• Published 11th Oct 2023
  • 1,088 Views, 52 Comments

Make them budge - Aurora_Glow

Flurry Heart plays matchmaker. Again. Because her auntie Twily really needs help.

  • ...

A little accident

The three ponies were cleaning up their mess while waiting for the cookies to be baked. Though the castle had maids to help with the cleaning, Twilight insisted that they did it themselves. Something that Flash and Flurry happily agreed to. Nopony was comfortable with having somepony else cleaning up their own mess.

Twilight scrubbed the last stain off the table. “All done!” she said cheerfully, putting away the cleaning cloth. Just then, the timer rang. “Just in time! Cookies are done!”

The princess grabbed a pair of mittens and went to the oven. She opened the oven door, unintentionally touching it, burning her hoof. “Ouch!” she yelped. Looking at her hoof, Twilight realized that a tiny part had turned red.

Flash and Flurry ran over to her in concern. Flash reached for Twilight’s hoof, looking at her for permission. "Can I?" he asked. Twilight nodded. Gently taking her hoof in hand, Flash inspected it carefully. He didn’t notice the growing blush on Twilight’s face. “It’s definitely scalded, but it’s nothing too serious,” he said. “Come on. Let’s get the wound sterilized and put a bandage on it.”

Flash gently led Twilight to the first aid kit in the kitchen. He got out an alcohol wipe and gently rubbed it over Twilight’s scalded hoof. Twilight winced in pain, a look which both Flash and Flurry took notice to.

“Are you okay Auntie Twily?” Flurry asked with a distressed look on her face. Twilight forced a smile on her face, not wanting Flurry to be worried. “I’m fine Flurry,” she said. “It just hurts a little that’s all.”

“Just bear it for a little more Twilight,” Flash said, concern laced in his voice. “There! Done!” He took out a bandage and plastered a bandage on the wound. Twilight touched the now covered burn, wincing a bit.

A giddy smile rested on Flurry’s face when an idea came to her head. “Mr. Flash, why don’t you give Auntie Twily a kiss?” she asked innocently. “Mommy always kisses my boo boos to make me feel better.”

Twilight and Flash both blushed. “I… I don’t think that’s needed Flurry,” Twilight stuttered. “Why don’t you give me a kiss instead?” Flash nodded agreeingly beside her, looking away from Twilight. Flurry deflated a bit but nodded. Looks like that idea was a bust. She gave Twilight a quick kiss on her bandage, then wrapped her hooves around her aunt and gave her a big hug.

“Thank you Flurry,” Twilight said, chuckling. “I feel all better now.” Flurry smiled up at her, happy to play a part in making Twilight feel happier.

Flash cleared his throat. “Hate to break up the moment, but the cookies are still in the oven,” he said. An alarmed look struck Twilight’s face. “I’ll go get them right now!” she said.

An orange hoof appeared in front of her, stopping Twilight in her tracks. “I don’t think so Twilight,” Flash said. “You just hurt yourself. I’ll go get the cookies.”

Twilight pouted but stayed in her place knowing that Flash was right. It didn’t take long before the stallion had gotten all the cookies out and had laid them all on the table.

“Can I eat one now?” Flurry asked. Twilight giggled. “Sure thing Flurry, but do be careful. These are really hot.” Flurry nodded before gingerly taking a cookie and slowly taking a bite.

“Yum!” she said. She quickly but carefully put the rest of the cookie in her mouth, leaving the corners of her mouth full of crumbs.

Twilight laughed at the adorable sight. “Glad you like it Flurry,” she said, wiping the corners of her niece’s mouth. “Your mommy and daddy should be done with work now Let’s go give the cookies to them.”

“These are delicious honey!” Cadance said. Flurry beamed at the compliment. “I chose the shapes for you and Daddy! And Auntie Twily and Mr. Flash chose the shapes for each other!”

“And I think you did a wonderful job Flurry,” Shining Armor said, eating another cookie. He glanced at his little sister, then caught sight of the bandage on her hoof.

