• Published 25th Oct 2023
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My Little Wizard of Oz - BlueBioWolf

The Guardians of Harmony are sent to the Land of Oz with Dorothy Gale after an evening of reading goes wrong.

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Chapter 10: Phoebe’s Entrance and the Guardian of the Gate

In Equestria, Sunset’s pet phoenix, Phoebe, entered the room where her owner and her friends got sucked into the book. She looked around for any sign of her mistress. Her sapphire blue eyes found none. But, they gained a curious expression as she saw Sunset’s copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz laying on the floor.

What’s this doing on the floor?’ the phoenix wondered internally, as she was unable to speak Ponish.

She used her beak to open the book and was taken by surprise when the pages started glowing. Before she had time to react, she was sucked into the book with a startled chirp. Once she was sucked in, the book closed again.

One of Mistress’ Portal Gems must be responsible for this!’ Phoebe internally said as she found herself spinning in a swirling vortex.

Back with our heroes, Raw had finally woken up.

“Oh my,” Raw said wearily. “My head feels so queer.”

“You were in the poppies for a while,” Sunset said.

“Now we’re out and back together again,” Dorothy said happily.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the sky and a bird that seemed to be made of fire could be seen flying in the sky.

“What is that?!” Bartleby exclaimed.

Sunset squinted and recognized the bird. “It’s Phoebe!” she exclaimed.

“Phoebe?!” Exclaimed Dorothy, before asking. “Who’s Phoebe?”

“My pet phoenix!” Sunset said before giving a chirping whistle.

That whistle caught the bird’s attention and she turned her head to see Sunset. Phoebe flew down to reunite with Sunset, relieved to see that she wasn't hurt. The phoenix lovingly nuzzled her mistress when something happened that nobody there was prepared for. Phoebe spoke. “I found you, Mistress!”

“Uh,” Spike said. “Am I going crazy or did I just hear Phoebe talk?”

“No,” Rainbow said. “I heard it, too.”

“Fluttershy’s Critter Whisperer powers can’t be shared to others,” Starlight said. “So, that must mean that Phoebe is speaking through this land’s powers.”

Phoebe was equally surprised. “Spike and ponies other than Mistress and pony Fauna can understand me?”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. She then whispered in private to Phoebe. “Since you can talk now, please don’t let on that we’re actually in a book.”

Phoebe, knowing Sunset well, gave a nod. “Where are we, Mistress?” she asked, pretending not to know.

“We are in the land of Oz,” Bartleby explained, a safe distance away from her. “We are on our way to the Emerald City to see if the Wizard of Oz will give me a brain.”

“What for?” Phoebe asked. “Don’t you already have one if you’re able to move? Or are you a robot inside?”

“What’s a robot?” Bartleby asked.

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Sunset said before whispering to Phoebe. “We’re in the late 19th century. Robots haven’t been invented yet.”

Phoebe nodded. After a recap of what Bartleby, Nick, and Raw wanted, Raw was told of the field mice with Trixie covering up the death of the wildcat.

"I have always thought myself very big and terrible,” Raw laughed. “Yet, such little things as flowers came near to killing me and such small animals as mice have saved my life. How strange it all is! But, comrades, what shall we do now?"

“We shall carry on,” Sunset said. “We’re almost at the Emerald City.”

So, they followed the riverbank again. It was not long before they reached the road of yellow brick and turned again toward the Emerald City where the Great Oz dwelt.

Chapter 10: The Guardian of the Gate, Sunset said internally.

The road was smooth and well paved now and the country about was beautiful so that the travelers rejoiced in leaving the forest far behind and with it, the many dangers they had met in its gloomy shades. Once more, they could see fences built beside the road, but, these were painted green and when they came to a small house, in which a farmer evidently lived, that also was painted green. They passed by several of these houses during the afternoon and sometimes, people came to the doors and looked at them as if they would like to ask questions, but, no one came near them nor spoke to them because of Raw, of which they were very much afraid. The people were all dressed in clothing of a lovely emerald-green color and wore peaked hats like those of the Munchkins. They were also noticeably taller than the Munchkins, but, not as tall as Nick.
The traveling group was enamored by the beautiful sights before them.

“My, this city looks so inspiring,” Rarity said with delight.

“This isn’t a city,” Sunset said. “This is a rural community.”

“Okay,” Rainbow said. “So, we finally made it to the Emerald Rural Community.”

"Yes," said Bartleby. "Everything is green here, while in the country of the Munchkins, blue was the favorite color. But, the people do not seem to be as friendly as the Munchkins and I'm afraid we shall be unable to find a place to pass the night."

“Why’s that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Simple,” Bartleby said. “If they’re not as friendly as the Munchkins, as I suspect, it’s unlikely that they’ll let us stay for the night.”

“Even with Dorothy wearing the silver slippers?” Pinkie asked.

"I should like something to eat besides fruit," said the girl. "And I'm sure Toto is nearly starved. Let us stop at the next house and talk to the people."

