• Published 25th Dec 2023
  • 120 Views, 2 Comments

A Wonderful Day - SuperWriter2329

Two very different beings from Equestria have been together for over two years now, but one of them wants to take things to the next level. Will she succeed?

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A Wonderful Day Indeed

Over two years ago, an amber furred unicorn-turned-human named Sunset Shimmer met with a mythical creature from her old hometown of Equestria known as the Sirens, a group of three sisters who feeds on people's negative energy, with Adagio Dazzle, an orange siren, as the leader of the group called the Dazzlings, and her sisters Aria Blaze, a purple siren, and Sonata Dusk, a cyan siren, making up the rest of the trio.

Together, the three tried to take over Canterlot High School where Sunset and her friends are enrolling in the middle of a musical showcase preparation. However, thanks to their brainwashing powers, they managed to convince Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna to turn it into a battle of the bands. They even managed to get the entire school brainwashed into thinking that they are fighting in the newly declared battle of the bands as well. Well, except for Sunset and her friends, that is.

With the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was alerted of the situation via a magical journal, they were able to save the school from magical destruction and had gotten rid of the Sirens' powers via a ruby amulet that all three of them wore before they exploded. Luckily, the three sisters were given a second chance to redeem themselves. However, neither Sunset nor Adagio realize that the other person has feelings for them since they first met, and now, over two years have passed since they started hanging out together, which soon turns into dates, to at one point they even decided to live together in Sunset's apartment.

At first, when Sunset's friends - which soon included that world's Twilight after a certain Friendship Games - and Adagio's sisters found out about their relationship, they were understandably surprised. But over time, they become fully supportive of them seeing together. Although Aria and Sonata were disheartened to hear from their older sister that she will be moving to live with Sunset, they were the very least happy to hear that she will try to visit at least once a week.

Little did she know that Sunset was planning on doing something really special for her.

One week before Christmas Eve, Sunset was having her usual get together with her friends in Sugarcube Corner, just chatting on what has been happening with their own lives. The girls will be graduating next year, which is an exciting time for most, if not all of them, since some of them planned on going to college, or find a stable job. Adagio, Aria and Sonata have also recently enrolled in the same high school as them, and they will be starting their sophomore next month when the school reopens.

While her friends were talking, Sunset has been wanting to say something for the past thirty minutes, but didn't have the courage to do so. Applejack notices this for a while before saying, "Sunset, is there something on your mind, sugarcube?" The rest of the girls soon turn their attention to the amber skinned girl sitting nervously before them.

She was silent for a solid twenty seconds before finally relaxing and asks, "Girls, you know how I've been dating Adagio for a while now, right?" Her friends nodded. She continued, "Well, I was actually thinking of taking things to the next level, but I have no idea how to do it. Can you girls help?"

Rarity then chimes in and said, "Well darling, we'd love to help, but what do you mean by 'taking it to the next level'?" Instead of answering her, Sunset just reached into her purse and pulled out a small red box big enough to fit a ring inside of it. The other girls are a bit puzzled, but the fashionista caught it pretty quickly and gasped. "Oh my goodness, are you thinking what I'm thinking?!"

Sunset just nodded and said, "Yep, I actually wanted to propose to Adagio." As soon as the words left her mouth, the rest of the girls were ecstatic to hear the news, especially Rarity since she has been wanting to try out her new wedding dress designs for the longest time.

"Well, no wonder you were so nervous. I'd say congrats are in order, but I've gotta say, where did you get all the money to buy that ring?" Twilight asked.

The former unicorn then said, "It's easy, actually. I just saved enough money from my job as a waitress in the sushi shop that I was finally able to afford to buy this ring. Plus, this is the exact ring that Adagio has been begging me to get a few months ago. But, instead of just giving it to her directly as a present, I've decided that I wanted to propose her with it instead."

All the other girls aww'd at the beautiful gesture. Well, all except Rainbow Dash. She just fake gagged and said, "Okay, don't get me wrong Sunset, but that was too sappy, even for you."

Sunset just rolled her eyes at that and shot back. "Well, what about you then? I saw that you've been eyeing a certain someone for the past few months now."

Now it was Rainbow's turn to get flustered. With a tinge of red on her cheeks, she stammered, "Y-you knew? I really thought I'm being super sneaky about it."

Pinkie Pie, the pink haired teen, then chimes in and said, "Oooh, who was it then? Is it Soarin? I know it is!" That remark only made the athlete's cheeks to be even more redder then before.

"S-shut up," she said.

