• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,336 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Rocks, Gems and Boulders

Spike and Pinkie would disembark from the train at the station, observing the somewhat worn and forgotten surroundings, as no one besides Pinkie used it more than once every decade. Pinkie, however, seemed excited to be back at her hometown farm, displaying a radiant smile as she looked around.

"Welcome to the best rock farm in the country, Spike!" Pinkie would exclaim, enthusiasm evident in her voice as she approached her friend. "It's great to be home!"

"Thanks for bringing me, Pinkie," Spike would respond, showing his gratitude with a smile as he rubbed his eye, yawning.

Pinkie would nod with a smile, placing a hand on Spike's shoulder as they headed towards the station exit.

"Oh, you're going to love my family, Spike!" Pinkie would exclaim, palpable excitement in her voice. "They're the most fun and loving people you'll ever meet."

"Heh, coming from you, it's impossible to think of them any other way," Spike would say, despite already knowing what Pinkie's family was like from all the stories she had told them about them in the Pony world.

"We can look for rocks, and collect rocks, and stack rocks, and clean rocks, and make rock soup!" Pinkie would say as she walked alongside Spike, reminding Spike that, well... it was a rock farm.

"That sounds... great, Pinkie!" Spike would say, nodding with some confusion but not wanting Pinkie to feel bad.

"Don't worry, Spike. I'm sure you'll love it!" Pinkie would respond, with a radiant smile as they exited the station and headed towards the farm.

As they approached the farm, Spike would curiously observe the surrounding landscape, noting the vast fields and the grassless gray terrain around them, probably perfect for rocks. The fresh air and tranquil atmosphere of the area made him feel relaxed and somewhat surprised because he didn't expect a rock farm to have such pure and relaxing air, but a farm is a farm at the end of the day. Spike would follow Pinkie with curiosity as they got closer and closer to the farm. As they ventured further into the land, he would begin to notice the presence of different types of rocks, some scattered on the ground and others forming part of the farm's structures, noticing a large rock maybe three times Pinkie's size at the center of it all.

Spike would be impressed by the variety of rocks that adorned Pinkie's farm, from small stones scattered on the ground to large rock formations that seemed to be an integral part of the farm's structure. The large rock in the center stood out especially, imposing and majestic, and Spike would wonder what special story or meaning it might have for Pinkie's family.

"Wow, Pinkie! Your farm is really... Full of rocks!" Spike would exclaim, trying to find something interesting enough in that farm as he followed Pinkie through the terrain. "What's the story behind that big rock in the center?"

"Oh, that's the Family Rock!" Pinkie would respond, with a bright smile as she stopped in front of the imposing rock formation. "It was found by our ancestors and brought to this farm for good luck!"

Spike would observe the rock with renewed interest, slightly impressed by its significance to Pinkie's family and the central role it played in farm life. It was evident that the Family Rock was much more than a simple rock formation.

"That's pretty cool," Spike would say with genuine surprise, not quite remembering if Pinkie had told him about that in the Pony world.

"Yeah, rocks are the best!" Pinkie would respond with enthusiasm, nodding her head as they continued their tour of the farm. "And there's so much more to see and do here! Come on, Spike, let me introduce you to my family!"

As they approached the house, Spike would notice the activity around them, with members of Pinkie's family busy with various tasks related to rocks. Some would be carving and polishing stones, while others would be busy... hitting rocks with picks for some reason.

"Look, Spike, here's my family!" Pinkie would exclaim, pointing towards a group of people near the main house. "They'll love to meet you!"

Spike would see how the only man in that group, with a somewhat strange hat and a long beard, would approach the two of them with a serious and neutral expression, something he remembered well from Pinkie's descriptions.

"Dad!" Pinkie would say with a big smile as she threw herself into her father's arms with force, while the man only reciprocated the hug with a couple of pats on the girl's back.

Spike would observe the interaction between Pinkie and her father with a smile, noting the contrast between Pinkie's exuberance and the seriousness of the man who seemed to be her father. Although her father's expression was serious, Spike could see a spark of affection in his eyes as he hugged Pinkie, indicating that, despite his reserved appearance, he also had a caring side.

