• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 1,623 Views, 3 Comments

Dreaming My Life Away, Sorry - SMP

One little dream is all it takes to brighten your life,

  • ...

Dreaming My Life Away, Sorry

Dreaming My Life Away, Sorry

A.N. This is just a thanks for everyone who has read the story and especially those who have commented and giving words of support and critic. I belive that all of this support will really help me improve my wriitng and one of the big reasons why I write aside from the fun of it, is because I really want people to enjoy my work. Thanks again everyone


Fluttershy trotted slowly through the Everfree Forest her head darting back and forth trying to find her elusive bunny Angel, it was bath day and just as Fluttershy had gone to fetch him he had escaped out a window and took off for the forest. Fluttershy knew that calling to Angel wouldn't do any good so she spent an hour silently searching through the forest and still not a trace of Angel anywhere. Finally after entering the same clearing she had passed through several times she stopped and laid down by the brook to rest and drink some water. When Fluttershy tried to sit back up however, she found that she was more tired than she thought and without realizing it she had fallen asleep.

It was the scream that awoke Fluttershy making her add her own scream to the echo of the first. When she realized the cause of the scream she screamed again and rushed towards Twilight's side. "Oh my goodness, Twilight are you alright!" Tears poured freely from Fluttershy as she stared in horror at her friend lying there. A slight groan made Fluttershy's heart skip a beat as Twilight rose shakily to her hooves, only to collapse with a gasp as she cradled her left foreleg to her body. Seeing Twilight in such pain lit a spark in Fluttershy and she found herself hoisting Twilight onto her back.

"Fluttershy," Twilight could only gape in surprise at the strength Fluttershy was showing and was even further amazed when she took off. Fluttershy hovered several feet above the ground and moved slowly, but surely in the direction of Ponyville. It was amazing, the determination that Fluttershy showed was amazing and Twilight could only look away when she realized that they were descending near Fluttershy's cottage. Once look at Fluttershy made it clear that she intended to keep going on to Ponyville, but her strength was rapidly fading and Twilight didn't want her to hurt something trying to help her.

"Ow," Fluttershy yelped as Twilight gently bit her ear. "What," but then she understood as she felt her legs dragging in the grass and they had only flown as far as her front door. "I'm sorry Twilight I…"

"No, please Fluttershy don't strain yourself, look I can walk on three of my legs why don't I just…"

"No!" Twilight blinked at Fluttershy raising her voice. "I will get you help one way or another." However, Fluttershy was aware of what would happen if she tried to fly Twilight any further and just as despair set in she felt a tapping on her hoof. Looking down she nearly squealed with joy at seeing Angel looking up at her and Twilight with concern. "Angel sweetie I need you to run to Sweet Apple Acres and get Applejack to run to Ponyville to get a doctor, please."

Angel saluted and shot off towards the farm running with all the love he had for Fluttershy. "Wow, he sure can move," Twilight stared in awe at the dust cloud that already stretched much farther than any animal should have been able to go. Movement below her made her realize that Fluttershy was walking towards her cottage.

"The least I can do is make sure your comfortable," Fluttershy panted as she trotted into the house and the animals seeing Fluttershy carrying Twilight immediately cleared a path to the couch while some birds brought a blanket to drape over Twilight when Fluttershy set her down. "Uh, Twilight if you don't mind me asking,"

"I was trying to collect a vine from a tree that grows next to a flowing body of water, it's supposed to help draw toxins out of a body if you chew on it. After that food poisoning disaster I thought that it wouldn't hurt to have some on hand. The only problem is that it can be difficult to harvest, as you have to carefully unwind it from the branch and I didn't want to risk tearing it with my magic." As Twilight went on to explain everything she could about the plant and how she discovered it Angel was rapidly approaching Applejack's farm.


Applejack watched in pride as the apples fell neatly into the buckets she set up when she felt something impact her legs and send her crashing to the ground. Feeling something jumping on her stomach she saw Angel jumping up and down waving his paws wildly. "Whoa there, is there something wrong with Fluttershy?" Angel shook his head rapidly and pointed at his forehead before pulling it up and then cradling his left paw. "A unicorn's been hurt, no, Twilight!" Applejack barely saw Angel nodding rapidly, already jumping to her hooves and charging towards Ponyville, Angel clinging to her mane.

It was a quiet day in Ponyville until Applejack charged into town, she scattered ponies left and right until she stumbled across Nurse Redheart, literally. "Oh my, what is going on?"

"No time for that Nurse Redheart, Twilight broke her leg and she needs your help." Nurse Redheart blinked once before settling her saddlebags a determined look appeared in her eyes. Without a word the two ponies turned and charged out of town towards Fluttershy's cottage.


"That's pretty much it," Twilight had finally wrapped up her tail and Fluttershy had to finally look away from Twilight when she heard somepony knocking on the door.

"Come in," the door opened to reveal Nurse Redheart and Applejack. Without waiting Nurse Redheart trotted into the room and felt along Twilight's leg until the mare winced and bit her lip. Smiling slightly Nurse Redheart seemed relieved.

