• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 270 Views, 11 Comments

The Lost Pirate Treasure - ThomasZoey3000

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Part 3

Equestria Girls Special 2018

The Lost Pirate Treasure-Part 3

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

The parking lot of Canterlot High School was calm and quiet. That was until four vehicles pulled into the driveway and parked near the entrance way to a wooded area, which also housed the high school's own garden. It was also where the group needed to go if they wanted to continue their hunt.

"Of all the places those pirates could've put the map, it had to be in Wallflower's garden," groaned Rainbow Dash.

"Who's Wallflower?" Timber Spruce asked.

Spike was the one who answered, which didn't surprise Timber since he and his sister knew about Twilight's talking dog, "she's another student of this school and had a thing against Sunset because she had ignored her for many years."

"Mostly everyone did," interrupted Rainbow Dash. "But that's only because she's so quiet, you hardly know she's there. She's more shy than Fluttershy, and I didn't think that was possible."

Fluttershy looked over to Rainbow, "I'll have you know that I've been working on my shyness."

"We know that Fluttershy," said Spike, then he focused on Timber Spruce again, "she used an equestrian relic called the Memory Stone, which erased all the good memories of Sunset, leaving only the bad ones. Thankfully, it was destroyed and all's well again as you can see."

Sunset stood near the entrance way, a small bit of fear showing on her face. She had gone in there before, but those times were to be supportive or to deliver the new yearbook to Wallflower, not to ask if they could dig in the garden she works in for a piece of a treasure map. Twilight noticed this and walked up to her flame haired friend.

"If you want, we can go in with you," she offered kindly.

Sunset shook her head, "no it's okay, I'll be fine asking her alone."

She took a step forward, then another until she walked past the entrance way and into the wooded area. She walked on for less than a minute before she finally reached the garden, and sure enough, she could see Wallflower working away. The green haired girl was wearing a short sleeve shirt instead of her sweater, as well as brown shorts instead of her pants. In spite of these summer clothes, she was still sweating as she worked.

Sunset had a friendship with Wallflower, and knew she wouldn't hurt her or her friends again, but she still had worries.

She cleared her throat and called out gently; "Wallflower?" much like Fluttershy would call out to anyone.

The green haired girl heard her and turned around, "Sunset Shimmer? Well it's good to see you again," she said as she got to her feet. "What brings you out to my garden?"

"I'm not going to beat around the bush here. My friends and I found three pieces of a treasure map at the beach, and the most recent piece shows that the next piece is somewhere in your garden." This got a raised eyebrow look from Wallflower. "The reason I'm talking to you right now is to ask if it's alright if we dig in your garden. We would of course put everything back afterword."

Wallflower didn't say a word as she kept her eyebrow raised.

"If you don't want us to dig in here, then we won't. We'll call off our hunt."

"You would actually stop your treasure hunt if I said no?"

"That's correct," Sunset nodded nervously. "It's your choice, and we'll respect it Wallflower."

Wallflower was silent for half a minute, before her expression changed to a smile and she answered with; "go right ahead and dig in here, I don't mind at all."


"Really. It's not like I'm going to do anything bad to you if I say no." She winced as soon as she said that, "uh let's just forget about what happened before, and just move on. Sound good?"

Sunset happily nodded to that.

The rest of the group soon came in, and of course Twilight introduced her boyfriend to Wallflower Blush. Now there was only one question, "where do we start digging?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know," answered Twilight. "My magic doesn't really allow me to scan under the dirt. And I don't think there's such a spell. Is there Sunset?"

Sunset shook her head, "according to Princess Twilight, there is a spell to find gems, but that spell has never worked on anything else."

"I might actually be able to help you," said Wallflower. "When I began working in this garden, I had to dig deep to remove weeds. So anywhere I dug before, you'll know there's nothing under there." She then showed of her areas that she dug in, which involved almost all of the areas she's placed flowers in.

"So, what are we waiting for?" asked Rainbow Dash, grabbing a nearby shovel, "let's start digging!"

"Be careful Dash, we can't destroy Wallflower's work," Sunset advised.

"Indeed," nodded Twilight, "also, it's best not to use magic for a while. I used a ton of it in the cave, and I'm sure Sunset won't want to read what's on everyone's minds today."

