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Chapter 1

Twilight sits on her bed, her grin was upside down, her pupils in her eyes were shaking.. She is in a rough situation and unsure of what to do. Twilight said, "What will I do?" She then looks outside and sees a pegasi in a tuxedo with sunglasses, he knocks on the door, he has a white coat and yellow mane and tail. Twilight then quickly goes downstairs and opens the door.

The Pegasus said, "Hello, my name is Money Banks... I work for the Ponyville Bank... you haven't paid your mortgage lately... such a shame... you have a week to pay your mortgage loan or we will have no choice but to seize this house, I am sorry!"

Twilight had fear in her eyes, she couldn't bare the thought of this house being taken away, she has no where to stay, and houses are getting expensive nowadays, she was scared of becoming homeless and being look down on. She could stay in her friend's house but she will just miss her tree home. She's been through a lot with the tree house, she got it when she moved to Ponyville, her house survived many disasters even when Tirek destroyed it.

The Pegasus walked away, she then walked inside, a stab of guilt entered her heart. She did a lot of experiments, some blew up her house roof, some even got Spike and her friends sick, she had to splash a lot of money to fix the roof and to give her friends the treatment they need. She is in massive debt. She spent so much money on repairs, magic books, learning about advanced magic spells like time travel, age spells, and even being able to manipulate the weather. She said, "I can't pay my taxes, everything is getting expensive.. and I don't get paid as the town's librarian for some reason!"

Spike was eating ice-cream on the red couch, he was watching a commercial for Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie Pie was on screen she was standing in Sugar cube Corner, she was saying, "Sugar Cube Corner is a great place if you want affordable treats and great service. And we are hiring... new employees can expect... $20 per hour, vacation time, 2 years of martial leave, and free treats during breaks!" Spike was eating ice-cream with a spoon, the ice-cream box that Spike was holding was white and has the words, "Low Fat Vanilla Ice-cream"

Spike then glanced at Twilight, her grin was upside down, she looked at the floor, she was mumbling, "What to do?" she can be heard groaning.

Spike then asked, "What's wrong Twilight?" He raised an eyebrow. He is concerned for his friend/master.

Twilight said, "Spike, I am in a rough situation, the bank threatens to steal my home if I don't pay my mortgage, I can't pay taxes, I am broke, in massive debt.. and everything is getting sooo expensive.."

Spike said, "Well, um..." sweat drops were reaching down his face, he looked away. He knew Twilight is going through an tough time and he didn't wanna add more burdens for Twilight.

Twilight asked in an angry tone, "What, Spike?"

Spike then sweated and said, "Uh.... today is a beautiful day.. don't you think?" Spike looked left and to the right.
Twilight gave him a death stare. She wants to know what happened, she doesn't like when Spike tried to hide things.

Twilight then whispered, "What. Happend? did you break another plate, it's fine you did.. I can always buy more.."

Spike then sighed, looked Twilight in the face and said, "Fine.. I will tell you because you asked SO nicely,"

He then continued, "Well... you got a letter.... from... the Ponyville... Mafia.. and.. there is a red skull on the envelope!" Spike then gave Twilight the letter. The envelope was black and had a red skull. She saw the signature of the Ponyville Mafia leader who is Lighting Dust, an ex-wonderbolt."

She opens it and looks at the letter. It reads in red ink, "Dear, Miss Twilight Sparkle, you owe us money for the time we helped you pay your previous mortgage, the time we helped you pay your taxes, and that time we helped you find a good insurance company when you tree home was destroyed by that giant, red beast... we repeatedly and repeatedly asked you to pay us back.. you better pay us back by Saturday or else we will rob your home and maybe take your pet, Spike! Love- The Ponyville Mafia"

Twilight yelled, "EVEN THE MAFIA IS ON MY TAIL?" She had an upset look on her face, her eyes were flooding with water, she has so much burdens, she didn't wanna be robbed, or lose her house, she loves this house very much and refuse to stay at another place.

Twilight then went on her computer, she was looking for a job. If she finds a high paying job, she can pay the mafia, the mortgage and bride the bank to not confiscate her home.. and afford necessitates.. She then went on a job searching website, she then scrolled down the list of jobs that are currently hiring. There was a job to be a part time surgeon by the Ponyville hospital. Twilight said, "No, I don't know anything about surgery or how to preform it and... I don't even have a license.. it's illegal to perform surgery if you don't have a license and I don't wanna break the law... again..."

She then scrolled down and saw a job posting for a lumberjack. She then asked, "Why would I cut down trees? that's just wrong and they contribute a lot to nature.. like for example... they provide a place for birds to make nests, they provide fruits, they provide homes for squirrels, they look amazing, and they freshen air!" She had an upset grin on her face.

Then, she scrolled down and saw a cashier job opening at Sugar cube Corner. She then said, "Sure, I will take it.." She then clicked applied, filled out the form with her name, address, what days she can work, She liked the idea of being a cashier, it was interesting to her and she gets to meet new friends. She knows Pinkie Pie works there so she will see Pinkie everyday and all the time.

Then, after two hours, Twilight was reading fanfiction on a site dedicated to a show about talking ponies, friendship also other things. She also read ancient spells and practice them. Then, she had a bored look on her face, Spike was asleep, he was holding the pint of ice-cream, drool escape his mouth. Then, her computer said in a robotic voice, "You got mail!"

