• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 374 Views, 5 Comments

Toadal Magic Island - Starlight Fan

What if Toad invites twenty citizens from the land of Equestria to compete for 1,000,000 bits instead of bringing in competitors for the Mushroom Kingdom. Find out what would happen on a brand new version of Toadal Magic Island!

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Disharmony Is Magic Part 1

Author's Note:

So I actually really loved the YouTube series Toadal Drama Island Returns and decided to make an MLP adaptation of it. And I’ve seen it done before so I figured why not try it out myself. I’m going to make sure it isn’t just a carbon copy of the actual YouTube series though.

Here’s the YouTube series for anyone interested though: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7YaAIvALjlhdCCZQ1y-fOP5jyE_5pgYL&si=dWjbm0qNnfW0k9JV

The characterizations of Toad and Bobei are not mine, credit goes to Toadal Drama Official.

The episode begins with an uncharted island being filmed with a Mushroom headed creature named Toad standing on the dock of said island before smiling at the cameras, “Hello everyone! I’m not gonna introduce myself because you’re not stupid. Welcome to Toadal! Magic! Island! Here’s the dealio. Originally we were going to get some of the Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants to compete here but there are complications due to a bunch of stuff you don’t wanna hear about so we brought in twenty competitors from Equestria instead. Should be fun for me and not so fun for them.”

Suddenly a fat green Shy Guy was seen falling into the Dock Of Shame to which Toad just turned to him pessimistically, “Yeah just roll the opening sequence Bobei. Time is money, the money you're not getting anytime soon."

"The view is nice, señor snuggles." Bobei said weakly.

(After theme song)

The episode continued on with Toad and Bobei looking to be in an argument with each other.

“But I thought you picking up the contestants." Toad said in shock.

"I was." Bobei replied, “But I accidentally went through the entire Bob-omb factory, and the entire van blew up."

“WHAT?!” Toad asked incredulously, “That was rental, I was gonna throw it in the river, but you blew it up. Great Bobei, just great!”

Suddenly Trixie and Starlight fell from the sky and onto the Dock Of Shame with Trixie landing on top of Starlight.

“Ow…” Starlight grunted painfully.

“Thanks for breaking my fall Starlight.” Trixie chuckled nervously.

“Trixie… just zip it…” Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance as the two finally got up.

“And our first two contestants are Starlight and Trixie who surprisingly fell from the sky somehow.” Toad raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Trixie wanted to teleport us here herself from the boat and before I could stop her, she went ahead and did it.” Starlight explained to which Trixie bashfully looked away at.

“Well as long as you’re not dead, that means you can compete, which means more episodes, which means I get paid.” Toad smiled, always looking on the “bright” side.

“Right.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

The first boat to show up was Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s and Rarity immediately began to feel uneasy once she stepped hoof on the island.

“So… this is the place?” Rarity asked half-heartedly.

“Yep. This is the island alright. Aren’t you excited?” Toad asked happily.

“Ecstatic.” Rarity smiled politely but her eye was clearly twitching at the prospect of being here while Sweetie Belle just rolled her eyes at her sister’s behavior.

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“Y’know, I know Rarity‘s my sister and all, but she could have a better attitude than this. I mean c’mon. This place can’t be that bad.” Sweetie Belle smiled optimistically.

Confessional Ends

Another boat soon arrives with Spike, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Applejack, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Twilight Sparkle, and Prince Blueblood.

“Woohoo! We’re finally here! It’s time to par-tay!” Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly.

“I agree there.” Cheese smiles before high-fiving Pinkie.

“This… isn’t a party show…” Toad reminded the party ponies with visible signs of confusion.

“Excuse me, but I must ensure that this place is proper for a prince.” Blueblood began complaining snootily, “After all, somepony with such high caliber as myself would surely not be caught mingling in this dirt infested island and-“

“Don’t mind him. He’s been yapping like this for hours.” Applebloom rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, it’s gotten really old.” Scootaloo grunted.

“Sorry bub, you signed a contract. You’re pretty much stuck here.” Toad said in annoyance which caused Blueblood to scoff before walking over to the dock.

Right on cue, the next boat to show up was with Rainbow Dash, Snips, and Snails.

“Man, it’s great to be out of there. I really needed to stretch my wings.” Rainbow Dash smirked as she jumped onto the dock with Snips and Snails following.

“Yep. It’s everyone’s favorite Rainbow Dash.” Toad said optimistically.

“I’m pretty sure she and Applejack get super competitive in environments like this.” Twilight whispered to the mushroom creature.

“Oh really? Good to know.” Toad snickered in amusement.

“So when do we get something to eat?” Snails asked happily.

“Yeah, we’re really craving food right now!” Snips nodded enthusiastically.

"When I feel like paying Bobei to go get some food." Toad replies in which Bobei growls at Toad in frustration.

