• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 553 Views, 41 Comments

MEGA Macintosh: The Life of a Titan - BottleH2O

Anthology series taking place after the Titanverse trilogy featuring Big Macintosh living his day to day life while keeping his newfound powers a secret from the populace and Princesses.

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Chapter 1- The New Normal

Ponyville was no stranger to its occasional abnormal event. Whether it’s spirits of Chaos making the town his chaos capital of the world or the occasional Everfree monster attacks, there’s never a dull moment around the quaint little town. But today there was something a little more mundane happening. At the center of the town, ponies were gathering together in a crowd, facing the front of a stage that had been put up. Standing at the head of the stage was none other than the Apple Family’s eldest stallion, Big Macintosh.

What was Big Mac doing you may ask? Well, it had been a few weeks after the town and subsequently the entire Kingdom of Equestria had seen the large stallion get hit by an out-of-control growth spell. This resulted in Big Mac’s size increasing to unprecedented heights. First as tall as a house, then a building, then mountains, and eventually able to casually swat aside clouds. To say Big Mac had become a giant was an understatement. He had become an absolute titan of power and muscle.

But there was a reason why Big Mac had called for this brief press conference after the Princesses and Mane 6 managed to find some way to shrink him back down to normal. He wanted to actually talk to the ponies he had towered over not too long ago and speak to them one on one to answer any questions they might have or ease any lingering fears they might still be harboring deep inside.

“Big Mac! Over here!” Rose called out, standing on her hind hooves, and waving her forelegs in the air.

Big Mac and a few other ponies chuckled good naturedly at the enthusiastic display. “Yes Rose?” Big Mac asked, pointing a hoof in her direction.

“Why did you decide to go around Equestira and fix the damages those snobs in Canterlot caused when they were huge? Wouldn’t it have been better for them to accept their punishment and pay for the damages themselves?” Rose asked.

Big Mac nodded. Rose was referring to the start of the whole Titan debacle. A bunch of noble ponies in Canterlot had stolen the growth spell and made themselves huge. They had ended up causing a lot of damage to the kingdom as they carelessly stomped around.

“Well, ta be honest Rose, Ah couldn’t just leave them ponies ta suffer at the hooves of them no good nobles,” Big Mac answered honestly “When Ah got hit by that spell and grew all big an such, mah earth pony magic got a major boost ta it. Ah could manipulate mah surroundings to ah degree Ah could never dream of. An that included repairing different structures and nourishing vegetation. Mah Ma and Pa always said: If Ah had a way ta help out mah fellow ponies then Ah should. Them ponies lost their livelihoods, and their homes were completely damaged. Of course, Ah was gonna help them,”

The crowd let out a collective “Awwww” of happiness at Big Mac’s kind words. The press began to snap photos of the large red stallion while the remaining Apple family in the crowd looked on proudly at Big Mac.

As Big Mac continued to answer questions about his time as a Titan, Applejack leaned over to Granny Smith “If Ah didn’t know better, Ah’d say that Big Mac seems a lot happier ever since he became huge,” she said, lowering her voice to a whisper “Ah can’t explain it, but he seems more…lively then before. Almost like he found something he was missing when he became ah Titan,”

Granny Smith nodded as she looked on proudly at Big Mac up on the stage “Well youngin,
Ah can’t say for certain what brough about this change, but Ah am happy for him. He does seem like he came out of that situation all tha better for it. Ah’m so proud of him fer putting up Apple family values tha use like that when he was gigantic. Helping out tha little pony anyway he could. Never hurting them in any way as he gave ah helpin’ hoof.”

Applejack nodded as she looked on with pride in her heart. The conversation she had with Big Mac a few days ago rang through her head about how Big Mac had felt inadequate with himself during his time on the farm, about how he had felt forgotten about. Now, he had finally gotten his chance to shine, and the entire kingdom loved him for it.

The meeting was wrapping up, with Big Mac answering some questions a few foals from Apple Bloom’s class had, asking about how pretty the view was once Big Mac reached his largest size. Big Mac jokingly answered that he had his head in the clouds, so he wasn’t really paying attention. That got a laugh out of the crowd as Big Mac waved to them and began to descend down the stage as Mayor Mare took over. Thanking everypony for taking time out of their day and coming to the meeting.

