• Published 19th Sep 2023
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Bravery of the Stars - Phase Nexus

Ever get tired of ponies telling you you can't be a hero just because you're a stallion? Yeah me too.

  • ...

Chapter 3- Family and Friends

As much as I’d love to say Twilight and I jumped straight into our new lives in Ponyville, sadly the world doesn’t work like that. As eager as we were to stick around, our families were still back in Canterlot, and they at least deserved a proper goodbye.

Well, that and everything we owned was still back there and we needed to pack.

This leads us to now, with Twilight and I standing by a chariot waiting to take us back, and a tearful Pinkie Pie clinging to us and sobbing her eyes out.

“I-I’m gonna miss you two so muh-huuuuuuch!” She cries, soaking my neck with her tears.

“P-Pinkie… I can’t breathe..,” I struggle out as my ribs get crushed in her bear hug. Y’know it figures. Survived battling the Mare of All Darkness only to get crushed by one of my best friends.

“I, I think I can see the light…” I hear Twilight choke out. Applejack rolls her eyes, granting us mercy as she grabs Pinkie by the tail and drags her off us.

“Calm down there Pinks, they’re only gonna be gone three days,” she says as Twilight and I suck the air back into our lungs.

“But that’s like forever!” The party pony argues.

I get back to my hooves, patting Pinkie on the head. “We gotta say goodbye to our families and pack, Pinkie. We’ll be back before you know it.”

Twilight smiles excitedly. “Especially with the checklist I was making last night, we should be super efficient! Right Spike?” She looks back, but Spike is sound asleep in the chariot, hugging a large piece of rolled-up parchment.

Ruby is near the front of the chariot, talking to the guards. She turns back to us. “Hey guys! The guards say Canterlot has a rain storm scheduled later, so we should get going if we wanna beat it.”

“Guess that’s our queue,” I say. “One last hug for the road?” Our five friends rush forward, pulling us into a group hug.

“We’ll be waiting for you, dearies,” Rarity says with a small smile.

“And we’ll make sure your welcome back party is a small one. The town is still recovering from Pinkie’s last bash,” Rainbow giggles, making us all laugh.

We break the hug, hopping onto the chariot. “We’ll be back soon!” Twilight promises, waving as we take off. They all wave back at us until they disappear from sight beneath the clouds. Twilight sighs, sitting down. I chuckle, patting her head.

“You’d better get some rest. Our parents are probably gonna have a ton of questions for us,” I say, sitting next to her.

“Ugh, I don’t even know where to start,” she groans, getting comfortable.

“Well, we got a few hours to figure it out,” I sigh, leaning back against the wall of the chariot.

She lets out a nervous laugh, “Maybe we should leave out the parts where we almost died?”

“Yeah, that’s a given,” I chuckle. I look up, watching the clouds pass over us. “It’s kinda crazy to think about how much our lives have changed in just two days…”

She lets out a short laugh. “That’s an understatement. If you’d had told me last week I’d be overjoyed to move out of Canterlot to study friendship I’d have called you nuts.”

“Not only that but the Elements of freaking Harmony?”

“I know! It almost makes me wonder what other old stories are actually true,” she says excitedly. “Maybe we could find the Crystal Empire or figure out what actually happened to Starswirl-”

I cut her off by booping her nose. “Slow your roll there Star Butt,” I giggle. “Let’s just try and focus on the now, okay? One adventure at a time.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Learning how to be a friend is going to be enough of an adventure,” she says, before giving me a look. “Y’know, you’re technically a ‘Star Butt’ too.”

I laugh. “Well then let me begin your first lesson, with the Art of Teasing.”

After an hour of teaching Twilight about how to tease your friends without it going too far, and briefly touching on the science of pranking, we land in front of Celestia’s school. We thank the guards, waving them goodbye as they take off.

“So, should we start packing, or go see our parents first?” I ask,

“Spike and I can start packing!” Ruby offers.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asks. “I’d hate to put too much work on you two.”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Spike insists. “Besides, I think you two will need the time,” he says, pointing behind us.

“What? What are you talking about?” I tilt my head in confusion, looking behind me in time for a grey blur to slam into my chest, knocking me over. I groan, looking up to see a pegasus colt with a light grey coat with pale blue spots on his chest, back, and rear legs. He has a messy white and blue mane and tail. Excited gold-colored eyes beam down at me.

“North! You’re back! Did you really fight Nightmare Moon?! Did you punch her in the face?!” Cloud Dust, my little brother asks me excitedly.

“Missed you too, Dusty,” I grunt, ruffling his mane. I set him down off me and sit up, seeing my Mom heading towards us with Twilight’s parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet in tow.

