• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 3,721 Views, 58 Comments

The Hybrid - BluePegasusPony

A normal day in Ponyville is about to be disturbed when a strange creature appears from nowhere.

  • ...

A history long forgotten

The shade made sure the ponies couldn't flee by blocking the exit .
"One last time Twilight. What are you doing here?" he asked when he stepped closer into the light.

The three ponies could finally see him, it was a white pegasus with blood red mane and tail. His yellow eyes followed the mares intently. They realized when they saw his armor, scar and half severed ear that this stallion was a pony who experienced many battles in life.
"Ooh and who are you?" Pinkie Pie asked exited.

After him followed a small group of ponies with the same kind of armor. Two unicorns, one earth pony and another pegasus.

Twilight looked at his cutie mark "A burning shield?"
After seeing his cutie mark, twilight immediately recognized the red maned pegasus.
"Thunder Blade? Is that you?"
The pegasus remaind silent after Twilight's answer.

"Twilight, who is he?" Pinkie Pie wispered at the purple unicorn.
"This is Thunder Blade. A high security guard of the royal palace with many war victories. He's a hero to my brother." Twilight responded. "But what I don't understand is how you know me."

"It is my duty as high royal guard to know everything what comes near princess Celestia. Even a small filly for... private lessons." Thunder Blade explained with a serious look. "And the Elements-of-Harmony-thing got my attention as well."

Thunder Blade turned around "Now, follow me."
Applejack was suprised "Now hold on a minute. You come in here, scares the hay out of us and now you want us to follow you? Ah'm not going anywhere until you explains what's going on."

Thunder Blade looked back at the three ponies without any emotions. "Princess Celestia herself awaits your presence. And let say she's not pleased." He gazed back at Twilight making her swallow.

Meeting with Spike in the library went better than expected, at least that's what Rainbow Dash thought, so she decided to take Adam out and show him Ponyville and its inhabitants.
But when many of them saw Adam, they ran off because they were afraid of him. Luckily Rainbow Dash managed to stop them before chaos or panic broke out.

After the guided tour of the village they went to the outskirt of Ponyville right next to the applefarm.
They were both lying on the ground, looking up into the sky.
But it didn't take long when Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"So, how is life on your world?"
Adam didn't answer her question and kept looking into the sky.
Rainbow Dash rolled on her side and stared at Adam "Hello? You still awake?"
"I... I don't to talk about it."
Rainbow Dash blinked with her eyes "Did I say something wrong?"
"What? No, no. It's just... I had a hard time on the world I lived. It was all a giant mess."

Adam leaned on his side and faced Rainbow Dash with a smile "But today, my life changed into one big adventure. This place is just like a dream. Everthing is so beautiful. I've seen things here I never thought that they even existed."
Rainbow Dash gazed at Adam in silence. But she thought of something and smiled.

"Come on, get up." Rainbow Dash said when she jumped up an floated in the air "There is one more thing I have to show you and I think you'll probably going to like it."
"What are you talking about?" He asked with a smile.
"Get up you lazy." She grabed his hand and pulled him up.
"Alright, alright. I'm up." Adam laughed "You're making me curious."

Thunder Blade walked in the throne room followed by Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and his squad.
The royal princess was sitting on her throne while Luna was standing right next to her watching how the ponies walked in.

Twilight wasn't sure how princess Celestia will react about the fact that they have sneaked in a hidden passage and attempted to steal her mother's book. And the sudden arrival of Adam made ​​it difficult for her to even think straight.

The ponies made a bow before the princesses.

"Thunder Blade, my most reliable guard. I am pleased with your successful return. I assumed everything went exactly according to plan?" she asked with a smile of relief.
"Not quite actually, your Highness." Thunder Blade responded when he stood up.
"Miss Sparkle was untraceable. One of my men went to her residence in Ponyville. But a small dragon told him that she was in Canterlot. I had a hunch where she could be after we received an alarm from sector 6."

"Sector 6?" Celestia looked suprised at Twilight.
"She succeeded to break your spell on the door and was able to put her hooves on the book. But no worries princess, the book is secured and in our possession."
One of the guards showed the book to the princess and putted it on a small table.
Twilight looked up at Celestia "Wait, you were searching us before we entered the dungeon and took the book? Then what's going on?"

Celestia looked back at the high guard "Thunder Blade?"
"Yes, your Highness." He ordered his patrol to leave the room. They walked away and closed the door behind him.
Thunder Blade took place next to princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia stood up "There is something in need to tell you. An old enemie is returning and is within range to terrorize throughout all Equestria and will soon affect us all."
The three ponies were suprised by the sudden news.

