• Published 13th Nov 2023
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The Warden: Part 3, Dream of the Warden - FortressLegacy

Princess Luna seeks the forgiveness of the Warden by entering his dream. The stakes are high, but her chances at gaining his forgiveness are slim.

  • ...

Prologue: To Encourage A Princess

It was a beautiful fall day in Sweet Apple Acres.

In the orchard, all was calm and serene, the sounds of nature and the lack of any artificial noise created a soothing atmosphere.

The sun shone in a cloudless sky, and a slight breeze meandered through the vast rows of apple trees, sending red, orange, and yellow leaves falling to the ground.

In the distance, the eastern stretch of the Unicorn Range loomed over Ponyville, the snow capped mountains standing tall on the horizon.

All was peaceful in the orchard.

Apple Bloom felt like it was almost a shame that she was about to shatter the serene atmosphere.

But only almost.

She breathed in deeply, inhaling the cool air as she prepared herself mentally and physically for what she was going to do next. She tilted her head from side to side, bouncing slightly as she seemed to warm herself up.

She knew that she had to be a strange sight. After all, she was fully encased in a suit of shining, metal armor.

The mechanized armor that she was wearing whirred to life upon a single thought, and she could feel a slight vibration coming from the jets mounted within.

With another thought, the wings unfurled from her sides with a hiss. She flexed them for a moment, marveling at how easy it was for her to do so. The armor was certainly a work of incredible engineering, as Casemate had told her.

She closed her eyes, taking a moment to steel her nerves. Her heart felt like it was about to jump right out of her chest.

She was about to take her first flight.

She had often dreamt about flight, the result of wondering what it would be like to be a pegasus, being able to fly though the sky and experience the freedom of not being relegated to the ground, as earth ponies are.

Now, thanks to the armor that Casemate had gifted her, Apple Bloom was about to experience a dream come true.

With another thought, she commanded the engines to power up, and she felt the armor shake as they spooled up. The jets began to howl, and Apple Bloom watched through the visors in her mask as the backblast sent the leaves surrounding her flying off into the air.

Then, with a lurching sensation, she left the ground. Her heart jumped as she began to hover a few feet up.

She was actually flying!

She hovered in the air for a minute, acclimating herself to the sensation. She wobbled around a bit, but the armor's systems kept her stable.

"Ah think Ah'm gettin' the hang of it!" She declared out loud, her confidence growing exponentially.

She decided to try moving around. She shifted her weight forwards, and found herself steadily flying forwards.

Her heart jumped once again, the fact that she was both flying and controlling this mechanized suit creating a great deal of excitement.

She leaned backwards, bringing herself to a smooth halt. Then she tilted to the left, and floated off in that direction. She proceeded to lean to the right, and shortly began to fly in that direction.

She brought herself to a halt, feeling more confident than before.

"Alright then!" She told herself. "Let's try somethin' a little more fancy!"

She drew in a breath, and twirled herself around. The wings flexed in response, and she performed a sort of pirouette, the fallen leaves below her flying up and away, creating a colorful shroud around the thrilled filly.

She came to a controlled stop, but not for long. She threw herself forwards, lifting her hindquarters into the air. The engines briefly howled, the additional thrust sending her into an aerial front flip. Less than a second later, she was hooves down once again.

A surge of pride bubbled up from within her. She was a natural at this sort of thing! Maybe she would earn her cutie mark in using mechanical suits of armor!

Then she looked up at the clear sky above her.

Performing tricks a few feet off the ground was pretty fun, but the armor could do much more, she was sure of it.

In a moment, she decided that she was going to see what the armor could really do, to go as fast and far as it could carry her.

She spooled the jets even higher, their howling growing louder with each passing second.

"Apple Bloom!"

Was that a voice?

She tilted her head in confusion, for she couldn't quite make out whose voice it was. In fact, the only thing that she could tell for sure was that it was a mare's voice.

Was it Applejack?

If it was, her test flight would have to be postponed.