Sunset just giggled. She then said, "So, are you guys willing to help me to propose to Adagio?"

Rarity then chimes in and said, "Well darling, you came to the right person to help with that endeavour. In fact, I have a few ideas in mind to get you started, and if you plan to use one of them, we'll help you to the best of our abilities. Right girls?" The other girls voiced their agreement, already on board with helping their dear friend wanting to start a new chapter with her lover.

"Thanks girls. I'm just glad I have friends like you guys who supported me with my decision," the bacon haired girl said.

"Sure thing, Sunset. That's what friends are for, right?" the purple haired girl asked to their friends, who once again voiced their agreement. "So, about that proposal plan, I might have a few ideas in mind, but the choice is entirely up to you. I suggest that you take Adagio to all of her favorite places, or maybe treat her to a fancy restaurant, or even stage a little treasure hunt. Of course, these are just my recommendations, but feel free to use one of them if you wish to do so," she said to Sunset a few things in her mind to make her proposal a thing to remember for the longest time.

When she heard all of the plans, Sunset said, "All of them sounds fun, but I don't think I have the budget to book a table at a fancy restaurant. The others seem really within my budget, but I'm not sure if its romantic."

"Oh not to worry Sunset. If you plan on going to the restaurant, I will book a table for you, and pay for all of your meals if you want. If you don't want me to pay for the meals, I can give you some money to cover for the meals. But once again, the choice is up to you," Rarity told her.

The former unicorn weighed her options carefully. She could go to the restaurant since Rarity generously would book a table for the two of them. One final date to all of Adagio's favorite places before they become engaged sounds like fun too, and a treasure hunt seems like her cup of tea due to how adventerous she is. In the end, she made up her mind on how to propose to Adagio.

One week later, it was now Christmas Eve and everyone is getting ready to celebrate full on Christmas tomorrow. For one bacon haired girl, this is the perfect opportunity for her to finally propose to her one and only Adagio Dazzle.

As to how she was gonna do it, Sunset ultimately let Rarity book a table for her and Adagio at the local town's fancy restaurant, Le Bastion, much to her pleasure. However, she is the one who is gonna pay for all of the meals, in which the fashionista generously gave her one hundred dollars to spend on the meals, to which she thanked her in reply.

As soon as Sunset woke up, she wasted no time in making Adagio a little breakfast in bed, which only consists of bacon and eggs with some orange juice to wash it all down. By the time she's done, the former Dazzling was already awake and, luckily, still in bed.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. I got you a little something to keep you warm," she said, bringing the breakfast to her.

At first, Adagio seems a little bit confused. But after seeing the breakfast spread out in front of her, she couldn't help but said, "Aww, thanks sweety, that's so nice of you. Although, I do have to wonder, what's the occasion?"

"Oh, nothing special. I just wanted to do this to you since I'm not a great cook and all. But, I still love you and this is how I wanted to express it," Sunset said, making the fiery haired girl smile at the lovely gesture.

She then giggled and said, "Well, I must say, this is not a bad spread, so you did a good job at it."

"Hehe, thanks, I appreciate it," the bacon haired girl said before adding, "Although, there is a little something that I had planned for the two of us. I just needed you to get dressed in your best dress, because where we're going is a bit of a surprise."

"Yeah, I knew that there's something on your mind. Also, a surprise for me? I wonder what could it be," her lover wondered.

Sunset just rolled her eyes and said, "Just be ready by noon, okay? I'll wait for you outside." And just like that, she just went to the bathroom to get ready for the biggest day of her life, with Adagio unaware of the situation.

It is 12:30 pm when the two lovers finally arrived at their destination, Le Bastion, via Sunset's car. Sunset wore knee length cyan strapless dress, whereas Adagio wore a long yellow mermaid dress, which was actually given to her by Sunset as a birthday present this year. As soon as the latter stepped out of the car and saw the restaurant, she had to rub her eyes to ensure she wasn't dreaming.

"Sunset, isn't this...." Adagio started, but couldn't get the courage to end her sentence due to how awestruck she is.

"Yep, Le Bastion. I managed to get a reservation for this place, although I did get a little bit of help from my friends to pull it off," Sunset told her, reminding herself to thank Rarity for this later.

"Oh my goodness, you really didn't have to go so far to make me happy," the former siren said, her hand still covering her mouth in disbelief.

"You're right, I didn't have to. But I just wanna make our Christmas Eve a lot more special, you know?" the former unicorn asked her lover.

Adagio turned around and hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Sunset. I love the fact that you wanted to make me happy, and our Christmas a lot more meaningful, so I really appreciate it," she said to her.

