• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 2,149 Views, 70 Comments

Pegasus Horns - silvadel

Chaos descends on Ponyville as pegasi and earth ponies learn magic and unicorns march in protest.

  • ...

The Best Laid Plans

Scootaloo walked in large circles around the main floor of the library.

Twilight was busy reading in the the corner. Reading always calmed Twilight's nerves.

Scootaloo observed, "It is getting late. Would you mind if I used the powder room before I leave?"

Twilight looked up from her pile of books. She thought of Misty, but merely said, "Sure, it's upstairs."

Scootaloo climbed the stairs and walked to the guest room. She acquired one of Misty's saddlebags, carefully removed the floorboard, and put the box into one of the pouches. She replaced the floorboard and made her way to the lavatory. Once inside, she ran a little water to complete the illusion.

She quietly departed Twilight's Library. It was late enough that most of the protestors were asleep or elsewhere. The dim light of a crescent moon made it hard to see. Scootaloo could feel the weight of the box she carried. It felt much heavier than it was. She walked the streets of Ponyville to her apartment. She lit a candle and placed the box on a table.

She stared at the box. Between the teleport Misty had her do, and all of the sparring she had later done with Twilight, Scootaloo was magically winded. She was also mentally and physically stressed from worry. A wave of weariness completed the decision — she would have to address this tomorrow.

She awoke early the next morning and walked over to the box. She placed some of her own energy into the parts of the box that had none and it sprang open.

Inside the box she saw three folders, a detailed class list, a book, a bound treatise on her methods of teaching, and roughly five-hundred bits. The folders were marked "If I am missing, If I am dead, and If I am imprisoned by Princess Celestia."

Inside the "Celestia" folder, she found several letters. The largest was addressed to herself. She started to read it.

"Dear Scootaloo,

Sometimes you have to lose your freedom to be the most free. You see, I already had an agreement with Princess Celestia. She had me take an oath to not do anything that I thought would harm Equestria, and that I would not spread knowledge of the 'Still Shadows' martial art. The first part was easy. As for the second part, I did not even know what 'Still Shadows' was at the time. In return she would release me from custody and for the most part leave me alone. She also said the deal was only offered because she received letters of support from Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

As I further developed my magical abilities, Princess Luna figured it out. I did not have some oral tradition or knowledge of 'Still Shadows.' I had figured out my talents on my own. She lent me a book by Lieutenant Hurricane and told me the story of what it was.

In the distant past when the pony tribes were still adversaries rather than friends, 'Still Shadows' was a martial art developed by pegasi with only one purpose — to fight unicorns. It was the sole reason pegasi did so well against them. When harmony was reached between the Pegasi and the Unicorns, Celestia decided that the martial art was better off forgotten. Over time it was removed from history.

The thing is that while 'Still Shadows' was developed for war, pegasus magic could be used in peace. The pegasi never realized it at the time, but any pegasus could access a magical talent, while only about one in fifty had the natural abilities to learn 'Still Shadows.' Had this tradition not been deleted from history, the pegasi would have figured this out many centuries ago.

Well, if I am in jail then she has broken her side of the agreement and as you can see, I no longer have a reason not to reveal the full extent of what I know.

Please make sure to get the letter out to Grey Skies as soon as possible. Twilight will be sending her own letter and the details are a little contradictory. My initial intention was for him to be collecting my effects, but that was before I got to know you. At any rate I want your letter to arrive first.

Take the letter to Rainbow Dash personally. She has been a friend to me, but she is not currently on our side on the magic issue. Stay there while she reads it. If she seems convinceable, let her borrow the copy of 'Fighting in the Shadows' by Lieutenant Hurricane. She loves pegasus history and martial arts and will be very interested in that book. Note it is quite a high crime simply possessing that book, but I had to make a copy when Princess Luna lent me the original.

Hold onto the letter addressed to Twilight Sparkle. If she seems to waver, present it to her. You will know by her reaction if she is still able to be trusted. She will be very conflicted. She is a long time friend of mine, a good friend of yours, and is a strong proponent of 'magic for all,' but she is fiercely loyal to Princess Celestia and will be exceedingly reluctant to do anything that would disappoint or anger the Princess.

Princess Luna is another strong ally. She remembers the beginning, and disagreed with her sister at the time. She will not directly defy Celestia over this however. Note Spike can send letters to Luna almost as easy as he can to Celestia.

