• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 942 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Ice Sprint. - Red Tagg

Rainbow Dash is tasked to deliver a heart to a patient in a blizzard. But there are people trying to stop her. All while on her Birthday.

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Party Time

Two days after Rainbow was cleared and returned to Canterlot City, the gang threw Rainbow a late birthday party, organised by Pinkie of course. It took place in the Canterlot High Gymnasium, not only the ninjas and Rainbooms were there, but also the Wondercolts, Mighty Mutanimals and Shadowbolts, along with Principal Celestia and VP Luna supervising. Even Carmen and her crew showed up. They wanted to check in after making sure it was safe from ACME. The Party was in full swing.

Leo, Twilight, and Karai were talking to Carmen about her recent events.

"So your father was VILE Faculty?" Twilight asked.

"And was shot by law enforcement?" Karai asked.

"Which the Shadowsan brought you to VILE Island?" Twilight finished.

"Yep, that's about it,” Carmen confirmed. However, she left out an important detail of that story.

“We’re so sorry to hear that Carmen,” Leo apologised to the thief.

“Thanks, but now I know I have a mother out there somewhere.”

“You’ll find her, Carm. One day,” Karai encouraged.

“Thanks guys.” Carmen was glad to have friends like them.

Meanwhile, Shadowsan was telling the CMC about his brother, Hideo.

“So by separating the Daisho, I separated the two of us, for good.” The CMC were shocked to hear about the man’s relationship with his brother.

“But you returned the sword, shouldn’t that have helped?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It’s rarely that simple,” Shadowsan explained.

“We know how you originally felt,” Scootaloo said. The girls told him about the Anon-A-Miss incident, which got them a month of detention, becoming outcasts, and not being allowed to go to Camp Everfree.

“I see I wasn’t the only one who made an unfortunate error. You’re just lucky you were able to make up with your older siblings.

“I’m sure you’ll get a chance to make things right with your brother,” Applebloom said with hope for the ninja. Shadowsan couldn’t help but smile at their thoughtfulness.

“Thank you, young ones.”

On the dance, Mikey was tearing it up. He looked over to see Mondo Gecko dancing with Lyla Heartstrings. He then realised something.

“Hey, where's BonBon? You two are usually joint to the hip,” Mikey pointed out, as there was no sign of her anywhere.

“BonBon caught a cold from the snow we had. She's home resting,” Lyla pointed out. “I wanted to skip the party and help her, but she insisted I go.”

“Bummer, yo,” Mikey said, feeling bad about BonBon.

In BonBon's bedroom, the girl was lying in her bed, feeling worse for wear.


Just then the pen on her bedside table began to beep. She picked it up, pressed it and dropped it on the floor. Chief's holographic form appeared.

“Agent Sweetie Drops, re- whoa,” Chief was surprised to see BonBon, or Sweetie Drops, current condition.

“Agent Sweetie Drops... reporting,” Sweetie Drops weakly said, followed by another sneeze.

“Right, any contact to the Rainbooms by Carmen Sandiego?” Chief asked, getting back to the point.

“No contact so far Chief.”

“Anyway, just focus on getting better right now,” Chief ordered the young agent, before putting a smirk on her face, “Wouldn't want Miss Heartstrings to see you like this.”

After which, Chief disconnected, leaving a sick Sweetie Drops flustered.

Back at the party, the Ninjas and Rainbooms gathered together, getting ready for an important part of the schedule.

“We all ready?” April asked.

“Yep, we're all set,” Pinkie confirmed.

“Actually, we're missing something important,” Raph pointed out.

“Like what?” Pinkie asked.

“How about... the Birthday girl?”

The others realised Raph was right, Rainbow was nowhere to be seen.

“Where's Rainbow?” Donnie asked.

“Oh, I saw her walk outside a few minutes ago,” Zack pointed out as he munched on some party food, to Ivy's displeasure.

Rainbow stood outside leaning against the Canterlot High statue, thinking about the events that just happened. She had mostly recovered, but she had crutches as she couldn’t walk properly. The others approached her.

“S’up Rainbow, you’re missing your party,” Mikey said to Rainbow.

“What? Oh yeah, I just needed some air,” Rainbow said, trying to not look distant, but she wasn’t fooling anyone.

“You okay, Rainbow?” Applejack asked in concern.

“I was just, I was just thinking about what happened recently,” Rainbow admitted. “I can’t believe VILE would target such a nice-looking family.”

“VILE wouldn’t care about a nice-looking family. They just saw them as an obstacle to more riches, and they certainly wouldn't care if the country suffered,” Carmen explained.