“North!” Mom calls out, running over and pulling me into a hug. I hug her back, looking over to see Twilight in a similar situation. “Oh, we were so worried! When the sun didn’t rise, then word made it back to us about Nightmare Moon…” She takes a breath, hugging me tight. “We’re just glad you’re safe.”

I hug her back. “We’re okay, Mom. I missed you.”

“Getting started without us, eh?” A new voice says.

I blink, looking up. I see two stallions walking towards us. Commander of the Royal Guard and Twilight’s older brother, Shining Armor, large white unicorn with a blue-toned mane and tail. Next to him is Captain of the Canterlot Aerial Guard. A smaller burnt orange pegasus with a crimson and orange mane, and gold-colored eyes.

“Heat Lightning, you said you’d be here earlier,” my Mom mockingly chides him.

He rolls his eyes. “I’m sorry, Miss love-of-my-life,” he teases back, “The Princess needed to give us a last-minute debriefing on our darling son’s adventure.” He gives me a knowing look, and my eyes go wide. I look over, seeing Twilight is just as nervous.

“Wait, really?” Velvet asks, looking at my Dad. “It couldn’t have been too exciting could it?”

Shining lets out a small chuckle at Twilight and I’s expression. He ruffles her mane. “Come on, let’s help these two pack and they can tell us the whole story.”

“Yeah, the whole story!” Twilight chuckles nervously as we follow them in.

Fortunately for us, Celestia seems to have left out our more reckless actions from yesterday. Our families listen intently as we recount our adventure, from the fall off the cliff to the manticore and the serpent. All the way up to our fight with Nightmare Moon and using the Elements of Harmony.

“That’s so cool!” Dusty exclaims. “My brother beat Nightmare Moon!”

My Mom giggles, patting his head. “The Element of Bravery… I’m so proud of you sweetie.”

My Dad wraps his leg around me, ruffling my mane.”I always knew you were gonna grow up to be just as awesome as me,” he snickers.

I chuckle, hugging him back. “Thanks you guys.”

“Oh it’s all so exciting!” Twilight Velvet exclaims. “My little girl is a hero!”

Twilight blushes. “Mom, I wouldn’t go that far. We couldn’t have done it without our friends.”

“Quite literally,” I nod. “If they hadn't shown up when they did, I’m not sure what would have happened.

“Oh don’t go thinking like that,” Night Light insists. “You two and your friends saved Equestria. That’s what matters.”

“Thanks Dad,” Twilight says with a small smile.

“It’s a bit of a shame you two have to leave so soon,” Mom sighs.

“We can always come back and visit, Heart Rate,” Twilight assures her. “We’re only a train ride away.”

“By the way,” Dad starts, looking at me. “You don’t have a place to stay in Ponyville do you?”

I chuckle, rubbing my neck. “Well, not really. Twilight was given the old Golden Oak Library. We were planning on me staying in the basement until I could buy a house with the bits I’ve saved up.”

Mom and Dad exchange a look, and she nods. “Well, there was something we were waiting to tell you. You remember how your Nana and Pops moved to Maneami a few years ago? They left their old place to you in case you ever wanted to move back to Ponyville.”

My face lights up. “Oh no way! I love that old house.”

Dad chuckles. “We know. We’ve been paying some ponies to keep it clean in the meantime. Might need some new furniture, but other than that.”

I pull them both into a hug. “Thanks you guys.”

Mom hugs me tight, a few tears in her eyes. “Oh, sweetie. This is almost harder than when you first left for Canterlot.”

“I’m gonna make you guys proud,” I smile up at them.

“Oh Bud,” Dad wraps his wings around us. “You already have.”

The three days went by faster than I’d like to have admitted. Before we knew it Twilight and I were boarding the express train to Ponyville with almost everything we owned, as well as enough books to properly stock the Golden Oak, as well as our own personal collections. After a tearful goodbye, and many promises to write, our families saw us off, waving goodbye as our train pulled out of the station.

After an uneventful trip, we were back in Ponyville that afternoon. As promised, our friends were eagerly awaiting us.

“North! Twilight!” Pinkie yells. In a blur, she tackles us to the ground, pulling us into another crushing hug.

“N-not again…” Twilight chokes out.

“I’m too young-!” I gasp, waving a hoof to try and get help.

Applejack comes to our rescue again, prying the part pony off us. “Pinkie! You said you’d take it easy on ‘em.”

“But I did!” She insists with a pout.

