• Member Since 7th Jun, 2023
  • offline last seen Yesterday

The Cheeser

I like cheese, that's where my name comes from.


Door studied interior design, she spent four long years, and accidentally got a cutie-mark as a door. This was... Unfortunate to her, but it never stopped her from trying to be an interior designer.
Finally, she graduated today, in 1052. However, speeches are long, and her eyelids are heavy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Puns are a cornerstone of Ponysh and all Equine languages!

I've just read your story & I have

No Clue Whatsoever

why you posted it in the Equestria At War group.

Can you explain? Or, did it just seem like a good idea at the time?


I posted it under EAW because I make use of the names of cities, and some after-war Kirin political stuff, like the annexation of Blossom in EAW when you do harmonic Kiria. So, I put it in there because it's a plausible story in a harmonic Kiria. I hope that clears it up for ya

Well, yeah, OK. I just tend to think of "post war" as closer to the conflict.


That's pretty fair! I will remove it from that section. I don't know why, but in my brain I thought "Hey, it was after all of the great wars, so it must be postwar" and I can see how that is... Flawed logic.

Well, now, don't be too hasty. You can fix it just by having Door consider if she wants to take a job with the Reconstruction Agency. Government work is traditionally underpaid but having a REAL job on your resume helps a lot.

Depends on "How ripped up WAS this place? Historically, it can take decades to recover.


This is a bit out of the scope of this fic. In addition to this, democratic Kiria never really faced a conflict in it's lore. (Unless if that one Nirik nation one in the south. Which I could use, but I've already said there were border tensions between Sen Kenh and Kiria. )
So, the best I could do is a random invasion from the north, but that'd be hard to justify.
So, I will probably have Kiria as a refuge nation from a war-stricken world, which would explain why Door would be half-kirin and half-pony. (A Kirpone?)
Thank you for the idea, though!

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