• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 941 Views, 41 Comments

Equis Dreams. - Aiwhisper

He fell asleep at home to end up in Equestria. He died in Equestria to end up at home.

  • ...

Ch3. Third dreams

Breakfast turned out better than expected thanks to AJs apples. I had thrown together some cinnamon oatmeal with lots of small chunks of the fruit then took it outside to eat on the porch. That was the thing I missed most when I had moved out, the family farmhouse had a large wraparound and covered porch that was perfect for enjoying the outdoors in any weather.

As I sat at on of the outdoor tables eating and watching the sunrise, I thought back about the weekend. Can’t believe I’m working today like normal after everything. I chuckled to myself. I went to a party and met so many ponies. Heck I spent most of my day/night as one.

I stretch then stand up to head back inside to take care of the dishes. Once finished I grab my work computer and spread out at the dining room table. It’s going to be a long Monday.

Twilight unhappily checked then double checked her list of currently checked out books. It was early into the night after the Pet Play date and she had decided to check all of her lists before bed. Something was wrong with this one however, as there was missing information near the bottom.

“Spike!” She yelled out.

“Yes Twilight?” The sleepy dragon asked from his bed.

“Did you and Rainbow play a prank on me with invisible ink again?” She huffed, none of her other lists had any errors so it was her best idea.

“No. I know better than to mess with your lists after last time. Why?”

“Because there’s a three pony gap in my ‘Checked Out Books’ list. See.” She hovered the list over to him.

“Maybe you just forgot to write the names?” He yawned.

“Spike you know I always write the book title then the name of the pony that checked it out and always in that order and there’s three books listed without names ‘Beginner’s guide to magic’, Basic Equestria History’, and an ‘Equestrian atlas’.” She listed at the drake.

“Sorry Twilight I don’t know what to tell you except that I’m going back to sleep and you should get some too. Don’t forget we have the Summer Sun Celebration next weekend.” Spike grabbed his blanket and wrapped it over his head.

Twilight gasped, she had forgotten that the celebration was coming up. She eventually gave up on the unusual list and flopped onto her bed. She had already had a long day with her friends and was to exhausted to deal with a mystery right now with everything else going on.

My day had proceeded smoothly. I had finished my work tasks well before dinner, so wouldn’t have to work overtime and nothing was behind schedule. This was a nice outcome considering my work flow was thrown off by working from my parents place instead of my home office. At least it’s just a week.

I stretched in the chair after logging out of my laptop and decide to head outside for a short walk before dinner. Once changed into outdoor wear I find, to my pleasant surprise, quite a few guests riding their horses and decide to head down to the paddock to watch. Glad the farm is doing well, but why do I suddenly have a strange urge to run?

I kick the dirt, giving into the temptation and run a lap of the fence, a few of the riderless horses following along. After my second lap I feel more invigorated yet only continue on to finish with a third. Once a few of the guests had noticed and started watching I thought it best to stop. I could never run like that before.

Making my way back inside the house I remove my sweat soaked outfit and hop into the shower. Washing quickly I put on some fresh clothes before preparing some dinner. Using the money my parents had left I decide to buy fresh ingredients from my new app. Mighta as well use it. Lets see, vegetables from Carrot Top’s with some pasta should be perfect.

I wasn’t the best cook but superior ingredients definitely made all the difference. After scarfing down dinner I spent the rest of the evening reading the books I had checked out to get myself more acquainted with Equestria. When I finished reading about the various pony tribes including the main three I thought to myself. You know, being an Earth pony doesn’t sound so bad. That’s probably why I could run like I did today.

After storing the books I then stored a couple more items I might need in Equestria then headed off to bed.

“Back again. Let’s get these books returned.” I began walking into Ponyville, heading straight for Twilight’s library. Would be nice if I didn’t always appear outside of town.

When I reached her tree and walked inside I found a very frazzled Twilight with Fluttershy trying to calm her down. “Twilight, it’s ok. It’s just a little mistake.”

“But it’s not.” She huffed. “Today it’s just my list for books tomorrow it’s something worse and then who knows what! Im supposed to be a princess for Celestia’s sake.”

I watched the to go back and forth a bit before finally speaking up. “Um, Is now a bad time?”

“Ep” Fluttershy hid behind her mane while Twilight looked towards me like a mare possessed.

“Oh Hi. Dream Catcher. What can I help you with today.” She gave me a smile that wasn’t quite right.

“Well, I just needed to return some books.” I pulled them out and set them on the desk. I then backed away slowly towards the door before being stopped.

Twilight who had just read one of the titles yelled. “You had these books?!?” She then took a deep breath and looked to calm down.

“Yeah? You lent them to me yesterday.” I tilted my head confused she had forgotten.