My guess is that you will get in two or maybe three classes before you get a visit from Celestia. Do not confront her or challenge her. If you simply apologize and express loyalty to me while appealing to her ego, she will likely give you the benefit of the doubt. After that you will need to be more secretive.

Anypony marked 'Basic Magic' on the student list is a potential teacher. This includes Grey Skies who will start teaching in Los Pegasus as soon as he receives your letter.

Keep things as quiet as you can as long as you can, but prepare for anything.

I am counting on you.

Misty Midnight"


Scootaloo first set off for the post office. When she requested single day air to Los Pegasus, Derpy came to the window.

Derpy approached, "Are you sure you need single day? Two day is much cheaper. It also doesn't require losing a mare to make the delivery."

Scootaloo replied, "Yes, I am sure. I need this there yesterday but tomorrow is good enough. Oh and have you seen Rainbow Dash around?"

Derpy thought about it. "Rainbow is probably still asleep. First class to Los Pegasus is 37 bits."

Scootaloo laid the bits on the counter, presented the letter, and made off for Rainbow Dash's cloud home.

Scootaloo looked up and then at her wings. She called out to Rainbow Dash, but got no answer. She brought out her horn and concentrated. In the distance she could barely sense the energy pattern of one pegasus. Rainbow Dash was indeed home.

She thought to herself, "I have come this far and I probably can't hurt myself all that much on clouds." She made calculations for the distance and performed the teleport.

She fell a short distance into the awaiting clouds. They supported her and she walked up to the door. It was not locked, so she entered, walked around a couple of passages and crept into Rainbow Dash's bedroom.

Rainbow Dash was sound asleep on her bed. Her covers were in a pile on the floor, and a Daring Do book was perched on her nightstand.

Scootaloo called out to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow responded by flying straight up into the cloud ceiling, bouncing off said, and landing back on her bed. "Scootaloo, how did you get up here?"

Scootaloo replied, "Well, I tried calling out from outside but you didn't answer, so I teleported up and walked in."

Rainbow put a hoof up to her face. "And why did you need to startle me out of bed?"

Scootaloo produced an envelope. "You might not know it but Misty has been arrested by Celestia. She had a letter for you prepared for that contingency."

"Dear Rainbow Dash

You said that it would hurt pegasus tradition to learn magic. What I reveal here I was until recently unable to say due to an oath to the Princesses. It is something you need to know about LOST pegasus tradition. Back in the time of and before Commander Hurricane, when the pegasi were routinely adversaries of the unicorns instead of their friends, there existed an additional pegasus martial art. This art was designed specifically to counter unicorn magic. It allowed a practitioner to sense ponies at range and around corners, to deflect and dismantle spells, and to slowly drain the magical energies from unicorns. Without this martial art, the pegasi would have been easy targets for the unicorn's magic. Had this art not been erased from history, pegasi might have realized their magical talents many centuries ago."

So no, I do not think I was destroying pegasus tradition by teaching them magic. I was RESTORING pegasus tradition. We have a lost legacy that I attempted to regain.

Misty Midnight

Rainbow Dash paused for several seconds after reading the letter. "And what proof does she have about this supposed ancient art?"

Scootaloo tossed 'Fighting in the shadows' towards Rainbow's bed. She caught it in mid-air. "Keep that close, possession of that book could earn you a one way trip to the moon."

Scootaloo saluted the captain of the wonderbolts. Then she walked back out of the bedroom and to the edge of Rainbow's house. She broke off a tiny amount of cloud and stood on it. The cloud slowly descended to ground level.


A few dozen ponies milled around outside the library. They were not certain what to expect in Misty's absence but they decided it was better than returning home.

Scootaloo addressed the ponies. "In the words of a hero of mine, 'I would never leave Ponyville hanging.' Misty Midnight has provided me with enough experience and materials to perform this class. If you will follow me inside the library, I will begin."

The mixed group of mostly pegasi looked around and then filed inside in an orderly manner. Scootaloo stood in front of the desks.

"My name is Scootaloo and this is 'Magic for Ponies.' This class will be a long one because I want as many of you to earn your talents TODAY because there may be no tomorrow."

"First I must impress upon you a matter of safety. You know how I can't fly. Well in a very similar manner if a pegasus exhausts herself magically, she can't either. Similarly, a pegasus loses her ability to walk on clouds and an earth pony temporarily loses her strength, stamina, and other abilities. Always try to cast safely."