Whew! Glad that’s over with!” Big Mac thought with relief as he waded through the crowd of ponies. He may have been the one to have called for the meeting, but all those questions for the entire town could really wear a pony out.

“Big Mac! YEAH!” a loud voice shook Big Mac from his thoughts. A huge hoof slapped down onto his shoulder and pulled him into a big hug. Mac grunted in surprise from the sudden contact but nevertheless accepted the embrace.

“Good to see you back in action buddy! YEAH!” Bulk Biceps shouted happily.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac agreed, putting a hoof around Bulk as well, hugging him back. After Big Mac had returned to Ponyville from his few days out as a Titan, his longtime friend and workout buddy, Bulk Biceps had been one of the first to accept Pinkie’s party invitation welcoming Big Mac back. The day after the party was over the two of them met up and had a talk about what had happened. Bulk was fascinated to hear about Big Mac’s experience.

“Shame I wasn’t the one who got hit!” Bulk hollered playfully “If I was a couple hundred miles tall, I’d go around and give everypony in Equestria a big ol’ hug. Bulk Biceps style!”

Big Mac winced, having been on the receiving end of Bulk’s hugs quite a few times “Uh, Bulk? If ya did that ya might accidently squish somepony,”

Bulk thought over what Big Mac said before shrugging “I’d be careful! Wouldn’t want to hurt the little guys now would I!” he laughed, slapping Big Mac on the back again “Hey Mac, now that the Press conference is over, you wanna go to the gym and work out?”

“Ah’d love ta Bulk, but Ah gotta go back to tha farm and take care of a few things,” Big Mac replied.

Bulk nodded as he unwrapped his foreleg from around Big Mac “Alright then! See you around Mac!” he yelled joyfully before rushing off towards the direction of Ponyville’s gym, his large size and hugely muscled body effortlessly cutting through the crowd as he went.

Big Mac rolled his eyes with a small grin on his mouth “See ya around Bulk,” he said as he waved. Big Mac made his way back over to where Applejack, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom were.

“That was such a cool story!” Apple Bloom said as soon as Big Mac joined them “Ah had no idea ya did all that stuff while you were huge Big Mac,”

“Darn tooting! I’m proud of ya big brother,” Applejack said approvingly.

“Aw shucks, thank y’all,” Big Mac said, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof, a small blush forming on his cheeks that was thankfully hidden by his red fur.

“So, what do Y’all plan on doing for tha rest of tha day now that this here conference is over with?” Granny Smith asked the assembled group of Apples.

“Ah’m going crusading with Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom said cheerfully “We’re gonna try becoming Cutie Mark Crusaders: catapult launchers!”

“Yer gonna what?” Applejack asked, looking inquisitively at her little sister while Big Mac just raised an eyebrow.

“We’re gonna become catapult launchers! We’re gonna put a bunch of stuff into a catapult that we all built and launch it around!” Apple Bloom said.

Big Mac blinked “Well, as long as yer all safe and don’t damage anything, then Ah guess it’s ok,” he drawled “Just make sure yer all back by supper, ok?”

Apple Bloom nodded enthusiastically “Sure thing Big Mac!” she said as she dashed off in the direction of her two friends.

“An don’t ya go launching yerselves ya hear?!” Applejack called after the disappearing filly.

Applejack rolled her eyes with a small grin as she watched her sister depart before turning to Granny Smith “Ah’m actually gonna go hang out with tha girls Granny. Twilight said she wants ta go have a talk with Chrysalis now that tha Changelings are on speaking terms with us and said that she invited her ta come to Ponyville and spend tha weekend at tha library with her so that all of us can get ta know her better. Chrysalis even said she’d bring along them other two Changelings. Chip and Chirp so they’d can see Ponyville cuz they’ve never really been outside the hive before,”

Granny Smith nodded appreciatively “Well that’s nice ta her Applejack. Ah’m happy ta hear that y’all are opening up ta them and showing tha Changeling some good ol’ fashion Ponyville hospitality. There’s nothing fer them ta fear from us. Glad Ms. Chrysalis was open ta tha idea in tha first place,”

“Eeyup,” Applejack said “It took all of us off guard when she agreed. But Ah guess she was really serious when she said that she wanted ta do better and be ah better Queen for her hive,”

“Precisely. That ol’ girl wants ta change an Ah say congratulations ta her! It takes a real strong will ta admit yer wrong and want ta do better by it,” Granny Smith said “Well then, get! Don’t let us keep ya then Applejack!”