"You're in luck Miss Sparkle it's a clean break, just a splint, wind the bandages tightly, and be careful with it, there now it should only take about six weeks to heal, hopefully, until then I want you to limit your movement and no teleportation or other strenuous activity, magical or otherwise. Now as for getting you back to Ponyville, hmm."

"I can hitch up the wagon and take you back to the library Twilight," Applejack offered and Nurse Redheart looked torn between agreeing and worrying.

"You can stay here if you want," everypony turned to stare at Fluttershy who blushed from the attention and stared at the ground.

"Are you sure I won't be a burden Fluttershy?"

"Oh, you could never be a burden Twilight. I would love to let you stay for as long as you need, or as long as you want," Fluttershy whispered the last part to herself.

"I would love to stay here, thank you Fluttershy." Twilight smiled and gave Fluttershy a quick hug. That made the nervous Pegasus blush redder than Big Macintosh's coat.

"Well that's all I can do for now. If you need anything else just send me a message and I'll be here as quick as possible." With that Nurse Redheart turned and trotted out the door leaving the three friends alone.

"I guess I'll be heading home as well then, if ya'll need me just holler and I'll come running." With that Applejack left leaving behind a panting Angel to the horror he had tried to run from earlier.

"Okay Angel sweetie," those words froze his soul, "it's bath time." He tried to run again, but this time Twilight was there. As she levitated Angel over towards the waiting bath he glared at Twilight, arms crossed. Levitation or no levitation however, Angel nearly jumped when he came into contact with the ice cold bath water. "I'm sorry Angel, but it would be warmer if you had taken your bath earlier."

"I'll make you a deal Angel, if you be a good bunny I'll heat up your bath water." Angel considered Twilight's offer before nodding his head. He watched as Twilight's magic heated up the water and slowly lower him in. As soon as he hit the water he melted, it was perfect and he even let Fluttershy wash him without complaint.

"Thank you very much Twilight."

"Glad to help Fluttershy." Soon with Angel's bath out of the way Fluttershy had time to settle down and relax after making sure Twilight was as comfortable as possible first naturally. The two then decided to pass the time playing all kinds of card games until it was time for dinner. Once all of the animals were fed and the ponies too, they decided to turn in early. It took a lot of persuasion from Twilight to get Fluttershy to let her walk to bed and even more to get Fluttershy to sleep in the bed as well.

"Are you sure you want me here I can…"

"Fluttershy this is your home and I'm really thankful that you're letting me stay here. However, this is your home and I'm not going to boss you around or wait on me hoof and knee. For as long as I'm healing I want you to be my friend first and foremost, please Fluttershy."

"Alright Twilight, I would be happy to do that." With that out of the way the two ponies cuddled together in Fluttershy's bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next day dawned bright and clear and Fluttershy found that allowing Twilight to exercise her magic in small things like helping her feed the animals didn't seem to be a bad thing and she welcomed the help managing all of the animals. Even Angel seemed to be on his best behavior once he came to realize that Twilight was going to be recuperating here and he didn't want to be a burden on Fluttershy while she looked after Twilight, even if he had to eat carrots. Over the course of the day their friends trickled in for short visits and get-well wishes.

Applejack had brought them some cider and some apples for Angel as a sorry for the rough ride the other day. Rarity had popped in to tell Twilight that she would be helping Spike maintaining the library when she could. Pinkie Pie had brought a get-well cake and some laughs about how silly Twilight was for climbing a tree without asking the tree if he was safe to climb. Rainbow Dash's visit was very surprising as she promised to watch over the library until Twilight got better. When Twilight told her not to drool on the books and to put them back when she was done reading them Rainbow Dash tried and failed to play it cool.

During the third day with little to do to occupy themselves the two would play games or just talk about whatever came to mind. Soon enough they established a peaceful rhythm where they would rise, feed the animals and themselves, play a few games, lunch for them and the animals, talk or read, dinnertime, some more reading and a little more talking, and finally bed. It was a surprisingly quiet six weeks with no disasters occurring natural or otherwise and the two spent most of their time next to each other enjoying the peace. The two of them grew amazingly closer during those six peaceful weeks then they ever had in their few years of friendship. Then came the final day and Nurse Redheart declared Twilight's leg completely healed.

Twilight and Fluttershy stood across from each other awkwardly trying to move on from this moment. "Well, thank you Fluttershy, for everything."

"It was my pleasure Twilight," the two fell into an uncomfortable silence. "Umm, if you want to, you're always welcome to visit."

"Thanks Fluttershy," Twilight started to turn away when she froze and looked back at Fluttershy nervously. "Umm, is there a reason I should go?" She asked trotting closer to Fluttershy.

"Not if you don't want to," Fluttershy was quick to trot forward towards Twilight.

"Is there a reason I should stay?" They were now inches from each other.

"If you want to."

"What do you want?" Fluttershy froze, her heart's desire nearly realized. Then out of nowhere Angel hopped up behind Fluttershy and kicked her with all his might causing her to stumble and her lips to land on Twilight's.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I just, Angel that was…" Fluttershy was cut off as Twilight laid a hoof on her lips.