She sighed, and lowered herself to the ground, landing with a gentle thud as the engines slowed down and her wings folded back up neatly onto her sides. Then, the helmet and mask that encapsulated her head split apart with a series of clicks, and retracted to reveal her face and head.

After shaking her head to fully unfurl her mane and bow from the constraints of the armor, she looked around, trying to find who had called out to her. Was it her sister after all?

She looked all around, but could only see apple trees, with no evidence of any ponies.

"Who is it?" She asked in confusion, at a loss for what else to do. "Where are ya?"

"Up here, Apple Bloom." Said the voice, coming from above her.

The filly looked up just in time to witness one of the dozens of leaves that she had sent airborne be consumed in a burst of magic. Then, an alicorn appeared in its place.

It was Princess Luna.

The dark princess flapped her wings gently, bringing herself to a graceful landing a few feet in front of Apple Bloom, nary making a sound as she did so. Once she had landed, she smiled slightly, in the subtle and gentle manner that she possessed.

"Greetings, young Apple Bloom. You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself."

Apple Bloom simply stood silently, looking back at the princess towering above her. In her mind, she had an appropriate greeting already made.

But she couldn't find the words.

Within her, an eerie sense of unease had taken hold, stalling her thoughts.

Apple Bloom's expression shifted slowly, changing from surprise to uncertainty as she took a few steps back.

Luna's smile faded, giving way to a look of concern. "You have nothing to fear from me, Apple Bloom." She explained gently. "It's me."

Apple Bloom remained where she was, her mind racing, trying to make sense of the emotions she was being subjected to.

"...Ah know." The filly said bluntly, unable to think of anything else to say.

Once she was able to process her own words, Apple Bloom realized just how disrespectful it sounded. "What the hay is wrong with ya?!" She wondered silently, berating herself for her careless words. "It's Princess Luna, fer land's sake! Ah ain't got anythin' to fear from her!"

Apple Bloom knew Princess Luna was the benevolent, gentle princess of the night. She knew that she loved her subjects, watching diligently over them every single night. She also remembered when Luna helped her learn how to cope with her uncertainties regarding her cutie mark, whatever it was going to be.

After all the Princess had done for her and her friends, surely there was no reason to be fearful of her…


Yet the eerie doubts remained, undermining the trust that she once thought to be unshakable. The filly was hesitant to admit it, but she knew why.

It was what Casemate had told her, about what Nightmare Moon did to his family.

That was why she was feeling so distrustful of the princess.

Learning that Princess Luna did such a disturbingly evil and cruel act against a tight-knit family as Nightmare Moon shook Apple Bloom to her core.

Of course, she doubted Casemate at first. It was just so… Inconceivable.

If what he said was true, then was Princess Luna really who Apple Bloom perceived her to be?

Before meeting Casemate, Apple Bloom understood that Princess Luna was once Nightmare Moon, and knew that she had once tried to banish Princess Celestia and usurp all power for herself. But after seeing her take the throne beside her older sister and try to atone for her misdeeds, Apple Bloom figured that she must not have done any real lasting damage. After all, Princess Celestia was still alive, and that one incident that night Twilight Sparkle first arrived in Ponyville also didn't have any damaging results.

But if what Casemate said was true, then that belief was false.

It would mean that Princess Luna had actually destroyed a family, and never confessed to it publicly.

That disturbed Apple Bloom. Deeply.

Hence why she was so hesitant to accept Casemate's tale as truth. But once he told her what had happened, when they were climbing up that mountain, she finally accepted it. His earnestness, as well as his emotions, left no doubt in her mind that he was telling the truth.

While she had accepted the truth, she did so mainly for his sake, without thinking of the implications that such a decision would have if she found herself face to face with Princess Luna.

But now, here she was. Looking right into the princess' shimmering, turquoise eyes.

What was she doing here, anyway? Why would she just show up out of the blue in Sweet Apple Acres? For that matter, why did she just pop out of a leaf instead of teleporting? It made no sense!