Applejack smiled “Thank ya, Granny. See y’all later!” she said as she turned and galloped over to where Twilight and the rest of the girls were standing and waiting for her.

Granny Smith watched her leave with a small smile before turning to Big Mac “An what about you Macky? Got any plans for tha rest of tha day?”

Big Mac shook his head “Not really Granny,” he said “Ah just want ta take the rest of tha day easy after this here press conference. Ah already finished harvesting tha fields fer today an took care of all tha farm animals so Ah have a lot of free time left,”

Granny Smith nodded “Alright then Big Mac, Ya go on home then an relax. Ah’m gonna stay her fer a bit and talk to tha mayor about some upcoming town events. See ya then,” she said.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said as he turned to go.

“Oh, one more thing Macky,” Granny Smith called. Big Mac stopped and turned to look at her with a questioning expression.

“Ah don’t think that shrinking potion worked all tha way,” Granny Smith commented offhandedly. Big Mac’s began to sweat nervously “What makes ya say that granny?” he asked. “Yer still a tad bigger than normal,” Granny Smith said with a giggle.

Big Mac chuckled, albeit a little anxiously “Yeah, how about that?” he said quickly as he waved goodbye to Granny Smith and walked back down the path towards Sweet Apple Acres. The truth of the matter was that Big Mac had secretly kept his magic that was gifted to him by the out-of-control spell. And it had mutated further due to the shoddy shrinking potion that the Princesses had made from scratch.

It wasn’t really a bad thing by any means, Big Macintosh had reasoned to himself. All it had done was give him direct control over his magic. He could grow and shrink himself to whatever height he wanted. And that wasn’t even the extent of it. Instead of just being limited to himself he could also use his size magic on other things as well. Even other creatures. But Big Mac was still unused to this new power. It was completely different than earth pony magic. Earth pony magic was something that all earth ponies are inherently born with and unconsciously use when planting crops or working with nature. That’s why land tended to by earth ponies was always better than if it was tended to by Pegasi or unicorns. They couldn’t replicate what made earth ponies special.

With this new magic however, it was completely different than what he was used to. One half of it was given to him back an out-of-control spell book. Wild magic. And wild magic was always unpredictable. The other half was comprised of whatever miracle the princesses whipped up to make the shrinking potion. And since the two powers within him clashed, it resulted in Big Mac returning to normal size but gaining complete control over size manipulation. He needed more practice using it. It wasn’t like he could just go to Twilight and ask for help. For one, she already has her hooves full of helping the princesses establish good relations with Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings. And two, if he told her then she’d just tell Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. That normally wouldn’t be a bad thing, however given their determination to completely get rid of any more size magic, Big Mac highly doubted they would be pleased to find out that he still had it. No doubt they’d want to remove it as fast as possible from him.

But If Ah’m being honest, Ah don’t want that ta happen,” Big Macintosh thought sulkily as he walked. He enjoyed having this new ability. It was a unique trait only he had now that the magic in the spell book had been completely drained. And it wasn’t like he was doing anything bad with it either. All he was doing was using his newfound abilities to help around the farm more. Now Big Macintosh usually tackles the fields by himself with a newer and more efficient method he developed. When he harvests the apples, he brings all the buckets with him from the barn, bucks the apples down from the trees into the bucket, and loads all the buckets back into the cart. If they all don’t fit, then he just shrinks both the cart and the buckets and carries them back to the storage cellar in the barn that way. It was easier that way, so he doesn’t have to keep lugging around such heavy loads back and forth. More apple harvesting got done that way.

Another time he had to repaint the barn because the paint was already starting to fade. The only problem was they were running low on red paint and the vendor that sold the specific color they were looking wouldn’t be in town until another couple of weeks. Big Mac told his family that he’d take care of it. Big Mac smiled inwardly as he recalled what happened.

“Are ya sure big brother?” Applejack asked as she stared at him from across the breakfast table.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac drawled “Ah can take care of tha barn no problem,”

“But we don’t have enough paint. Tha vendor don’t come back ta Ponyville until another four weeks,” Applejack said

“Ah know. Ah’m sure Ah can use tha remaining paint we have ta fix up tha barn good,” Big Mac replied.

