• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter Fourteen: Bage's Temper Flares, As Discord Works His Twisted Magic! Seeing Double, Bage Fights a Familiar Opponent!

Chapter Fourteen: Bage's Temper Flares, As Discord Works His Twisted Magic! Seeing Double, Bage Fights a Familiar Opponent!

Trial of Kindness: Fluttershy

Fluttershy squeaked as the door closed behind her with a resounding click, casting a furtive glance around the rather posh tearoom that unfolded before her. The atmosphere exuded an air of delicate refinement, disrupted only by the unexpected sight of Discord perched at a table, nonchalantly cradling a teacup in his talons.

"AAH, Hello Fluttershy, I was waiting for you to show up. Tea?" Discord's voice rang out in a peculiar blend of casual greeting and mischievous anticipation. Fluttershy couldn't help but tremble at the sight of the draconequus, though the thought of a soothing cup of tea provided a tempting reprieve.

"Oh, um, sure, I guess. But, why are you here?" Fluttershy inquired hesitantly, her eyes fixated on Discord. In response, Discord emitted a light chuckle, conjuring a whimsical display of magic to have the teapot levitate and pour a steaming concoction into another cup.

"Well, I wanted to handle this trial personally. You see, your friends have already completed their trials, leaving you as the last one. I'm also aware of certain other timelines and saw that this approach hadn't been tried yet. So tell me Fluttershy, what do you think of your friends? Are you aware that they've all deemed you a lost cause? They all left their respective trials, and when they didn't see you, they just left. It's rather surprising, considering you all are supposed to be 'friends,' isn't it?" Despite the unsettling revelation, Fluttershy managed to muster a small smile, catching Discord off guard.

"Oh, not at all. I know they have their own things to take care of, so I wouldn't want them to stay outside waiting for me." Discord frowned, scratching the side of his head as if grappling with the unexpected resilience before him.

"Well, surely that makes you a little upset? I mean, they left you to fend for yourself! How can you still be so understanding when they didn't even wait to see if you were alright?" Discord prodded, a tinge of frustration entering his voice. However, Fluttershy continued to smile serenely, sipping her tea as if the chaos around her was merely inconsequential background noise.

"Oh, well it's simple really. I know that my friends care about me, and I'm sure that they're worried about me. But they also know that I'll be out soon enough, so I'm not worried." Discord, feeling a hint of frustration, maintained his composure, determined to unravel Fluttershy's unyielding tranquillity.

"Oh, yes I'm sure, but what if I told you that they were saying that you're weak and helpless, surely that would make you upset, right?" Fluttershy shook her head with unwavering conviction.

"Oh not at all, I AM weak and helpless, and I appreciate their understanding." Discord, unable to contain his exasperation any longer, let out a sound akin to a teakettle whistle, snapping his claws to dispel both the tea and the table in a display of chaotic impatience.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHAOS! WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO MAKE YOU ANGRY?! I'VE HAD IT, YOU'VE BEEN KIND FOR FAR TOO LONG, MY DEAR. TIME FOR A BIT OF CRUELTY!" Discord declared vehemently, knocking her on the head with his lion paw, causing a wave of grey to cascade across her body. "Now that that's taken care of, I have a Saiyan to corrupt, so I bid you Au Revoir!" With a snap, he disappeared, leaving Fluttershy dazed and, surprisingly, more than a little angry at the wasted tea.

"Oh sure, invite me to tea and just leave, some host you are," she muttered under her breath. "You didn't even leave me any tea!" She shouted, before muttering several curses under her breath that were so vulgar, they can't be written out.


Trial Of Loyalty: Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash marched assertively through the heavy door into the trial chamber, barely flinching as it closed behind her with a resonating bang. The atmosphere within was saturated with the vibrant energy of posters and memorabilia, a kaleidoscope of Bage and The Wonderbolts frozen in various dynamic poses. Her eyes widened at the spectacle. "Woah, this place is like a fan meet gone wild! Wish I could take some of this with me," she remarked, her gaze dancing across the walls adorned with cherished memories.

As Rainbow Dash ventured further into the room, her enthusiasm was momentarily overshadowed by the realization that she was not alone. Unbeknownst to her, someone had been silently observing her from across the chamber, a fact she had yet to discover.