"Princess, can you tell us what we're dealing with." Applejack asked.
"You probably haven't yet heard about the mythical creature known as a human but..." Celestia couldn't finish het sentence when Twilight turned her head to her friends.
"See, I told you so, didn't I."

"So you do know about them?" Celestia asked surprised.
"We've found... some evidence about his existence. That's why we went to the museum to learn more." Twilight tried to play it smart, she wanted clear answers before telling the princess that they actually found him.

Pinkie pie stepped forwards "Princess? Is it true? Are they that dangerous?"
"I'm afraid so. The stories and legends are true. A long time ago, there was once a human here in Equestria who called himself Bryon. No pony knew where he came from or how he got here."

Celestia walked down the stairs of her throne as she continued "He was quickly noticed and came before my parents, the king and queen of Equestria.
My mother saw that there was good in him, but my father didn't trust him, for a good reason. Because since Bryon arrived in Equestria he created a powerfull magical aura. He was able to proform spells only the highest warlocks could do.
After a big discussion the king and queen both agreed that he could live on a farm in a small village so he wouldn't attract much attention."

"My mother said to him that the farmers were friendly, so it was easy for him to make some friends. There were rumors saying that he fell in love on a mare who lived on the farm. He seemed to be happy there."

Princess Celestia walked next to her sister and sighed "But with time however... things changed."
Applejack lifted an eyebrow.

"He became avaricious with his magic. Bryon wanted to know everthing, so he stole the most powerful scrolls of dark magic he could find. His greed for more grew after every scroll he read and after every spell he preformed. Unfortunately for him, the king knew all about it. Thanks to his spies who kept an eye on Bryon since the beginning. My father stopped him with a final warning. If he continued like this, the king would banish him."

"And did he listen?" Twilight asked.
The princess nodded "Yes he did. But it was already to late for him."

"The power of dark magic has brought Bryon into madness. He saw terrible visions of the farm and the ponies he cared about. He wanted to do something about it and asked my parents for help. But my father didn't believe it. He thought it was a trick to get more scrolls for selfish desires. Bryon returned with empty hands, fearing that his visions might come true.

"Not a week later, an accident happened. A heavy fire broke out at the farm and the village, making it burn into ashes. No pony made it out alive... except Bryon. There was nothing he could do, just watching how he lost everything he held dear."

Pinkie Pie held her hoof against her mouth "That's terrible."
"Indeed, but his grief and loss quickly turned into rage and anger. He attacked the royal palace.
The king warned him, giving him one last chanse to turn around. But he wouldn't listen this time and continued the assault. My father used all his knowledge and magic to protect everypony and tried to sent Bryon away from this planet."

"But it didn't work. Bryon was one step ahead. He knew that my father would try to banish him, so he learned a spell to defend himself.
My mother joined the fight as well after Bryon violated her trust. She had a different kind of punishment for him in mind. Something Bryon never expected. Her magic turned him into neither a man nor a pony, a creature of the dark.
Bryon fled from the palace and hid himself in a forest where he lurked in his humiliation."

Celestia turned her head at princess Luna "A few years went by and the kingdom celebrated the birth of a newborn princess. Princess Luna. I couldn't be happier to have a little sister.
Our parents organized a great celebration so everyone could see how happy they were."

"But Bryon heard about the celebration and returned to the palace. He tried to steel Luna from us at the ceremony to avenge his friends. My father was furious at him and wanted to end his terror once and for all.
I can't remeber much what really happend. One thing was clear. Luna was saved and returned by the guards."

A tear went down princess Celestia's cheek "But my father didn't survive the encounter. Bryon killed him with a dark spell. My mother saw everthing and used the Elements of Harmony to lock Bryon up into a wall. She sended it into the deepest and darkest part of the Everfree Forest, to make sure he could never harm anypony anymore."

"After the whole incident, my mother erased the memory of everypony, to protect everypony if they wanted to search him.
Only the highest level unicorn could remember some parts of the human. That's how the stories and legends came."

"Even thought my mother wanted to forget everything, she wrote it all down. Every detail she knew."
Pinkie Pie looked at the book they found in the museum "You mean this book?"
The princess nodded "Yes... and that is why I locked it away with a spell. To make sure that the peace in Equestria will continue."

"But I'm afraid that the peace will be disturbed when he returns."
Princess Celestia looked at the three ponies with a serious look "That is why we need to prepare ourself before it's to late. Before the human attacks."

Twilight turned at Pinkie Pie and Applejack "I can't believe this. We have to warn Rainbow Dash about Adam, he is not what she thinks he is." She was suprised that she said that out loud in front of the princesses and held her hoof against her mouth.

