• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 613 Views, 26 Comments

A Grand Journey - Reached

A Halo Fanfic. The Rookie explores an alien world with his AI companion, NOVA.

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An ethereal purple glow enveloped The Rookie's surroundings, casting a majestic and mesmerizing shimmer. As he gradually sat up, his eyes took in the extraordinary scene that unfolded before him. It was a place both wondrous and familiar, a sight he had rarely witnessed in his life.

Stretching in every direction lay a rocky, mountainous surface, one that he recognized all too well. It was Luna, the moon. While he had spent the majority of his life within the climate-controlled confines of a dome-city, this was different. Here, he was on the surface of the moon itself, an experience that stirred a mix of awe and nostalgia within him.

Turning his gaze outward, The Rookie peered into the distance, where the lunar landscape met the infinite expanse of space. The Earth loomed in the cosmic void. It was an Earth he remembered, a sight he had held in his heart for as long as he could recall. The Americas, with their distinctive shape, stretched across the horizon, as did portions of Africa and Europe. The blue, fragile marble of Earth was suspended in the boundless emptiness above, radiating a beauty that transcended any human words.

In this surreal moment, The Rookie couldn't help but be captivated by the celestial panorama before him. It was a reminder of the grandeur of the cosmos and the interconnectedness of all life on Earth, a perspective that, despite his military training and missions, filled him with a sense of profound wonder and humility.

"Is this... the home of thou? The planet beyond?"

A woman's voice, an enigmatic voice resonated with power, spoke, it carried an unexpected tranquility and peace. It did not startle The Rookie. He remained still, his gaze fixated on the Earth's distant beauty, not turning to look behind him from where the voice had emanated.

His mouth parted, but for a moment, he felt a surge of fear, as if the very act of opening his mouth could suffocate him in the airless expanse of the moon's surface. Yet, he recognized the surreal nature of this experience, an awareness that this was indeed a dream or something beyond ordinary reality. With a sense of intrigue and curiosity, he responded to the voice, its ethereal quality woven into the fabric of his dream.

"Home... I have returned to it, for now. This is Luna. That is... that is the Earth."

The Rookie's voice held a quiet resonance, a stark contrast to his usual reticence. He spoke with hints of awe, acknowledging the celestial marvels that stretched before him, as if immersed in a dreamlike state.

"In a realm of horror, thou dreamest of home. A wonderful dream. I, however, sense a troubled mind. Restless. Confused. Lost. This will not last."

The enigmatic voice responded with an olden English tone, its words laced with hints of royalty, wisdom. The Rookie listened with rapt attention, no longer concerned about turning to face the source of this ethereal communication. Instead, he was drawn to the voice's words, its insight into his inner turmoil, and the promise of guidance in this strange dreamscape.

"I'm... me?"

As The Rookie voiced his inner turmoil, the dreamscape around him underwent a surreal transformation. In the blink of an eye, he found himself fully adorned in his battle attire, his hands gripping a rifle. The sudden and startling shift in his surroundings left him disoriented, and he watched in shock as the tranquil lunar landscape was replaced by the chaos of a city under siege.

Before his very eyes, a brutal battle raged, as if it had sprung forth from the depths of his memory or perhaps a past he couldn't recollect. The Covenant, alien and menacing, had encircled the city, closing in from all directions. He witnessed a horrifying sceneā€”a monstrous brute, orcish in nature, gruesomely attacked a marine mere feet away from him.

Instinct overtook him, and fear gripped his core. There was no time to hesitate. With resolve, he raised his rifle and unleashed a relentless barrage of rounds upon the brute. The monster refused to fall until the magazine was emptied, displaying an inhuman resilience. The chaotic tableau that unfolded before him mirrored the nightmarish battles he had once fought, and he recognized this as a memory, a fragment of his past.

In the midst of the fight, a Spartan, a symbol of unwavering courage and strength among his kind, was thrown into a building by another brute. It was a scene that had haunted his recollection, a stark reminder of battles waged and the comrades who had fallen.

The vivid dream continued to assault The Rookie's senses, and he felt as though he were plummeting into the depths of his own memories, grasping at recollections that slipped through his fingers like sand. Panic swelled within him, his breathing grew erratic, and he fought to regain control of his fraying thoughts.