Toad ignores this however in favor of looking to see the next contestants arrive, “Here comes another bunch.”

An airship arrives carrying Tempest Shadow and her hedgehog sidekick Grubber while Lightning Dust flies over on her own wings. After that, Discord and Fluttershy are teleported near the dock.

“Why is Discord here?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Yeah, I figured he would’ve been a host or something.” Spike admits.

“He’s one of our replacements after Cozy Glow went to rehab.” Toad smiled optimistically, “Right dude.”

“Oh of course. And may I say I’m just bursting with excitement to be competing with my old friends.” Discord smiled before picking up Starlight and Trixie to embrace them, the former looking more happy to see him than the latter.

"Now that all twenty of you have arrived, I can further inflict competition on all of you. This way to the Mess Hall." Toad said happily.

“This oughta be good.” Tempest muttered in interest.

Later, everyone had arrived at the Mess Hall where Toad began explaining the rules, “Welcome to the mess hall, where you all will be chilling in-between challenges."

“Who’s gonna be cooking for us though?” Grubber asked excitedly, “Are they a five-star chef?!”

“Ahahaha, no!” Toad laughed, “It’s just gonna be Bobei.”

"So where are the bathrooms?" Fluttershy asks curiously.

"They're just out the door." Toad replied. "They also serve as confessionals for people to dish out any secrets they have."

Confessional: Lightning Dust

“Alright. A competition with nineteen other losers to cream. Especially Rainbow Dash! She’s gonna pay for messing with me.” Lightning Dust gritted her teeth.

Confessional Ends

All twenty contestants were later at the campfire where Toad began speaking yet again, “So this is the elimination ceremony. Every time a loses, they must come here to the elimination ceremony at the campfire. The player who receives the most votes will be eliminated and leave the competition. And they can never come back. Ever!”

Confessional: Spike

“Alright then. This competition will help make sure creatures notice me as the useful competitor that I am. I may be small but I can totally hold my own.” Spike said confidently before snickering, “Nothing scares me.”

Suddenly the door opens causing Spike to scream.

“Whoops. Sorry Spike.” Fluttershy’s voice could be heard before the door closes again.

“Th-That was a fluke. I’m sure I’ll do great.” Spike smiles shakily.

Confessional Ends

"So now it’s time to put you guys onto teams." Toad continues before calling out names, “So…”

“Discord, Tempest, Lightning Dust, Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Blueblood…” Toad began before Rarity cried out in despair causing Toad to shush her, “Host talking here. Then we have Snails, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. You guys are now the Screaming Parasprites. Which means that…”

“Starlight, Cheese, Scootaloo, Twilight, Grubber, Pinkie, Trixie, Spike… wait, where is the little guy?” Toad asked curiously before Spike called out.

“I’m right here!” Spike grumbled.

“Oh my mistake dude.” Toad snickered before continuing, “Anyway, and Applebloom and Snips. That means you guys are the Killer Dragons.”

Confessional: Rarity

“Out of all the ponies on this island, I get stuck with BLUEBLOOD?!” Rarity shrieked, “Ugh, this sucks!”

Confessional: Starlight

“Yes! I’ve got Trixie, Twilight, and Spike on my team. Not a bad lineup at all.” Starlight beamed excitedly.

Confessional: Sweetie Belle

“It’s gonna be tough being apart from Applebloom and Scootaloo but at least I have Rarity with me.” Sweetie Belle said brightly.

Confessionals End

"Toad, Toad it's an emergency, your coffee machine is broken." Bobei said frantically as he ran over to the campfire.

"Well go fix it then." Toad replies angrily and as Bobei went to do so, he tripped on a Bob-Omb which exploded, sending Bobei flying.

“Is he gonna be alright?” Twilight asked in concern.

“He’ll be fine. He’s survived worse.” Toad calmly reassured the alicorn, “So here's the first challenge: since the island was abandoned for so long I decided to hide the budget for the season’s food and challenges. Problem is, I forgot where I put it. So it’s up to you guys to find it all before sundown.”

“But if it’s so well hidden, how do we find them?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“With these GPSes.” Toad said happily, causing the contestants to cheer before Toad added, “But they’re all out of battery…”

The contestants all groaned in annoyance at hearing this.

“Why don’t YOU go look for them?” Trixie asked snidely.

“Because some dangerous monsters have infiltrated this island while we were gone, and I figured you would all be more experienced with putting your lives at risk so better you than me.” Toad explained which earned him glares from the cast, “The first team to find the crate win immunity from today’s vote and the losing team will be heading to elimination. Now GO!”

The twenty creatures all ran off with Toad turning to the camera, “Well who will find the coin stash first? Will Blueblood ever shut up? And will Bobei get back in commission and make me my coffee. Find out on Toadal! Magic! Island!”