"Dad, this is Spike, the cute little baby we're taking care of!" Pinkie would say, introducing Spike with enthusiasm as she let go of the hug, only to grab Spike and rub her cheek against his.

"Verily, 'tis a joy to make thy acquaintance," the man would say with a deep and calm voice, extending a large hand towards Spike in a greeting. "Mine handle is Igneous Rock Pie."

Spike would shake Igneous Rock Pie's hand with respect, feeling a little intimidated by his imposing presence but at the same time recognizing the kindness in his greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Igneous Rock Pie," Spike would respond courteously, trying to keep his composure despite his nervousness. "I'm Spike, a friend of Pinkie's. Thank you for welcoming me to your farm."

Igneous Rock Pie would nod solemnly, his serious expression softening slightly as he looked at Spike attentively.

"Thou art welcome here, Spike," Igneous would say, his deep voice resonating in the air. "Pinkie hath spoken of thee with fondness, and 'tis good to see thee in person."

Spike would smile, feeling relieved by the warmth in Igneous's words. Although his imposing presence might have intimidated him at first, he now felt more comfortable knowing that he was welcome on Pinkie's farm.

"Thank you, Mr. Igneous," Spike would respond, returning the handshake sincerely. "I'm excited to be here and meet all of you. Pinkie has told me a lot about her family and her farm, and I'm eager to be a part of it."

Igneous Rock Pie would nod approvingly, his stoic gaze softening even more as he listened to Spike's words, although only Pinkie would notice that, as Spike was unable to notice that small characteristic.

"Indeed, thou art welcome to partake in our humble abode," Igneous would say, with a slight glimmer of pride in his eyes, but without changing his expression or stoic gaze. "Pinkie hath oft spoken of her adventures with thee, and 'tis clear that thou art a valued companion."

Spike would feel overwhelmed by Igneous's kind words, feeling even more grateful for the warm welcome he was receiving on the farm. Despite his initial seriousness, it was clear that Pinkie's family was welcoming and kind, and Spike was excited to be a part of it during his stay.

"Thank you, Mr. Igneous!" Spike would say, with a sincere smile on his face, even feeling as his eyes created small tears that didn't shed. "It's an honor to be here and be part of your family during this time!"

Igneous would nod with his stoic gaze, indicating with a gesture that Spike was welcome on the farm. With Igneous's welcome, Spike would accompany Pinkie to meet the rest of the family.

As Spike followed Pinkie around the farm, they would come across a group of three girls sitting in front of some chairs, each one occupied polishing rocks with great skill. Spike would watch with interest as the girls worked diligently and precisely, using different tools and cloths to shape and polish the rocks until they were perfect.

Pinkie would approach the group with a radiant smile, greeting the girls enthusiastically.

"Hi, girls!" Pinkie would exclaim, joy evident in her voice. "I'm excited to introduce you to my friend Spike! Spike, these are my sisters, Limestone, Maude, and my little sister Marble!"

Spike would greet the girls with a wave and a smile, identifying Maude perfectly without any trouble, having heard of Limestone and Marble before from Applejack in the Pony world. So he knew a bit about how to speak to them.

"Hello, girls!" Spike would say, with a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, I... um... I see you're very skilled at polishing rocks!"

"Thank you," Maude would respond with her usual expression and bored voice, carefully placing a perfectly round rock on the ground, giving it a few taps as if it were a pet, making it stay still somehow. "We love working with rocks. It's our passion."

"Yes, we're the best at what we do," Limestone would add proudly, lifting her head confidently. "No one can match our skill in working with these beauties!"

"It's important to polish rocks with care and precision to enhance their natural beauty," Maud would comment, even Spike could understand her deep appreciation for the art of working with rocks.

"Mhhm," Marble would nod without looking at Spike, trying to let her hair cover her face, just trying to work with her.

"It's... Umm... impressive to see what you can achieve with rocks," Spike would comment, admiring the girls' work.

The girls would smile gratefully for Spike's compliment, showing their appreciation for his recognition.

"Thanks, Spike!" Pinkie would exclaim, nodding enthusiastically. "My sisters are the best at what they do! They're the queens of rocks!"