Sunset shuddered, remembering what happened the last time her geode, and everyone else's, went haywire.

And so, the nine humans, along with Spike, worked together in digging up the ground. After fifteen minutes of hard digging, Rainbow shouted, "I found it!"

Wallflower looked out of the hole she was in and looked over to Dash's hole, "near the entrance to this garden? Well I guess that's one way of hiding an object, and properly too."

Since Applejack couldn't use her geode for now, it took Timber, Sunset, Rainbow and Wallflower to get the heavy box out of the ground. Once out of the ground, Timber opened it instead of Applejack. Like the last three they found, there was a picture frame inside, along with the piece of the map at the back of the picture.

"That's Dynamite," Timber explained, "he was the fastest member of the entire crew."

"Makes sense since it was Rainbow who found this one," said Applejack. She turned to Sunset, "you look to the past, we'll start putting everything back the way it was."

Sunset nodded and holding her hand out, she touched the picture and her eyes went white again.

Captain Calaeno and Dynamite had been running for a while, but soon came to a stop, out of breath and with the big box on a borrowed trolley behind them. The other pirates weren't with them as they had gone off to hide their boxes.

"Where can we hide this?" the Captain asked.

Dynamite looked around and spotted a wooded area, "let's try over there, I'm sure there's a good spot in there."

"We better move fast Dynamite, the enemy are probably still after us. I can only hope Kindheart and Scar are okay."

They walked into the wooded area, which seemed to block out views of the world outside it, apart from the sky above them. However, they could hear voices from nearby. They weren't sure if they were friends or foes. Still, they soon picked an area and after digging for some time, they placed the box in the ground.

Leaving the area, they both ducked out of sight as they saw enemy navy personal looking around.

"Captain, let me get them away from you," Dynamite whispered. "You need to complete this mission, and you can't do that if you're caught."

"I've already lost three members of my crew, I'm not losing you too."

"You haven't lost anyone, we will meet again Captain, just remember the one thing that kept us going for many years. Hope, and serious amount of luck, which I'll need NOW!" He got up and blew a whistle to the navy, "hey you sorry fools, you want one of us, come get me!"

The navy charged after Dynamite. Captain Calaeno wanted to help his friend, but it was too late, he was already out of sight, and going to help would go against his mate's bravery. Sighing unhappily, Captain Calaeno got up and went off to find his other mates.

Sunset let go of the painting and looked back to her friends, "Dynamite led the navy away so the captain and the treasure map would be safe."

"So that's what happened," said Timber as he finished filling in his hole, "that's one more piece of the puzzle we needed."

"Did...did they ever meet again?" Sunset asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

Timber didn't nod, but he didn't shake his head either, "no one really knows if they did. After the events that happened, the pirates just disappeared from the world. Some believed they were lost at sea, others say they went into hiding. From what you said though, they did make it to land, so maybe they did."

"Only time will tell from what we can find," said Twilight.

Once all the holes had been filled in, Twilight used her lemon juice to find the real trail. As it appeared, she pulled out her phone and checked the maps of the city. She soon found where it was leading, "it's heading towards a hobby shop in the city."

"A hobby shop? Really?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight nodded, "that's what it says according to the map."

"Alright then, let's go find this shop and get the next piece of the map." Applejack picked up the picture frame and took it back to the family van. The others followed, only after thanking Wallflower for her help and allowing them to work there.

"It was my pleasure, it was nice digging with others," she smiled.

"We should hang out more often," commented Sunset. "Next time we go to the beach, we'll be sure to call you up and ask if you want to join us."

"Thanks Sunset, I'd like that, though now that you mention it, maybe I'll go to the beach and stay there for the rest of the day. It is quite hot out today."

"Oh there ain't no doubt on that one."

She said goodbye and thank you once more, then raced off to join her friends.

The hobby shop as it turned out was well familiar to Sunset Shimmer, "I shop here all the time," she said as she climbed out of her car. "This is where I got you that motor Twilight, and I buy plenty of model trains from here."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy, "you sure got her into model railroading didn't you?"

"Maybe, but it was something she said she always wanted to get into, so that's why I got her that pacific."

