• Published 24th Dec 2023
  • 113 Views, 8 Comments

3 Wishes - Mocha Star

Noi and Aura come across a chance to grant their greatest wish, what could go wrong?

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Chapter 3

Noi woke up in the morning and noticed her right forehoof was wet, then blushed as she wiped it off on the sheet. “Maybe I should have wished to stop sucking my hoof like a baby.” She said as she placed her hooves under her and got up, stretching like a cat on her bed.

She looked out the window and cocked her head before she shook it and climbed down to look out the window. It was past her usual wake up time, which was unusual. Her mommy usually woke her up a little after sunrise but today she let her sleep in. Noi shrugged and ignored it, feeling a strong urge to use the bathroom taking priority.

Once she was done in the bathroom she sniffed the air and didn’t smell anything cooking. She went to the kitchen and was surprised to not see her mother there. It was maybe the first time in her life her mother wasn’t preparing breakfast for her when she got up. “Mommy?” Noi called out, a little worried.

“In here, dear.”

Noi hurried to the den to see her mother lying on the couch with a half filled glass of mommy only juice on the table beside her. “Mommy, why aren’t you cooking breakfast? Did you know you let me sleep in? I’m not whining about it, I mean, thanks, but… I’m kinda hungry now.” Noi said quietly, poking the floor with her left forehoof.


“Um, what?” Noi asked her mother. Her mother just looked at her. “Um, can you cook breakfast?”

“Yes, dear. Right away,” She said, getting up and hurrying past the filly. “What would you like? Porridge, oatmeal, grits…”

Noi groaned loudly. “None of those, mommy. Please, can we have a real breakfast?”

“I don’t have the ingredients for much, what would you like?”

Noi thought for a second and then giggled to herself. “Cake and maybe some of the oaty ice cream in the ice box?”

Her mother smiled and nodded. “Very well. Go play and I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

Noi’s jaw hung slack. She couldn’t understand why her mother would be okay making cake and letting her have ice cream. It wasn’t her birthday, or a holiday, or any special day except for being a normal Sunday. She was about to say something, then noticed the bag of oats on the counter. It was ready to fill her bowl if she wasn’t careful.

“O-okay, mommy. I’ll go play for a while with Aura, if that’s okay?”

“You can play with whoever you wish, darling, just come when I call for your breakfast.”

Noi smiled and it grew into a grin before she galloped through the den and out the door to look for her friend. She saw a couple colts and fillies crying down the street, but that wasn’t her problem. She turned right and began practically prancing to her friend’s house. Knocking twice, she waited for Aura’s mom or dad to come to the door or to invite her in. She was practically expected at this point.

“Hello?” Noi called to the closed door. She reached up and opened the door, wiping her hooves as the house rule required. “Hello? Aura? Can you come out to play?”

“Noi?! You gotta come help me, it’s an emergency!”

Noi didn’t think twice as she rushed to the stairs and ascended them as quickly as her little legs would let her. She turned and rushed to Aura’s room, but stopped as she passed the open bathroom door. She stumbled past it, then backed up quickly to look in with shock. “A-Aura? Wha-” was all she managed before the filly looked at her.

Down at her, way down. The once small filly was now practically hunched over to keep her head from hitting the ceiling. Her eyes were red from crying. “Oh, Noi… I got my wish, but this isn’t what I wanted.”

“Y-your wish?” Noi asked as she stepped closer to the giant filly in the bathroom. “Wait, is that why my mommy is making me cake for breakfast instead of something gross?”

Aura whined and her lips quivered. “Noi, I had to go to the bathroom when I woke up and I broke part of my bed, and the doorway, and… I couldn’t fit on the toilet so I had to…” she sniffled and pointed to the bathtub. Noi understood right away and carefully stepped into the room to place a very tiny hoof on such a big filly.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to feel bad. I pee in the bath all the time.”

Aura broke down into tears, laying down and nearly filling the whole room as she curled around herself. Her tail cleared a whole wall of artwork and a few knicknacks before it went between her legs so she could stroke it. “I don’t wanna be big like this. I wanted to be a little bigger, that’s all. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon won’t ever let me live this down.”

Outside a colt’s crying reached its peak and he screamed to the heavens.

“What is going on out there?” Noi asked as she tried to go to the window, but couldn’t get around her friend. “Wait here, Aura, I’ll be right back.”

“D-don’t leave me like this, Noi. Please, stay with me.”

“I promise I’ll be right back, I’m going to go to your room to look outside is all.”

