• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 1,454 Views, 114 Comments

Spike's Frontier - Dragonfan101

Spike awakens on the Starfall Islands after being sucked into an ancient device, He meets Sonic the hedgehog and they go on an adventure to save Sonic's friends.

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23: Take The Chances

Tails and his Spike clone are seen near the structure looking on at it.
"Ready to go?" Spike asked.
"Let's do it." Tails said as he got ready to run with Spike ready as well.

He and Spike proceeded to make they're way around the place, doing some more challenges that required them to fly around them( They honestly skipped over some because they were high enough) and they got more skill points as they did so.

"So.. did that work?" Knuckles asked as he and his Spike destroyed the devices.
"Yeah, i think we can bypass that thing holding the emeralds by accessing Cyberspace!" Tails suggested.
"Twilight's had me learn a lot of things, but hacking is new but i think i'll get the hang of it" Spike said as they continued.
"There should be a Koco device nearby, let's search around" Tails said as they went through the flower field.

They proceeded to explore the island, gaining more knowledge of the map and doing more challenges, Spike could now use Tails's cyblaster, which basically fires a blast that shoots a automatic cyloop, and he could charge and throw as many wrenches as he could.

"Where do you keep all these wrenches you have Tails" Spike asked as they continued.
"I made a device that basically materializes certain objects as much as i want, it's a great way for me to work on my projects without spending to much time looking for multiple ones of the same kind." Tails explains.
"Really great use for ranged attacks, but melee and close up.. i think i've started to prefer this kind of attack pattern, i've just gotten so used to it during my time with Sonic" Spike said recalling all the stuff he can do now.

"It's really fascinating to me that you can learn these on your own, and pass them to the original Spike and he can keep the knowledge.. Cyberspace really is something else" Tails said amazed.
"Yeah.. it really is.." Spike agreed before looking down a little.
"What's wrong Spike?" Tails asked.

"I.. It's just hard to accept the fact my birth mother's been there for longer then we could have thought about. She's been there for millions of years, making her not only older then Celestia and Luna who are both over 1000, but older then any dragon in history as i know off" Spike said still trying to process all of it.
"I still can't believe your directly tied with the Ancients themselves, i mean if this monster hadn't came to this world, you could have grown up during a time where the Ancients made devices i could have only dreamed of making" Tails told him.

"I know.. but if that had happened.. i wouldn't have met Twilight.. Equestria wouldn't have even been the same without me" Spike said recalling what he's done, if he hadn't been there, he couldn't have stopped Sombra or helped Ember become dragon lord, nor help redeem the Changelings.

"I guess.. sometimes stuff like this has to happen in order to make a better future" Tails said as he still wished Spike could've met his mother, Spike then looked up and sighed.
"I guess so, but i know that if we stop this... i'll get to see her for the first time" Spike said looking at the sky, Tails then put a hand on his shoulder.
" You'll get to see her once this is over, i think it's best we hurry up so that comes true!" Tails said confidently, Spike then realized he was right and they needed to go.
"Your right, let's find those devices!" Spike said determined as he and Tails continued on.

Spike and Tails moved through the area even more, they eventually found a Koco device in a platform near a Cyberspace portal.
"Let me handle this" Tails said confidently as he walked up to it. Tails proceeded to hack his way into the thing, the device turned red for a moment before it returned to normal and it beeped as it was hacked in.
"That worked, we just need to find a couple more!" Tails said happy.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Spike said as he and Tails made they're way out.

" Go Tails and Spike Go! You two got this!" Amy told them confidently. " Let us know if we can help" Amy told them.
"This is your arena guys, i just wish i had something to punch while we're waiting" Knuckles said a little bored
"Hang in there guys, we're almost through this" Spike told them as he and Tails continued on.
"We're counting on you kids!" Knuckles said confidently.

Tails and Spike proceeded to fly their way around the island more, completing more and more koco challenges and getting more moves, Spike could now summon a drill device that he can slam down on enemy's to cause damage, he personally preferred Knuckles's version of it, but it's still a good move to use.

he and Tails landed on more yellow platforms, this time they had to throw their wrenches at some balloons and make they're way through them before they respawned, they then had to launch themselves off some more springs and through floating rings that gave them a burst of speed and kept them in the air, they then had to fly through a few more rings and springs and eventually landed on a platform with another Koco device.

"Let me try this one this time" Spike said as he walked up to it,, Tails nodded in understanding as he let Spike try it out.

Spike was able to get the hang of things pretty quickly, he was able to access the device just like tails and make his way through unlocking the thing, Tails was pretty surprised by this.
"Wow Spike, your a fast learner!" Tails said impressed.
"I'm pretty surprised myself if i'm being honest" Spike said looking at the device.
"We've got one more, there should be one near a vault, let's find it!" Tails said as he started flying off.
"You got it buddy!" Spike said as he flew off as well.

Meanwhile Amy and Knuckles's vaults opened and the emerald came into their hands.
"Great to know we can move on now, i was tired of standing around" Spike said to Knuckles.
"Agreed, let's get going now." Knuckles said as he and Spike glided off the platform.

Spike and Tails proceeded to just fly their way around the place, there was an obstacle course designed for them to pass, but they could just fly over it ( I honestly don't think thinks were play tested enough), Tails and Spike landed on the platform and Tails once again hacked his way into the device and the vault opened and the green emerald came to them, Spike looked back at the course.

"I honestly don't think this would've suited us the best, i feel like amy should have done this thing" Spike said looking at the thing.
"Yeah, really weird that we could just fly over it, i wish it could have been higher for us to move across, then we could have actually gone through it," Tails said and Spike shrugged it off.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game" Spike said casually.
"couldn't have said it better myself" Tails said looking at the thing.

They then heard a loud noise and looked into the sky and saw the thing was starting to become more and more physical.
The device they hacked into suddenly started to show red smoke and it they fell on the ground deactivated.
"That thing's way more concerning then i thought" Spike said worried as they looked at it.
"Let's just hope Sonic and the real Spike is handling their thing well." Tails said hopefully.
"With those special Koco devices we found, i think they will have an easier time.. well as easy as it can get" Spike said as he thinks the towers won't be as easy.
Spike and Tails nodded at eachother and looked at the sky hoping Sonic and the real Spike were handling things well.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! I know it may seem a little uneventful right now, but i think it would be best for Spike to bond with Sonic's friends, make them more of a group. But don't worry next up is the Trial Towers, i think that these were kind of mixed, like the Ninja one took me less then a minute to finish and i think the time on that would would have been better if lowered down or put for another one. Other then that i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all for coming this far and i hope you look forward to more!