"Wait…" Apple Bloom said warily, her eyes narrowing a bit as she kept her gaze fixed on Princess Luna. "Is this a dream?"

The princess nodded once, her gaze having softened further, showing some hints of regret and sadness concealed behind it.

So, this was a dream after all…

Apple Bloom sighed, now remembering that less than a week had passed since the conclusion of her journey with Casemate. There was no way that he could have possibly gotten back to his home, repaired his armor, and made his return after only a few days. Besides, why would he give her his daughter's armor, anyway?

This disappointing realization shortly gave way to skepticism as another question arose.

"If that's the case," she murmured, still watching Luna, "then why are ya here? This ain't a nightmare."

To her surprise, the princess shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, now looking a bit nervous as she broke eye contact.

"I wanted to ask you about a few… Things." Luna replied hesitantly, her gaze lowered towards the ground as her ears gradually drooped. "But if I am making you uncomfortable, I shall-"

She paused, and looked back into the filly's eyes. The princess seemed to flinch slightly upon making eye contact, causing Apple Bloom to do a double take.

Could the princess see her unease? Was she hurting Princess Luna by feeling this way?

Before Apple Bloom could respond, Princess Luna took a silent breath, and spoke in a quiet, subdued voice that only further revealed the sadness within. "Never mind. I… I'll just go." She said, turning around slowly and extending her wings, preparing to leave.

A sharp pang of guilt shot through Apple Bloom's heart. To send the princess away when she seemed so saddened just felt… Wrong. In fact, everything about the feelings of distrust and fear that had taken hold of her just didn't sit right, now that she felt compelled to think about it…

Despite Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon having the same body, they were vastly different. Nightmare Moon was evil and wicked. Princess Luna was not.

The princess felt awful about what had happened all those centuries ago. There was simply no doubt about that. Not after how she gave herself up to be killed by Casemate, back when he tried to take his revenge at Canterlot.

Perhaps that was why Applejack and the others remained friends with the princess, even after discovering what she had done as Nightmare Moon.

If Applejack still trusted her enough to maintain their friendship, then why shouldn't Apple Bloom do the same?

By now, the distrust and fear that had previously taken hold of the filly had melted away, having been replaced by remorse and pity.

Princess Luna didn't deserve to be treated with fear, especially since she clearly felt so much guilt and shame for what she had done.

Applejack wouldn't have turned her away, not like this. If her older sister still trusted Princess Luna and treated her as a friend, then Apple Bloom would as well.

"No!" The filly blurted, running closer to the princess.

Luna's ears perked up and she froze for a second, before turning her head to the side, looking sideways questioningly at the filly.

Apple Bloom skidded to a halt a short distance behind the princess, her own ears drooping as her face began to show regret as well.

"Ah mean… It ain't no trouble at all, yer highness." She explained. "Ah just… You jus' caught me by surprise is all. Ya ain't gotta go."

Luna looked at the filly, her eyes shimmering hopefully as she raised her head and let out a sigh. "Thank you, friend." She said quietly, turning around to face Apple Bloom "All I have is a few questions. It shall not take long, I assure you."

Apple Bloom nodded, now curious about what she was going to ask her.

"Well, what is it?"

"It is about the experience you had last week." Luna explained. "I have heard some things, but I wanted to hear it from you, if you do not mind."

Apple Bloom paused, processing the fact that the princess wanted to know about her adventure with Casemate. After a second or two, she nodded in reply.

Seeing this, Luna strode up to the filly and sat down on the ground next to her. Apple Bloom sat down as well, her armor making a clunk as her rear impacted the soil. This caught her a little off guard, as she had completely forgotten that she was wearing it.

As if she were reading Apple Bloom's thoughts, the princess spoke. "Do you wish to take off the armor?" She asked, looking inquisitively at the filly. "I can restore it when we are done."