"Go ahead and take what you want, that's why it's there," a familiar voice sounded, and Rainbow turned to see Bage sitting at a table, arms crossed and that signature cocky grin etched across his face. "Then again, maybe you shouldn't. After all, this stuff is for real fans, not posers." The unexpected remark caught Rainbow off guard, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise.

"Poser? What do you mean by 'poser'? I'm SO a true Wonderbolt fan!" Rainbow retorted, standing her ground. Bage snorted dismissively, rising from his seat and closing the distance between them. However, as he approached, Rainbow couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him. 'Why does Bage look a little duller than usual? Like his armour is just...grey.'

"Just Wonderbolts, huh? What about me? You were all excited to meet me when I first got to Ponyville, at least, after I introduced myself," Bage continued, his tone challenging. Rainbow couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but there was an unsettling shift in the air.

The tension escalated as Bage's words cut through her, questioning her dedication and competence. She could sense a tingling sensation in her chest, urging her to escape, but she pressed it down, determined to face the accusations head-on.

"Hey, what do you know?! We've only known each other for, like, a week and a half! I'm SO Wonderbolts material! I bet I could be a great training partner for you if you trained me," Rainbow Dash asserted, refusing to back down. Bage, however, scowled and narrowed his eyes, intensifying the discomfort.

"Better than Sunset? You think I would just forget about her, and start training you when her body isn't even cold yet?" Rainbow Dash felt the tingling get worse, spreading to her legs, her mind telling her to just run and forget the whole situation. "It's a real shame that you got picked for loyalty when you can't even stay loyal to your job, or your friends. The friends you just abandoned when they needed you." The tingling became a pulsing feeling, resonating from her core, all throughout her body.

"That's not true! We all had our own trials to do! If anything, they abandoned me!" she countered, desperation creeping into her voice. Bage's dark mocking laugh echoed in the hall, and Rainbow felt her skin crawling as if every word he spoke was tearing her apart.

"Really? You would just throw all of us under the cart like that? Some bearer of loyalty you are. You didn't even try to take responsibility, you just jumped to blaming them for leaving you, instead of the other way around. I can't believe you, Rainbow. To think I used to respect you." The verbal assault continued, and Rainbow's skin felt as if it were crawling with unease, each word driving her closer to the edge.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" she screamed, her pleas drowned out by Bage's laughter, which only grew louder, resonating through the vast hall. Her vision spun, posters transforming into disapproving glares, casting doubt on her every action. "STOP IT, STOP JUDGING ME! I'D NEVER ABANDON ANYPONY!"

"Any 'pony,' Rainbow? What about me? Or Spike? Do WE not count? You would just abandon us in favour of your own kind?" Bage's words sliced through her like a knife, and Rainbow, overwhelmed, ran to the door, which opened as she approached. Bage's laughter reached a deafening crescendo before being abruptly silenced by the closing door. Desperate, she sought refuge behind a rock, covering her ears as a wave of grey washed over her, transforming her vibrant mane into a dull and depressing greyscale.


Trials of Magic and Pride: Twilight Sparkle and Bage

Bage was pulled from his thoughts when Twilight tapped him on the leg, turning to see something he didn't expect. The Elements of Harmony, placed onto individual pedestals, with barriers surrounding them. "Well, that was easy. Let's grab 'em and get out of here." Bage walked up to the pedestals, reaching out for Magic, but as soon as he touched the barrier, a bolt of black lightning shot out and struck him in the chest, sending him flying. He crashed into the wall, sliding down to the ground in a heap. "AGH, that hurt like ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎! What the ♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵was that?"

"A deterrent, idiot." Bage was caught off guard by the familiarity of the voice, looking up to see a copy of himself.

"What the shit? Twilight, are you seeing this too?" Twilight nodded, stepping back.

"I can't believe I could be so weak. You got your ass handed to you by Celestia; you couldn't stop Sunset when she flipped her lid; got beaten within an inch of your life by Chrysalis; got stabbed by Nightmare Moon, and now look at you, weak and powerless to Discord's whims. You're a disgrace to the Saiyan race, and a waste of Saiyan blood!" Bage pushed himself to his feet, his anger boiling. "And to make matters worse, you couldn't even stop Dryce from killing Sunset. Some friend you are. You pitiful, worthless Saiyan wretch." Bage roared, launching himself at his doppelganger, and engaging in a punch exchange.

