• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 313 Views, 0 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Heroes from the Stars - Chrome Masquerade

When gigantic monsters begin attacking Equestria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders (and others) meet some unexpected allies.

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High Flyer's Fight - Dyna's Might! - Re-Edited

Scootaloo was resting on a cloud. She didn't think she'd ever get used to the sky finally being hers after so long being unable to fly. She smiled softly as she relaxed from a hard day's work.

She'd taken on her Idol/honorary sister, Rainbow Dash's job as a weather manager. Also she was an occasional dancer and junior stuntsmare, but that's irrelevant.

She took it in a different direction, followed the figurative winds to whatever place seemed to need her at the time, to tame the literal winds. (Currently, she was on a cloud over the city of Trottingham, her job done for the time being) Rarely did she stay in any one place for more than a few days.

A couple of times a month she'd still meet up with her best friends to discuss the time since they'd last gathered, over a milkshake. And a slice of pie, Or a muffin.

She started and stood up straight as she realized something.

"I'm due to see them tomorrow! I'd better jet!"

Spreading her wings, she made to head for the city's Town Hall, to report her success and her next move.

Once she got there, she was told to take a seat and that the one she needed would be out shortly.

Eventually talking to him, she told of her success with the clouds, then was about to be dismissed, with thanks from the mayor and a bit of cash as a reward.

Suddenly, an enormous THUD occurred, startling every Pony in the building.

Galloping outside, Scootaloo could see an enormous wyvern-like creature. It had to be at least 25, maybe 30 meters tall! and it was slightly hunched over, too. (1)

The wyvern let out a screech and sprayed electricity in a sweeping path. Where it hit, streets and buildings were scorched, power was cut to several city blocks at once, Anypony that hadn't taken cover was either very injured, very paralyzed or both. Either way, they were swiftly taken elsewhere.

Switching to a two legged stance, Scootaloo began to flap her wings and concentrate a ball of wind energy in her hands. This was a trick that Rainbow Dash had taught her some years ago. She set the one orb on an outstretched wing and began to create another....

With four balls fully formed, she grabbed one, took careful aim at the gargantuan monster and threw.

The orb connected with its head, stunning it slightly and allowing Scootaloo to throw the second. The third followed shortly thereafter, but by the time she'd thrown the fourth, the monster had gotten its bearings enough to notice the Pony that was throwing.

The creature narrowed its eyes, then spewed a burst of lightning toward her. She was able to dodge a few times, but then the creature closed one wing, then snapped it open and unleashed a shower of sparks, blinding (and slightly cooking) the young mare.. Fortunately, as a Pegasus, this wasn't enough to take her down.

The swat that came afterward probably would for a while.

When Scootaloo awoke, she was in a landscape of pitch black. A voice called out to her. "Scootaloo! Arise, and heed me."

A gigantic humanoid which seemed to be wearing a full-face helmet came into view. "I am Ultraman Dyna."

Taking a better look at the other, now that she was standing, Scootaloo saw that he was red, silver and blue and had a gold crest upon his chest. Just above that was a diamond shaped gem.

"What happened?" Scootaloo queried.

"Put simply: you died. W/hen that monster swatted you into a building, it collased the thing just to be doubly sure that you wouldn't get back up to bother it again."

"I DIED?!" Scootaloo shouted, suddenly in a panic.

"There is a solution. But with your current powers, you are incapable of defeating it. I shall give you my powers. Together we can stop that monster and ones like it. What say you?"

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes with determination showing on her face. "Count me in. What do I have to do?"

Upon Scootaloo's chest, a diamond-shaoed gem similar to the one on Dyna's chest appeared.

"You must place your hand upon that and incant the name that we share. With feeling!"

"Alright! Let's kick that monster all the way to Tartarus!"

"That's the spirit! Are you ready?"

"YEAH!" she exclaimed.

"Alright! I ask that you incant our name! Ultra-"

"Ultramare: DYNA!"

"Close enough!"


"HYYYAHH!!" A new Pony suddenly burst from the rubble of the nearby building, quickly boosting in height to titanic size.