The country pony rolls her eyes. “Anyway, it’s good to have you two back. Ah got the wagons for your stuff,” she says, gesturing to the two wooden wagons off to the side of the platform. “We was plannin’ on helpin’ y’all move into the library, then a small get together at Sugarcube Corner.”

“Some of my animal friends even offered to help,” Fluttershy says with a small smile, gesturing to the group of animals by her side.

“That’s really nice of you girls,” Twilight says with a smile. “But there’s been a slight change of plans. North isn’t moving in with me.”

They all blink in surprise. “Why ever not darling?” Rarity asks.

“Turns out my grandparents saved their old place for me,” I explain. “It’s on the outskirts of town. So you guys can help Twilight while I drop my stuff off there, then I’ll come back and help.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Rarity puts a hoof to my chest. “There is no way we are letting you and Ruby move in all on your lonesome.”

“Rarity, really it’s fine,” I try to insist, but she boops my snoot.

“No no! While I do respect you North, I simply cannot allow one of my best friends to move in on his own. Besides, it’s only lady like to help a stallion in need.”

My ear twitches and I sigh. “Alright Rarity. But let’s do Twilight first, since she’s closer.”

“Very well. We’d better get started then!” Using our magic, she, Twilight and I levitate all our stuff into the waiting wagons. Rainbow and Applejack are already hooked up to them, waiting for us.

“Feel like a race, Applejack?” Rainbow goads the country pony.

“Maybe take a raincheck,” she responds. “Wouldn’t want to damage any of their stuff while you’re busy losing.”

“Wha, hey!” The pegasus exclaims, causing us all to laugh.

“Maybe we should split up?” Twilight suggests as we all head out.

I nod in agreement. “Yeah, that’s a great idea. Then we’ll have plenty of time to catch up after.”

”Well Applejack has my stuff, so why don’t you and Rainbow take Rarity and Fluttershy?”

“Sounds like a plan! Meet up at Sugarcube Corner when we’re all done?”

“You got it, boss,” Applejack tilts her hat at me. “See y’all soon!” With that our two groups break off, heading to our respective destinations.

I lead the girls through town, passing ponies as we go. We reach the outskirts of the west end of Ponyville, where the town borders on the White Tail Wood. There we find a long two-story cottage with a balcony overlooking Ponyville. One of the White Tail’s many streams flows into a large pond next to the cottage, with a large peach tree sitting next to it. I smile at the sight of the old place, happy to be home.

“Pretty nice digs, North,” Rainbow compliments, unhooking herself from the wagon. “Had no idea this was your place. That peach tree is one of my favorite napping spots.”

“Well I’m glad you like it,” I chuckle. “My uncle Clingstone planted it when he was a foal.” I levitate some of the boxes, carrying them to the door. Ruby pops up out of the wagon, carrying some of her boxes.

“I call dibs on Anti’s old room!” She yells, running inside. The girls giggle, each grabbing some of my stuff and carrying it inside. It almost exactly what I remember. The old couch by the fire place. Next to it as one of my favorite things from my childhood, a large old radio next to it, that doubles as a coffee table. It looks like my grandparents took most of the personal things. Pictures of family, my Mom and her siblings as foals. They seemed to have left most of the ones with me though.

“Oh, I remember this!” Rarity says happily, walking up to one of the photos. In it, there’s an older brown earth pony stallion with a black and green mane, and a cutie mark of a four leef clover. Next to him, is a pink unicorn with white hair, and a cutiemark of a white spade. My Pops and Nana, Cloverfield and Spade Spot. They’re standing with my parents and me as a foal in front of the peach tree outside. “This was the day you got accepted into the Princess’s School isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I nod, walking up next to her. Next to that photo is one of me with Applejack and her as foals, playing on the jungle gym at school. “Kinda sad I missed out on all the stuff you two got up to after I left. You must have some crazy stories.”

Rarity get a sad look. “Honestly darling there aren’t many. I’m sorry to admit it, but after you left, we only stayed together for a few years at most. She became more active on the orchard, and I pursued my passion with fashion. We’re still friends, but we’re not as close.”

I put a hoof on her shoulder, giving her a small smile. “Well maybe we can fix that? We got plenty of time to catch up now.”

She smiles back at me. “I’d love that, North.” She turns away, heading back outside. I go to follow, when my eyes settle on another picture. Of me with a smaller purple unicorn.

“OHMYGOSH!!” Rainbow yells behind me, startling me. I whip around, seeing her standing over one of the boxes she’s started to unpack. She’s holding a framed Wonderbolt poster of a familiar burnt orange pegasus. He has the mask of the flight suit off and his goggles around his neck, and he’s giving the camera a confident look. She looks at me with wide eyes. “How did you get this?! They only made a hundred of these posters!”