"I know you're just Discord's little puppet, so let me tell you something. When I get ahold of you, I'm going to rip your limbs off, and organize them by creature!" The doppelganger laughed, catching both of Bage's fists before throwing him across the room, firing a blast after him.

"Big words for someone who can't even muster a ki blast. I'm going to enjoy making you wish you were dead. Maybe when you see Sunset again, she can call you a worthless waste of space too. Then I'll head up to Canterlot and finish off what Chrysalis started, by blowing it to kingdom come. Then I can break Thorax in half." Bage could feel his rage growing with every word, his ki struggling to breach through the wall that Discord had put up. He wanted to blast this fake into dust.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Bage grabbed a chunk of broken stone, hurling it at his duplicate, but he just batted it aside.

"HAHAHA! Is that the best you can do?! Throw rocks and scream?! Our parents would be so disappointed." Bage felt his ki bubbling beneath his skin, so close to breaking free, but he just couldn't get it out. He finally decided to push it as far as he could and concentrated on forcing his ki to burst forth. He clenched his eyes shut, feeling the walls start to crack, the energy pulsating within him like a turbulent storm about to be unleashed. The room quivered with the intensity of the impending explosion, and Bage's doppelganger took a defensive stance, realizing he might have underestimated the real Saiyan within.


Discord's eyes widened as he felt Bage fighting against his magic. "Hmm, what's this?" The room had started to tremble, the whole dimension was shaking. "Oh no, that's not good at all."


"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Bage let his ki explode, finally breaking through as his hair erupted into a brilliant gold glow, his aura exploding as his rage finally broke. The ground beneath Bage exploded into rubble as the room shook. His doppelganger took a step back, his mocking fading from his lips as he stared in shock at the display before him. Bage opened his eyes, staring into his duplicate's own eyes. "I'm going to break you."

Bage's golden aura flickered and crackled with unrestrained power as he lunged at his doppelganger, slamming his fist into the clone's face. The two Saiyans collided in a flurry of blows, each strike echoing through the chamber. Bage's doppelganger smirked, attempting to counter with a swift kick, but Bage dodged and retaliated with a powerful uppercut.

The room became a battleground, with the sound of their blows creating a cacophony that resonated through the dimensions. Bage and his doppelganger traded punches and kicks, each move calculated and met with equal force. Sparks flew as their fists clashed, the air crackling with energy.

The doppelganger, realizing the threat he faced, tapped into his own Saiyan strength, retaliating with a barrage of rapid punches. Bage skillfully blocked and parried, his movements fueled by a mixture of anger and determination. The two warriors danced through the chaos, an intricate display of martial prowess.

"You think this power surge will save you?" taunted the doppelganger, attempting to land a devastating blow. Bage narrowly evaded, countering with a roundhouse kick that sent his duplicate reeling. The golden glow around Bage intensified, signaling the escalation of the battle.

Bage's fists left trails of energy as he continued his assault. The doppelganger, now on the defensive, struggled to keep up. With a roar, Bage unleashed a rapid barrage of energy-infused punches, forcing his clone back. The room quaked with the sheer force of their clash.

The doppelganger, refusing to be outdone, gathered his energy and fired a concentrated energy blast. Bage dodged and retaliated with a powerful blast of his own, the collision creating an explosion that sent shockwaves through the space.

As the smoke cleared, both Saiyans glared at each other, panting and battered but unwilling to yield. The intensity of their battle reached a new peak as they prepared for the next round of combat. The room crackled with residual energy, and the air was thick with the anticipation of the showdown between two beings sharing the same face but harboring vastly different fates. The aftermath of the explosive clash left the room filled with swirling dust and residual energy, obscuring the two Saiyans from each other's sight. Fake-Bage, breathing heavily, strained his senses to locate the real Bage within the haze. The tension in the air was palpable as both warriors prepared for the next round.

Suddenly, a golden silhouette emerged from the dissipating smoke. It was Bage, his aura now burning even brighter. He charged forward, a streak of golden light, closing the distance between him and Fake-Bage in an instant. The imposter, though momentarily disoriented, quickly regained his composure and met Bage's renewed assault head-on.

Their punches and kicks created shockwaves that reverberated through the room, shattering what remained of the already battered surroundings. The golden glow surrounding Bage intensified with each strike, his power reaching new heights. Fake-Bage, despite his best efforts, found himself struggling to keep up with the real Saiyan's newfound strength.