"The A4 pacific actually," Sunset corrected, "and I still love that model Fluttershy. Anyway, let's get inside and see if Juniper will help us."

"Juniper? As in Juniper Montage?" Rainbow asked in surprise.

The group walked into the store, and sure enough, seen putting stuff up on the shelves was their former enemy of the movie set; Juniper Montage. None of the girls, except Sunset, had seen her since Starlight Glimmer helped to stop her. She heard the footsteps of the group and turned to see them, "oh hi everyone, gosh it's been a while. And Sunset, we haven't gotten your order in yet."

"I'm aware of that Juniper, but actually we're here for a different reason."

Juniper raised an eyebrow at this, "a different reason? What sort of different reason?"

Sunset explained to her about the picture frames and the treasure maps they had found, "have you or anyone who works here ever found anything that looks like it belonged to pirates?"

"Not really, but then again, we never bothered looking for treasure maps."

"So it could've been dug up a long time ago," sighed Rainbow Dash.

"Or buried under the concrete," added Twilight.

A sudden memory came to Juniper, "actually that might not be true. This building is different from others I've worked at before, cause this one has a basement that existed long before construction. Maybe your pirates put the next piece down there."

"Hmm, you could be onto something Juniper, but can we get into the basement?"

"Well since you asked..." she paused and went over to the counter. She moved the carpet out of the way and with a small struggle, opened the hatch going to the basement. "Watch your step coming down here."

"Will your boss be okay with us going into the basement?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Oh yeah he'll be fine with it, especially when I tell him about pirates and treasure maps."

The group followed Juniper into the basement, which was quite dark, until Juniper flicked a switch and a small light came on, lighting up much of the basement. They started looking around, but only found old boxes and equipment from the 80's and 90's, and the walls that surrounded them looked to be solid with no cracks.

"It really doesn't look like there's anything related to the pirates in here," groaned Rarity.

Twilight was quick to agree, "looks like I was right, it could've been buried under the concrete."

The group sighed unhappily as their search seemed to have come to a grinding halt. That was until Pinkie noticed something, a big rod that stuck out of the ground, with a small groove in the concrete, which was just big enough for the lever to move around in. Curious, she pushed on it and with some difficulty, it moved until it reached the end of the groove. There came a slight rumble, and some concrete moved to reveal stairs leading down.

"Hey guys! I found something!" Pinkie called cheerfully.

The others couldn't believe their eyes, "a secret compartment under the basement?" Twilight gasped. "Either this was put here long after the pirates, or one of them made this."

"It could've been Jester," suggested Timber.

"Who?" Juniper asked.

"Jester was one of the funniest crew mates Captain Calaeno ever had, but he was also known for coming up with secretive ways of hiding things. This could very well be his work."

Before anyone could say anything, Pinkie Pie was already going down the stairs, and as soon as she reached the bottom, she called up, "Found it!"

Applejack helped her to bring the box up, then allowed Pinkie to open it. The painting on the inside showed of a pirate that looked more like a clown, and much like Pinkie, he had the biggest grin on his face. Pinkie was about to call Sunset over, but the flame haired girl was already walking over to the picture frame, and like the four times before, she placed her hand on the frame and her eyes went white again.

"Oh I wonder what she's going to see this time," grinned Pinkie Pie.

Jester had made his way through the town and away from the navy. He sighed as he leaned against a building, "gosh darn those navy guys, they're ruining all our fun," he panted. "I got to hide this thing, and thankfully, I know where to go."

He went to the building next door and knocked. A lone person opened it, "Jester? What are you doing here? Where's the captain?"

"Captain Calaeno is busy right now, I need to hide this thing before the navy really makes this day a bummer in the summer."

"Well you could always hide it up in the attic."

Jester shook his head, "can't do that Nighthawk, it'll be too easy to be spotted." Jester looked behind his friend and saw the youngest member of his family, his seven year old son, "hey Night Sky, did you finish that thing I asked you to make?"

"Sure did Jester, and I followed all of your instructions on how to make it."

"Good, then that's where we're going to hide this."

"Wait, what thing? What are you talking about?" Nighthawk turned and saw his wife come in, "honey, did you know about this?"