With a determined effort, he shifted his gaze to the right, seeking an escape from the nightmarish memories that had consumed him. In an instant, the dreamscape transformed once more, and he found himself standing before an old friend. The contours of their camaraderie began to surface in his consciousness, but the details remained frustratingly elusive. They had been close friends, that much was certain, but as he delved deeper into his recollections, the clarity he sought continued to elude him.

The scene had changed again, and now they stood in a peaceful, forested landscape with no one else around. Yet, the tranquility was shattered when he glanced downward and beheld the lifeless body of his friend in his arms. His mind reeled at the sight, and for a moment, he struggled to process the grim reality of the situation.

With a sense of sorrow and inevitability, The Rookie gently lowered his friend's lifeless form to the ground and took a step back. This was indeed a nightmare, one filled with bitter and painful memories. His heart weighed heavy with the knowledge that he had suffered and now was condemned to relive these memories, trapped within the recesses of his own mind.

"I cannot help. This is a battle for thou. Alone."

The voice's enigmatic words offered a modicum of reassurance, acknowledging the painful memories that tormented The Rookie were his to confront alone. His silence in response conveyed his understanding of this truth, even though he yearned for clarity and answers.

"Alone," he murmured, his voice heavy with the weight of his unspoken questions and lingering pain.

With resolve, he redirected his focus away from the somber memories that had resurfaced in his dream. Now was not the time to dwell on the past. He shut his eyes tightly, clenching his fists as he mentally counted down, using the exercise to regain his composure.


The clamor of battle and the desperate cries of the wounded and dying surrounded him.


The mournful wails of a woman's anguish pierced his mind.


A voice over the radio, uttering the chilling word "genocide," sent shivers down his spine.


The haunting sounds of malevolent creatures wreaking havoc and devastation engulfed him.


When he opened his eyes, he found himself once again on the moon's surface. He was standing but staggered to his knees, his inner turmoil still raw. A tear threatened to escape, but he fought against the tide of emotions, determined to regain his composure and press forward.

The enigmatic voice's words were draped in the regal tapestry of archaic English, resonating with an aura of ancient wisdom and authority:

"Thou art a child of the moon, as am I. Thou hast engaged in dreadful battles, waged wars most terrible, and beheld monstrous horrors. Even as I have. Unlike mine own self, thou hast journeyed from realms unknown. Nonetheless, thou art graciously received within these realms."

"I don't belong here."

The memory of the Covenant war had stirred within The Rookie's consciousness, yet he understood the weight of countless other conflicts that persisted in his world. What troubled him the most was the team, his family, still facing these trials. He could not abandon them in this unfamiliar land, and their safety and survival remained his paramount concern. He could barely remember them, but he remembered they were there. They waited for him.

The enigmatic figure, ethereal and otherworldly, had captivated The Rookie's attention. The sudden wanting to know of her true identity left him in awe and wonderment. His voice trembled with respect and curiosity as he inquired, "Who are you? You are not of my dreams. You are something more."

Turning to face the being, The Rookie beheld a mesmerizing figure, a strange cloud of purple, starry radiance, both dark and innocent. He could not make her silhouette out, not even a figure.

"We are the moon herself, the guardian of many, the scourge of others. We embody darkness and evil, yet we are a force of good. We are the lesser of two, yet possess greater power. I am Luna." Her words were profound, carrying the weight of her celestial existence.

"Despised by those whom we safeguard, our name is offered reverence by only a rare few. Without us, the stars themselves would cease their celestial dance. We are a force that sustains Equestria's vitality and motion. Ten millennia of exile, evil into virtue, celestial, radiant."

A hushed calm descended upon the world, leaving The Rookie to gaze upon Earth, the cradle of his kind, the heartland of humanity.

"Thou is welcome in Equestria," the voice proclaimed, only to be followed by a protracted silence, steeped in reflection.

"Darkness, not born of our own, looms perilously over our subjects. The Frozen King menaces our crystalline brethren anew. Changelings have infiltrated our very ranks, and trust has become a scarce commodity. Villains from the depths of Tartarus aspire to usurp the thrones of both sun, and moon. The Griffin kingdoms restlessly await our misfortune, predicting our fall. The very fabric of magic wanes."

Her tone took on a somber and earnest quality.

"Equestria yearns for an ally. Stand with us in this hour of need, and we shall stand by your side, in your time of need. Discover us, and reach for us. The very power of the moon is shared between us. After all..."

It is our home.