“How are ya gonna do that?” Apple Bloom pipped up eagerly from her seat, sipping on some apple juice as she fixed her eyes on Big Mac. Hoping for some secret technique or grandiose plan on par with the schemes that she and the rest of the cutie mark crusaders come up with.

“Ah’ll just manage tha paint wisely an use what we have,” Big Mac answered honestly

Apple Bloom’s eyes immediately lost their shine at the boring answer. “Oh…” she grumbled “That don’t sound like much fun,”

“Eenope. It may not be fun, but it’ll do tha job,” Big Mac said.

“Me an tha girls are gonna go crusading today!” Apple Bloom announced “We’re gonna try ta get our animal helper cutie marks!”

Big Mac chuckled and ruffled her mane as he got up from the table, walking over the hat rack and putting on his cowboy hat “Ya have fun with that Bloom. See y’all later tonight,” Big Mac said as he waved goodbye and headed out.

Big Mac remembered that when he got to the barn and retrieved the paint, he saw that there was only less than a quarter can left. He waited till Applejack and Apple Bloom left and for Granny Smith to fall asleep before beginning. Big Mac grinned for coming up with a solution for the paint problem. Every time he ran low on paint while painting, he simply grew the amount inside the can. Leaving him with ample amount left to complete the barn. Of course, growing something that precise was not easy and it took a few tries. Resulting in a few accidental giant chickens and pigs before he got it right. After shrinking the animals back down to normal he was able to get back to work. But it just goes to show that he still needed practice using his size magic. Which he has been doing in secret by himself.

And Granny Smith hadn’t been imagining things. Big Mac was indeed taller. But that was only because he had practiced his growth magic on himself earlier that day for more precise control over it. And because he enjoyed being bigger. Big Mac would say he was just a little shorter than Princess Luna now.

Big Macintosh looked ahead, now spying the familiar road leading to Sweet Apple Acres. With the barn and wooden home just a little further down. “Sorry fer not joining ya today Bulk,” Big Mac thought as made his way onto the farmland and towards the house “But Ah wanna do some more daily practice today with mah magic. Though now that Ah think about it, Ah could probably knock out two birds with one stone. Get Mah workout in today while practicing,”

Big Mac changed course, instead walking over to the barn. Pushing open the doors he quietly walked over to the back where he left one of the carts he used to haul all the apples in the fields. His eyes flashed green, and the chart shrank down to about a millimeter tall. Big Mac walked over to the miniature cart, said cart was trembling on the ground due to the vibrations as Big Mac walked, and picked it up, tucking it inside his yoke.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said as he walked out of the barn. Closing the doors behind him he made his way over to the Apple family house.

As Big Mac entered the house, he quickly formulated a plan as to what materials to get next. He walked over to the kitchen and to the cupboard, taking out some toothpicks and gumdrops Pinkie Pie had dropped off for Apple Bloom earlier for when she tried baking an apple cake. Next, grabbed a little bit of cotton and a flat eraser from a nearby drawer.

Ah think that should be enough,” he thought as he tucked those materials into his yoke as well, alongside the shrunken apple cart. Big Macintosh nodded with satisfaction before walking back up to his room. Closing the door behind him, he made his way over to his desk and began to get to work. Big Mac carefully set the tiny apple cart on his desk along with the rest of the materials. He carefully broke one of the toothpicks in half and placed gumdrops on either side of the ends. Next, he took the other half and did the same to both ends as well. Finally, he took another toothpick, one that was unbroken and attached the final two gumdrops on each end.

Ah think that looks alright,” Big Mac thought “Ah made mahself some makeshift dumbbells and barbells. An Ah can use tha eraser to do fer bench pressing, an use tha cart for transporting them around.”

For the next part, Big Mac would need to actually try using his makeshift gym. And in order to do that, he needed to be smaller. Concentrating hard, Big Macintosh expelled his magic over himself this time. The now familiar green magic was expelled and surrounded his form until he gradually began getting smaller. Big Macintosh watched with fascination his room and surroundings increasing in stature. Chairs became skyscrapers, desks became mountains, and his mirror could practically touch Cloudsdale.