"Eh? Oh. Eeyup, that would be appreciated." Apple Bloom replied, having reached the conclusion that wearing the suit would be a bit too awkward for the conversation.

Luna's horn glowed gently for a second or two, and in a moment, Apple Bloom's armor disappeared seemingly out of existence, revealing the rest of the yellow and red filly.

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief, briefly flexing her limbs, happy that her body was no longer confined. While the armor was fun to wear and use, the sensation of wearing it did grow strange over time.

After doing that, she looked up at the princess, wordlessly asking her what it is that she wanted to know. Princess Luna seemed to catch on, and after a moment, she spoke, her tone and expression showing genuine concern.

"How are you faring? I heard that you suffered an injury out there. Are you alright?"

Apple Bloom felt another pang of guilt for distrusting the princess earlier. Luna's concern and empathy was further evidence that her fears were misplaced.

"Mah leg's gettin' better." She replied, looking at the leg that she had twisted when she was trying to escape the giant spider. "It's hurtin' less and less, so Ah'd say that Ah'm doin' alright, all things considered."

Luna nodded, the corner of her mouth curling into a slight smile. "Good. Believe me when I say that I was very worried for you once I heard that you had been lost."

Apple Bloom nodded, realizing that what the princess was saying was true. This was the Princess Luna that she knew, revered, and trusted.

This was not Nightmare Moon.

"Thank you." Apple Bloom said, feeling some warmth inside of her. "It's kinda comfortin' to know that Ah had a princess rootin' for me."

"Oh, I was not the only one." Luna admitted. "All four of us were worried sick. But, you are back now, and we can rest easy knowing that you are safe."

Apple Bloom glanced away and smiled for a moment. It both excited and warmed her to think that Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight were all worried for her safety. To have one princess as a friend was incredible enough, never mind four.

After a moment's silence, Luna shifted nervously. While her facial expression didn't show it much, her body language betrayed her unease. Apple Bloom looked back at her, and Luna sighed.

"Now, that leads me to another question." The princess explained, glancing down at Apple Bloom. "Would you…"

Her voice faded for a moment as the princess seemed to hesitate. Whatever she was about to ask, it seemed as if it was troubling her.

"...Would you please tell me about the Warden?"

Apple Bloom blinked once, and tilted her head. "...Well… What exactly?" She asked, sounding a bit confused.

"What was he like?" Luna clarified, her longing to know showing in her gaze. "How did he treat you? What was your impression of him?"

Apple Bloom delved into her memories of the previous week, furrowing her brow as she came up with the answers.

"Well," she began, "He wasn't at all what Ah would've thought he would've been."

The princess nodded, compelling the filly to elaborate further.

"Before Ah met 'im, all Ah knew was what mah sister told me 'bout his attack up in Canterlot." Apple Bloom explained. "From what she told me, he was a dangerous killer who wanted to kill you an' Princess Celestia for some reason."

One of Luna's eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

"Applejack never specified his reason for doing that?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "That's all she would tell me."

"Hm…" Luna murmured, nodding with understanding as the filly resumed.

"But then Sweetie Belle accidentally teleported me out to the middle of nowhere, Ah got attacked by a giant spider, and Ah got rescued by the Warden. Now, Ah didn't quite figure out who he was till he took me to his home. When Ah did find out, Ah was… Confused."

"How so?"

"Well, despite what Applejack told me, he wasn't mean at all. In fact, he fed me, helped me get cleaned up, gave me a brace to help mah leg, and carried me all the way back to Ponyville!" After pausing to take a breath, she added; "He was amazin'. Not at all what Ah had expected…"

Luna blinked, and an expression of subtle surprise appeared on her face.

"I see…" She said, now looking thoughtful. "It almost sounds as if you admire him."

This remark caught Apple Bloom off guard. It was true, to a point. "Uh… E-eeyup. Ah guess so…" She said awkwardly, not sure how the princess would react.

Luna glanced down at the filly, her piercing eyes shining in a calm manner.

"Do you really look up to him?"

