• Published 4th Oct 2023
  • 158 Views, 3 Comments

The Valley of Death. [EaW] - Sillything

(Based on the Equestria at War HOI4 mod.) A scared Mare has to hold the line an encroaching Changeling horde, without any familiar faces at her side.

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Calm Before the Storm

It was quiet, the autumn wind was blowing across the mountains surrounding Canterlot and spreading snow across the ground everywhere the mare stepped. Snowy Breeze had grown up in mountains just like these, but this time was different, she didn't have a sister to play tag with or a mother to sit under a tree beside. Her father wasn't here to show her cool rocks and plants he found either. She was surrounded by strangers, ponies of all shapes and kinds stood on each side of the poor mare as they dug trenches and got ready for what they were all silently terrified of.

She hated it. Yes, she was an Earth Pony, made to dig all day, but she hated using her special gift to dig a hole hoping it would be deep enough to keep herself alive.

The war had gone on for far too long, she couldn't remember when it started anymore, had it been 2 years or 3? Who knows. All she knew was that those insects had pushed the Royal Army to its limits, to the point simple ponies like her were stolen away from home to be soldiers in a last ditch effort by the Equestrian War Department. So now here she was, in the middle of the night, digging a hole.

Her shift ended after what felt like ages, and before she knew it the blessed sun was rising again over the freshly dug trench she was sleeping in. It was surprising she had even managed to get any sleep, her uniform was too small, and the helmet she was given was made for a unicorn and kept falling off while she dug.

It was another quiet morning, she passed around coffee and rations with the other ponies in her detachment, the "38th Royal Milita." The quiet was nice, she liked having that time to sit and bask in the sunlight while it was still daytime.

Then she had to crawl back into her trench, and it was impossible for anyone to miss the sound that came next.

Roaring thunder and the sound of rocks being crushed to dust beneath metal, it was death on wheels coming for its next batch of prey....