Spike would smile, feeling fortunate to have met the girls and witnessing their incredible ability to work with rocks. He would be about to continue on his way, but would quickly be grabbed by the wrist by Limestone.

"Listen up, runt," Limestone would say, pulling Spike to force him to look directly into her eyes. "I don't care how nice you are or if you're Pinkie's best friend, touch the big rock, or mess up our work, and you'll be sleeping in the mines, got it?"

Spike would feel a chill run down his spine as he was grabbed and stared at by Limestone, her serious and threatening expression making it clear she wasn't joking. Though he would feel a bit intimidated by her words, Spike would nod nervously, understanding the gravity of Limestone's warning.

"Y-yeah, I got it," Spike would respond, trembling a bit, but maintaining a nervous smile. "I won't mess with the big rock or ruin your work. Thanks for letting me know."

Limestone would release him with a grunt, seeming satisfied with Spike's response. Spike would step away from Limestone, feeling a bit relieved to leave behind the tense situation. However, Limestone's warning would resonate in his mind.

"Do you do any sports or exercise?" Limestone would say with crossed arms, observing Spike with a furrowed brow.

Spike, still feeling a bit nervous from Limestone's warning, would try to keep his composure as he responded to her question.

"Um... not really," Spike would admit honestly, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I haven't had much time for exercise lately, but I try to stay active when I can, and I'm also the captain of my school's soccer team."

Limestone would furrow her brow even more, seeming a bit disappointed by Spike's answer.

"You should do something about that," Limestone would say firmly, pressing her finger against Spike's chest, pushing him back a bit. "If you're going to be here on the farm, you need to be fit and ready to work hard. We don't want you becoming a burden."

Spike would nod multiple times nervously as he felt the sweat trickle down his body. Though he would feel a bit overwhelmed by Limestone's expectations, he would be willing to do what it takes to earn her respect and avoid any trouble.

"I understand, I understand! hehe," Spike would respond, taking a couple of steps back. "I'll make an effort to stay active and be ready to help! Thanks for reminding me! Hehe..."

Limestone would nod in approval, apparently satisfied with Spike's response.

"I hope so," Limestone would say before turning around and returning to her work.

Spike would take a deep breath for a few seconds before leaning on his knees with sweat dripping down his forehead. "Damn, she's scary."

"Awww! You're already almost family!" Pinkie would say as she grabbed Spike and wiped his face with a napkin.

"Family!? I almost feel like she was gonna rip out my heart just to show it to me while it's still beating on my face!" Spike would say as Pinkie let him go onto the ground.

Pinkie would laugh with her characteristic cheerful tone at Spike's dramatic reaction, patting him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Oh, Spike, don't be so dramatic!" Pinkie would exclaim, with a playful smile on her face as she looked at him with amusement. "Limestone can be a bit... intense, but deep down, she's

a great sister. She's just worried about you, she knows you can do it!"

"I guess you're right, Pinkie," Spike would say gratefully as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Thanks for cleaning my face, by the way."

"You're welcome, Spike!" Pinkie would say, with a radiant smile as she gave him a few pats on the shoulder. "I'm here to help you with whatever you need! Now, let's go! You just need to meet my mom! She must be cooking something for lunch!"

"Yes, let's go meet your mom!" Spike would say with a smile, leaving behind the incident with Limestone and focusing on the next step of his visit to Pinkie's farm.

Pinkie would guide him through the farm to the main house, where they would surely find Cloudy Quartz Pie, Pinkie's mother, preparing something delicious in the kitchen. As they approached the house, Spike would feel reassured by the prospect of meeting Pinkie's mother and enjoying a good home-cooked meal.

Pinkie would open the door with enthusiasm, and they would enter together into the cozy house, where they would find Cloudy Quartz Pie busy in the kitchen, preparing a meal that would surely please everyone.

"Mom!" Pinkie would exclaim joyfully as she approached Cloudy Quartz, who would turn around to greet her daughter with the same expression that Igneous Rock had when he met Spike.

"Pinkamena, 'tis a pleasure to have thee here among us." Cloudy Quartz would exclaim, with her classic somewhat worn-out and stoic voice, but gently embracing her daughter.