Once again, it seemed as if the princess suspected the truth. Apple Bloom nodded, seeing no other option, hoping that she wasn't hurting the princess by doing so.


"I thought so." Luna replied, her voice still calm. "He must have really been quite noble for you to hold him in such high esteem."

"He's kind, carin', protective, brave, smart, an' wise." Apple Bloom declared, falling silent for a moment before adding; "Ah guess anypony would think mighty highly of 'im."

Luna nodded understandingly.

"I suppose so…"

Both ponies went silent for a minute, listening to the crisp breeze working its way through the apple trees above. Princess Luna took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she did so, allowing her sparkling mane to billow gently in the wind. After a moment, she exhaled shakily, directed her gaze downwards, and shifted around nervously.

Then, she broke the silence, her voice subdued and apprehensive.

"Apple Bloom…" She began, "Did he… Did he explain to you why he attacked me and my sister at Canterlot?"

Apple Bloom felt an icy chill run down her back. She knew that the princess suspected it, so there was no way she was going to be able to spare her the truth.

"...Eeyup. He did."

Luna seemed to flinch upon hearing her answer, showing that she was hoping otherwise. After a few seconds of silence, her gaze fell. "I see…" She murmured quietly. After a few more seconds, she spoke again. "If I may ask, what exactly did he tell you?"

Apple Bloom felt like her insides were twisting with anxiety. To confess to Princess Luna that she knew exactly what she did as Nightmare Moon was not a comforting thing to do. Still, there was no point in trying to keep it a secret from her.

After taking a moment to assemble an answer, she spoke. "He told me about his family's rough past with royalty, with Princess Celestia specifically." She explained, sounding reluctant. "And… He told me about what happened to his wife and child the night that ya became Nightmare Moon."

Fear briefly flashed in Luna's eyes upon hearing the filly's reply, before an expression of acceptance and shame overcame her. She nodded silently, sighing deeply. "Apple Bloom," she murmured, "does this knowledge change your perception of me?"

The filly didn't answer right away, weighing her potential replies. She could deny it, but again, it wouldn't do any good. She definitely saw the princess in a different light now that she knew what had happened. Princess Luna was no longer quite as perfect as she had imagined in the past.

After half a minute, Apple Bloom inhaled and replied, having built the courage to answer truthfully.

"It does."

Luna's ears drooped once more and she hung her head. Even her mane and tail seemed to lose some of their brilliance as her countenance fell.

"I feared as much." She said quietly, looking away in shame.

Apple Bloom's heart fell as she saw the princess' sadness. But then, a determination to try and lift her spirits arose. "But Ah still don't see you as bein' evil or anythin'..." She said gently, trying to reassure Luna. "To me, you're still Princess Luna. Ah just… Ah was a little thrown off when Ah heard about what happened that night."

Luna's head remained hung, but her gaze lifted from the ground and became directed at Apple Bloom.

"But I could see and sense the uncertainty in your heart when we met a few minutes ago." The princess lamented. "You tried to hide it, but you were afraid."

"What?" Apple Bloom blurted, surprised that Luna had been seeing straight through her all this time. "B-but Ah ain't-"

She stopped mid-sentence, reminding herself that lying would get her nowhere. Conceding that she had nowhere to hide, she took a breath, and answered truthfully.

"Alright… Ah was afraid." She confessed, sounding uncomfortable. "After what he told me 'bout you an' Princess Celestia, Ah just… Ah just didn't know what to think of ya."

Luna put a hoof to her chestpiece. She looked as if she were deeply hurt by the answer. Apple Bloom wanted to say something. She didn't know what, but she had to say something to try and make the princess feel better. She opened her mouth to begin her explanation, but the princess held her hoof up, motioning for the filly to remain silent.

"There is no need to explain yourself." Luna said gently, shaking her head. "I deserve it…"

"Wh- Huh?!" Apple Bloom blurted in disbelief. "How could ya say such a thing?"