"I am not a scholar like Misty. So I will not try to pretend to be one here. What I can say is that not having access to your magic is like not having your cutie mark. It is something — missing from your life. My hope is to complete as many of you as I can tonight."

Having said her piece, Scootaloo plunged into the practical part of the course. Time passed and more and more of the ponies succeeded in forming horns. There were only three left in the room when Scootaloo finally gave up for the night, and trotted back to her apartment.


Grey Skies was watering the flowers around his front lawn when he noticed a teal pegasus flying towards him.

April Showers landed. "Are you Grey Skies?"

Grey Skies nodded.

April Showers presented a letter to Grey Skies. "This is for you then. Direct courier from Ponyville from Misty Midnight."

Grey Skies opened and read the letter.

"Dear Grey Skies,

If you are reading this then I have been arrested by Celestia, thus interrupting my teaching of "Magic for Pegasi 101" in Ponyville. I have taught many ponies already and it is my belief that this is the time for pegasi to claim their gifts of magic. I ask that you start teaching the pegasi in Los Pegasus, to keep the movement going.

You will be getting another letter from a Twilight Sparkle. This letter supersedes that one. Scootaloo is continuing to teach my techniques in Ponyville in my absence, and is the strongest pegasus I have ever discovered with regards to magic. Having multiple classes occurring in multiple areas will help convince Celestia that it is beyond her ability to control.

I have faith in you, Grey.

Misty Midnight

He thought of his mare and their three foals. He just couldn't follow through on Misty's plan. Sure he might teach the occasional pegasus if it showed promise, and he would teach his foals, but he had no will to risk his family over opening up a school.

"Sorry Misty." He watched the teal pegasus fly off into the distance.


Princess Celestia sat upon her throne. This had been one of the most trying solar court sessions in her recent memory.

The court herald trumpeted, "Apple Polish, dean of Celestia's school for gifted unicorns."

A tan unicorn with a brown mane and a painfully serious expression trotted along the red carpet. She bowed before Celestia.

"I am here because of an anomaly with the early applications for the fall session. We have fifteen pegasi and seven earth ponies who have submitted applications. How do you want us to deal with this?"

Celestia thought for an uncomfortable amount of time. She stood. "Allow the applications to proceed. Set their interview dates for the same day. I will want to talk to that assembled group personally."

Apple polish bowed. "As you wish, your highness." She turned and left the court.

The court herald trumpeted, "Northern Lights, deputy manager of the Cloudsdale weather factory."

The purple pegasus nervously walked towards Celestia and took a deep bow. "Cloudsdale is below inventory on several key weather items and is presently understaffed. We ask that we be allowed to officially request aid from Los Pegasus for both ponypower and materials."

Celestia sighed and granted the request. She then announced an end to solar court and left the throne room.

She walked down several corridors and entered a private dining hall. Luna was quietly reading while waiting for her sister. The salad course was already prepared, but Luna had not started eating.

Celestia sat at the head of the table. "Solar court was very tiring today. It also appears that Scootaloo has taken over teaching 'Magic for Pegasi' in Ponyville."

Luna put the book aside. "I told you arresting Misty would not put an end to this."

Celestia replied, "Arresting her was a last resort. I truly hoped she could be convinced that her actions were bad for Equestria on some level, thus activating her oath. But her belief in this was unwavering."

Luna swallowed some of her salad and looked at Celestia. "Ponies have grown much in the past millennia. Are thou certain that they can not handle everypony having a magical talent?"

Celestia refilled her wine glass. "In a controlled manner over time, sure. During a single generation, doubtful. Many ponies still live in relative segregation. The nobility is mostly unicorns. This upsets a lot of anthills."

"Additionally, consider those with a talent for 'Still Shadows.' You know as well as I that it is at best grey magic. What if such a pegasus who had other talents decided to drain other ponies for extra power? Worse, what if such a pegasus decided to disable the spell holding Discord? The spellset is just too dangerous unless tightly controlled."

The kitchen door opened. Two unicorns in chef outfits brought gleaming covered dishes over to the table. One was placed in front of each alicorn and the old dishes removed. With a deft burst of telekinesis the covers floated behind the retreating kitchen staff.

Celestia started into her chestnut and mushroom risotto.

Luna toyed with her blueberry pancakes. "So, what is your next move then?"

