• Published 29th Nov 2023
  • 371 Views, 26 Comments

Pegasus Uprising - Stormy Cloud

After an economic depression hits Cloudsdale, most pegasi are left without support. Feeling angry these pegasi will form a rebellion.

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“What the hell do ya think yer doing"

“Interrogating our prisoner,” the unicorn said aggressively.

“Torturing ya mean anyway that's not our job. Our job is tah deliver pegasi to the government and that's it” the familiar voice explained.

Suddenly the blindfold was ripped off her face as she heard the familiar voice gasp. “Oh sweet Celestia”

Scootaloo stared in shock as she saw her old friend, Apple Bloom, holding the blindfold.

Apple Bloom didn’t know what to think, the last pony she was expecting to see was her old friend. She had always tried to imagine what she would do if she ever caught, Scootaloo. In the end, she decided to ignore the past and treat it like a normal job but now that she was faced with the situation, she had forgotten all about it.

Examining her closer, she could see that Scootaloo was drenched and looked to have been through Tartarus and back. Her uniform was ripped and her mane was tattered with several cuts and bruises adjourning her body.

The two former friends stared into each other's eyes before, Apple Bloom turned towards Scootaloo's torturer, “What did you do to her?” she hissed.

The unicorn merely rolled her eyes before exclaiming “All I did was waterboard her, besides, she's the enemy, why does it even matter, what I did to her?”

Apple Bloom growled, not knowing how to answer, instead, she sighed “Trixie, get out of my sight.”

Getting her courage back Scootaloo asked “Apple Bloom, is that you?”

She nodded, “Yes Scootaloo, Ahm sorry fer what Trixie did, she gets a little overzealous.”

Instead of replying, she asked, “Can you let me go?” while tugging at her bonds.

Apple Bloom closed her eyes. While she wanted to let her foalhood friend go, she also knew that she would get a lot of bits from her, bits that she was in dire need of. She made her decision. Business came first.

With a heavy heart, she told the doomed pegasus “Ahm sorry, Scoots but Ah really need the money. Ever since we lost the farm, times have been tough.”

She looked away from Scootaloo who gave her a look of stunned disbelief “What are you saying?”

Apple Bloom sighed, still looking at the floor “Ahm sorry but we can't let you go. We still have to take you to Canterlot.”

Scootaloo felt betrayed as she couldn't believe that her long-time friend was willing to sell her out to the Equestrians. “Apple Bloom, you can't. They'll call me a traitor, they'll lock me up.”

Apple Bloom felt sorry for her friend but in her mind, if she didn't turn Scootaloo in then she would gain no bits and therefore her family would suffer even more. “Scootaloo, ah don't want to do this but if Celestia found out that I let yah go then me and mah family would be ruined. Ahm sure that if yah tell them that yah were forced to fight, then they'll be more lenient.” She knew that last part was a lie, any PLA pegasus, whether they had been foalnapped or not, were to be treated the same as prisoners of war.

“Please Apple Bloom, have you not heard of what they do to pegasi, just tell them that I escaped.” Scootaloo pleaded in desperation. Apple Bloom had not just heard the rumours but knew that the rumours were true from what Applejack had told her.

She ignored the fact that she was practically ruining Scootaloo's life and pulled out a knife before pointing it towards Scootaloo. “I am going to untie you, you are going to follow my orders, if you don't I will hurt you.”

It was killing her to threaten her former friend but she knew it was a necessity. Scootaloo looked down at the knife in fear as Apple Bloom slowly released her from her bonds.

When she felt her limbs come free from the rope, Scootaloo quickly jumped up and pushed Apple Bloom to the floor before running to the door, to her horror the door was locked. Turning around she saw Apple Bloom advance towards her, knife in mouth.

She noticed a small window and quickly flew towards it. Apple Bloom who anticipated her moves jumped up and grabbed hold of the pegasus, not before her knife sunk into her flank, halfway through the purple shield with a wing emblazoned on it that sat on Scootaloo’s flank.

Scootaloo's screamed in pain as Apple
Bloom pulled the knife free, they both stared down at the cutie mark that now had a slash running through the middle, blood trickling through the small wound.

Scootaloo winced as Apple Bloom pulled the bandanna that hung loosely from her neck and pressed it against the knife wound she shouted “Flatline, get in here!”

A brown unicorn stallion rushed through, holding a first-aid kit. He didn't say anything and was more concerned about the job in hoof than anything else.

He used his magic to stem the blood flow before wrapping several bandages around the wound. Apple Bloom asked, “How serious is it doc?”

The doctor answered unconcerned “Not that serious, the wound was not too deep and the blood loss was limited. The wound should heal soon, however, it will leave a scar.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “Can she still walk?”

Flatline nodded “Yes, although it will hurt slightly, I recommend staying off your hooves” looking towards Scootaloo's, who throughout this entire time remained silent, trying to process how Apple Bloom could've stabbed her like that.

Apple Bloom gave a sigh of relief, thankful that she hadn't done too much damage. She then turned to Scootaloo before wrapping chains around her wings and placing her forehooves in hoof cuffs. “I was hoping that I didn't have to restrain you but you have left me with no choice.”

“How could you do this, I thought we were friends?” she asked.

