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Typist Gray

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Comments ( 49 )

Well now, what a unique take on RGRE!!

I cannot wait to see what happens next

Indeed, that was the whole point. There's plenty of Dusk Shine, but how can I also make this a shotacon story while still being set in the present? Well, magical whatevers that make the whole world this way, of course. Or, at least, just in Equestria. This story is still new, so I welcome all suggestions and requests for what to do in the future.

Well then, perhaps rarity treats him like a shota, and learns quickly to not treat him like one, breaking her vision of owning a shota, so to speak

And I hope chrysalis becomes involved with him. Would love to see them get together.

Pretty good so far,diffrent than others in the same genre.

Not sure why this is getting negative reviews,do people not read the discretions anymore?

Off to a great start. Can't wait for more.

Rarity's chapter is already written. As for Chrysalis, that's way too far off to think about.
Thanks, and that's the idea. The same ground has been trodden so much that my goal is mostly to do something that stands out. As for the negatives, I think a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to foalcon, or even just fetishes they don't like in general.
Much appreciated.

I put off reading this for a while because of the description. I'm glad I actually read it.

Oh? Is there anything to make the description more appealing? Or was it the overall premise you found off-putting?

"How far can he get when even the people who support and love him still want to crush his body under their giant butts?"

That's the line that made me roll my eyes. It really comes off as the description for one of those fetish fics that just has an excuse plot for stringing together sex scenes. Also, the vore tag, since I don't enjoy descriptions of people being eaten alive. I know that apparently a lot of people do like that, but I have always had no interest in such things.

An interesting concept i'm hoping to see more

Like the read so far. looking forward to future chapters if you decide to keep the story going!

Wanted to leave a comment to show my general appreciation for what looks like good writing & world-building.

When is the next part coming out? I really liked the story

The plan is to post at the end of each month. While I'm glad to see this story is getting some interest, I may not continue this story for too long if that doesn't pick up. At the very least, I plan to continue for 10 chapters.

Comment posted by Mr Lore miser deleted January 29th

You know, reading this story, I remember "A Boy in an All Girls School", it was interesting to read a comedy mixed with anime. The author did a good job, which clearly shows that he was impressed by the series. I'm interested in how "you know who" will react to Dusk, given his growth.

That's rather unfortunate to hear.
Even though I kind of understand how draining it May seem To have a story that doesn't have that much traction.
But you're doing good so far. And I hope it continues past five chapters since the last vore story I've read Barely got past 3.

You'll just have to wait and see, but thanks.
Indeed. Although, if you're here for the vore, you'll have to wait a bit, as it's primarily teased for the first few chapters.

It's so funny how they're all so forward what they want poor dusk shine.

I have been waiting for this kind of story for a long time smaller weaker stallions getting coddled by mares, makes much more sense to me then regular size stallions. Keep it up dude looking forward on how this will unfold.

The world would be a better place if we were more honest with our desires... theoretically.
I figured there had to be at least a few others who shared this interest.

Fun chapter, I was hoping to see how the vore stuff work, but I guess it is better to save the first time between ponies as the reference case then see Barb get her turn. I wonder if ponies in the world are some kind of marsupials being able to carry their stallion and foals in their belly for travel. I would wonder if it's normal for stallions to sleep within their mares and if their foals can do the same along with them inside, at least until the filly is too big to fit inside, or when the mare is still pregnant with their foal? Do stallion also some time get vored by their fillies, form the sound of the story it's normal within family members. What do stallion do inside mare do they just rest in the coziness of their insides, or do they also have sex in them to help further impregnate. What do stallions do within his Harem or what is his roles, I take it taking care of the foals would be much more difficult as they can quickly out grow their puny sizes even the colts from being manageable? From the sound of it Stallions don't get much respect, I would wonder how they even manage to get an education or even reach Dusk Academic levels as few as there are? Would be nice to see what stallions do in society other then servicing their mares.

Stallions, even as shrimp twinks seem to have very long dicks I wonder if they have other features that makes them appealing, from the sound of it Mares are hardwired to see them as cute and adorable, I would wonder if the sound stallion's make makes them run toward them. Do stallion normally instinctively run toward mares for protection when they feel unsafe?

I would also wonder if other races on Equss also have those features as the ponies have, or is it unique to ponies, what do they think of it, and is Barb was just modified to be able to vore a stallion without killing him?

Would be nice to see several example harem dynamics, and see what stallions feel about their roles in them ranging from happy to unhappy.