“But the point is, Bisp’s in jail and VILE has nothing,” Twilight inquired.

“Thanks to you, Rainbow,” Keno pointed out. “You not only saved the girl, but you saved an entire country. Major Kudos.”

“Thanks. But still, when my birthday started a few days ago, I thought everything was going great. Then Bisp and VILE nearly ruined everything, not for me, but for the Reinkani Royal Family. But near the end, after what I saw I realised something. The greatest gift someone like me could get... was watching that little girl smile.” Rainbow had a smile on her face.

Everyone was surprised to hear how humble she sounded.

“It's a good feeling, isn’t it,” Carmen asked, putting her hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

Just then Principal Celestia and VP Luna showed up.

“What you did was amazing Rainbow,” Principal Celestia said. “Things may not have worked the way you wanted, but seeing that child smile can bring a great feeling.”

“When we took to teaching, we wanted to help nurture and guide students every day to be the best they can be. And the moment you girls came together and did many things, even with the turtles, we couldn't be more proud of the people you became,” VP Luna said, feeling proud of their latest accomplishment.

Principal Celestia placed a hand on Rainbow's shoulder, “And we still are.”

Rainbow and the girls couldn't help but smile at that, even Rainbow felt proud of today.

“Now then, I believe we have a party to return to?” Carmen said.

Pinkie got excited, “Yay, time to continue Rainbow Dash's birthday and Saving a Country Party!!!”

Everyone then returned to celebrate Rainbow's birthday further.

Inside the Gymnasium, Pinkie was on the stage, with the Rock N Beats playing their instruments, Mikey and Pinkie were on the stage making the announcement.

“Alright everybody, we’re here to celebrate…!”

Pinkie continued, “…the latent Birthday of our good friend…”

“RAINBOW DASH!” Rainbow appeared in front of them.

“Hey everybody, who’s ready to get their party on, hit it!”

The Rock N Beats played as Pinkie sang a song while the others celebrated.

(Make a Wish)

The crowd cheered at the song and continued to celebrate.

Things began to settle down a bit.

“Great birthday party,” Rainbow said, feeling grateful.

“You’ve earned it, Rainbow, for what you did,” Leo clarified.

As the gang were discussing, Fluttershy's geode activated.

“What's that, you're looking for Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked as if she was talking to someone.

Just then a Lagger Falcon, Yod's falcon, Aaserak, flew in through the window and landed on the table. The bird had a box in his talon.

“That's Yod's falcon, Aaserak,” Rainbow pointed out, remembering the falcon.

“He says he has something for Rainbow from Yod and the Shaah Royal Family,” Fluttershy translated.

Rainbow took the box from Aaserak. The bird bowed and then flew away, most likely back to his master in Reinkani.

Rainbow opened the box and pulled out a golden medal, along with two notes. Rainbow Dash opened the first note.

“Dear Rainbow Dash, for your service to our country, I hear by award you with the Medal of Honour. Let it serve you and others as a reminder of the service you made to the Country of Reinkani and its Royal Family. Signed, Queen Unna Shaah, Queen of Reinkani.”

The others were surprised at first, but then they cheered at Rainbow's success.

“Awesome,” Rainbow said as she put the medal around her neck. She then noticed the second note.

“Dear Rainbow Dash, I humbly thank you for helping save my family from Dushta. If you ever need a favour, don't be afraid to call me personally. I would love to be of assistance. Yours sincerely, Yod Nyaa.” Rainbow then noticed a phone number at the bottom of the bottom of the letter. Rainbow couldn’t help but blush.

“Well what do you know, a boy gave you his number,” Mikey teased.

“Well, he is a handsome young man,” Rarity said with a smirk.

“Guys,” Rainbow said, feeling embarrassed.

“Well you weren't exactly subtle when Yod first introduced himself.” Carmen then pulled out her phone and showed footage from the hospital.

I never got the chance to properly introduce myself. I am Yod Nyaa.”

“Nice to meet you, I'm Dainbow Rash, uh, I mean Rainbow Crash, no, no, I'm Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash.’

“Nice to officially meet you.”

Rainbow was blushing like crazy while the others laughed and cooed.

“Oooh, someone has a crush,” Rarity teased.

“Carmen!” Rainbow went to touch her geode to use her speed but remembered that her parents confiscated it as she was still healing and using it would make things worse. Instead, she crutched over as fast as she could to try and take the phone. “Get back here!”

The gang laughed to Rainbow’s dismay as the athlete tried to get the phone from the super thief. Despite this, it was a great Birthday Party.