I let out a quiet chuckle. Well might as well have some fun with her. “Well it was pretty easy actually. My Dad gave it to me.”

“Your Dad just gave you the Limited Edition Captain Poster of Heat Lightning?! He was one of the greatest Wonderbolt Captains of all time! Do you have any idea how long I’ve been searching for one of these?!” The pegasus exclaims, setting the poster down.

I hear Rarity giggle as she steps back inside. “Dear must you keep teasing her?” She asks me knowingly.

Rainbow looks at her in confusion. “Wait, teasing me?”

I let out a short laugh. “Rainbow. Heat Lightning is my Dad.”

Her eyes go wide, as she gasps. In a blue blur she tackles me to the ground. “Your Dad was a Wonderbolt?! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

“Well it didn’t really have a chance to come up. That’s not exactly something you just drop in a normal conversation,” I shrug.

“You gotta introduce me sometime! I need to show him my moves!” She says excitedly, jumping and hovering in the air.

I chuckle, standing up. “Sure, whenever he comes to visit. I think he’ll like you.”

“Hell yeah!” Rainbow says excitedly, spinning in the air.

I walk past her, seeing Fluttershy. “Um, excuse me, North?” She gets my attention. “My friend Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth would like to know where you want his family to set these boxes,” she says, gesturing to a group of beavers carrying the last few of my boxes.

“Oh, you can just have them set it in front of the couch,” I instruct, stepping aside as the beavers head over to the couch, setting the boxes down.

“There’s still a big wooded crate in the wagon,” Rainbow says, hovering outside.

My ear twitches and I head outside. “Oh, I can get that one,” I say, lifting the crate out of the wagon with my magic. “This is my lab stuff. Some personal magic tech projects, that kind of stuff.”

“Ooh, that sounds interesting,” Fluttershy says as I carry the crate inside. “I’d love to hear about it sometime.”

“You sure about that? Most of the time it’s really boring,” Ruby teases me as she hops down the stairs.

“That’s just because you like naps more than science,” I tease her back. I nod to Fluttershy. “And sure, I’d love to have someone else to bounce my ideas off of.” I carry the large box over to the basement door. “I’m gonna take this to the basement. If you girls want to take Ruby, I’ll catch up.”

“Very well darling,” Rarity nods. “Come along Ruby! I’ve been dying to ask you about any embarrasing stories North has been hiding.” The baby dragon giggles, hopping onto her back.

“See ya soon North!” Rainbow calls out, hooking herself back up to the wagon. Fluttershy silently waves, closing the door behind them.

I open the door to the basement, the blue light of my horn lighting my way down the stairs. Other than that, the only light in the basement is coming from the light from the basement windows. I set the crate in the center of the room. Taking a breath, I open the top of the crate, and the basement is filled with crackling pink light. I stare down at the experiment before me, letting out a sigh.

“One day. I’m so close…”

I reluctantly close the crate back up, moving it to the side of the room. I head back up the stairs, and close the door behind me. Taking a breath, I head outside making my way back to town, eager to see my friends.

After a short walk, I make it to the gingerbread house-themed bakery. I push open the door and get greeted by a pink blur in my face. “Hiya Northy!” Pinkie greets me enthusiastically with a pie on her head. “You’re just in time! The others just got here a few minutes ago!”

“Thanks, Pinkie! I just had to take care of something back at the house,” I tell her, stepping inside.

“Oh you’re okay! I’ve just been getting everypony snacks! Ooh! Speaking of which,” she takes the pie off her head and hands it to me. “I got your favorite! Peach Melba ice cream pie, right?”

“Aw, thank you, Pinkie!” I say, taking the pie from her. “I’m surprised you remembered, it’s been so long.”

“Oh don’t be silly, janefilly! I always remember what my friends like!” She giggles, bouncing over to where our friends are gathered around a table. I follow behind her, taking the empty seat next to Twilight.

“Glad ya could finally join us!” Applejack smirks at me, taking a bite of her apple pie.

Fluttershy takes a bite of a lemon bar, smiling at me. “Oh, you’re okay North. We just got here.”

I chuckle, taking a bite of my pie. “Oh don’t mind her, she’s just jealous cuz I like peaches more than apples,” I tease her.

The country mare huffs. “Ah am not jealous. Ah just don’t get why you’d prefer peaches when apples are so much better.”

“Wouldn’t you technically be a Pear, North?” Rainbow asks, eating a cookie. “Cuz of your uncle or whatever?”

“I mean, technically I guess?” I shrug. “As far as I know my great grandma Nectarine was the last peach making Peach on my branch of the tree before Uncle Clingstone.”