"Twily, what happed to your hoof?" Shining asked. "Oh I accidentally burned myself," Twilight replied. "Don't worry. Flash helped me patch the wound right back up."

Shining's eyes narrowed. "He did?" Looking at Flash's and Twilight's plates, an alarmed expression appeared on his face.

“Twily, if you and Flash chose the shapes for each other, why are there hearts?” Shining asked, glaring at Flash. The guard shrank back into his seat, his face turning red. “Flurry helped us pick these out,” Twilight answered quickly, her own face turning pink.

Shining looked at his daughter, who nodded. He looked back at Twilight and Flash, his glare on the stallion not softening. “Good. Because if I find out that there’s any funny business going on between you two…” he threatened. Flash turned a few shades paler and nodded his head quickly, while Twilight rolled her eyes beside him.

Cadance glanced at the heart shaped cookies as well, and the smile on her face grew. Sounds like Flurry’s getting busy again… she mused. Maybe I can lend a hoof this time…

“I’m heading to the library now,” Twilight said, getting off her seat. The cookies had been finished, and Shining Armor had already end back to work to finish up some paper work. There was still quite a few hours before dinner. Twilight wanted to spend a bit of time reading before she ate.

Cadance nodded. “Actually, where are the rest of the girls?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. “Rarity took them out to the spa after telling Flash to help me and Flurry with the baking,” Twilight answered.

Cadance smiled. Sounds like Flurry wasn’t the only one with a matchmaking plan. “Flash,” she said, turning to the pegasus, a twinkle in her eye. “Can you go with Twilight to the library?”

“Sure thing your highness,” Flash said. Twilight shook her head. “that won’t be needed,” she said. “I remember the way.” “He’s going with you to keep you company Twilight,” Cadance said. “Wouldn’t it be more fun if somepony was there with you?”

Twilight pursed her lips. “I guess I could use some company,” she said. “Well then Flash, come on! I wanna squeeze as much reading time as I can.”

Chuckling, Flash followed Twilight out the room. Once Cadance was sure that they were gone from earshot, she turned to her daughter. "Sweetie, were you trying to be a matchmaker again?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Flurry smiled sheepishly. "Maybe..." she replied, her ears flopping down. "Are you mad Mommy?"

Cadance smiled reassuringly at her daughter. "Not at all honey," she said. "In fact, those two have been dancing around the subject for years. I'd say you did a good thing Flurry."

Flurry furrowed her brow in confusion. "But Mommy, Auntie Twily and Mr. Flash didn't dance at all today!" she pointed out, making Cadance giggle. "It means that they've been avoiding confronting their true feelings Flurry," she said. Flurry nodded, happy to learn something new.

"But in the meantime, what do you say I help you with your little plan?" Cadance continued. Flurry looked up to her mother, her eyes shining. "Really Mommy?" she asked in disbelief. Her mother nodded. "I've been itching to intervene for years," Cadance admitted. "So do you want my help?"

"Yes please!" Flurry said, giving Cadance a big hug. "I think your other aunties would be happy to help as well," Cadance said, ruffling Flurry's mane. "Why do you think they left you and Flash alone to bake?"

Flurry giggled. That makes so much more sense now, she thought. Auntie Rainbow was quite confused when Auntie Rarity mentioned the spa... "Let's tell them later!" the foal said eagerly. She couldn't wait to think of another plan and put it into action!

Cadance nodded. "Just one thing," she said. "Don't let Daddy know about all this okay? He's gonna be very mad when he realizes that we are trying to set up Auntie Twily with Mr. Flash. You saw how he was ready to destroy Flash when he noticed the heart cookies right?"

Flurry nodded. "But why would Daddy be mad?" she asked, puzzled. "Shouldn't he be happy Auntie Twily found somepony to love?" "He's just overprotective," Cadance answered, waving her hoof dismissively. "Twilight is his little sister afterall. Don't worry, he'll come around eventually. Now, let's come up with a plan to get Auntie Twily and Mr. Flash together!"

Flurry cheered, and the mother and daughter duo got to work. One thing was for certain. The next few days aren't going to be easy for Twilight and Flash...