Noi backed out of the room and couldn’t help but feel sad as her friend watched her movements with giant tear filled eyes. Noi rushed to Aura’s room and noticed the damage the giant filly had done to her bed frame and the doorway, but ignored it as she rushed to the window. She opened it and looked out to see a dozen children and only a couple adults hurrying towards the market with saddlebags on.

She didn’t see anything off from her perspective so she ducked back into the room and hurried back to her friend. “I don’t see anything weird out there, but I really think we should get to that traveling show and unwish your wish.”

Aura hiccupped and flicked her ear, nearly breaking the ceiling light in the process. She grimaced. “Wh-what a-about y-your wish?”

Noi blinked and tried to recall her wish. “I just wished my mommy would do what I said, I don’t see anything wrong with that,” she smirked. “I’m not eating slop, and that’s a huge bonus.”

Aura shook her head and wiped her eyes carefully, so as to not bump her friend into the hallway or break anything else. “N-no, Noi. You wished that all parents would do what their kids say.”

Noi’s smile fell and her eyes widened. “Aura, where are your parents?” Aura began to weep. “Oh no, they’re not hurt, are they?” She asked, worried she was laying on one of them right now.

“No… when I woke up I called for help. I told them to get me help because I didn’t want anypony to see me like… this,” she said, looking along the side of her body, “and they left without telling me where they were going.”

“So, maybe they’re just going to the hospital and they’ll be back with a doctor that can help you right away.”

Aura sniffled loudly and lit her horn to pull a towel over to blow her nose with. Noi stepped back at the grossness of it as the towel was almost instantly soaked in snot. “I don’t know. That was hours ago, Noi. What if they got lost or didn’t understand me. What if they went to another town or city to find a doctor. Noi, what if I don’t see my mommy and daddy for days?!”

Noi wished she could hug her friend, but her legs wouldn’t fit around any part of Aura at her current size. “Aura, let’s get you outside. That way we can find the-”

“No way! If I go out, I’m gonna be teased by other ponies. No pony has ever been as big as me.”

Noi moved closer to Aura and did her best to pat her friend on her chest, but she didn’t think Aura even noticed it. “How are we gonna fix the wish if you won’t go outside?”

Aura quietly cried for almost a minute before another loud snort broke the moment. “Fine, but we have to be quick. I need to get better and you have to unwish your wish, too.”

Noi pouted. “Can’t it wait until after breakfast?”

Aura turned to look at her friend and her eyes narrowed. Noi took several steps back as the filly above her sent chills of terror down her back and into her now shaking legs. “Do I look like I want to wait until after you have cake?”

Noi fought the urge to run screaming, her rational mind telling her this was her friend and she wouldn’t hurt her kept her rooted to the spot. “N-no. L-l-let’s g-g-go. I…” she gulped and felt her tongue was drying off quickly. “I’ll clear the stairs so you don’t knock down any more pictures.

Aura nodded as she rolled to her belly and crouched as low as she could. She moved to follow Noi as they both made their way down the hall and to the stairs. Noi came across a problem all children have when she got to the first step. “Aura? I can’t reach most of the pictures on the wall along the stairs.”

Aura winced as the floor creaked under her now immense weight, stopping as her head reached the stairway. Her horn lit and one by one, pictures on the wall lowered to Noi’s height so the filly could grab them and balance them on her back. Once the pictures were all down, Noi moved carefully to the couch to deposit them. “Okay, I’m ready to come down.”

Aura moved to start descending when her forehoof and leg went through the stairs and sent the giant filly screaming, tumbling, to the main room floor, the stairs and supports destroyed under her mass. She scrambled to roll over in a brief panic destroying the wall the pictures were on and sending debris into their living room before she got to her hooves.

Stunned, both fillies looked at the mess and destruction. “I am so dead when mommy sees this.”

Noi looked at her friend from behind the couch, through a gaping hole in the wall that was supposed to keep them separate. She didn’t know what to say, but agreeing would be the most wrong thing to do, she felt. “Maybe they’ll think Spike turned into a giant dragon again.”

Aura coughed and shook her head side to side to clear it of debris. The sound of the mess landing barely bothered her. “Y-yeah. We could say a timberwolf got it and wrecked the place, or something, too.”

Noi nodded in agreement. “Exactly. There’s plenty of dangerous creatures that could come into town and try for an easy snack of sleeping pony. Heck, it was like this when I got here and you were stuck in your room, right?”