"What are you talking about Twilight? Who is this Adam?" Luna asked.
"He... is... a..."
Princess Celestia looked at the orange mare "Applejack? What is going on?"
As the Element of Honesty, Applejack couldn't lie, especially not to her princess.

"We... we found him. We found the human." Applejack said with a deep sigh.
Princess Celestia's eyes widened "What? Where is he?"
"He's at my place." Twilight asnwered "But he's asleep. I used my magic to..."

Celestia turned her head at her high royal guard "Thunder Blade! Assemble your squad. We are going to Ponyville and capture that creature... by any force necessary!"
"Yes, Princess." he ran out the room to gather his mightiest soldiers.

Princess Celestia gazed back at Twilight with an angry look.

Adam walked slowly forwards with his hands in front. He couldn't see anything because Rainbow Dash was sitting on his shoulders and blindfolded him with her hooves.

Luckily, Rainbow Dash was giving him directions where he has to go "Okay, a little more to the left and... Hey, no peeking."
"Can you at least give a hint?"
"No way, that would ruin the surprise."

Rainbow Dash told him that he could stop.
"Alright. What do you see?"
Rainbow Dash released her hooves so that Adam could see.
"Ok, I see hills, a tree, a..." Adam's mouth dropped when he looked itno the sky.

"Well, what do you see?" Rainbow Dash asked when she floated around Adam.
"I see a huge cloud... in a shape of a house. Is this your... ?"
Rainbow Dash nodded "Yep, I tought if this has been the adventure of your life, then maybe my cloud will blow your mind."
Adam held his hand bind his head "Well... I got to admit that this is the highlight of the day.
"Wanna see what's inside?"
Adam crossed his arms and looked at the blue mare "And how do you think I can get there?"

Rainbow Dash landed in front of Adam "Use your wings of course."
Adam chuckled "Rainbow, unlike you, I don't have wings on my... back." His eyes went bigger when he touched his back. He felt something fluffy, like a pillow.

"What the... ?" He removed his T-shirt which showed his bare skin, making Rainbow Dash blush a bit. He had two large white wings on his back. He was able to spread his wings as far as he could.

"When did this happen?"
Adam remebered something. He folded his wings back against his back and looked at Rainbow Dash.
"You told me that your friend used a spell on me, right? Could this be a side effect?"
"I doubt that. You need a different kind of spell to create wings."

Rainbow Dash flew next to Adam and grabbed one of his wings. "You know, its not bad as it looks. I think it's awesome. With such large wings, I'm sure you'll be able to take a lot of speed."
Adam stared at Rainbow Dash and smiled, while she let his wing go and returned a small smile.

But the smiling didn't last for long when a yellow aura covered Adam and pushed him on the ground.
He landed on his knees while using his hands to push him back up. But it was no use, the spell that forced him down was to strong, he couldn't get up.
"Adam! What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash panicked when Adam couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground with his face down.

She looked around to see what causing this.
She saw somepony on the top of the hill, a large white alicorn.
"Princess Celestia?"

The princess stepped towards the blue pegasus and Adam.
"Rainbow Dash!"
Princess Celestia was distracted when Adam groaned in pain by the spell., but she looked back at Rainbow Dash with an angry stare.
"We need to talk."

Comments ( 20 )

You take away vodka from Russian, prepare to die imperialist pig.

Comment posted by hyperburn3r deleted Dec 19th, 2012

There was once a human here in Equestria who called himself Byron.

"We... we found him. We found the human." Applejack said with a deep sigh.

Looks back at Chapter 3:

"I'm Adam." He responded in a calm voice.

"His name is Adam… and he's not dangerous!" Rainbow Dash responded angrily

God-FUCKING-damnit Applejack! He told Dash his name and she told all of you! Are you just fucking retarded?! :facehoof:
Now Celestia believes that Adam is Byron and attacks him for no reason!

*Claps hands* can't wait for the next chapter

Too much time between posts and too little words to read make me a sad Pinkie. :pinkiesad2:

Damn cliffhangers!

Yeah not the smartest thing to say huh AJ :ajbemused:


Alright, since you asked so nicely:rainbowwild:


It makes me feel sad. :fluttercry:

this.is.AWESOME! :moustache:

Comment posted by hyperburn3r deleted Feb 14th, 2019

I have noticed a pattern with these stories. GOD DAMN IT CELESTIA STOP BEING SO XENOPHOBIC :fluterrage:

Please continue this story a really like it :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

4997298 I don't think so, it,s been 2 years since the last update dude

Do more chapters

aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy i know the ghost advisers seares too!

A very nice story, you can immediately see that someone has done their best, I look forward to continuing and more similar stories. A good job!:twilightsheepish:

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