She nodded, "sorry Hawk, but Jester wanted less people to know about this, in case of any emergencies. So Night Sky and I worked together to make this"

"You could've still told him," said Jester, "I trust all three of you like my family." He turned back to Nighthawk, "so what do you say old friend? Care to help out?"

"I may not be a pirate anymore, but I think I can help in any way I can."

Working together, Jester and Nighthawk took the box down into the basement and using the lever, they opened up the secret compartment and put it down in there. They were just in time as the navy came looking around. Thankfully, Nighthawk's wife was able to convince them that she had not seen any pirates.

Once they were done, Jester got ready to leave.

"Please don't leave Jester," Night Sky pleaded, "I want to show you something that you'll like."

Jester sighed, "sorry little one, but I need to meet up with my crew, otherwise they're all gonna be frowny-faced over my disappearance. I'll come back though, don't worry."

After thanking the family, Jester snuck out of the house and left.

"Jester had help from the property's owners," said Sunset as she let go of the picture. "This used to be the basement of a house before it became the hobby shop, and the secret compartment was Jester's idea."

"And you learned that just from touching the picture?" Juniper asked.

Sunset nodded, "seems my powers are growing from just reading memories and minds."

"I guess so. Still, I am confused." This got everyone's attention, including Twilight as she did her part, "you said that Kind Heart, Scar and Dynamite hid their pieces in the midst of being chased by the navy, yet all the map pieces are leading to the current locations of them. How is that possible?"

"Uh...you know, I don't think we have an answer for that," said Sunset. "But we'll figure that out later. Right now, we need to find the next piece. Where are we going Twilight?"

Twilight was looking to her phone and checking where the piece was pointing to, "looks like the Diamond mines outside of the city."

"Diamond Mines? As in beautiful diamonds? Shiny beautiful diamonds?" Rarity was beaming so much that she looked like a kid in a candy store. Twilight's nods only made her beaming smile grow.

"I wish I could join you on the rest of your treasure hunt, but I got work to do," said Juniper.

"That's fine Juniper," smiled Sunset. "You've been a big help today."

Juniper beamed, "anything for friends, and next time you see Starlight Glimmer, tell her I said hello okay?"

"You got it."

Outside the hobby shop, and unknown to the group for now, a lone black van with most of it's windows blacked out stood close to their collection of vehicles. Inside were five people, two females and three males, and they wore black uniforms with symbols on the shoulder pads. One of the males was holding onto a microphone and had headphones covering his ears.

"What are they saying?" the leader of the group asked.

"Seems they found a fifth piece within that building," he answered. "I'll admit this about those kids, they are really good at treasure hunting. Kind of reminds me of what we used to do."

"Me too, but we can't get sentimental, we need to get those pieces away from them and get the treasure to our boss."

"Wish we didn't have to. Oh wait, here they come."

Sure enough, they could see the group of eight humans and one dog walking out of the hobby shop. One of them was placing the painting of Jester into the back of their van while another was placing the map into a binder that was in her backpack.

Outside, Sunset had noticed this vehicle and the people in there. She walked over towards Twilight, "those people over there look kind of suspicious, don't you think?"

"How so?"

"They seem to be watching us, and notice how their windows are blacked out? That's not normal for many vehicles."

Twilight looked over to the van and noticed Sunset was right about the windows. She walked over towards Rarity and asked her to produce a shield around the van. She was confused, but she did as she was asked and within moments, the van was surronded in Rarity's shield. The five people inside gasped and ran out to see if they could get out, which they couldn't.

Seeing this, the rest of the group ran over to find out what was going on.

"Following kids while they're on a treasure hunt? Not cool," Sunset said firmly to them.

"Hey, we have our orders!" snapped one of the uniformed group members.

"Who's orders?" Rainbow Dash asked angerily.

"We're not going to tell you!" snapped the second female of the group.

Now that they were outside of their vehicle, Sunset could see the symbol on their uniforms. It looked to be a pair of light green horns, which reassembled that of bull horns. She thought they looked weird, until she remembered something Princess Twilight wrote to her about. A similar symbol seen in Equestria and beyond. The symbol of the Storm King.