Aura, still a mess of emotions and now dust, broke the first smile Noi had seen all day. “Y-yeah. It was like this when I woke up. It’s what woke me up! Yeah, that could work.”

She climbed from the debris of the ruined stairs and went to the door that Noi had left open. She lowered herself as low as she could and squeezed almost halfway out of the door before her body trembled and, to her horror, she grew a little more. Noi was still stuck inside the house and didn’t see the growth spurt past Aura’s blue tail.

She did notice when the large filly pressed her hind legs into the carpet and lunged forward taking the door and part of the front of the house off the wall as she landed in the street. She looked back at her house and the yellow filly inside of it, got up, and broke the rest of the door chunks off of herself. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. “It was like that when I got up,” she told herself.

Noi carefully followed her friend into the street to see several foals her age and younger looking at the giant filly standing in the street. She noticed, finally, that her friend seemed a bit larger than before, but knew better than to talk about her friend’s size to her face. She wished Piña Colada was there so she could have somepony to gossip with.

“C’mon, Aura. The sooner we get to the center of town, the sooner we can fix all this.”

Aura lit her horn and surrounded Noi in blue magic, lifting the suddenly screaming filly onto her back. “Hold on, I’m not taking any shortcuts.”

Noi held on as Aura carried her like a newborn foal on her back, holding on for dear life as the fall would certainly break something when she landed. A couple minutes later they were where the little fair was set up. “Where are they?!” Aura screamed at the open space. “They’re supposed to be here for a couple days, mommy said, not one day!”

She fell to her belly and Noi barely held on and rolled off before Aura could do something crazy like roll over before she realized her friend was still on her back. Noi hurried around the open area, seeing two adults watching them dispassionately. “Mister, do you know what happened to the ponies that were here?”


Noi waited for a few seconds before she became frustrated. “Well, where’d they go?”


Noi growled to the sky before she looked at the mare beside him. “What way did they go?”

The mare cocked her head and Noi stared back. “They went away.”

Noi stomped the ground with her hooves in frustration. You’re no help at all! Why won’t you just tell me where they’re going?”

“We don’t know. They packed up this morning out of the blue and just left heading West a couple hours ago.”

Noi sighed in relief. “Okay, we at least know where they were headed. They left a couple hours ago, and they couldn’t have gotten far with everything they were carrying… Aura?” Noi called out as she turned and rushed back to her friend. “We have to catch up to them. They went West a couple hours ago. If we hurry we can catch them before they get too far.”

Aura looked around anxiously. “But, more ponies will see me if I go that way. Can’t you do it while I wait in my backyard.”

“Aura,” Noi whined, “you’re the biggest and fastest pony in town! There’s no way they could get away from us with you on their trail. We gotta find that machine and unwish our wishes, together!”

Piña Colada came galloping around a corner and skid to a halt, her rump nearly touching the ground as she stopped so forcefully. “Sweet Celestia, you are big. What’s going on, Noi? I have a feeling you’re behind all this with those silly wishes you made yesterday.”

Noi frowned at the pink filly. “Hey, I’m not the only one who made a wish on that stupid thing. Besides, we’re going to catch up to it and unwish our wishes, so stay here and… do whatever you were doing.”

“That’s the thing, I can’t find my parents. They went out last night and never came home, I guess, because I got up and nopony was home besides me. What if I can’t find them, Noi? Where are they?”

Noi thought it over while Aura crouched down to bring her muzzle close to Noi. “Hey, what about your wish?” The filly tried to whisper, but it was audible as though it were normally spoken.

“What about it?”

“You wished everypony would do what we said. Well, we never told them to go home after they went out, or whatever. So, all we’d have to do is find them and tell them to go home, and they’ll go home!” Aura grinned at her idea.

“That makes a lot of sense. You must have gotten a bigger brain to go with your body,” Piña Colada said with a nod. Aura blushed a little, not noticing she grew another couple inches in height.

“Well, you find your parents and we’ll catch the travelers and fix all this. Aura, pick me up,” Noi commanded.

“Hey, I’m not your servant,” Aura huffed and stuck her snout into the air.

“Sorry! Could you please carry me while we go after the travelers?” Noi asked.

Piña Colada stepped up to Noi’s side. “I’m coming, too. I’m worried about my parents, but if you mess up this wishing thing, remember that I didn’t use my wish, so I could be the one to fix both your mistakes.”

Her argument was good in the other fillies’ eyes, so both climbed onto Aura’s back and held onto Aura’s mane as they were carried west of town.