Sunset hugged her back and said, "I'm glad you like the surprise." She then broke off the hug and added, "So, shall we?" Her lover nodded and they both headed inside to get away from the cold winds.

Once they were inside, the girls were greeted with the lavish decorations fitting for such an expensive restaurant; chandeliers throughout the restaurant, exquisite art from famous painters, and much more. They were amazed at how beautiful the place is.

"Wow, this place is gorgeous. I don't know how you and your friends managed to get us a reservation for this, but thanks. I feel like you've made my day already," Adagio said before kissing her lover on the cheek.

Sunset just chuckled before responding, "No worries, it's my pleasure. Now come on, let's get to our table." She then proceeded to head to the front desk and ask the hostess for their reserved table for two.

"Okay, I need a name please," the hostess, who looked to be in her early twenties, asks the bacon haired girl, to which she gave her her full name. "Ah, Sunset Shimmer, welcome. Allow me to escort you to your table. Follow me please." The two then followed her to their table, which is right near the middle of the restaurant. "Here is your table, ladies. Have fun and I hope you enjoyed your stay," she said before walking back to her usual spot.

Sunset then pulled out one of the chairs for Adagio to sit on. "After you, m'lady," she said to her. The latter just rolled her eyes and sat down at the offered seat. "Hang on one second, I'll be right back. Just need to set up a little something real quick," she continues before leaving the table to search the hostess before spotting her at her usual spot at the front of the restaurant. She approaches her and asks, "Hey there, I just wanted to ask you something. Do you do special surprises occasionally?"

"Well, we do. But only if the occasion was like a birthday celebration or something like that," the hostess answered.

"Well, do you do wedding proposals as well? Because I've been planning to propose to the girl that came with me earlier," the former pony asks.

The hostess was a bit surprised, but was elated to hear that one of her guests wanted to propose in the middle of the restaurant. She then said, "Aww, that's so sweet! Yes, we did do wedding proposal surprises as well. Can I see the ring that you wanted to propose to her with?" Sunset then showed her the ring. "Wow, that's so beautiful. How would you like to surprise her with?"

"Just put it in a glass of wine, and have our waiter bring it out with a note. I want the note to said, 'Look inside your glass.'" she explained the hostess on how she wanted to propose to Adagio.

"Ah, keeping it plain and simple I see. Okay, we can do that. I'll flag down the next waiter that comes to your table and have them bring it out. Do you need a codeword as well to signal them when to bring the ring out?" the hostess asked.

"I was feeling you were gonna ask that. Just tell them that the codeword is 'recommend'," the bacon haired girl replied.

"Okay then, if that is all, you may return to your table now," the hostess said, Sunset agreeing and leaving her with the ring as she trusted her to keep it safe.

She finally made it back to where she and Adagio were sitting, explaining that it took a bit longer than expected and that she was sorry for making her wait. "It's okay, it's not that long honestly. A waitress just came by asking if I wanted anything, but I told her that I'm waiting for my girlfriend," the former Dazzling said, making Sunset blush a little bit. Before she can thank her, she suddenly chimed in, "Oh, speaking of which, here comes our waitress now."

True to her word, a girl in a white blouse and knee length black pencil skirt showed up by their table with a notebook and a pen in her hand, further confirming that she is a waitress. "Ah, I see that your girlfriend is back. My name is Violet, and I'll be your waitress today. Would you like to order now?" the waitress, who looked to be in her late twenties, introduced herself and asked the girls if they wanted anything.

"Hey there, is it okay if we get the three course meal set?" the former unicorn asked.

"Of course! Is there anything that you could not consume or are allergic to?" Violet asked. They then said their own preferences, with Sunset having no allergies, and Adagio couldn't eat fish, since it reminded her of her old origin as a siren. "Okay then, your appetizer will come out in fifteen minutes, so be patient okay? I'll let the kitchen staff know of what your preferences are." That was all she said before she heads to the kitchen to alert the staff of their choices.

For the next hour and a half, the date went smoothly. After the couple had their salad appetizer, they then went on to have medium rare steak for their main course. Of course, during the main course, Sunset couldn't help but to play with Adagio for a little while, giving a little footsie underneath the table. The latter was obviously surprised, but was quick to retaliate by doing the same thing to her lover as well. And then came dessert, which was just a simple slice of chocolate cake which both of them enjoyed.

During this time, their waitress Violet have been informed by the hostess that the two are about to be engaged and gave her the codeword. She also signaled the kitchen staff about the proposal as well, in which they were delighted to hear as they haven't had a proposal in their restaurant for quite a while now.