“Scootaloo we are on the opposite sides of a civil war, there are no friends.” Apple Bloom said with such finality that it shocked Scootaloo. She then ordered Scootaloo to walk forward, all the while, pointing a knife towards her back. Scootaloo's winced in pain as she slowly got back onto four hooves.


Walking through the door, Scootaloo saw that they were inside of a large farmhouse that was built in the middle of nowhere. She could see that Apple Bloom’s gang included several more unicorns and earth ponies; even a gryphon, all of whom glared menacingly towards her, Scootaloo noticed that Flatline gave her a look of indifference while the blue unicorn, whom Scootaloo recognised as Trixie gave her a crazed smile.

Apple Bloom forced Scootaloo through the main entrance of the house that opened up to the large desert, she realised that they were on some sort of ranch as she could see large, open fields surrounded by white fences. She also noticed several carts parked nearby along with an ominous-looking carriage that was practically a black, wooden cube with small barred windows.

Scootaloo gulped as she realised that was where they were heading for. Trixie had followed them outside and opened the prison wagon, revealing the inside which was covered in used hay and had an overwhelming stench of urine and faeces.

Trixie exclaimed sinisterly “Welcome to your temporary home.”

Scootaloo looked towards Apple Bloom and started to shake her head “Please don't do this, they’ll kill me.”

Apple Bloom sighed, now starting to get annoyed, she ignored her and shoved her headfirst into the wagon before locking the door shut.

The cart was shrouded in darkness, with very little light coming through. She quickly found the source of the smell, which was a bucket that had been used as a toilet. Scootaloo had to stop herself from vomiting.

Suddenly the cart began to move as she heard the sounds of ponies walking, the bounces of the cart caused the bucket to fall over, nearly spilling its contents. The straw that layered the floor clearly hadn't been replaced and still felt wet and dirty, it was also incredibly uncomfortable as she lay down.

Scootaloo didn't know how long it would take before they ended up in Canterlot so as a way of passing the time she tried to think of Sweetie Belle, her other former friend. She had heard rumours that she had become a singer and was having her own live concerts, she also thought about Lightning Bolt. She hoped that he was safe but she knew that his injuries were serious and that he would have a long recovery ahead of him.

Her thoughts eventually turned to Canterlot and what they would do to her once they had arrived. Scootaloo had heard horror stories that they were sending prisoners of war to large concentration camps and were being used as slaves other horror stories included that pegasi were being sent to a death factory and being forced into some sort of machine that turned them into rainbows. She shuddered at the thought and tried to clear her mind.


Apple Bloom was leading the convoy as her eyes scanned the horizon for any threats, she glanced towards the sky in curiosity as she could swear that the sky was getting darker sooner than it should be, that was when she realised that she couldn't see the sun or moon. Slowing her walk, she noticed a small pegasus colt clutching his wing in pain and crying in the road ahead of them. Apple Bloom indicated for the convoy to stop as she slowly walked towards the colt.

Normally they would ignore things like this but Apple Bloom knew that she could potentially gain more bits from the kid. The colt looked innocent and helpless however this didn't ease Apple Bloom of the sense of danger that was beginning to overcome her, however, she pushed on.

When she got closer, she quickly realised that she should’ve trusted her gut as suddenly in a split-second movement the colt, slashed at Apple Bloom's hooves as Tartarus broke loose.

Pegasus swooped down on the convoy from all sides and the colt leapt onto Apple Bloom’s face, blinding her. The colt didn't make any attempts to take her down, this was when she realised that he was only a distraction and that the real battle was happening behind her. She jumped forward and intentionally slammed her face into the ground, knocking the colt out cold. She was horrified to see that the colt looked to be around five years old. Apple Bloom knew that the PLA had taken a step too far and had become a new low.

Turning around she looked in horror as her forces quickly came overwhelmed, even Trixie was having trouble, she realised that they were greatly outnumbered. She cursed herself for falling for such a lousy trick.

As she entered the fray the pegasi retreated. Apple Bloom ran to the prison wagon and stared in anger as she realised that Scootaloo was gone.


Rainbow Dash walked into the meeting room, not meeting her friend's suspicious glances aimed at her.

“Hi Rainbow, glad you could join us.” Twilight greeted. Twilight was the only pony out of her friends, who actually treated her the same.

“Hi Twi, I’ve been told to give you this,” she said, handing over the briefcase that Blue Bolt had given her.

Twilight looked down at it in confusion as she asked “Really, who told you to give it to me.”

“An old friend.”

“That's strange,” she said in wonder an uneasy feeling beginning to settle in her stomach. She opened the briefcase…


Comments ( 4 )

nice to see thos updated. somethig i noticed, culd be an error

Apple Bloom felt sorry for her friend but in her mind, if she didn't turn Scootaloo in then she would gain no bits and therefore her family would suffer even more. “Scootaloo, ah don't want to do this but if Celestial found out that I let yah go then me and mah family would be ruined.

the ending, how should i say, feels a bit to quick, no offense

You can have autocorrect to thank for that.

i see, yeah, it sucks, doesnt it

Will Princess Celestia probably blame the extremist unicorn and earth ponies in the Canterlot government for triggering the Pegasus uprising in the aftermath?

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