Bage's rage-fueled determination seemed boundless. He flipped backward, avoiding a sweeping kick from Fake-Bage, only to counter with a barrage of energy blasts. The chamber was illuminated with flashes of brilliant light as the attacks whizzed through the air.

The imposter, realizing the gravity of the situation, attempted to match Bage's energy output. However, the real Saiyan had tapped into an untapped reservoir of power, and Fake-Bage found himself overwhelmed. Bage seized the opportunity and landed a powerful blow to his doppelganger's midsection, causing him to stagger backward.

With a primal roar, Bage unleashed a concentrated energy beam, sending it hurtling toward Fake-Bage. The clone attempted to dodge, but the attack struck true, creating a massive explosion that engulfed the room. The shockwave rippled through the dimensions, causing the very fabric of the space to quiver.

As the smoke cleared once more, Bage stood amidst the debris, his golden aura slowly subsiding. Fake-Bage lay defeated, the arrogance wiped from his face. The room, now in ruins, echoed with the aftermath of their fierce confrontation. Bage, breathing heavily, stared at his fallen duplicate with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. The clone erupted into a cloud of grey smoke, dissipating in the wind from Bage's aura. The walls crumbled into dust, leaving him and Twilight standing in a room with all their friends. "Now what?" A cruel, mocking laughter filled the room, as Discord appeared, holding the Elements in his claws. Twilight and Rarity's horns reappeared, as did Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's wings.

"Now, dear Bage is when I must inform you that you lost. See, you just broke the no magic, no ki rule. Which means we're all in for a big ole storm of CHAOS! MHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Bullshit! Do you remember what I said nine years ago in front of your statue? I need an ornate rug, and you fit the bill, asshole!" He launched himself at Discord, who simply rolled his eyes and stepped aside, letting Bage go flying. Bage turned and flew at Discord again, aiming for a punch to his smug face. Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to fly off, as everyone else was focused on the spectacle.

"Really, you're going to try that again? Don't you remember what happened last time?" Discord lifted his paw and caught Bage's fist effortlessly, tossing him backward. "And here I thought you were smarter than this, but I guess I was wrong.

The clash between Bage and Discord sent shockwaves throughout the room, causing reality to warp and twist. The room itself seemed to groan under the strain of their conflict. Bage, fueled by an overwhelming surge of power, continued his relentless assault on Discord. Each punch carried the weight of years of frustration and determination, aiming to shatter the god of chaos.

Discord, however, remained unfazed. With a casual flick of his paw, he deftly deflected Bage's attacks, his form warping and contorting in response to the chaos surrounding them. "You really think you can defeat me, Bage? You're just a Saiyan with delusions of grandeur."

Undeterred, Bage roared, unleashing a torrent of ki blasts that streaked through the air toward Discord. But the chaotic deity merely chuckled, snapping his fingers and turning the ki blasts into confetti that scattered harmlessly around the room.

"Come on, girls, let's show Discord what the Elements can do!" Twilight called out as she scooped up the elements with her newly returned magic. Her friends didn't move, though, remaining in place, Fluttershy even glaring at her. "Girls? What are you doing, we have to stop Discord!"

"What's the point? We've already lost," Pinkie muttered, running her hoof along the floor.

"Yeah, we already beat Discord anyhow, see?" Applejack pointed off in the distance, before pulling her hat over her eyes.

"I bet you're only saying that so you can pick my pocket when my back is turned! Well, not a chance, missy!" Rarity grabbed the elements out of Twilight's grasp with her own magic, stuffing them into her cloak.

"By the way, dum dum, Rainbow Dash is gone. How are we supposed to use the elements without her? And you're supposedly the smart one, gimme a break," Fluttershy spat, lying down with her back to everyone.

"But Bage needs our help! He's fighting Discord all by himself!" Twilight pointed to the battle happening up above, as Discord was easily countering every single one of Bage's attacks. Bage was pushing himself to his limit, but he couldn't even make Discord sweat.

"You know, It's been aeons since I actually lowered myself to physical confrontation. I forgot how droll it was, especially since you aren't even close to matching me." Bage growled, panting as sweat dripped down his face.

"I'm going to enjoy making you regret that statement." Discord smirked, waving his hand at Bage to say 'By all means, try'. The intensity of the confrontation escalated as Bage, determined and fueled by a surge of adrenaline, summoned every ounce of power within him. His attacks became more strategic, aiming not just to overpower Discord but to exploit any vulnerability.