Celestia swallowed. "Well, when I shut Misty down there were about two hundred ponies she had taught. About two should be capable of 'Still Shadows' but from what Misty's bravado when I confronted her I am guessing it is closer to four. My plan is to head over to Ponyville and see if Scootaloo will listen to reason."


Scootaloo watched as pegasi and earth ponies entered the library. She smiled widely when her childhood hero — one of the ponies she most respected entered the building.

Rainbow Dash took a front row seat. "Okay Scoots, you've got my attention."

Scootaloo gave Rainbow a quick nod and waited for the rest of the seats to be filled. She looked Rainbow straight in the eyes. "I dedicate this class to the legacy of our past and a future never realized — to Commander Hurricane and the pegasi of olde, their true history forgotten."

She looked back over the rest of the class. "I am Scootaloo and this is Magic for Ponies. It is my hope that tonight, the vast majority of you will earn your magical talents. I do this today because there may be no tomorrow."

She lectured on her safety warning, and a few tips on what was to come. She then started the practical portion of the class.

The ponies progressed through the various stages. Rainbow Dash was the first to form a glowing horn. Other ponies followed.

When about half of the ponies had succeeded, the door burst open.

Princess Celestia entered the library and started walking towards the front of the class.

Scootaloo called out to the class. "It appears we will be ending this one early. Congratulations to those who succeeded. Really any unicorn can eventually help with your next step. Please leave in an orderly fashion."

Students who had their eyes shut were shocked to see Celestia. The students were not exactly orderly in their attempts to leave the classroom.

When only Rainbow, Twilight, and Scootaloo remained, Celestia turned to Scootaloo. "I have some things to discuss with you in private."

Scootaloo turned to Celestia. "I think your highness would understand that I would prefer my friends to stick around — under the circumstances."

Celestia examined Rainbow Dash and noted her tenacity. She turned to Twilight who shivered under her gaze. She looked back at Scootaloo. "Very well — I would first like to say that I understand that you may have strong loyalties to Misty, but what she has presented you with is dangerously one-sided."

"Misty was never one to fully appreciate the consequences of her actions. Beyond all of the social uproar that universal magic use would cause, there are very good reasons why Misty's talents and your own have been lost to time. Beyond the rift it could make between unicorns and pegasi, think of the dangers. A pegasus like Misty could potentially even free Discord."

On hearing the name Discord, Scootaloo retreated into memory.

"It was thirteen years ago. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I were on a field trip with Cheerilee in Canterlot. We were arguing about the most inane things. I remember saying 'chaos' and then it turned into a fight. We almost never came to blows and never over something so silly. I did not feel in control of myself. Looking back, I remember now. There was this surge of energy during the fight, followed by maniacal laughter. Then Cheerilee broke us up. After that I felt normal."

Celestia had long since finished talking. Rainbow Dash flew in front of Scootaloo. "Equestria to Scootaloo. Is anypony in there?"

Scootaloo felt scared, then ashamed, then used, and finally settled on angry. She turned to Celestia. "Maybe things would be safer if you trusted your ponies instead of trying to hide what they are from them."

Three pairs of eyes focused on Scootaloo.

Realizing her mistake she continued. "What I mean is that your ponies are very trustworthy. It is not worth losing one's heritage and one's destiny just to keep unpleasant truths of the past hidden from pegasi. We are strong enough to deal with the truth and peaceful and loyal enough to handle the abilities."

Celestia sighed. "Change on this scale takes time, and some truths are better off forgotten. Everypony has a role. Is unlocking other ponies' talents today so very important to you?"

Scootaloo looked at her wings. "Magic is my talent and my destiny. Before I met Misty I never had a role. I was the pegasus who would never fly. Every fiber of my being knew something was missing. My cutie mark knew. When I discovered magic I discovered me. This could have happened fifteen years ago. No, I will not deny other ponies their talents."

Celestia replied, "You leave me no choice. Scootaloo, you are under arrest. Guards, take Scootaloo into custody."

Rainbow Dash was momentarily stunned. When Scootaloo was almost to the door she attempted to fly after them.

Rainbow Dash was stopped from following by Twilight's hoof on her tail. "Why are you stopping me? She can't arrest Scootaloo."

Twilight looked directly at Rainbow. "Because it would do no good right now. This is not the time. We have to work out our positions and have a discreet plan."