Luna looked at Apple Bloom, her expression showing a vulnerability which the filly had never seen from an alicorn.

"You know why."

"B-but Ah forgave ya! Princess Celestia forgave ya, mah sister an' all her friends forgave ya; heck, Ah reckon everypony who knows what happened that night has forgiven ya!"

Luna blinked once, and a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her lips. "I know, Apple Bloom." She said quietly. "And I am grateful for all of you." Her smile then faded, and her countenance fell once again. "But there is one pony who has yet to forgive me…"

It took a moment, but Apple Bloom suddenly realized who she was referring to.

"Casemate…" She said under her breath.

Luna blinked, her eyes widening in surprise as she tilted her head. "He- He told you his real name?" She asked, sounding as surprised as she looked.

Apple Bloom nodded, wondering what the princess was getting at. For that matter, what was her reason for coming into her dream and asking her about him? Luna's remark about forgiveness swirled about in her mind for a few moments, then it struck her.

"You're gonna ask him for forgiveness?" She asked, her own eyes widening.

Luna paused, exhaled slowly, and nodded.

"Yes…" She murmured, her voice almost inaudible. "If I can work up the courage, that is…"

Apple Bloom had to take a moment to process this. What were Luna's odds of success? What would happen if Casemate were to reject her? Why did she come here to her dream to begin with?

"Why'd ya come to ask me 'bout him, though?" She asked, sounding confused, her orange, shining eyes pleading for an answer.

Luna closed her eyes and sighed. "Because I am afraid." She said, looking off into the distance. "I… I just thought that maybe learning more about him from you would maybe give me the courage to take that step."

"Ya don't think he'll forgive ya?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Do you?" The princess asked pointedly, redirecting Apple Bloom's question back upon herself.

This evoked some deep thoughts within the filly. Now that she thought about it, it didn't seem very likely that Casemate would do so. The degree of resentment that he held against the royal sisters was substantial, and worst of all, understandable.

"Ah… Ah don't know…" She said hesitantly, shaking her head.

Luna's brow lifted slightly in alarm.

"You cannot say for certain?"

Apple Bloom glanced thoughtfully into the distance, having been thrust into her thoughts once more. Despite his obvious anger against the princess, she could not convince herself completely that he would not forgive Luna.

The way Apple Bloom saw Casemate, he was surprisingly kind and thoughtful. In his moments of vulnerability to her, he showed that he was capable of acknowledging his wrongdoings and overcoming his emotions.

Perhaps there was a chance, however small, that he would overcome his bitterness and forgive Luna.

Apple Bloom felt a surge of hopefulness as she came to this realization, and she gave her reply.

"There's a chance."

Luna's ears perked up, despite a somewhat skeptical look on her face.

"You really think so?"

Apple Bloom nodded, deciding to elaborate. "Ah do. His heart ain't made of stone!" She declared, remembering all that he did for her.

The conversation she had with him after the Chimera attack came to mind, his vulnerability and willingness to try and reconcile for his outburst. It was at that time that Apple Bloom realized that he was truly good of heart, and that she had become an unexpected friend to him.

"Like Ah said, he's kind and carin'." She added. "Plus, Princess Twilight said that she thinks that he wants to move on, even if he didn't show it. She said that she could tell, an' her friends agreed."

She fell silent for a few seconds, then finished speaking.

"Ah think so too."

Luna looked confused for a moment, as if she couldn't quite process Apple Bloom's answer.

Then, slowly, a small, gentle smile appeared on Luna's face, as she seemed to visibly relax.

"Thank you, my friend." The princess said, looking grateful. "If you, Twilight, and all her friends seem to think so, then I see no reason to doubt there really is a chance, however slim…"

Within her heart, Apple Bloom felt some warmth upon hearing this answer. Princess Luna seemed to be genuinely relieved, which was a great improvement from her depressed demeanor earlier.

Then Princess Luna stood up, gracefully towering over the small filly, who also stood up to her full height, which was still no higher than the princess' shoulders.