With some effort, the titan gave a solid uppercut to the monstrous wyvern, staggering it and knocking it back somewhat. The beast shook its head and screeched.

The giant pony was blue, red and silver, with a golden streak on either side of its chest , in the center of which was a five-sided blue gem.

The titan declared its challenge. "{I am Ultramare Dyna. I am sworn to protect the ponies of this world from threats such as yourself. Come forth if you dare. I will not hesitate a second time.}"

The monster keened again. Then, with a few flaps of its wings, it unleashed a giant gust of cleaving wind.

{Dyna Barrier![color]}

Thrusting her hands forward, a rounded shield of force appeared in front of Dyna, negating the wind.

The monster flapped its wings a few more times and took flight, spewing lightning at Dyna, who deftly dodged, leaping to take flight herself.

As Dyna flew after the wyvern, it occasionally sent bolts of energy her way, which were easily defleted. At length the beast rolled in the air and turned to face Dyna, stilll flapping its wings. It took in a deep breath , its throat turning blue. With that, it unleashed a screech of an unnatrural volume. Reacting quickly, Dyna was able to dodge most of the sonic attack's effect. It landed a moment thereafter, unleashing another wave of flame.

Deciding that the time for subtlety was long over, Dyna concentrated her power and, with a flash, shifted to an entirely red and silver coloration, knocking the firey shot aside.

{Strong Form!}

With that, her strength increased exponentially, but at a cost in speed.

She then drew energy into her hands. {Strong Punch!} Flame engulfed one hand as she thrust forward. However. the monster was made of sterner stuff and, though taking a fair bit of damage and being slightly stunned, it wasn't so easily downed. With another screech, the creature gathered energy into its mouth, this time unleashing a volley of blue icy shots, all of which Dyna managed to block, due to her increased strength, and the briefly impaired aim of the monster.

Flapping its wings rapidly, the creature took to the air once more, determining that sticking around was not the best course of action.

As it flew away at speed, Dyna, wih another flash, changed to a blue and silver form instead. {Miracle Form!} In this form, she gained a substanttial increase in speed, at a cost of strength.

With that, Dyna leaped into the air, giving chase to the flying wyvern. Taking aim, she gathered energy in her hands. {Hand Shooter!} and unleashed three shots of electricity, twice getting glancing blows on the monster's tough scales.

The wyvern then did something unexpected. Its tail opened up and fired off several rounds of spines at Dyna, who was able to dodge most of them due to her increased speed, but still took a few blows.

Suddenly, the crystal on Dyna's chest began blinking red. {Running low on energy... what now?} Looking around quicjkly, Dyna spotted a particularly dark cloud. {That's it!} Heading for that cloud, Dyna situated herself under it, unleasshing a final burst of energy into the cloud, which reciprocated with a bolt of lightning. Spreading her arms quickly, Dyna accepted the energy. {Dyna Charge!}

Dyna's crystal flashed green once, reverting to its blue colour. {Let's try this again.}

Giving chase once more, and at a full charge, Dyna was easily able to catch up with the creasture. {No holding back this time.} Dyna once more gathered a brst of energy. this time a much biggeer amount. {Solgent Beam!} With that, she unleashed a beam of energy which sliced off the monster's tail and tore a hole in one wing, causing it to lose balance and begin tumblig back to the ground. Try as it might, it was unable to regain balance.

Concentrating once more, Dyna built up a gout of flame. {Revolium Wave!} The gout of flame consumed the falling beast, obliterating it with a dramatic explosion.

With that, Dyna looked further skyward, zoomed off and disappeared.

Scootaloo was later able to get on her way once she made sure that everything was alright. Fortunately, almost nopony was seriously hurt thanks to the giant's aid.

The mayor was particularly relieved. "I'm just glad that things worked out. Though, I wonder where that giant came from? And where did it go? I'm sure the ponies here would want to say 'thank you'."

''I wouldn't worry about it, sir. I'm sure she knows.' Scootaloo said, a trifle smugly.

With that, she took off, heading back toward Ponyville. "Ooooh, do I have a story to tell to the girls today!"

Author's Note:

1: Think of the Rathian from Monster Hunter. But, you know, economy sized.