"No, there couldn't really be a Storm King here in this world, could there?" she thought with worry. "Well for sure it's not the one Princess Twilight dealt with, he was smashed to bits."

"You need to hand over your pieces of the treasure map!" snapped the leader of the group.

"Oh yeah? Make us!" snapped Rainbow. "There's five of you, and nine of us, ten if we get our friend out here," and she pointed to the hobby shop.

"Now hold on," said Applejack as she stepped in front of Rainbow Dash, "there's no need to get violent here. Let's just find out why they want the map so badly."

"Cause they work for the Storm King," Sunset answered.

The uniformed group gasped, "how did you know? Er, I mean, what makes you say that?" asked the male with the eye-patch.

"I know that symbol, it belongs to him and anyone who works for him."

Twilight pulled out her phone and looked up information on the Storm King, "he works for an organization called Storm King enterprises, which makes parts for airplanes and automobiles, but why would they want a pirate's treasure?"

But the uniformed group didn't answer, and that was in spite of their shocked looks. Sunset thought about it, until she came up with a guess, "the head of the corporation must be a descendant of the one they took the treasure from, and ever since the family has been trying to get it back."

The second female of the group whistled in admiration, "they are sure a clever bunch."

"That was amazing, how did you figure it out Sunset?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Just going on what I know. The navy would've been controlled, much like other organizations back then by the rich, and the original owner of that treasure could've been the one to order the navy to chase after the pirates, but obviously did not succeed."

The leader of the uniformed group sighed and walked forward till she was standing face to face with Sunset, while the barrier continued to stand in between them.

"You're bang on kid, I'm actually impressed. Yes, he wants the treasure cause he feels it's his family's birthright, but you don't know the full story of the treasure do you?" The silence from the group of eight humans and one dog proved they didn't. The leader sighed, "well the treasure was compraised of gold, silver and anything else the family stole from the poor people, it was and is still their way. They thought they would never lose it, and forever continue their hold over their own world, which was just the town they lived in. They were going to go after other towns until my ancestor decided to steal from them."

Everyone but Sunset gasped. Sunset had a feeling about this person, "you're a Calaeno, and probably once a captain."

"Yes it's true, but we've been forced to work for the Storm King by order of his second in command; Tempest Shadow."

"Geez, here and there she was a servant of the Storm King," Sunset thought to herself.

"It's nothing personal," said the second female of the group, "We just have to follow orders, or we all suffer deeply for betrayal."

"So please give us the map pieces, and forget your search for this treasure."

"I don't think so, you'll have to catch us fir..." but Rainbow's words were cut off by Sunset's hand as she placed it over the rainbow haired girl's mouth. She glared at Sunset, but the quick stare by the flame head quickly made her go quiet.

"You don't really want to give him that treasure do you?" Sunset asked.

The Current captain Calaeno was silent at first, trying hard to deny it, but soon had to admit Sunset was right, "I'd rather give it to the museum and the people who were suppose to get the treasure."

"Then how about this? You come with us and help us find the treasure?"

"And go aganist the Storm King? He'd make us suffer for betrayal."

"We know a thing or two about dealing with villains like him..." she paused and looked to her friends, who nodded to her statement, "we can help you if you help us. Deal?" And she held out her hand to the Captain.

Rarity's shield vanished. The captain looked to the crew, they had always said they wanted to find the treasure and finish what was started, and it would be a stick in the eye to the Storm King. And if this group could help them out of their predicament, then maybe they'd have a chance to go back to the lives they once had.

"What's your name missy?"

"Sunset Shimmer."

"Well Sunset Shimmer, I speak for all of us when I say, we accept." And she shook Sunset's hand. She turned back to her crew, "alright gang, let's go find this treasure! It's time to be Awesome again!"

"YEAH!" cheered the rest of the crew.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and even Timber Spruce were skeptical over the idea, but when Sunset explained about the Equestrian counterparts helping the Sky Pirates, and that these ones could be like them, they agreed to at least give them a chance.

As they left for the Diamond Mines, they were unaware though that someone had been watching them.

"So, betrayal is in your name eh Captain? Well magic or no magic, nothing will save you from me."

To Be Continued...