Spike would watch the interaction between Pinkie and her mother with a smile, noticing the affection and warmth in the embrace between mother and daughter. Although Cloudy Quartz's expression was serious and reserved, Spike could see the love and affection in her eyes as she hugged Pinkie.

"Hi, mom!" Pinkie would exclaim, returning the hug enthusiastically. "I'm so excited to be back home and to introduce you to my friend Spike!"

Spike would approach Cloudy Quartz timidly, extending a hand in a gesture of greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cloudy Quartz," Spike would say courteously, trying to impress Pinkie's mother with his best behavior and manners.

Cloudy Quartz would observe Spike attentively, her penetrating gaze carefully evaluating him before nodding in approval.

"Thou art welcome here, young Spike," Cloudy Quartz would say as she accepted Spike's hand for a handshake. "Pinkamena hath spoken highly of thee, and 'tis good to finally meet thee in person."

Spike would feel relieved by Cloudy Quartz's kind welcome, grateful to have made a good impression on Pinkie's mother.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cloudy Quartz," Spike would respond sincerely, returning the mare's smile. "I'm excited to be here and to be part of Pinkie's family during my stay."

Cloudy Quartz would smile kindly at Spike's words, feeling pleased by the respectful and polite attitude of the young dragon.

"Indeed, thou art most welcome here, Spike," Cloudy Quartz would say, with a gentle warmth in her voice. "We art delighted to have thee as a guest in our humble abode. Please, make thyself at home."

Spike would nod with gratitude, feeling more and more comfortable in the company of Pinkie's family.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cloudy Quartz!" Spike would say with a sincere smile. "I'm looking forward to spending time here and getting to know you all better!"

Cloudy Quartz would nod in approval, showing her appreciation for Spike's positive and enthusiastic attitude.

"Verily, 'tis good to hear," Cloudy Quartz would respond with a gentle smile. "Pinkamena hath oft spoken of her adventures with thee, and I am certain that thou shalt find much joy in thy time here."

"Okay, Spike! You go help Dad on the farm, it's mining day today! I'll help Mom cook a delicious dinner!" Pinkie would say with a big smile, gradually pushing Spike out of the house to accompany his father a bit.

Spike would enthusiastically nod at Pinkie's suggestion, feeling excited for the opportunity to help Igneous Rock Pie on the farm. With a smile, he would bid farewell to Pinkie and Cloudy Quartz before heading towards where Igneous was, ready to start his day of work on the rock farm.

Spike would walk towards where Igneous Rock Pie, Pinkie's father, was, mentally preparing himself for a day of hard work on the farm. As he approached, he would see Igneous busy with some tasks, probably getting ready for work in the mine.

"Hi, Mr. Igneous!" Spike would greet enthusiastically when he was close enough. "What can I help with today?"

Igneous Rock Pie would turn towards Spike with a serious expression, but his eyes would reveal a hint of approval at seeing the young dragon's willingness to work.

"Salutations, Spike," Igneous would say with his deep and calm voice. "We art heading to the quarry to mine some gems today. Thy assistance shalt be most welcome."

Spike would nod determinedly, ready to follow Igneous's instructions and help in any way he could.

"Of course, Mr. Igneous!" Spike would respond with energy. "I'm ready to work hard and learn as much as I can!"

With Igneous's guidance, Spike would climb onto the tractor, feeling excited for the opportunity to learn and work at the gem mine on the farm. Once they were both on board, Igneous would start the tractor and begin driving towards the mine.

The tractor ride would be a new experience for Spike, who would hold onto the seat tightly as the vehicle moved across the terrain. As they progressed, Igneous would take the time to explain more to Spike about the gem mine and how it operated.

"This here mine hath been a part of our kin for generations," Igneous would explain, his voice resonating over the noise of the tractor engine. "Yonder, we doth extract gems and precious stones, which we vend in our local market. Also, we sell common rocks for adornment, pets, or as building material. 'Tis indeed a tough yet rewarding labor, that of a farmer."

