• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 548 Views, 1 Comments

Random Pony Tales - ThoriumIsBestActinid

Equestria's master scryer entertains himself by watching other ponies and writing fiction about the

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Ch. 1: The Fillyharmonic

Random Pony Tales
Ch. 1

Characters: Octavia, RD, Zecora, TS
Tags: Adventure, Sad, Romance
Prompt: High Profile Event

Start 21:20
End: 22:28

“Wow Twilight, I can’t believe you managed to get three tickets to the Fillyharmonic!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Twilight blushed at her friend’s enthusiasm. Who would have thought that the brash racer would actually like something so refined as an orchestral performance?

“Oh, Rainbow, it’s no problem,” Twilight said humbly. She still was confused by the invitation herself, as it came from the first chair cellist, Octavia. She had occasionally conversed with the refined mare at previous Galas and events in Canterlot, but she never really got to know her.

I guess being the student of the Princess comes with some perks.

“Twilight, that’s like me scoring tickets to a Wonderbolts race… from Spitfire. Anyway, if you don’t want to tell me what you had to do to get those tickets, I’ll understand.”

Twilight was about to respond when she decided to let it drop. Instead she turned to her zebra companion.

“Zecora, I’m so glad you decided to come to Canterlot with us. I know it’s a lot different than the Everfree,” the lavender unicorn said.

Zecora simply smiled and nodded. Twilight hoped that this performance would take the herbalist’s mind off her crippling laryngitis.

The train they were riding rounded a mountain and Canterlot’s nightlife could be seen in the distance. Zecora’s eyes went wide as she took in the magnificent view. She had seen Canterlot from a far, but to be this close was breathtaking. She also hoped that some of the more interesting herbal shops would still be open this late as she had heard that city ponies tended to stay up late. This was going to be an interesting night, she was sure.


“All right everypony, curtains rise in 20 minutes. Warm up begins in five.”

Octavia barely paid attention to the conductor’s voice as a certain lavender scholar currently occupied her thoughts. She went through the motions of setting up her cello with practiced ease as she continued to daydream.

And she’s finally going to be here tonight! Even if she did bring some friends.

Octavia had sent the ticket a month ago and received a prompt reply. After sending six more tickets and receiving four back, it seemed like Twilight had finalized her plans for coming to the concert. The cellist was worried that Twilight would not remember her, but instead she recalled several details of their conversations in the past. Octavia only remembered those conversations so intimately because they were with the object of her affection, so Twilight clearly must be interested.

“Tavi, you ready?”

Octavia remembered back to the day she saw the Princess’s protégé for the first time.

It was at the Grand Galloping Gala and I was a playing in one of the quartets in a side room. I had just finished my piece when I saw her. Purple flank with the starburst exploding out like an invitation; that sweeping tail with the off-center pink stripe. She turned around and there I saw not the snobbery or aloofness of the Canterlot elite, but the bright-eyed inquisitiveness of a scholar. She was chatting up some older unicorn, probably a magician, and then promptly went to a corner and began reading a book, heedless of her surroundings. She looked so calm and relaxed, even though she was in a crowd of ponies and clearly didn’t care for hobnobbing with any of them. Sweet Celestia, what I would do to that horn of hers…


“Blurhr?” Octavia grunted as she was kicked out of her reverie. It was only then she realized the rest of the orchestra was waiting on her to start warming up. She blushed and began to draw her bow across the cello’s strings.


“And I just can’t wait until the after party where Spitfire will be. She won’t be mobbed by her fans like at the gala, so I’ll be able to finally talk to her!” Rainbow said excitedly.

Ah, so that’s the reason why she wanted to come. Twilight figured out.

The group was making their way through the main thoroughfare, when Twilight felt a strange itch on the back of her neck. She craned her neck and the quickly swiveled around, eyes searching for something.

“Rainbow! Where’s Zecora?” Twilight said worriedly.

“Uh, wasn’t she with you?” The pegasus asked skeptically.

“She was here a minute ago, where could she have gone?! Oh no, she’s going to get lost in the city and she won’t know who to talk to, but she can’t even talk to anypony even if she knew somepony and…”

“Twilight! Stop it! Look, she couldn’t have gotten far. I’m sure she was with us a minute ago. Let’s just calm down and look around. She’s probably fine.” Rainbow calmly replied, hoping her friend was take her lead.

“But what if she’s not? What if she…”

“Then we’ll figure it out from there. Come on.”

Twilight let out a sigh and closed her eyes. When she reopened them, she looked calmer.

“You’re right. Freaking out won’t help find her sooner. Okay, Rainbow, take to the skies and see if you can spot her from a distance. I know it’s night outside and she partially blends in, but maybe you can spot her. I’ll start retaking my path and looking around from there. Ask around if anypony has seen a Zebra. I’m sure that she’s pretty rare, even in a city like Canterlot.” Twilight’s determination had calmed Rainbow’s worries. That was her Twilight, always planning and organizing.

The pair split up after agreeing to meet at Carneighgie Hall in one hour to regroup. They would miss the start of the show, or even the whole thing, but their friend was far more important then whatever awaited them at the Fillyharmonic.

Comments ( 1 )

lol you gave zacora laryngitis so you wouldnt have to think up any rhymes for her i see what you did there:pinkiehappy:

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