Being tiny was still a relatively new experience for him due to the fact that most of the time he didn’t need to become tiny at all. For the past few days, he’s been experimenting while Titan sized. Testing out his magic, terraforming the country on occasion before changing it back to normal, and going on his nightly walks across Equestria while supersized. He tried to avoid turning tiny because generally when something is shrunk down, their magic shrinks with them, greatly reducing any power they had. How did Big Mac know this? Well, on occasion he would go through the Everfree forest in the middle of the night instead of going on his nightly Titan walks to try testing out his enhanced nature magic there. What better place to try and tame nature in a place where nature was said to be untamable?

But one night he was unfortunate enough to run across a hydra. A very large, six headed hydra. Spitting and growling at him before charging towards him. If any other normal pony had been there, they probably would have met their maker at that moment. But thankfully, Big Macintosh was no longer a normal pony. In a panic, he released a burst of magic, falling back on his rump with his eyes screwed shut in anticipating fear.


When he opened his eyes, the hydra was no longer there. Confused, Big Mac had gotten back up and walked around trying to figure out what happened. That is, until he heard a high-pitched squeak of fear somewhere down on the ground. Turning his attention to the ground, Big Mac saw with shock, the very same hydra that had just tried to eat him, was now tinier than an ant, fleeing from Big Mac’s hooves after nearly getting squashed like a bug. It had tried spitting fire at his hooves but as the fire connected with the tan bottom of his hoof, Big Mac couldn’t feel a thing. A pang of guilt swept through Big Mac as he quickly grew the hydra back to normal.

“Sorry about that,” he had said.

The hydra’s eyes bugged out, looking at him with fear, before turning around and dashing off into the woods, yipping like Winona does in panic.

That was very interesting to note for Big Mac, that other living creatures have their power and magic diminished when their size is reduced. The only other time he’s shrunk something else was the castle of the two sisters, a nonliving object, the day he discovered he kept his powers.

Now, back in the present day, Big Mac had discovered something interesting. When he became tiny didn’t really have any effect on his magic. In fact, it was as strong as ever. Just to test it, he ran across the floorboard towards the gigantic leg of his wooden desk chair, which was fading with age. He tapped his hoof against the chair leg, sending a pulse of magic though it. Big Mac backed up and watched as his magic swirled around the entire chair, manipulating the wood, fixing any broken pieces and de-aging it, before completely repairing the chair. It looked brand new!

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said proudly “Ah guess Ah can add shrinking mah self as part of tha tests now. Looks like Mah magic ain’t effected at all. Now then, let’s see if Ah can go even smaller than this,”

Spawning in a vine from the floorboards, Big Mac had it reach up to his desk and grab his ruler for when he did any wood carving projects. The ruler descended down towards the ground before touching down, shaking the ground slightly and sending a shudder though Big Mac’s tiny frame. He ran over to the ruler and checked his height, bringing in another vine draw a line with a quill approximately where his head was.

Currently, Big Mac was about 1 centimeter tall.

“Alright, let’s see if Ah can do better than that,” he said and activated his magic again. Once more it engulfed him, and Big Mac’s size began to diminish again. His surroundings were getting even bigger than ever before, reaching into the heavens that was the ceiling of his room. The ruler next to him became just as big and mighty as the mountain of Canterlot itself. The single floorboard he was on began showing more and more detail the tinier he got. Soon he was able to distinguish individual cracks in the wood of the board, each increasing in size as he continued to shrink. Eventually the gaps between the floorboards became too wide to cross. It had become as big as a ravine!

When he finally stopped shrinking, Big Mac’s eyes widened as he looked around in awe. Tiny couldn’t even begin to describe how small he was now. It was like a whole new world had been opened up to him. The floorboard he was standing on in the middle of was practically the size of a city now! He could even see some dust particles in the air floating. Bringing the now absolutely gargantuan ruler over to him, Big Macintosh checked his size.

About 0.06 millimeters. The same size as a grain of sand.

“This is so cool!” Big Mac squeaked out ecstatically, prancing about in place “This here opens up so many possibilities!”

And it was true. Normally he had only been experimenting growing himself, but now, he will definitely try the other way around. Experiments with shrinking himself and other things to test and see how well his magic holds up and how small he can go.

