• Published 9th Oct 2023
  • 160 Views, 0 Comments

See You Again - PuzzlingInsanity

An annual ritual leads to a visit from the Great Beyond.

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See You Again

Thunder rumbled outside as a mare made preparations in her darkened trailer. Four lit jar candles provided a scarce amount of light as she looked over an altar covered with photos and mystical objects. Nightmare Night had always been her favorite holiday, but as she grew up and lost loved ones, it developed a new meaning. Tears welled up in her yellow eyes as she adjusted the photos on the small altar and lit the final candle. It never got easier, but it was a ritual that she’d done for the past five years.

That day was the one day out of the year when the veil separating the living and the dead was at its thinnest. She knew that fact well, and she took advantage of it every year.

Wiping her eyes on the black sleeve of her hoodie, Puzzling Insanity looked at the photos with a sad smile and concentrated. “Spirits on the other side,” she said, “I, Puzzling Insanity, in the land of the living, seek audience with you. I wish to speak to Night Chip and Green Beret.”

After a moment of silence, the candle flames flickered wildly, and her cat began to act strangely. Puzzling shivered as the room became a few degrees colder. Two glowing elderly ponies materialized in the room, smiling warmly at her.

One of them was an earth pony stallion with an army-green coat, pale cornflower blue eyes, a wispy salt-and-pepper mustache and a red ballcap on his head.

The other pony was a batpony mare with a dark purple coat, reddish-brown eyes hiding behind bifocal glasses, ghost-white hair curled up in a perm and a pair of pearl earrings.

“Daddy! Meemaw!” Puzzling squealed, tears of joy beginning to mat the pale orchid-gray fur of her cheeks as the ghostly ponies slowly approached her.

“Never thought I’d see you living on your own, sweetie,” Night Chip said, smiling, unaware of what she’d said until her son-in-law elbowed her in the side. “Well, it’s true, Green Beret. She didn’t even have her cutie mark when I died!”

Green Beret rolled his eyes at his mother-in-law, then smiled at his daughter. “What she means is it’s great to see you again,” he said. “Happy Nightmare Night, Puzzling.”

Night Chip’s nose wrinkled at the smell of patchouli in the air. “Smells like a witch’s hut in here!”

“It’s no worse than your perfume, Meemaw,” Puzzling said, laughing. “Now come, sit and enjoy my offerings.”

As the spirits sat down at the kitchen table, Puzzling stepped into the kitchen and pulled something out of the oven. The sweet aroma of bananas and chocolate overpowered the candles for a moment, making Night Chip and Green Beret smile as their living host set down a fresh batch of banana chocolate chip biscotti.

“Aw, I remember when you made this your freshman year of high school!” Green Beret exclaimed, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Puzzling smiled proudly and said, “I’ll get you some tea to go with it.”

Night Chip sniffed it hesitantly and took a bite, chewing slowly. It wasn’t meat, that was for sure, but it wasn’t bad at all. She chittered happily, her old wings flapping as her ears perked up. “This is real good, Puzzling,” she said. “Where’d you learn to bake?”

“Home Ec class in high school,” Puzzling said nonchalantly as she turned on the electric kettle and grabbed a box of tea from the cupboard.

“So,” the old batpony said, “what’s happened since I died?”

Puzzling looked away from the kettle and sighed, “Do you want the long story or the short story?”

“Whichever you want to tell, dear.”

“Well,” Puzzling said, “I came out to my parents, got put in a psychiatric hospital, got arrested, graduated high school, got arrested again, lost my dad, got into a relationship, ended that relationship, got off probation, got into another relationship and moved out of my foalhood home. Oh, and I’ve been doing this ritual for five years now.”

Night Chip cocked an eyebrow. “Wait a minute, what ritual?”

“It’s a ritual that allows me to seek an audience with spirits,” Puzzling explained as the kettle turned itself off. “It’s the one I used to bring you and Dad back for the evening.

“On Nightmare Night, the veil that separates the living world and the spirit world is at its thinnest, which means I have a better chance of communicating with you. And that means that I have another chance to let you know how much I love you.”

Night Chip and Green Beret beamed at the explanation as Puzzling Insanity poured the piping hot water into two teacups and placed a tea bag into each cup.

“We love you too, sweetie,” Green Beret said before taking a bite of the twice-baked biscuit in his hand. His smile grew wide as he savored the flavors of the biscotti, banana and chocolate dancing on his tongue and bringing joy to his palate.