Twilight then mercifully laughed. “You were right Fluttershy. I was overreacting.” She trotted away to happily shelve the books.

”Yay.” Fluttershy cutely exclaimed which made me “daw.”

“So Dream what are you up to today?” A much more relaxed Twilight asked after returning.

“Nothing planned, why?” Twilight is one odd girl, her freaking out was a bit funny.

“Fluttershy and I were just about to get brunch with the girls. Care to join us?”

“Sure but isn’t it a Monday, What about work?” I ask while following the two towards a cafe. I don’t notice them earning a few jealous glances from other mares in town.

“Well as you might recall my friends and I are all self employed or have flexible schedules so nothing to worry about.” She smiled and gave me a wink. “What about your work?”

“Well I technically work at night so my days are one hundred percent free.”

“That sounds nice.” Fluttershy have a small smile.

After arriving Rainbow was the first to greet us. “Hey girls, hey Dream Catcher. What are you doing here?”

“Like here in Equestria or in Ponyville or?” I joked which caused her to roll her eyes.

“Here for brunch ya dork. Twilight didn’t say you would be joining us.”

“Rainbow darling is there a reason he can’t join us for a meal?” Rarity gave a knowing smirk. These ponies are a riot.

“Wha, no. I was just curious.” Rainbow pouted as the three of us sat down to join Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack. Pinkie was not at the table.

“It is nice to see ya again Dream, farm doing well? Also Twilight Pinkie can’t join us the Cake’s got a big order they needed her help with for the upcoming celebration.” AJ looked a bit disappointed.

“Understandable.” Twilight nodded.

“Yeah the farm is doing great AJ in fact we had quite a few visitors recently. Also what celebration?” This earned me a few looks.

“Why only the summer sun celebration of course. It’s the longest day of the summer and when Celestia personally raises the sun for everyone to see instead of from her usual balcony. It’s quite the spectacle.” Rarity gushed.

“See, typically the amount of magic required to move the sun is to much for the common pony to be close to daily, so she can only preform the ritual publicly once a year. But everyone knows that right?” Twilight lectured.

“Um not really.” I rubbed the back of my neck.

Twilight was shocked. “What but everyone knows why we have the celebration.”

“Uh Twi. I didn’t know that either. I just always thought it was an awesome party.” Rainbow awkwardly laughed.

“Grr. Anyway this year is special since I get to participate in the event.” Twilight smiled then frowned. “Though I really don’t know if I’m ready.”

“Your going to to greet Twi. Especially with me training you.” Rainbow boasted.

After a few more encouraging words towards Twilight, the conversation then turned lighter and we all ordered our food. Brunch was great and I was surprised when the girls offered to pay for me.

When I asked about it Rarity tittered. “As if we could let a stallion pay darling.”

This took me aback since guys are typically expected to pay their own way. Granted I have noticed that there are WAY more mares around.

After brunch the group split up to all get to work and I found myself without much to do. Normally this time would be spent sleeping if I was back home and yet I had yet to find myself tired after essentially being awake for the entire weekend. I honestly don’t know what to do with all this extra time.

“And I’m lost.” After walking around Ponyville aimlessly I then decided to walk a trail in the Whitetail woods. It was supposed to be much safer than the Everfree despite the two touching.

“Well I could just go to sleep and wake up back near town tomorrow. Nah, there’s still hours left before I need to wake up back home.” I continued to walk in a random direction before hearing a low growl that I recognized.

“Oh no you don’t, I’m ready for you this time.” I smiled and pulled out an axe from my mane. Holding it was awkward but it was better than nothing. I braced myself and faced the Timberwolf head on.

The fight lasted longer than I wanted but I made it out with only a few scratches this time. “Ha, told you I was ready. Could do with a better weapon to use as a pony though ” I panted and stored the now broken axe. Once stored I then touched the glowing green core and again it was absorbed by my hoof, this time however I felt a vibration from my mane.

“What the.” I pulled out my phone and read the notification.

‘Two upgrades available:
1. Upgrade the Equis Store, costs one Timberwolf core.
2. Unlock the Equis map functionality of your phone, costs one Timberwolf core.’

“So I have to pick one option until I beat another wolf.” Without a moment’s thought I unlocked the map and the core went from ‘1. Available/1. In use’ to ‘2. In use’ just like the first.

“So that’s where the banking app probably came from. The cores give me new stuff, nice. Wait where’s the map?” I checked my phone and there was no new app. Instead I found it merged with google maps and was just a toggle button to switch between Earth and Equis. Unlike the Earh map however, only Ponyville and some random areas of the forests were showing on the Equis map.

“Guess I have to fill it out myself by exploring.” Using my new map I made it back to town just in time to fall asleep.

“Well let’s start the day.” I stretched in my bed then got started on my morning routine.