Twilight opened the pop up that says "NEW MAIL" in gold font. She looked at the mail which leads, "Hello, Twilight Sparkle, you've applied for the cashier job at Sugar cube Corner... we've read your application and wish to continue the hiring process by asking you to attend an in-person interview at Sugar cube Corner at 12:00pm... sharp.."

Twilight cracked a small smile, she was happy she was about to get hired, she felt her troubles and worries about the bank and Mafia melt away like winter snow. She then said, "Spike!"

When she said that Spike closely opened his eyes and said, "Huh? what is it Twilight?"

Twilight said, "I am going to an interview for the job at Sugar cube Corner!" She said with pride glowing in her heart.

Spike said, "That's amazing.. when you get your first paycheck... can you buy more ice-cream?"

Twilight then asked, "Don't we have more ice-cream downstairs?" She raised an eyebrow.

Many hours later, it was now 11:50am. Twilight ran to Sugar cube Corner, she likes attending events early, it's better than arriving late. She has a smile on her face, she hopes she gets the job. Twilight saw the sun, ponies doing their daily activities, the sky glowing a blue hue. The birds can be heard chirping and singing.

Twilight, then arrived in Sugar cube Corner, she saw ponies sitting on booths and chairs eating, and chatting, like usual. She saw Pinkie Pie cleaning the counter of where the cash register, tip jar and the case of doughnuts & pastries are. Twilight walks up to Pinkie Pie and says, "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle... I- I am here for the interview!"

Pinkie Pie looks up and sees Twilight. Pinkie Pie then said, "Oh, hey Twilight... sooo you are here for an interview.. come with me!" Twilight followed Pinkie Pie to a booth, it was red and soft.

Pinkie Pie asked, "Why do you want this job?"

"I need money or the bank will take away my home.. the Mafia threaten to rob me if I don't pay by Saturday and I am in SUCH Massive debt... I- I wish I travel back in time and didn't ask the mafia to help me.. or.. or.. didn't do things that now caused me to be in massive ass debt!" Twilight explained with sorrow in her heart, a tear escaped her eye.

Pinkie Pie then said, "What days can you work?"

Twilight replied, "Every day." She said with confidence but a sting of regret was still in her heart.

Pinkie Pie then said, "Why should we hire you?"

Twilight then said, "I am organized, I will try my best and make sure to satisfy your company's needs.."

Pinkie Pie then nodded her head and said, "I am glad to announce... you got the job.. welcome to the team, Twilight!"

She then heard a yelp for help, it sounded like a stallion, maybe a mare or a filly. Twilight thought she heard it from the kitchen, Twilight had an uncomfortable look on her face, she glanced at Pinkie who had a shocked look and had a look like if she was trying to hide something. Twilight asked, "What's... that?"

Pinkie Pie then started sweating and said, "Oh... maybe a filly or stallion got hurt... nothing to worry about.. other ponies will them him or her!"

Twilight then said, "Ah..o- okay.."

Then, she went into the employee changing room and changed to her uniform, it was black and had a yellow apron with a cupcake with pink frosting and a smile. She walked to the counter. Then, a mare walked to the counter, it was Lyra.. She had a grin on her face, you could see part of her teeth. She then said, "Hello.. can.. I have some cupcakes.. it's for my birthday!" She then screeched like a fangirl.

Twilight said, "Coming up!" She then turned around, picked up two purple boxes and packed twelve cupcakes into each box. She then turned around, put the two purple boxes into the counter. Lyra paid ten bits and grabbed the two boxes and left the store.

Then, after many hours of working here, it was 9:00pm, the moon was sitting on the sky, the sky was glowing a purple and black hue, the stars were sitting on the sky shining brightly, the comets were flying through the nighty sky. She then went to the employee's changing room and got out. Then, Flash Sentry, said, "Oh hey Twilight.." Twilight looked at Flash Sentry and smiled.

Twilight said, "Hello, Flash!"

Flash then said, "How's your first day working here? I- I've been working here for many moons.. to be honest.. I been hearing screams, and manaicial laughs and one time I thought I saw Pinkamena put pony guts and a pony kidney into a pie.. but I think it was a dream.. I mean I am pretty sure someone will noticed the pie is filled.... with guts.... and there would be a police search.. and Pinkie Pie is a nice boss!"

Twilight then rolled her eyes and said, "Stop trying to scare me... I know you only said that to scare me cause I am a newbie.. I know Pinkie or Pinkie's alter ego, Pinkamenia would never do that.. she has been my friend for years.. I know she will never do anything like that!!"

Flash Sentry then heard hoofsteps, it sounds like it is getting closer and closer, the echos of the hoofsteps get louder and louder. The door opens and Pinkie is standing there with an evil grin. Her mane and tail is flat. She asked, "Flash Sentry.. I need to talk to you... about something.. important.."

Flash Sentry said, "Oh.. okay... is it because I was telling her something I saw and that I was NOT trying to scare her!" He then rolled his eyes. As Flash Sentry walked over to where Pinkie Pie, who was standing outside the kitchen. Her eyes turned black, there was a small red pupil in her eyes. Not to mention, a dark red substance leak from her eyes and fell on the floor, after a few seconds, there was a puddle of dark red substance on the floor.

The door closed, Twilight then shrugged it off and walked home, a memory of what happened still haunt her mind. She said, "It's nothing... Flash.. is maybe getting a promotion.. or he is being asked to do overtime!"

The memory of Pinkie Pie's eyes turning black, a red pupil in her eyes and the dark red substance haunt her, when she remembered that memory she gasp, and asked, "Why did her eyes turn black, and her eyes leaking a dark red substance?"