Finally, Sunset and Adagio, having finished their slice of cake, were having a little chat on what they wanted to do next. Soon, Violet came back and asked, "So, have you two enjoyed your afternoon yet?"

"Oh yes, this is one of the best dates I've ever been in! Thanks for doing this for me, Sunset," Adagio told her girlfriend.

"No problem. Although, I have a little surprise for you. Violet, does the restaurant serve wine as well?" Sunset asked, to which she said that they do serve them as well. "Well then, what would you recommend to us?" she continued.

Upon hearing the codeword, the waitress grinned a little bit. "Well then, I think I have something in mind. And you two are gonna love it. I'll have the staff prepare it," she said before heading off to the kitchen where the hostess and some of the kitchen staff are. After a few minutes, two filled wine glasses and a note have been placed on a small tray, with one of the glasses having the ring inside. Violet came back to the couple whilst carrying the drinks to them and said, "Here you are girls, one of our best tasting wines we've had. Enjoy!" She then left them to their own devices and went to the kitchen to watch the beautiful scene unfold.

However, the couple were unaware that some of the guests have been informed of the proposal as well, and now they are also waiting for that exact moment with bated breath.

Adagio looked at the wine and said, "Wow, this looks really expensive. Is this the surprise that you wanted me to see?"

Sunset just chuckled and just replied, "Nope. Check the note."

The former siren raised an eyebrow, but didn't question her as she reached out to the note and unfolded it. Written on it was a single sentence: Look inside your glass. She was puzzled and looked inside her glass of wine carefully. That's when she finally saw it; a ring had been placed inside the glass. When she took it out and dried it with a napkin, she was shocked to find that the ring was exactly what she had been asking the former unicorn to get her.

She looked at Sunset and said, "Oh my gosh, is this the ring that I've been wanting for?"

"Yep, exactly. But that was actually part one of the surprise," Sunset replied, leaving Adagio confused for a second. She then got up from her seat and headed over to her girlfriend to have her stand up as well. By now, every guest in the restaurant was getting excited that the proposal is about to happen.

The bacon haired girl took the ring from the fiery haired girl's hands and, while holding her hands, continued, "Adagio, when we first met, I admit that things didn't start off well between the two of us. But, since you and your sisters have been wanting to reform from your sinister desires, I was thrilled, because at that time, I didn't want to say it out loud, but I've had a bit of a crush on you, and now that we're together, it makes me happy that I was able to wake up with you beside me every single day.

"And now, I feel like I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Why not instead of only waking up beside you for a few years, I would do it for the rest of our lives?" Sunset asked.

Adagio was a bit confused at first, but soon her girlfriend went down on one knee while still holding her hand. She gasped and closes her mouth with her free hand, wondering if she is doing what she thinks she is doing.

"That's right, I wanted to be with you for my entire life and I couldn't bear to be apart from you. So, Adagio Dazzle -" she said, presenting the ring to her and continued, "- will you marry me?"

At this point, tears have been flowing from Adagio's eyes. She couldn't believe that they were about to get married, but this is real. So, without hesitation, she shouted, "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" Then, they kissed as tears flowed freely from both of their eyes.

The entire restaurant was quick to congratulate the couple for their engagement, with the staff joining as well, including the hostess and their waitress Violet. However, all of the clapping and well wishes from the other guests and staff fell on deaf ears, as they only thing the newly engaged couple were focused on was each other as they broke up their romantic kiss.

"I love you, Dagi," said Sunset, using Adagio's nickname.

"I love you too, Sunny," Adagio replied, also using Sunset's nickname as well.

Then, they kissed once again. Let's hope that they have a happily ever after as well.

Comments ( 2 )

They say that falling in love is wonderful~
In all seriousness, this fic is super sweet and wholesome~ I'm a few weeks late to this, but now that I've actually read it, I can say I enjoyed every second of it~ A part of me would have enjoyed more time with the other Dazzlings since we saw the Mane 7, but I still loved reading this story! A smile was permanently etched onto my face for the second half of this fic and I have to admit that the ending made me cry a little. Trust me. It isn't every day that I cry :rainbowlaugh:
Regardless, thank you so much for the story~ It's rare I get Sundagio written for me and this story clearly had a lot of thought put into it. The Emperor of Sundagio approves~! 💜

I'm glad you enjoyed this story. To be fair, I actually got inspiration from my own Jinglemas story that was sent to me last year. Still, thanks for reading this story, and I really appreciate the positive comment!

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