So, when they came to a good-sized farmhouse, Dorothy walked boldly up to the door and knocked.

A woman opened it just far enough to look out and said, "What do you want, child, and why is that great lion and those other creatures with you?"

“Please, ma’am,” Dorothy said politely. “This lion is with us because he is a dear friend of ours. We have been traveling for many days throughout this great land of Oz to find the Emerald City, but, we are hoping to find some place to spend the night before our chance to hopefully speak with the Great Wizard.”

"Is the lion tame?" asked the woman, opening the door a little wider.

"Oh, yes," said the girl. "And he is a great coward, too. He will be more afraid of you than you are of him."

"Well," said the woman, after thinking it over and taking another peep at the lion. "If that is the case, you may come in and I will give you all some supper and a place to sleep."

“Thank you very much,” Dorothy said politely.

So, they all entered the house, where there were, besides the woman, two children and a man. The man had hurt his leg and was lying on the couch in a corner. They seemed greatly surprised to see so strange a company and while the woman was busy laying the table, the man asked:

"Where are you all going?"

“We are hoping to talk to the great wizard Oz,” Nick answered. “In the Emerald City.”

"Oh, indeed!" exclaimed the man. "Are you sure that Oz will see you?"

“We’re hoping that it is possible,” Bartleby said.

"Why, it is said that he never lets anyone come into his presence,” the man explained. “I have been to the Emerald City many times and it is a beautiful and wonderful place, but, I have never been permitted to see the Great Oz, nor do I know of any living person who has seen him."

“Is that so?” Raw said, a bit dismally.

"Does he never go out?" asked Bartleby.

"Never,” the man answered. “He sits day after day in the great throne room of his palace and even those who wait upon him do not see him face to face."

“Hmm,” Starlight said. “That is strange. What’s he like?”

"That is hard to tell," said the man thoughtfully. "You see, Oz is a great wizard and can take on any form he wishes. Some say he looks like a bird, some say he looks like an elephant, some say he looks like a cat. To others, he appears as a beautiful fairy, a brownie, or in any other form that pleases him. But, who the real Oz is, when he is in his own form, no living person can tell."

“Wait a minute,” Rainbow said. “You said that you’ve never been permitted to see Oz, you don’t know anyone who’s seen him, and that even those who wait upon him never see him face to face. How can there be so many different versions of what people see if that last one is the case? Is he like facing his back at them or are they looking below the neck?”

The man said nothing, for he had not thought of such a notion before. “Well,” he admitted. “That second thing I said is technically true. I did know some people who saw him, but, they’ve long since passed away, hence, I don’t know any living person who’s seen him.”

“Well, you got me there,” Rainbow said.

“All the same,” the man said. “What makes you certain that you will be granted permission to see Oz?”

“Well,” Sunset said. “We’ve come this far already. We may as well go for broke.”

“Indeed,” Trixie said. “Especially since, I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but, Dorothy’s house has crushed the Wicked Witch of the East.” She gestured to the silver shoes. “She’s wearing her silver shoes.”

The man examined Dorothy’s shoes and nodded. "Why do you wish to see the terrible Oz?" he asked.

"I want him to give me some brains," said Bartleby eagerly.

"Oh, Oz could do that easily enough," declared the man. "He has more brains than he needs."

"And I want him to give me a heart," said Nick.

"That will not trouble him," continued the man. "For Oz has a large collection of hearts of all sizes and shapes."

"And I want him to give me courage," said Raw.

"Oz keeps a great pot of courage in his throne room," said the man. "Which he has covered with a golden plate to keep it from running over. He will be glad to give you some."

“And you know all this how?” Rainbow challenged.

“We have heard of what he has done,” he said. He then turned his attention to Dorothy.

“I want him to send me back to Kansas," said Dorothy.

"Where is Kansas?" asked the man with surprise.

"I don't know," replied Dorothy sorrowfully. "But, it is my home and I'm sure it's somewhere."

“The rest of us,” Sunset said. “Want to get back to Equestria. Before you ask, it’s a distance so great, you won’t find it on any map.”

"Very likely,” the man said. “Well, Oz can do anything, so, I suppose he will find Kansas and Equestria for you. But, first you must get to see him and that will be a hard task, for the Great Wizard does not like to see anyone and he usually has his own way. But, what do YOU want?" he continued, speaking to Toto. Toto only wagged his tail, for, strange to say, he could not speak.

“Basically, the same thing as Dorothy,” Sunset summed up.

The woman now called to them that supper was ready, so, they gathered around the table and Dorothy and the Equestria residents ate some delicious porridge, dishes of scrambled eggs, and plates of nice white bread and enjoyed her meal. Raw ate some of the porridge, but, did not care for it, saying it was made from oats and oats were food for horses, not for lions. Bartleby and Nick ate nothing at all. Toto ate a little of everything and was glad to get a good supper again.

“Thank you kindly, ma’am,” Dorothy said when she finished her supper.