Meanwhile, the room continued to distort, the clash between Bage and Discord causing reality itself to bend and twist. The very fabric of the space around them seemed to protest, creating an eerie symphony of groans and ripples.

Twilight, despite the discouragement from her friends, refused to give up. She tried reasoning with them, arguing that they had faced challenges before and emerged victorious. Yet, her pleas fell on deaf ears as her friends remained resolute in their apathy. "Girls, please! Don't you remember why we're here? You can't just let him win now that we're so close!" Still, her friends continued to ignore her, Fluttershy even flying off. Twilight couldn't believe that her friends weren't even going to try. "Fine then! If you all aren't going to care... then I guess I won't either." Twilight hung her head, a wave of grey washing over her coat. Discord shuddered, looking down to see that Twilight had finally fallen to his chaotic influence.

"YES! Finally, I win!" Discord snapped his talons, freezing Bage in place, as he laughed maniacally. "You know, I thought this would be much harder, but it turns out I didn't even have to try! Twilight just gave up, and you know what that means?" Bage's eyes widened as he looked down, seeing Twilight walking away from her friends, who were all sitting there letting her leave.

"No, Twilight wouldn't just give up. What did you do?!" Discord wiped his eye, catching his breath.

"You mean you haven't figured it out? This whole 'Trials' business was meant to split the bearers up, so I could break their spirits individually! And it worked like a charm! Now I'm sure you would love to try and pound my face into gravel, but I'm missing some wonderful chaos, so tata!" Discord snapped his talons again, teleporting all of them to Ponyville town square, which had been warped and twisted by Discord's chaotic magic. "Au Revoir, ponies! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!" In a flash of light Discord teleported away, his laughter continuing to echo throughout Ponyville.

"AAAARGH! This is such bullshit! I couldn't do anything against him, and now he gets to walk away all smug and uptight! It's like the universe hates me!" Bage took out his frustration by blasting a cotton candy cloud, sending pink sugary mush everywhere.

"Do you think about anything other than fighting and violence?! Get a grip, you overgrown chimp," Fluttershy spat, glaring at him.

"Fuck off, Shy! You're only saying that because Discord used his magic on you. Twilight, what the hell happened?! It's not like you too just give up, so what's up?" Twilight didn't look up, keeping her head down low. "RRGH, FINE! Be that way! If you aren't gonna try and stop Discord, then I'll just figure it out on my own!" Bage took to the air, rocketing off in search of the only other being on the planet that could keep up with him now that Sunset was gone; Dryce.


Dryce was at a loss for what to do. On one hand, he couldn't return to Frieza, but on the other hand, he couldn't exactly stay on the planet. After all, he didn't need a ship to leave, since he could survive the vacuum of space. Just as he was pondering what to do, a sound akin to a sonic roar echoed around him, followed by a crash as something landed behind him. He turned to look as Bage walked toward him, disdain evident on his face as he glared at Dryce. "Alright, I'm gonna make one thing clear; I hate you. SO much so in fact, that it physically pains me to ask this. But, are you up for a training session? I need to get a serious boost in order to fight Discord, and you're the only one on the planet strong enough to give me a decent challenge. How about it?" Dryce was surprised, to say the least. Not even three hours before, he had nearly been killed by this saiyan, now he wanted to train with him?

"I've never trained a day in my life, how would I be able to help you?" Dryce asked, crossing his arms. "Besides, you seemed rather eager to kill me before. Now that you have a threat you can't beat, you're ready to use me as a punching bag. How do I know this isn't just a ploy to kill me, for what I did to your 'friend'?" Bage growled, his aura flashing gold as he turned Super Saiyan.

"Because I swore not to kill you so long as you take me to Namek. That still stands, and Discord is an obstacle to that, so I need to beat him to a bloody pulp before I can do shit to you. Keep in mind, though, that I don't need you in one piece to get to Namek, I just need you alive. Consider that an incentive to help me." Dryce was anything but stupid, he knew that he wouldn't be able to beat Bage while he was in Super Saiyan, but at the same time, getting stronger would help him take on Frieza.

"Alright, but we'll need some way to speed up the process. If my ship was still here, I'd say we can use the gravity controls to our advantage," Dryce said, prompting Bage to raise an eyebrow.