“Oh, I love genealogy!” Twilight claps her hooves.

“Uh, what do rocks have to do with this?” Rainbow asks, genuine confusion on her face.

I’m unable to hold my laughter, caught off guard.

Twilight lets out a small giggle. “No, you’re thinking of geology, Rainbow. Genealogy is studying family histories!”

“Oooh okay! That makes way more sense.”

“Although both would apply in my case!” Pinkie giggles.

Rarity perks up. “Oh, that reminds me! I found the most exquisit jewel deposit the other day!”

We continue long into the night. Sharing new stories, and catching up on old ones. Laughter echoing into the streets.

It’s so good to be home.

My eyes shoot open. I’m laying on a cold stone floor, a broken ceiling above me, casting the light of the moon down onto me. I groan, climbing back to my hooves. Looking around, I see two thrones in front of me. One blue, the other yellow, with banners draped above them. A hole in the wall between the two of them,

I quickly put together that I’m back in the ancient royal castle. “I really need to stop waking up here,” I groan, walking up to the thrones. “The question is if I’m dreaming or not,” I mutter. Walking up to Luna’s throne, I tilt my head at it. “Well there’s no one to stop me,” I smirk, climbing into the large chair and sitting down. Despite its age, it's rather comfortable. I look over the ancient hall, banners of the old regalia still hanging from the walls.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” A voice whispers in my ear.

I whip around, jumping off the throne as my horn lights up. I don’t find anyone behind me, so my eyes scan around the room.

“I thought so too,” the voice continues. “But it wasn’t enough. None enjoyed my night, my beautiful stars.” A purple mist bursts from Celestia’s throne, breaking it. It settles on Luna’s materializing into Nightmare Moon. “So I decided to make them enjoy it. But you already know that story don’t you?”

“Nightmare!” I scowl at her. “So I guess that answers one question, this is a dream.”

She lets out a low chuckle. “As much as it pains me to admit it, yes. Your friends succeeded in expelling me from that weakling Luna.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“One last act of defiance perhaps?” She shrugs, that smug smile never leaving her face. “As you were using the Elements on me I used the last of my energy to latch on to anything I could. How lucky it ended up being you.”

I roll my eyes. “You got a point you’re trying to make here, or are you really using the last of your strength to try and taunt me?”

She smiles down at me. “You’ll never save them all. Yes you prevailed against me. Quite spectacularly. But do you really think I’m the worst creature in this world?” She materializes in front of me. “Even with my own spells at your disposal, you will never be strong enough to best the worst of them.”

“I won’t need to be,” I glare at her, watching as she starts to circle me. “I’ll always have my friends with me.”

“Oh yes, the power of friendship. Because that has worked so well for you in the past,” the fallen monarch mocks me. “Tell me, do any of them know about her? About how you failed her too?”

I growl at her. “That wasn’t my fault!”

“Wasn’t it? Had you been here and not learning from my pathetic sister you could have saved her. But you weren’t. You abandoned her!” Nightmare yells, getting in my face.

“No I didn’t! How do you even know?” I demand, stamping my hoof.

She lets out a laugh. “I am the original nightmare, my dear. I know everything you're afraid of. Your most private fears, and even those you’re ignorant of. The power to save your friends is within your grasp, but you will always be too weak to take it.” She walks away from me as the palace starts to crumble around us. “So enjoy your victory North Star. I’m certain it won’t be your last. But when you fail your friends, and your Harmony crumbles to dust around you, I’ll be waiting.”

Nightmare Moon lets out a bellowing laugh as the floor cracks beneath me, sending me falling into the dark abyss.

I awake with a gasp, sitting up in bed. I sigh when I take in my surroundings, seeing I’m in my room. The sun hasn’t risen yet, the dull light of twilight peaking out outside.

Pulling myself out of bed with a groan, I walk over to the sliding door of my balcony, pulling it open. I sit down on the outdoor couch, staring out at the horizon as I sort through the nightmare I just had.

Was it even real? I have no doubt things worse than Nightmare Moon exist. She even knew about…

I sigh, taking a breath of the cool morning air.

‘It doesn’t matter. I won’t fail my friends. Whatever comes for us, we’ll beat it. Together.’

A new sense of confidence rising in my chest, I look up, seeing the sun rise over the hills, ushering in my first official day in Ponyville.

The first day of my new adventure.

Author's Note:

Welcome back! Sorry if this chapter seems a little…
Yes, thank you. I just had a lot I wanted to cover! All I hope though is that you enjoy it!
As always, feedback is most appreciated!
And please remember to stay beautiful!