"Do you really feel that way or does the fact that Angel wouldn't mind having two mommies a good thing." Fluttershy felt tears well up and pour down her face as she kissed Twilight again, her voice failing her. The two of them stayed like that for a while before pulling back. "I need to send a letter to Princess Celestia, there is something she has that I'm going to need. I promise you that I'll be back as soon as possible."

"I know you will Twilight, I love you."

"I love you too Fluttershy." With another kiss Twilight turned and galloped out of the door and Fluttershy settled in to wait."

It was just after lunch time when the door opened revealing a panting Twilight wearing her saddlebags. Fluttershy quickly took possession of the saddlebags and brought Twilight some water and soup. Once she was done Twilight pulled out a stone pyramid covered in symbols. "This is one of two teleporter stones, they form a gateway between two locations once one of them has been activated and they act just like a doorway." With that Twilight set it down in the corner of the living room and used her magic to activate it. A glowing doorway appeared and holding out a hoof for Fluttershy to take she pulled them both through the portal.

Without any fanfare the two arrived in an alcove on the first floor of the library. "Twilight this is amazing, but why do we need them?"

"I can't leave the library completely unattended no matter how good of an assistant Spike is and I know that your animals will do better at your cottage then any closer to Ponyville. This way I can take care of the books and you can take care of your animals and we'll be just on the other side of the door no matter what. Fluttershy once again felt tears pouring down her face as she could only kiss Twilight in thanks. Later that night the new couple settled into their bed at Fluttershy's cottage. However just as they wrapped their forelegs around each other and closed their eyes Fluttershy sensed that something was wrong. Quickly opening her eyes all she saw was darkness and in desperation she called out.

"Twilight, Twilight!"




"Fluttershy, wake up." Fluttershy gave a gasp as awoke in the clearing she had stopped to rest during her search for Angel, only this time she wasn't alone. Twilight lay next to her and Angel was sitting in front of her face.

"Twilight!" With that out of the way Fluttershy threw her arms around Twilight's neck.

"Easy there Fluttershy, it was only a dream, it can't hurt you."

"Oh, but it didn't, it started out so good there was me and yo… the most beautiful creature in Equestria if not the world. She had gotten hurt and came to stay with me until she healed and then when she could go she stayed with me, but then, I closed my eyes for a second and she was gone and I was alone."

"Well, I'll never leave you alone Fluttershy," Twilight offered a gentle hoof and a smile. Fluttershy felt her eyes become teary again and hugged Twilight until they stopped.

"So what are you doing here Twilight?" She managed to ask once she got her voice back.

"Well you see there is a vine that only grows on a tree that grows next to a flowing body of water, it's supposed to help draw toxins out of a body if you chew on it. After that food poisoning disaster I thought that it wouldn't hurt to have some on hand. The only problem is that it can be difficult to harvest, as you have to carefully unwind it from the branch and I don't think that I can use my magic to simply untie it." Twilight indicated the tree behind Fluttershy and sure enough there was a vine wrapped around one of the branches that was growing out over the clearing. "I was just about to climb up when you began tossing and turning."

"Wait, you can't climb up there!" Fluttershy blushed at her outburst and continued in a softer tone. "What if it isn't safe?"

"Wow didn't think of that, hang on I have an idea." Twilight's horn glowed and the glow settled on each branch growing up the tree, Twilight's magic gently tugged on each one before moving on to the next. Then when she reached the branch just below the one with the vine, it broke. "Wow, if I had been on that I could have broken something, thanks Fluttershy, Fluttershy?" Turning around Twilight noticed that Fluttershy had disappeared.

"Here I am," Fluttershy's voice came from above and Twilight watched as Fluttershy hovered up to the branch and began to unwind the vine and when she was done she brought it back down to Twilight.

"Thanks Fluttershy," Twilight gently lay the vine across her back and blushed slightly when Fluttershy pecked her on the cheek.

"I'm just glad you're alright and if it's not too much trouble I need some help."

"Anything, just name it." Fluttershy leaned in close, making Twilight blush again until Fluttershy began whispering in her ear. Twilight slowly nodded and without warning levitated Angel straight into the air.

"Thank you Twilight, now Angel sweetie it's bath time." Those words froze his soul even as he glared hotly at Twilight.

"Listen Angel if you promise to be a good bunny then I'll heat up your bath water, it must be freezing by now." Faced with that harsh reality Angel grudgingly gave in. "Good of course if you had just taken you bath when it was ready then you wouldn't have to deal with the possibility of cold water. Now let's get you clean," with that the two ponies trotted back to the cottage and to make sure that he followed Twilight kept him in the air so he wouldn't bolt a the first opportunity.

Comments ( 2 )

I do like the concept, but the overall pacing felt like it was going by too fast. I'd advise focusing more on telling the story then reaching the end, and maybe the ending could be open to interpretation in this case, rather then coming off as a definite no

I don't have any problems with the concept, but I think the writing needs polish - also the spelling. Grammar errors break immersion, particularly the 'your' instead of 'you're' in the line "The least I can do is make sure your comfortable,"

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