As his daughter set down the teacups, she smiled.

Night Chip was just about to blow on her tea when they all heard a knock at the door. Puzzling answered it and immediately genuflected. “What can I do for you, Your Majesty?”

Princess Luna gave a smile and said, “We wish to come in from the rain. May we enter thy mobile home?”

“Uh, sure,” Puzzling said, stepping back into the kitchen. “Sorry about that, Princess.”

The princess nodded and sniffed the air. “Patchouli, banana and chocolate,” she said. “A strange combination, to be sure.”

“Would you like some biscotti, Princess?”

“We would not wish to impose, little pony,” Luna said.

Puzzling shook her head and said, “You’re not imposing. My dad and meemaw are visiting for the evening and they can’t eat all of it themselves.”

“That would explain the scent of patchouli in the air,” the alicorn mused before clearing her throat. “Yes, if it is not too much trouble, I would like some biscotti.”

“Good thing I’ve got four chairs, then,” Puzzling said as Luna sat down at the table. “Are you enjoying this Nightmare Night so far?”

“I wish it were a clear night,” Luna said, “but other than that, yes, I am enjoying the festivities. I would ask your father and grandmother how they have been, but I do rule over the afterlife.”

Green Beret took a sip of his tea and sighed contentedly. “Perfect strength, Puzzling.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Puzzling said, smiling.

Luna smiled and lifted a biscuit in her magic, inspecting it. “Before I enjoy this little treat, I must ask you something of great importance.”

“Anything, Princess.”

“How exactly did you summon the spirits of your father and grandmother?”

Puzzling Insanity’s pale face took on a slight rosy hue as she said, “Well, since tonight’s the night when the veil of death is at its thinnest, it’s easier to do. All I did was light those candles and call upon the spirit world for an audience.”

“And how long have you been performing this ritual?”

“Five years tonight, Princess,” Puzzling said. “This is the first time I’ve summoned Meemaw for a visit.”

Luna was too busy enjoying the biscotti to respond. Her wings flapped a little as a smile spread across her muzzle. “You simply must give me the recipe for these! My sister would love them!”

“I’ll give you the recipe before you leave,” Puzzling said, pouring water into another cup and putting a tea bag in it.

“We didn’t have these back in my day,” Night Chip commented. “It ain’t fresh meat, but it’s still pretty good.”

“Didn’t you bake cookies for Mom when she was a foal?”

“Well, sure I did,” said the ghostly batpony. “She always loved peanut butter oat cookies. We just didn’t have whatever you call these back in the colonies.”

Puzzling smiled and handed Luna the new cup of tea. “Be careful, Princess, this tea is hot.”

The alicorn levitated the cup to her lips and blew on it gently before taking a sip. “Is this not Earl Grey?”

“No, Princess,” Puzzling said. “It’s just black tea.”

“Whatever it is,” Luna said, “it is quite nice.”

The young mare smiled, her fangs visible in the glow of the princess’s aura.

“You do realize that when Nightmare Night is over, your father and grandmother must come with me, correct?”

“Same as every year, Princess,” Puzzling answered with a nod as she sat down at the table.

The rest of the night went by with conversations and refreshments, and before they knew it, midnight was upon them.

“It was nice seeing you and Meemaw again, Dad,” Puzzling said. “Same time next year?”

Luna smiled and said, “I shall allow it on one condition.”

“What’s that, Princess?”

“You must give me the recipe for those twice-baked biscuits.”

Puzzling laughed and nodded, writing it down on a piece of paper and handing it to the princess.

“Thank you kindly, little pony,” Luna said. “Sister will love these treats.”

Green Beret and Night Chip hugged Puzzling and prepared to return to the afterlife until the next Nightmare Night.

“See you later, Dad,” Puzzling Insanity said, a tear rolling down her cheek. “See you later, Meemaw.”

“We’ll see you later, sweetie,” Green Beret said, “and we’ll still be watching over you the rest of the year.”

“I love you,” the young mare said, smiling sadly.

“We love you too,” Night Chip said, smiling warmly. “Come on, Green Beret, let’s go.”

As they faded away, Luna gave Puzzling a gentle hug. “You have my word,” the alicorn said, “that you will see them every Nightmare Night from now on. Good night.”

“Good night, Princess.”

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