These questions are answered little by little as the story progresses, starting with Dusk and gradually building outward as he interacts with more ponies. However, to put it simply, Dusk is exceedingly unusual for his attitude and status. Then again, that kind of runs in the family *hint-hint*. Honestly, a lot of this stuff is still nebulous mush in my head and still waiting to congeal into solid world-building. With that said, I'm still glad to inspire such thought, as I go on similar questioning rants whenever a story excites me.

Please More bro xd this history Is amazing

You made a good background to why it is.
In the world stallions are small(maybe twice from regular mare) and stallion population is less than mare(in series it is too) - 80 female to 20 male. All this means mares cannot risk stallions, hence they must be closed. It ponies don’t do this, they will extinct. They necessary need herds to make more ponies. One wife and one husband lead them to extinction.
Coming back you work has got sense, that is understandable.
Maybe it will be more interesting, if you explain in your lore of your story why stallions are small in size and numbers?

Dusk is not weak, hatching egg with his powerful magic proves it. Theoretically, even now he can beat or kill several mares without a drop of sweat.

That's encouraging to hear. I'll see about that this weekend.
This trope is actually fairly standard, but I went the added mile of also making the stallions relatively small to really drive the point home. Funny you should mention the why. That part is already written, and I hope people find it interesting.

Indeed, he's powerful, but he's still physically weak.

“Oy!” AJ cut in. “Ain’t no pony’s gonna badmouth mah friend like that. Try it again, ‘n Ah’ll slap the shit out ‘f ya.”

Still quaking in fear as he clung to the root, Dusk finally cracked an eye open to look up. No mare had ever threatened to hit him before, as such things simply weren’t done. More surprising than the mare’s words was her unexpectedly radiant smile.

“Dusk, yer one of the bravest stallions Ah’ve ever met. Ah can tell how scared ya are. Yawl’ve been shakin’ like a leaf since this trip started, but that’s why yer brave. Yer facin’ yer fear ta do what has ta be done. That’s the honest truth, ‘n if yawl don’t know that’s the literal definition ‘f bravery, then Ah’m gonna take yer bookworm card right after Ah’m done smackin’ ya. Hear me?”

Celestia wouldn't like that, and would have tan your hide than to let you smackin Dusk like that.

Awesome chapter! And I think you did fairly we all considered. Honestly Twilights ridiculously smart so him being trope savvy isnt that far-fetched.

She wouldn't actually hit him. Gals hitting guys is immoral. She's just telling him what he needs to hear.
Glad to hear it.

As a autistic person i can confirm the twilight Is pretty autistic like los level 1 to 10 she Is 2 or 3 sometimes

But dusk Is More like 3 to 4

I hope for next parts be so amazing....hope he deal whit trixie les....you know rough i feel twilight really ruin trixie life on first meting

Probably dusk enjoy some "partie magic" all have the rights to do magic like they want

What if trixie buy the alicorn amulet as a gift to dusk shine and if he use it he can control it because never a male hace use it before ?

No real plans on her yet, but I know I want to do something different from the show.

I notice Celestia is not a Princess, but a queen here.

Good chapter.
Hope for new ones.

Very fun chapter, loved the lore part, and wished it has gone further, but I feel we would have needed to see a sex seen of at least a stallion being swallowed before that was all explained, but I can get that it didn't really fit within the pilot's story plot very well. the end part was pretty fun with the talk about an orgy that is coming up next. I honestly thought that the element of magic would have become Dusk's bethroved collar with the other five, which he can't get off, oh well. I like the idea that the twinks and vore stuff was actually The sisters' creation, and I wonder what other spells NMM was thinking of creating with Dusk and how kink centric they would have been?

I was hoping he'd still get with Luna, but this is fine too.

Yup. As I said, that whole sequence got away from me, and I had to wrangle it back under control.
That betrothal collar thing isn't bad. I'll have to hold onto that.
As for the kinky ideas, just wait. I did something pretty fun with Luna in the next chapter.
The story is still young. Things can happen.

Sombra was Lunas ex? God thats gonna be a hilarious arc.

So can you explain me the part of "swallow" so they can eat the male pony but the male pony dont die?

Or a female pony can eat the female pony AND that's pony eat a. Male pony like a thurducken xd

Is only Vore or unbirth like i can imagen dusk inside of some of the Mane 5 AND His cock outside the pony AND taran that's pony use dusk cock to fuck other girl

The eaten pony dont die right? Is More sexual ?

Hope my question dont botter you

Assuming I get that far. It's probably just a one-off remark, anyway.
Okay, not the best grammar, but I think I get the gist. Magic enables ponies to swallow each other without fear of death or harm. Pony orifices can stretch, but only females can get big enough to swallow a whole body. And by swallow, I mean with the mouth, anus, and vagina. Perhaps even all three at once.

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