• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 7,122 Views, 33 Comments

Revisionist History - Bookish Delight

Upon Equestria's founding, Clover the Clever and Princess Platinum discuss its future... and theirs.

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Revisionist History

A white unicorn in royal robes and sparkling crown stood atop a snow-spotted peak. The blizzard responsible for it had been thwarted a full week prior--and hopefully, forever--but from her vantage point, its effects could still easily be seen across the horizon.

In its half-melted state, the snow highlighted the flora of the land below, causing several colors of the rainbow to shine under the moonlight.

Princess Platinum smiled. They almost hadn't done it. Heaven knew she hadn't contributed all that much to their cause.

At that moment, however, she at last heard the hoofsteps of one who had.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
"Revisionist History"
by Bookish Delight, 2011-2012
All characters and referred properties belong to Hasbro.

"Ahh, Clover the Clever," Platinum greeted the brown-robed violet unicorn who had just traversed the peak's leading trail. "Thank you for showing. I... did not wish to inconvenience you whilst you were napping."

Clover nodded with a light, airy smile. "I appreciate it. Still, I came as soon as I read your note. Is anything the matter?"

Platinum allowed a small, peaceful smile of her own to cross her muzzle at Clover's words. "Not in a negative sense, if such a possibility worries you."

Clover blinked in mild confusion. "Your Highness...?"

Platinum beckoned with one hoof. "Come hither, Clover--gosh, you so often keep your distance. Probably my fault. Nevertheless, please: stand by me."

Clover did so, whereupon the two looked out over the shining colors in the moonlit night. "It's beautiful," she said. "From here you get the sense that all we went through was worth it in the end."

Platinum nodded. "We stand on the cusp of a new world, Clover. Even as we speak, ponies the world over are migrating to Equestria, with plans for its resources and renewed hope for the future. So long as we remember the lessons which allowed us to survive to this point, I see no reason why we should not prosper for generations to come."

"I agree," said Clover. "Part of me wishes we could live long enough to see it happen."

"Immortality comes in many forms, Clover." Platinum turned to her comrade, allowing her smile to grow as she did so. "None of this would be possible without your wisdom and capacity for compassion. History has been made. Books will be written of these times; songs will be sung.'' She gestured across the landscape below them. "When one lingers in memory, they never truly fade. Such will be the fate of you, I, and the rest of Equestria's founders. Your mentor, Star Swirl the Bearded, would be proud of you... perhaps even as proud as I have always been to have you in my service." She let out an overdrawn sigh. "I should say as such more often, I suppose."

A mild tinge of red shaded Clover's cheeks. "Y-Your Highness..."

"Given what we've been through, Clover, the time for formal titles has long since passed. Please... simply call me Platinum."

Startled by its sheer boldness, Clover the Clever outright gasped at the Unicorn Princess's declaration. To be on a first-name basis with royalty? "Oh, Princess, I could never... I mean that's just not done, is it?..."

The white unicorn chuckled. "It wasn't until five seconds ago. One of the perks of being part of the ruling class, you see, is that you can change those rules." She stepped in front of Clover, speaking in reassuring tones. "The privilege is now yours. Abuse it to your heart's content. In fact... try it now. No titles. Just my name. It would bring me joy to hear it from your lips."

"I..." Reddening even more, Clover closed her eyes. "All right... Platinum."

"Yes, excellent!" said the princess, squeaking in triumph and clopping her hooves on the ground in soft applause. "Come, now, tell me... how did that feel?"

"Honestly?" said Clover. "It still feels strange. Nice, but strange..." Then, in a softer voice, "...as if above my station."

Platinum sighed and shook her head. "Humility to a fault. Clover, if ever you had an all-confusing character flaw, that would be it."

"Why would it be confusing?" Clover asked.

"Because you of all ponies deserve to be proud, especially when..." Platinum hesitated before continuing. "...especially when compared to unicorns like myself who have spent far too long atop their ivory towers. How many times have I taken advantage of my station, mistreated you and others, pranced about as a pony of worth but behaved myself as just the opposite?'' She lifted her crown and hovered it before the both of them. "When I think upon my past transgressions... I'm afraid I have done this crown little justice."

Silence ruled their air for several moments, until Clover broke it. "I disagree."

