• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 2,173 Views, 79 Comments

Celestia's Brothers - CaptainSanchez

The Princes have been invited to Luna's birthday party, only... they've changed.

  • ...

Okay, For Real This Time

Celestia's Brothers

Chapter 4: Okay, for Real This Time…

"… Terrie?" Luna asked, stunned at her brothers' presence. This did what all of her sister's efforts could not: divert Terrestrion's attention. As the pitch-black Land Prince turned, his eyes lit up. No, they literally got many times brighter than they had been so far.

"Lulu!" Terrestrion exclaimed. He ran to his youngest sister, thrilled to see her after so much time had passed. The ensuing hug was capable of turning mountains into playground sand, but did little more than restrict the night princess's breathing. A lot. After a few minutes of intense huggitude, Terrestrion released his sister form what would later become known as The Millennium Vice.

As Luna desperately attempted to catch her breath, Aquinus trotted up to his twin. Celestia saw this, but made no mention of it to Terrestrion, assuming that Aquinus was gearing up for one of his legendary impromptu pranks. The Sea Prince patted his grumpy twin on the back. That was a really, really bad idea.

You see, over time, the Twins had become… different. The changes that they'd undergone in their Seclusion were not just psychological. Their bodies had changed on a molecular level, physical contact between the two could now endanger all life. That's no exaggeration, Terrestrion and Aquinus had somehow become composed of opposite forms of matter. Terrestrion had become composed of Dark-Positive Matter, and Aquinus had become composed of Light-Antimatter.

Luckily, the contact had been brief and obscured, which resulted in the Twins becoming catatonic. They fell to the ground, faces frozen in the shared instant of the realization that they shouldn't have touched. Needless to say, the Sisters were beyond freaked out over this. Seriously, Celestia was in the fetal position, and Luna was having a mild stroke.

Once they had regained some semblance of their composure, the Princesses set to work on helping their elder brothers.


Several days later, the feeble strands of hope they'd had were nearly gone. Luna saw only one possible solution. Well, not really a solution, more like an option with a chance of success. They had to contact… <gulp> their Parents.

What of you mean, "That's not so bad?" their Parents were omnipresent beings which together controlled all of reality. As a result, they weren't exactly easy to contact. Well, I suppose that they would already know when and where they'd be needed, what with Chronos being the Time King and all. You know what? Never mind, I've gotten off track. See, now you've made me lose my train of thought. Ugh, I bet Freckles Freemane (this universe's equivalent of Morgan Freeman) never has to put up with this kind of thing. Okay, where was I? Oh, right; contacting their Parents. That seems kind of pointless now that I've pointed out the fact that Chronos already knows (has always known, and will always know) that he and Cosmia were needed there, doesn't it?

Now that I mention it, they could've shown up immediately before the Twins touched. Well, they suck. Seriously, just think of all the needless psychological torment they put their children through. Well, when you're raised by the Grand Fausticorn, you do tend to be relatively tweaked (parenting skills having not yet been invented). Okay, Luna decided to needlessly send a message to her parents, telling them things they already knew, about a problem that they knew about before her birth. Yep, sounds about right.


Chronos, already knowing of the issue at hand, was in his usual state of melancholy. It was too late, he couldn't do anything for his children now. He hadn't been able to help them back when this could've been avoided, and even then he'd known that he would fail to stop The Event.

It's almost upon them, now. Nothing to do but wait until i can help rebuild… Wait. That wasn't supposed to happen! Thought the Time King.

"Cosmia, something's wrong!" he called to his Queen, "The Chain has been altered, the Event might be--" he stopped mid-sentence. He was now seeing something he'd never seen before.

"No… that's not possible!" he shouted, panicked for the first time in his life, "It can't get WORSE!

TO BE CONTINUED IN CH. 5: Worse?![/]b