

Spike didn't want to give in to his anger, but that was easier said than done. When Chrysalis wouldn't shut up. The things she said still infuriated the young drake to no end. Just like Starlight, Smolder, Rainbow, Ember, and Thorax. Although Spike haves no intention to beat up Chrysalis like those five, he does wish he was able to talk to her. If only he could, for he does have a few choice words for her.

Sometime later the group teleported back to the cell where Chrysalis and her cohorts were originally being held in. They stepped out into the hallway and Smolder and Thorax were each glomped by their respective brothers.

“Oh, thank the Gods and Goddesses you’re safe,” Garble exclaimed.

“I missed you too, Gar-Gar,” Smolder smiled. Even though her abdomen was still a little sore from when Chrysalis had kicked her, but she didn’t mind.

“Same with you, Pharynx,” Thorax added.

For a moment, no one said anything as the siblings reunited. Then, Rainbow piped up.

“I feel better now that I got that out of my system,” she said.

Everyone else agreed. Although, despite that, Starlight still felt a tinge of sadness for Chrysalis not seeing the magic of friendship. Sure, she was a psychotic, irredeemable demon, but she felt that maybe, just maybe, there was a sliver of good inside her. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.

Twilight turned to face Tirek and Cozy Glow.

"Since you have all plead guilty no contest, you will not have a trial. Your sentencing date will be scheduled in two weeks' time," Twilight said, looking both of them right in the eye. "Make sure to tell Chrysalis that when she wakes up.” Tirek and Cozy nodded. “This meeting is concluded. I will see you then."

With nothing left to say, Twilight looked back at her friends and other Princesses. They all looked back at her, nodded to each other, and trotted out of the dungeon hallway. Now that they were finish with thing here, they can now put all their focus on the next big project, planning Spike's funeral.

When the group left, a couple of guards place Tirek and Cozy back in their cell, as two others took an unconscious Chrysalis to the dungeons medical room to get her patch up. The three spirits, however, stayed behind. Tyson spoke.

“Dang! I wish we could have seen the fight.”

“See it!? I rather be in it.” Said Kimba. “I wish I could have the chance to tear that bitch limb from limb, for the things she said about our son, after she herself aided in his murder.”

Tyson sighed. “I know dear, but there's literally nothing we can do. Just be glad those five gave her the beating she deserved.”

“I know, but still.”

Spike spoke up. “How about we get on out of here, I want to be able to clear my head after all this.”

“Of course, Spike, after all, this whole mess affected you more than us.” Said Kimba.

“Yeah, let's go.” Said Tyson.

With that said, the three spirits left the castle and flew into the sky and going back to heaven.

Little did anyone know that they weren't the only ones who came to this meeting, as a mysterious unknown figure had been watching the conversation between the prisoners and the group from when it started, to when Celestia and Co. returned from the battle arena.

The group left they walked right passed the figure as they hid out of site. Nobody noticed the figure and they soon came out of hiding and saw two guards carry the unconscious Chrysalis to the medical room.

Later, after the doctors left after patching up their patient. The figure from before snuck into the room and was met with a horrible sight. Laying on the hospital bed, covered in bandages, was an unconscious Chrysalis.

The figure carefully walked up to the sleeping changeling and shed a tear for her.

“Oh, you poor thing!” The figure said. “What did those monsters do to you in that arena? There was no reason to go this far, just because of a few words. I mean seriously, you’ve lost, you were defeated, and no longer a threat. You were just using what you had left to hurt them, which could easily be ignored. I sure did.

Sure, you said a lot of bad things about purple bear, but I didn't take any of it seriously. As I said you were just playing your final card, a last-ditch effort to hurt everyone and those idiots actually took you seriously.” The figure shook their head disappointedly. “What a bunch of morons, I understand that they didn't want you saying all those horrible things about purple bear, but what does it all mean in the long run of things? Bucking idiots."

"I really feel sorry for you Chrysalis in more ways than one. One of those ways involves how you, Tirek, and Cozy Glow will be severally punished for something that isn't any of your faults. Here you three are locked away, to await your sentencing, while the true villain gets away scott free."

"Well, I'm not going to let that happen. You three deserve Justice and I plan to give it to you. I still need time to build my case, but I swear to you, I will be ready before the princesses can sentence you three.” The figure adjusts their glasses. “So, know this Chrysalis I am on your side, and I plan to defend you and the other two and prove your innocence and make sure Discord pay for his crimes.” The figure turns to leave and begin walking towards the door. “Until we meet again Chrysalis and I hope you will accept me as your defense attorney.” The figure smiled as they open the door and step outside, leaving a still sleeping Chrysalis alone.