• Published 20th Oct 2023
  • 117 Views, 2 Comments

Rarity Belle and the missing manuscript - Reily

A story Rarity is working on goes missing

  • ...

Chapter 2: Clues and Connections

I carefully put everything back in order , sorting through the loose documents and grouping them by type. Then carefully closed up the safe and ensured the mechanism was locked. Finally I placed the welcome mat back down, but not without discovering a pink slide whistle where the mat was. I sealed it up in a bag , along with a sample of the sparkly dust; to keep a record of clues like all good detectives do.

Oh how I wish I had the time and resources to do that detective fashion line at some point. I’m going to need some help on this caper. Who to go to for help? Twilight might be my best bet.

I made my way out of the boutique and carefully closed the doors. Stepping around some leftover dried mud, past twigs ; I walked inside the Golden Oak Library with my head held high. At first glance, I’d immediately noticed Twilight.

It’s not often there are patrons or other ponies in here. But I definitely can smell another pony here other than Twilight. Maybe she’s gotten another assistant besides sweet little Spikey-Wikey. It’d certainly be good for the dear.

Inside Twilight was busy with a huge scroll in front of her, scanning every single line meticulously. Nevertheless I told her my problem.

"It's absolutely terrible Twilight. Some heathen has ransacked my inspiration room and stolen a manuscript I was working on. You absolutely must help me catch the ruffian who stole it "

The scroll fell with a crash and Twilight focused her beautiful amethyst eyes towards me.

"Sorry Rarity I haven't seen any loose pages that looked like they belonged to you. Though I have been a little busy today."

A pink pegasus filly with a vibrant rainbow mane approached with a grin on her face ran up to Twilight ,carrying a thick crimson book in her mouth. As she passed right in front of me for a second, I couldn't help but notice that the book was in an unsightly state; a few unsightly brown stains on the book and there were several loose pages sticking out of it. Though there were some specs of dirt covering the filly. “Excuse me, where is this book supposed to go?”

Twilight sighed. “Easy there Melody. If you wanna keep assisting me at the library and filing all of these books, you’re going to have to avoid biting down on them. Please. Also it goes up on the back corner with the rest of the reference materials”

Melody proceeded to energetically fly up towards the back creating quite a huge gust in the room, while still holding the book in her mouth. She rushed up there, past a stained saddlebag and nearly knocked over a bookshelf in the process. I raised an eyebrow. “Having trouble there Twilight?”

“Another library in Canterlot shut down a few weeks ago and all of their old books are coming here. Quite a few of them were damaged and torn in different ways, but there’s still a hoof-full that remains salvageable. I’ve got a crate downstairs, and am allowing anypony to help put away these stories with me and Spike.”

Twilight grimaced. “She’s one of the few that routinely shows up to help and is a pretty voracious reader herself. I'd love more help though."

After that Melody showed up back in front of me. “It’s not all bad. I’ve been helping out here all morning. I’m sure me and Miss Twilight will get through all of these books before next Winter Wrap Up.”

I winced.

As much as I love my dear friend , I need to make headway in this case. Then help with the giant cluster of novels. Goodness knows that Twilight and all the other girls would give me their support if I had a big project ahead of me.

I fluttered my eyelashes at Twilight. “Perhaps you’d be willing to give me a couple of leads to perhaps work with? With a big case like this and little old me. Hmmm…”

Poor Twilight sputtered for a few seconds before responding. "Well…as enticing as that sounds, I can't pull a lead out of my flank. Though maybe I can help you make sense of some of the stuff you saw at the crime scene if that helps."

I thought about it over a couple seconds, visualizing the crime scene in my mind.

"Well darling there was some sparkly dust all over the safe keypad that I know for a fact didn't come from any of the sequins I worked with. Any idea where that came from?"

I presented the sample of prismatic dust to Twilight who stared at it for a minute, opened it up and took a good whiff.

"Yep, that's Pinkie's, alright. Smells just like the confetti she fires from her cannon—fresh vanilla and glycerin. Maybe go to her, maybe some of it was stolen. Can't be easy to transport and spread after firing, not without covering yourself up."

Hmm..could it be? Yes. I do say that does seem to be a likely explanation.

With that connection finally made in my mind, a glimmer of hope washed over me. Thanks to Twilight’s sparkling brilliance, I now had a few leads to track down. If I know Pinkie’s schedule, she should be working right now. With my head held high, I started sauntering toward Sugarcube Corner.

Let’s see what Pinkie knows.