The woman then gave Dorothy and the Equestria residents beds to sleep in and Toto lay down beside Dorothy, Spike slept beside Rarity, and Phoebe slept in Sunset’s embrace while Raw guarded the door of their room so they might not be disturbed. Bartleby and Nick stood up in a corner and kept quiet all night, although of course, they could not sleep.

The next morning, as soon as the sun was up, they started on their way and soon saw a beautiful green glow in the sky just before them.

“How breathtaking~” Rarity said in a mesmerized way.

“Let’s hope puppydragon doesn’t eat it,” Phoebe said.

“Hey, I have more self-control than that,” Spike said.

“How wonderful,” Dorothy said. “We’ve come such a long way.”

As they walked on, the green glow became brighter and brighter and it seemed that at last they were nearing the end of their travels. Yet it was afternoon before they came to the great wall that surrounded the city. It was high and thick and of a bright green color.

“There’s something oddly magical about a brilliant green sky,” Twilight said aloud.

In front of them and at the end of the road of yellow brick was a big gate, all studded with emeralds that glittered so in the sun that even the painted eyes of Bartleby were dazzled by their brilliancy.

“Incredible,” he said with astonishment.

There was a bell beside the gate and Dorothy pushed the button and heard a silvery tinkle sound within. Then, the big gate swung slowly open and they all passed through and found themselves in a high arched room, the walls of which glistened with countless emeralds. The group was astonished by the lavish sights inside.

“This place is nice,” Spike said. “A little bright, though.”

“Don’t worry, Spike,” Sunset whispered. “We’ll be given something to dull out the brightness.”

Before them stood a little man about the same size as the Munchkins. He was clothed all in green from his head to his feet and even his skin was of a greenish tint. At his side was a large green box.

When he saw Dorothy and her companions the man asked, "What do you wish in the Emerald City?"

“We wish to speak to Oz, please,” Dorothy answered politely.

The man was so surprised at this answer that he sat down to think it over.

"It has been many years since anyone asked me to see Oz," he said, shaking his head in perplexity. "He is powerful and terrible and if you come on an idle or foolish errand to bother the wise reflections of the great wizard, he might be angry and destroy you all in an instant."

Raw shivered uneasily at the idea of being destroyed.

"But, it is not a foolish errand nor an idle one," replied Bartleby. "It is important. And we have been told that Oz is a good Wizard."

"So he is," said the green man. "And he rules the Emerald City wisely and well. But, to those who are not honest or who approach him from curiosity, he is most terrible and few have ever dared ask to see his face. I am the Guardian of the Gates and since you demand to see the Great Oz, I must take you to his palace. But, first you must put on the spectacles."

"Why do we need them?" asked Dorothy.

"Because, if you did not wear spectacles, the brightness and glory of the Emerald City would blind you,” the guardian explained. “Even those who live in the city must wear spectacles night and day. They are all locked on, for Oz so ordered it when the city was first built and I have the only key that will unlock them."

“Huh,” Spike whispered to Sunset without the guardian noticing. “You were right.”

“Hold on a minute,” Rainbow said. “If Oz ordered this city to be built, how has nobody seen him?”

“Uh,” Starlight said sheepishly. “I did keep mostly out of sight when Our Town was being built to ensure I wasn’t injured.”

“Ponies still saw you before it was built since you gave the order,” Rainbow said.

“Uh, can Rainbow and I be excused for a second?” Sunset asked the guardian.

“Of course,” answered the guardian. “But, be quick about it.”

Sunset led Rainbow outside the city walls out of earshot. She then began speaking to her. “Listen, Rainbow,” she said. “The wizard has a secret nobody in Oz knows about yet and if you’re going to question every little detail, the whole thing’s going to fall apart and we could possibly ruin the illusion that this world is real, which will keep us from returning home!”

“Okay, okay,” Rainbow said, rubbing one of the ears that Sunset yelled into. “The whole thing is weird, but, I’ll try not to call out any bullhonkey.”

“Just pretend Discord had something to do with it,” Sunset said.

“That I can do,” Rainbow said.

They went back to the others.

“Okay,” Sunset said to the guard. “Lead the way, please.”

The guardian opened the big box and they all saw that it was filled with spectacles of every size and shape. All of them had green glasses in them. The Guardian of the Gates found a pair that would just fit Dorothy and put them over her eyes. There were two golden bands fastened to them that passed around the back of her head, where they were locked together by a little key that was at the end of a chain the Guardian of the Gates wore around his neck. When they were on, Dorothy could not take them off had she wished, but, of course she did not wish to be blinded by the glare of the Emerald City, so she said nothing. Then, the green man fitted spectacles for the Equestria residents, Bartleby, Nick, Raw, and even on little Toto and all were locked fast with the key. Then, the Guardian of the Gates put on his own glasses and told them he was ready to show them to the palace. Taking a big golden key from a peg on the wall, he opened another gate and they all followed him through the portal into the streets of the Emerald City.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

Once again, Rainbow shows that she's smarter than she lets on.

If you'd like to read the book online, please refer to the following link. It's free.

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