"Is there anything you wish to discuss or for me to do for you?" Luna asked, her eyes glimmering softly in the sunlight as she looked down upon the filly.

Apple Bloom rummaged about in her mind for a moment or two, before shaking her head.


The princess tilted her head. "Are you certain?" She asked, her tone provoking the filly to try and remember anything she may have forgotten.

In a second, Apple Bloom remembered. "Oh, yeah…" She remarked, having recalled. "Could ya please give me the armor back?"

Luna smiled, and a gentle light shone at the tip of her horn. In moments, Apple Bloom found herself encased within the mechanized suit once again.

A surge of excitement rushed through her body as she gave a joyful smile.

"Thank you!"

Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head. "You're welcome, Apple Bloom. Thank you for your help."

Then she extended her wings, and with a few beats, lifted up into the air. Apple Bloom watched as she flew away, and noticed the princess shoot a grateful look back at her. Then Luna's horn glowed, and in a moment, she was gone in a flash of light.

Apple Bloom stood there for a minute, her mane blowing in the chilly breeze, looking up at the sky where the princess once was.

What an odd encounter.

Princess Luna actually came to her, in her own dream, to seek answers. Apple Bloom felt awed, now that it occurred to her.

Not only that, but she couldn't help but feel a bit closer to her as well. Luna's fear and discomfort, as well as her honesty, made her seem more genuine than ever before. For as long as she could remember, Apple Bloom thought of the alicorn princesses as being divine rulers, perfect with no flaws or negative feelings whatsoever.

She sighed and shook her head.

Boy, did she have it all wrong…

It was Twilight who first really broke that perception. To see her struggle and straight up fail, both before and after becoming an alicorn, awoke the suspicion that alicorns were still ponies, after all.

But Apple Bloom had no such familiarity with Princess Luna, one of the royal sisters. Even in the dream in which Luna delivered guidance to her and her friends, Apple Bloom was sure to display proper reverence and even felt a bit of intimidation.

But Luna was not perfect, nor was she immune to feelings of sadness or regret. Sure, Apple Bloom knew this, but it didn't really sink in until now. To have one of the royal sisters come to her in a moment of vulnerability, it evoked a deep change of her perception of the princess.

A feeling of relief and happiness began to grow within her. There was no doubt in her mind that she had actually given the princess some much needed encouragement. To see the princess go from looking guilty and ashamed to being at ease was immensely gratifying.

Apple Bloom smiled and closed her eyes, allowing this realization to sink in.

The princess really needed it. After all, she really felt awful about what Nightmare Moon did…

Upon this thought, Apple Bloom's smile faded, and the warmth within her died away. While she did believe that there was a chance that Casemate would forgive Luna, she couldn't quite say for sure. She opened her eyes, and looked at the armor that she was wearing, being reminded of him as she studied it.

There was no mistaking the anger that he held. That, in combination with how doggedly he held his convictions and beliefs, didn't bode well for Luna's chances at being forgiven. If Casemate decided to not forgive Luna, would that mean that he would be angry for as long as he lived?

Apple Bloom felt her heart drop just thinking of how bad it would feel to live in such a way.

Not only would it hurt Luna, but it would hurt himself as well…

But her own words spoken to the princess mere minutes before came to mind, stirring a defiant hope within.

Casemate wasn't a cruel, unfeeling monster. He was a stallion, a pony, who had been hurt badly but didn't quite know how to move on. From what she had experienced, Apple Bloom knew that he had a heart. Despite all his anger, he had the capability to make the choice to forgive Luna, she knew that much.

Apple Bloom sighed, lifting her gaze skyward.

"Ah know you're angry, Casemate…" She murmured quietly. "But please make the right choice… Not only for Princess Luna, but for yourself, too…"

Author's Note:

Here it finally is: Part 3! I'm going to aim to have a new chapter up every other week, so be sure to bookmark it to get notified when I upload more!

I hope you enjoy what is to come, dear readers!