"Gravity training? Yeah, that would speed things up a bit. The only problem is Discord sent that to who knows where." A party horn went off in Bage's ear, prompting him to lash out behind him. With a laugh, Discord popped into existence.

"Oh, were you looking for your ship? Hmmm, I suppose I could bring that back, in exchange for something." Discord snapped his claws, making a tiny version of Dryce's ship appear next to him. Bage scowled, knowing that trusting Discord would only lead to a headache. "I propose a little wager. If you win, I bring the ship back, no strings attached. If I win, I get to take your power, and this time, you won't get it back. What do you say?" Bage growled, clenching his fists so tightly his palms started to bleed.

"Is everything a game for you, you walking talking taxidermy project? Fine, but you better not rig things in your favour." Discord held up his hands in a defensive manner.

"You have my word, that I will not rig this in my favour. The wager is simple; Twilight and her friends are still under my influence, but I wish to give you the chance to break them free of it. After all, what's the point of thrusting Equestria into chaos without the thrill of a possible defeat? If you can restore them to their normal, glech, 'harmonious' selves, I will keep up my original end of the deal, and help you get to Namek. Fail, and I get your power and you become my personal court jester. What do you say, Bage?"

"I say you're full of shit, but I suppose I have no choice in the matter. Fine, but I'm still going to kick your ass when this is over."

"Perfect! So, Celestia is already doing her part, you just have to make sure she snaps back to her senses. You have until technical sunrise to complete your task, and I say technical since I have the sun and moon doing cartwheels with each other." Discord teleported the three of them to Ponyville, where things had gotten progressively worse. Houses were floating around on islands of land ripped straight out of the ground, and the dirt roads were forming loops and spirals.

"This seems like something a six-year-old would draw up for art class. Did you spend a thousand years in that statue twiddling your fucking thumbs?" Bage spat, Discord sticking his tongue out at him.

"Oh, like you could do better. Anyway, who do you wish to start with?" Bage ran through his options, realizing that Twilight would be the best option.

"Twilight. Her magic is gonna be helpful. Besides, I know her a bit better." Discord chuckled but teleported them to Twilight. She was sitting in her bedroom, reading from a pile of books. "Twilight put your books down, we need to stop this jackass, and I need your magic."

"Hey, I could easily make this more difficult for you. Watch your tongue." Twilight looked up from her book, eyes widening.

"But our friends are all being jerks, how are we supposed to help them?" Bage picked Twilight up, setting her on his shoulder.

"Well first, we need to get you back to normal. And I think I know who can help." As Bage walked toward the door, he noticed a bloodstained sheet on the ground. He already knew who was under it, grimacing at the memory. 'The sooner we finish this, the better. I'll bring you back Sunset, I promise.' He nodded at Discord, who teleported the group away.


Canterlot Castle was in complete disarray, with statues and suits of armour chasing the staff around and fighting with the guards. Celestia was powerless to stop the chaotic disruptions, and she could only hope that Twilight and her friends could stop Discord. Her hopes were dashed, however, when Discord himself flashed into existence in front of her, with Bage carrying Twilight on her shoulder. Another creature she had never seen before was standing just behind him, gazing around at the throne room. "Bage, what's going on? Why is Discord with you? And who is this?" Bage set Twilight down, crossing his arms.

"In order, I think you already know what's going on; He's being difficult; This is Dryce, the alien asshole that killed Sunset." Celestia's eyes widened, sadness crashing down upon her at the news that Sunset was gone. "Yeah, I know. I would've killed him, but Twilight talked me out of it. Then he showed up." Bage pointed at Discord, who waved.

"Yes, it's been so long, Celestia. Did you miss me? I missed you... or at least I would have if you hadn't stuck me in stone for a thousand years," Discord mused, filing his talons as a sign appeared over his head, reading 'Chaos rules, Celestia drools'.

"Shut up, patchwork. Celestia, we need to get Twilight back to normal. We were hoping you might be able to help." Bage pointed up at Twilight sitting on his shoulder, her coat greyed by Discord's magic.

Celestia took a deep breath, suppressing her grief over Sunset's loss for the moment. She focused on the urgent matter at hoof. "I'll do whatever I can to help, but I need more information. Discord, what have you done to Twilight?"