Platinum did a double-take. "You... you do? How could you ever-"

"I know you have always had tremendous pressure put on you to perform as heiress to the Unicornian throne--and if I may speak freely, you have performed your role admirably. It's true that before we embarked on our journey, you may have behaved in a manner..." Clover chose her words carefully as she paced around the princess. "...often expected of your rank. However, throughout Equestria's founding and development, I have seen you learn and grow in your own way, with not even a mentor to guide you. Before, you had the power and the will; now, you have the heart to accompany it. I can think of none better suited to lead our race in the times ahead." She used her own magic to place the crown back on Platinum's head. "We need you, Princess.'' After giving it another moment's thought, she added, "I need you."

Princess Platinum choked back the lump in her throat, and willed away the mistiness of her vision. "Then, if it is your wish... you shall have me," she said.

And as both unicorns drew closer, an elated Clover the Clever felt increasingly flush and warm...


...until, with a gasp, the intensity of the moment overwhelmed Twilight Sparkle, snapping her out of her role.

"R-... Rarity?" she said breathlessly, while doing her best to calm down.

Rarity followed suit. "Y-yes, Twilight?"

"We... we've been ad-libbing for quite some time now, don't you think?"

Rarity replied with a sly smile. "Was it not your suggestion to have a method-acting rehearsal to help us get into character?''

"Well, yes, but..." Twilight visibly redoubled her efforts in fighting her fluster. To Rarity, the sight was adorable... but ultimately futile.

"Then so long as we simply play our parts to the full extent of our abilities, I see no reason to stop until either of us are satisfied." Rarity ran her the tip of her hoof relaxedly along the length of Twilight's chin, making the violet unicorn shiver independent of the winter weather's effects. "However, the decision ultimately lies with you, Oh Clever One..."

"I..." Under Rarity's nigh-hypnotic gaze, Twilight finally stopped fighting it. "Perhaps... a few more minutes? Just to let this scene play out. I liked where it was going... from a writer's perspective, of course."

"Of course," said Rarity. "And what a coincidence: I enjoyed where things were going as well..."


"Then," said Clover, "if things are to continue along their present path... I suppose there's only one matter left to address."

"Indeed. Happy Hearth's Warming, Clover," said Platinum, sidling up next to her companion.

"And to you, Princess,'' said Clover. "May we... spend many more together?"

"I see absolutely no reason why not," Platinum replied, moments before the two shared the warmest of cuddles under the stars.

Comments ( 33 )

enjoyable, with good descriptive writing.

Not much to say, other than it was short, sweet and disarmingly funny!

Twas adorable. Very nice

nice one, thanks :twilightsmile:

The price of greatness is responsibility.~Sir Winston Churchill

#5 · Dec 28th, 2011 · · ·


You know about the phase 'unicorn in the ivory tower'!!

Haha, wow, I've seriously never heard anyone else use that before!

Adorable, well written, you have my stars! I hope this gets a ton of attention.:twilightsmile:

*wishes for this story to be expanded upon*


Thanks :twilightsmile: However, honestly, I'm not quite sure what I could do with it ^^; The play only gave us so much to go on!

>>Bookish Delight

well, that's the beauty isn't it ? you have sort of a baseline for the ponies they role play aswell as twilight and rarity themselves (insert hijinks involving pinkie confusing them for their stage names here) :twilightsheepish:

fact of the matter is, there's so much you can do with it (and sofar i'm loving all of your stories) so i'm sure you'll make something great out of it :twilightsmile:

also, how do you reply with the names like that... it gets all weird when i try it :twilightangry2:


I just press the "Reply" button next to your post.

Well, flattery will get you most places. :ajsmug: I'll keep it in mind, but I absolutely can't make any promises. :twilightsmile:

101487 when i press reply it shows up as numbers for some reason >.>

anyhow! i know, no promises that's always the case :raritywink: but the best part about this is where the two of them fall out of character for a bit... now that i think about it.... shipping ? i like shipping.... :twilightblush:

:pinkiesmile: hi! When did you become method actors?:pinkiesmile:99409

106716 eh ? sorry you have me confused I'm afraid :twilightsheepish:

It shows up as numbers in the comment box, but when you actually make your post the numbers turn into a name.