“Ah’m starting ta sound like Miss Twilight going on about running all them fancy experiments,” Big Macintosh chuckled to himself. Now it was time to test out his makeshift home gym. Summoning his vines again, all the makeshift gym equipment is carried over and shrunk down to an appropriate height for Big Mac. He can use the dumbbells he made from gum drops and a broken toothpick. He can get all the cardio he wants because all he has to do is keep shrinking himself and he’ll have an endless space to run around on the floorboard.

Wasting no time, Big Mac set off jogging. It was a very interesting experience he had, knowing that he was running around on a single floorboard. A floorboard that, if he was normal sized, would have been too small to fit under a single one of his hooves. After running around and getting his cardio in for half an hour, Big Mac moved onto weightlifting. He brought over the cart he had shrunk previously and picked out one of the dumbbells he had made. As he practiced lifting the weights, he attempted to use his magic and increase the weight of the gumdrop. And surprisingly, it worked. Now this way he wouldn’t have to keep making new dumbbells, he can just modify a single one for multipurpose use!

As the minutes passed, Big Mac was able to make full use of his makeshift gym set and the single floorboard he was confined to. But eventually, he felt the ground begin to shake rhythmically.


Big Mac felt his heart leap into his throat. Somepony was coming! And he was still tiny! Hurriedly, he activated his magic again and quickly grew himself back to normal size. Well, as normal as he could have. He might have overdone it a little bit, now standing at roughly the same height as Princess Cadence.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Big Mac cleared his throat, trying to stop his heart from racing so much at the close call “Who is it?” he asked.

“It’s me Macky!” came Applejack’s voice from the other end “Can Ah come in?” she asked.

“Eeyup,” was Big Mac’s only reply as he opened the door and Applejack trotted in. “Ah just came ta check up on ya now that tha press conference is over. How are ya feeling?” Applejack asked, looking up at him with concern.

“Ah’m doing alright AJ. To be honest, tha press conference wasn’t as bad as Ah thought it was gonna be,” Big Mac replied, “Not too many hard questions, most everyone there were pretty friendly, an Ah think Ah did a good job answering them honestly,”

Applejack brightened up “Ah’m happy ta hear!” she said as she gave him a small hug “Ah don’t know how that whole Titan business was, but it don’t sound all that pleasant. There were so many things that could have happened or went wrong. Luckily tha princesses were able ta get ya back ta normal size. So, all’s well that ends well,” Applejack giggled.

She moved past him and back towards the door “Tha girls an I are meeting up at Twi’s library right now. Chrysalis will be here in a few so Twilight wants ta greet her and welcome her an her those two Changeling foal Chip and Chirp ta Ponyville. Who knows, maybe tha Crusaders could make friends with them,” she chuckled as she stepped out into the hallway “Then who knows how much trouble all of them could get into,”

Laughing, Applejack waved good bye to Big Mac and left, walking outside and setting off in the direction of Twilight’s Library.

Big Macintosh let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he closed the door again. That had been way too close. He should count himself lucky Applejack had knocked first instead of barging in like Apple Bloom and her friends would have done. Otherwise, he would have been in a pretty sticky situation. He shook his head and absentmindedly wandered around his room thinking about what he could do differently next time. “Well, fer one, Ah definitely need ta put a lock or something on tha door if Ah’m gonna practice mah magic here. Two, if Ah need to, Ah can just go back into tha Everfree an practice there. Maybe Ah can try doing it at that old castle AJ and her friends are always going to since it’s abandoned now. An three, Ah need ta-”


Big Mac froze, his eyes widening as he looked down and slowly lifting up his huge hoof as he felt something break underneath it.

He had squished his new makeshift gym set.

Big Macintosh let out a frustrated snort “Eeyup. Ah definitely need more practice with this here magic,” he sighed, shaking the debris from the bottom of his hoof and leaving to go get a broom and dustpan.

Author's Note:

And here we have it folks! The fourth story in Titanverse! This story will be a little different than the previous three however due to the fact that this will be an anthology series, focusing around on Big Mac's day to day life as he tries to live and explore his new abilities. There will be an over arching story to this, don't worry! But for now, enjoy some adventures and misadventures of Big Macintosh (and others down the road 😱😱) as he learns to explore his new endless abilities!