Discord chuckled, his chaotic energy emanating as he twirled his mismatched moustache, which he hadn't had before. "Oh, just a little touch of my special magic. I thought it would be amusing to see how the Elements cope with a dash of chaos. Don't worry; it's reversible. I could tell you how to reverse it, but where's the fun in that?"

Bage growled, clearly frustrated with Discord's nonchalant attitude. "Cut the nonsense, Discord. We need her back to normal, now."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best, but I'll need your cooperation, Discord. This is no time for your usual games."

Discord rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh, fine, be the spoilsport. But what's in it for me?"

"Besides saving Equestria from descending into chaos?" Bage retorted, his patience wearing thin.

Celestia stepped forward, her expression stern. "If you help us restore Twilight, I will consider showing leniency, and grant you a less permanent method of punishment. However, we need to focus on the task at hoof."

Discord snapped his talons, and Twilight floated down from Bage's shoulder to the floor, still stuck in a state of disarray. "Well, it's a delicate process. I need your magical expertise to counteract my chaotic touch. It's a delicate dance, you know."

Bage grunted, clearly unhappy with the arrangement, but Celestia raised a hoof to silence him. "Very well, Discord. But let me make one thing clear – if you try anything funny, if you betray us in any way, there will be consequences. Understood?"

Discord sighed dramatically. "Oh, you're no fun, Celestia. But understood, understood. Let the magical restoration begin!"

Celestia sighed as she channeled her magic, attempting to unravel the chaotic threads Discord had woven around Twilight. The mischievous spirit floated nearby, wearing a smug grin that hinted at the chaos to come. "Discord, this is no time for games. We need clear answers if we're to fix what you've done to Twilight."

Discord twirled his moustache, feigning innocence. "Games, my dear Celestia? Perish the thought! I'm merely adding a touch of mystery to keep things interesting. After all, straightforward solutions are dreadfully dull."

Bage clenched his teeth, clearly struggling to contain his frustration. "Enough with the theatrics, Discord. Just tell us how to fix her."

Discord raised a clawed finger, adopting an exaggerated pondering expression. "Ah, the solution lies in the stars, my dear ponies. Seek the constellation that guides lost souls, and you might find the key to untangle this magical mess."

Bage exchanged a perplexed glance with Celestia, unsure of how to interpret Discord's cryptic riddle. "Stars and constellations? What's that supposed to mean?"

Dryce tilted his head, unaffected by the chaotic atmosphere. "I've encountered beings like Discord before. They enjoy toying with those they perceive as lesser beings. We must decipher his riddles if we wish to save your friend."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "He's right. Discord thrives on chaos and confusion. If we can understand the riddle, we might find a way to reverse his magic. Let's focus on the stars and constellations. Perhaps the constellation he refers to is 'The Soulweaver'. From what I can recall, The Soulweaver constellation is said to guide lost souls through the magical realms and holds the key to balancing chaotic energies. It is a celestial pattern of stars that appears only once in a millennium during a specific cosmic alignment." Bage latched onto that part, his mind forming ideas on how to bring Sunset back. Discord didn't confirm or deny Celestia's claim, merely grinning smugly. "I recall the last time that the constellation was visible, was shortly before Discord's imprisonment. Unfortunately, that was nearly twelve hundred years ago." Bage immediately fell back into his scowl, knowing that it was too good to be true.

"If it only appears once in a thousand years, and the last time was twelve hundred years ago, then that means we have to wait almost eight hundred years to see it again! How does that help us, you walking talking taxidermy mistake?! If you would just give Dryce his ship back, we wouldn't have to be doing this shit right now, and I could be on my way to Namek to bring my friend back to life, and you could do whatever the hell you want here! This isn't evil, it's just fucking annoying, and I'm done trying to fix it! Good luck with your, 'rare constellation' bullcrap, I'm gonna go find my pod and finish what I was originally going to do, which is to go bring my friend back to life." Celestia and Twilight watched as Bage stomped out into the hall, before taking off and smashing through a stained glass window, ironically enough the one that depicted Discord.

"Well, someone's in a sour mood. Those insults were entirely uncalled for," Discord muttered, prompting Celestia to sigh. She had a feeling there was more to Bage's temper than just his own natural temper, and that Discord was at the root of it.

Author's Note:

My brain hurts. I finally bullied myself into finishing this, but I'm definitely taking a long break before starting the next chapter. :raritydespair:

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