Spike would listen attentively to Igneous's words, impressed by the history and significance of the gem mine to Pinkie's family. As they traversed the terrain, Spike would gaze with fascination at the changing landscape, noticing the rock formations and the different types of gems that could be found in the mine.

"Wow, it's incredible to know that this mine has been in your family for generations," Spike would comment with admiration, assimilating the information Igneous had provided. "It must be an honor to be able to work in a place with so much history and meaning."

"Aye, 'tis indeed an honor," Igneous would respond solemnly, his gaze lost on the horizon as he drove the tractor. "Thou shalt soon learneth that our labor is not only about extracting gems, but also about preserving our legacy and ensuring the prosperity of future generations."

Spike would nod in understanding, recognizing the depth of Igneous's words and the importance of keeping the family tradition alive. As they continued their journey to the mine, Spike would feel even more motivated to work hard and contribute to Pinkie's farm's success.

After a while, they would finally arrive at the mine entrance, where Spike would disembark from the tractor and take off his jacket, leaving only the sleeveless shirt Pinkie had recommended he wear.

Igneous Rock Pie would step down from the tractor alongside Spike, proudly surveying the mine entrance before addressing Spike's question.

"Our mine holds a variety of gems and precious stones," Igneous would explain, pointing towards the dark mine entrance. "We can findeth diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, among others. 'Tis a rich vein of treasure, but one that requires much labor and care to extract."

"I've worked with that kind of stuff before, so no problem," Spike would say as he rolled up his pants to his knees, while Igneous looked somewhat surprised that a kid knew about such things.

"...Indeed, 'tis good to hear that thou hast experience in such matters," Igneous would say, with a look of surprise in his eyes. "Thy assistance shalt be most welcome in our endeavor today."

Spike would smile determinedly, feeling excited for the opportunity to apply his skills and knowledge in the gem mine. With a wave of his hand, Igneous would indicate for Spike to follow him towards the dark mine entrance.

"Come, Spike," Igneous would say, beginning to walk towards the mine entrance. "There is much work to be done, and we must not delay."

"Wow, this is amazing!" Spike would exclaim in awe, his eyes shining with excitement as he looked at the shimmering gems around him. "I've never seen so many gemstones together!"

"Aye, 'tis a sight to behold," Igneous would respond solemnly, his voice echoing in the darkness of the mine. "But remember, Spike, these gems may be beautiful, but they are also fragile. We must handle them with care and precision to ensure their preservation."

Spike and Igneous would spend a good amount of hours in that mine, with Spike listening attentively to all of Igneous's advice, even if there were things he already knew beforehand.

Although the work in the mine was hard and exhausting, Spike would find satisfaction in the challenge and sense of achievement in contributing to Pinkie's farm's success. Although Spike wouldn't admit it obviously, he felt a bit nostalgic to be back to gem harvesting, something he hadn't done for a while since Twilight's jobs had become very important.

At the end of the day, Spike and Igneous would return to the farm, tired but satisfied with the work well done, with Pinkie waiting for them to quickly guide them to the table to eat.

"Hi guys!" Pinkie would exclaim joyfully. "I was so excited for you guys to come back! Mom has been cooking something amazing for dinner!"

"Wow! I'm starving!" Spike would say with a smile as he sat at the table, noticing that they probably had to move the chairs a bit to add one for him.

Cloudy Quartz would enter the room with her classic stoic expression, carrying a tray full of steaming dishes. With grace and skill, she would serve the food onto the diners' plates, making sure everyone had enough to eat.

"I hope you like the rock soup, Spike," Cloudy would say, placing a plate in front of Spike, a gray bowl with soup and several rocks floating in it.

"Umm... Are you sure we can't give him something different?" Pinkie would say somewhat worried that Spike wouldn't enjoy the food.

"Hey! It doesn't look bad at all!" Spike would say as he pulled out a handful of broken gems from his pocket, which would have ended up useless after being removed, and then he would throw them into the soup as an addition. "Bon appétit!"

And so, to the surprised looks of almost the entire family, Spike would start eating, while Maud simply did the same.

Author's Note:

I hope my portrait of Pie's family is accurate, i love them but i barely remember them ^v^"