#16 · Jan 6th, 2012 · · ·

Are you sure that this is'ent romance because it sure looks like it. Put it with that tag and I woulden't be able to tell the diffrence. In fact, a lot of your stories seem to be like that. Just saying.


I try to write my pieces so that those without ship-glasses can still enjoy them for what they are, and those with their ship-glasses on can do the same if they so wish.


111494 Well played, Bookish. Well played.:raritywink:

See, in my headcanon, all 3 leaders were male and all 3 retainers were actually their mates. Which partially explains why Equestria is a matriarchy now, because it was the females that saved them all.


...so Platinum would be a male Princess? Well, there's a concept unlikely to be explored by the show. :pinkiehappy:

Wonderful little bit of ad-libbing, yes.

Cunning, sly Rarity. :twilightblush:

"the two shared the warmest of cuddles under the stars." If you know what I mean.:trixieshiftright:

Method acting is best acting!

Wow, is this one old. I don't even recall when this episode aired -- though I'm assuming it was sometime around Christmas 2012. If you wrote this around that time, then I can safely state that your writing has evolved tremendously since then, if Matters of Principal is any indication.

I know you love your fluff pieces, Bookie, and I gotta admit that this one was cute, but overall it feels much too rushed. I like how you're able to just get to the point, and I love how open-ended you leave your narrative -- so your strengths are still present... they just feel thinned. Like mixing a few ounces of strong coffee with a gallon of water.

Your beige prose and implications have great chemistry, but as with all forms of chemistry, balance is everything. This story is almost completely just lines of dialogue, as if everything that this story can say is something that needs to be said aloud. There's a lack of things like body language and narrative metaphor-- of which I count maybe one or two instances of. There isn't much that colors the writing in this story and the implications aren't strong enough to hold it together for me.

With that said, it's good that you kept this is as short as it is. With such an open-ended ending, as well as a brisk pace (that might be too brisk), any longer and the story would have clearly worn out its welcome. I liked the story -- and the thought that Twilight and Rarity are writing historical yuri fanfiction is hilarious, mind you -- but it's weak compared to some of your recent work.


No worries, dude -- appreciate your honestly! I in fact take it as a compliment. :raritywink:

Hearth's Warming Eve did something to me and I indeed wrote this one in a rush soon after that episode first aired (so yeah, this is a late 2011 fic -- btw I'm pretty sure the publication dates can be found near the top of the page :O) just to make sure I didn't lost the idea. I've wanted to redo this very concept for ages now but I don't have the right idea yet. You're right that a lot of the touches I have in my later fics just aren't here, but I'm glad you pointed them out 'cause when one gets too close to their story, they really lose track!

Either way, a rushjob fic by me two years ago is vastly different to a rushjob fic by me today and y'know, I thnk I'm okay with that. :pinkiesmile: Thanks for the review!

No wonder I missed all these stories from you. I somehow forgot to add you to follow all these years. x_x Now I have to dig through to see if there's anymore favorite ships I've missed out on!

That breakaway scene that broke Twilight out of character to show it was just a play. All my love with how you delivered that immersion break. "Oh, it's a play!" Simply loved it. xD


Heh, well, thanks. :twilightsmile: I do hope you continue to enjoy yourself!

I have a romance armada that could take down anyone here but rarely do I show that hand. Today, however, will count as "rarely". ~_^

Author Interviewer


So that's what they're calling it these days. :V

Well, if by "these days" you mean seven years ago.

Season 2 was a simpler time. Almost too simple. :pinkiehappy:

Yea, verily! I hereby pontificate that this was indeed, a cute story. HNNNNGETH!

This was some cute method acting.

I was gonna make a crack about whether or not this counted as a RariTwi and then the story beat me to it. :duck:

Coming up short on things to say about this one. It's cute, but also the most straightforwardly fluffy story in the catalogue so far. There's the brief overture towards character depth, but it comes and goes for the sake of the twist. Fun to look for subtext after the fact, though. Twilight being humble to a fault was still very much an ongoing thing that might be on Rarity's mind, and Clover's monologue to Platinum feels like Twilight's unconsciously channeling things Celestia's said to her.

Twilight advocates for the monarchy off the cuff because she's too close to the crown to imagine a world not led by a princess

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