• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 2,708 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: A Favor Returned - WorldWalker128

In the first story, Equestria was attacked. Now it's Earth's turn. Contains Doctor Whooves and Jacob

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Deleted scenes 1

MLP: A Favor Returned Deleted and Rejected Scenes

Deleted scene 1
Originally I was going to have the Doc and Derpy go into Equestria and find princess Celestia all by herself in the other-wise dead world of Equestria, and she would tell them what had happened in detail. They'd had no warning, and they swept over their world like a plague until all but she were left. They even killed Luna, which is what caused the moon on Earth to explode. In the end (as you know), I cut it short and decided to take them from Earth of the future to Earth in the time that the attack had begun.
i]But can we still get in? Neither of us have hands...maybe we can trick the door?

“I don't know, but we're going to find out.” The Doctor input new coordinates and in a few seconds they had reappeared outside the Stone Arch Gateway. Derpy was the first out of the TARDIS, followed a few minutes later by the Doc, who carried in his mouth a mannequin's arm that he'd kept from one of travels. The Gateway would not have been fooled by the fake hand, but then, he'd not needed it. The Gateway was already wide open, and an old Human skeleton picked clean (or perhaps rotted away) of flesh lay in the passage space between the two worlds. Someone had apparently tried to get away, and instead had probably doomed the very world he or she had intended to escape to. Derpy had not waited for the Doctor but had crossed the passage ahead of him. On the other side he heard her scream and he ran after her.

On the other side he found her lying on the ground and crying. He looked around him and saw instantly why: The Everfree forest, and all the areas surrounding it, were brown and dead just as Earth had been.

“I'm sorry, Derpy. I'm so, so sorry.” He said quietly as she wept on the ground. A beeping sound coming from one of the pockets on the suit that a certain white Unicorn with a purple mane and tail had once made for him. He twisted his head she that he could reach into it- I'm staring to wish that I'd been a Unicorn instead!- and then placed the object on the ground. It was a smaller version of the life and energy scanner in the TARDIS. Its range was not as good (its range was only about the distance from one end of the Asian continent on Earth to the other, and it would not detect anything smaller than a medium-sized Earth dog, but unlike on Earth, which had nothing of real importance to detect, something on Mythica still lived! Or at least is giving off a signal of some kind. I have to investigate this!

“Derpy, I'm going to go check something out. You should return to the TARDIS for now.” Derpy sniffed and shook her head, standing up.

“No. No, I'm going with you. If someone out there is alive, I have to know.”

The two of them walked for over an hour before reaching the remains of what they assumed were the foundations of a cottage. There was no way to tell who or what had once lived there, and so they kept going, following the blip on the screen of the Doctor's device until at last they reached the spot where it was coming from. The problem was, there was nothing there. It was just empty. No markers, no ruins, just empty ground.


Deleted scene 2
Trixie has a reason for making Jacob pay for everything. This is it. Cut because I was getting bored, and me bored when writing a fic is NOT a good thing. That ends with me quitting.

“Darn! And I was saving up for a new hat, too!” That's why she makes me pay for everything?

“What's wrong with the one you wore as a Unicorn?” She stuck out her tongue.

“That old thing? Have you actually stopped and taken a good look at it lately?” I admitted that I had not. “It is, as your people say, 'on its last legs'. The cape isn't in much better condition.”

“But you hardly ever wear it!” I objected. Was Trixie turning into a Human version of Rarity or something? “How could it be worn out already?”


Rejected idea 1
I was going to have Jacob try and cut his hair with magic and of course screw it up, but given that Jacob is in his thirties it occured to me that he'd have probably tried something like that a like time previously, so I deleted what little I had and kept going.

Deleted scene 3

At the time when I started writing it I intended for Lady Luck to either bless Jacob or hire him before he met up with Ditzy and the Doc, but Decided not to involve her nearly as much and simply allow the story to progress. Her gift will play a part later in the story, but it is unknown at the moment who will toss the dice, and what the outcome will be.

It is now after midnight and I am sleepy. Good night.

Fortuna, also known as Lady Luck to more recent cultures, watched the mortals enjoy their time at the beach, nearly content with her gift to the still-young magician. Nearly, because she wished that she could simply get the charade that she'd begun over with.

She had watched him after his victory those years ago, waiting for just the right time to give him the offering of Melinda's old job, because as she had often observed with the recent generations, if a mortal did not want to do something because they were more comfortable with their current lifestyle, they often would not do it until the world was falling apart all around them (and by then it was often too late), which was part of the reason that Pompeii had suffered so many casualties when their volcano erupted.

She had tried to get them to leave by speaking to their leader directly, but when the initial quakes had not brought about their destruction her warnings were ignored by the foolish and greedy and those that returned died when toxins and ash released into the air by the earth poisoned them. They died choking, gasping for fresh air that was nowhere to be found within their city.

Seeing the foolishness of the Humans of her Reality, she sought a servant from another world to do her bidding, and found an entire family that served various Deities in exchange for a tiny portion of their power imbued on objects shaped like what some Human military forces called 'Dog Tags' upon the completion of their assigned task for their use whenever they wanted.

Good luck and bad luck were not something to be taken lightly, and so she had given him a bag of Gambler's Chance. However the dice would fall if they were cast would determine how his fate fell the next time he needed her help. If they were of a high number, he would be fortunate. If they fell low, he'd not be lucky, and if the numbers were really low, or really high, it could end overly-well,or very, very badly.


Deleted scene 4
More Lady Luck removed. I keep getting the urge to include her as a main-ish character, but given that she has not yet introduced herself to Jacob yet and given him the job offering, I keep feeling that the time is not yet right. This took place after the Time-lady left the beach.

Fortuna, also known as Lady Luck to the modern Earth civilizations, watched the Humanoid walk away from the beach area, through the tourist town that had recently sprung up nearby, and out into what would eventually become mostly-uninhabited wilderness. It was not her place to interfere directly with mortals to make them do something, and so that left much headache and indirect method. But this headache would be necessary if she were to avert what Fate had already set in motion.

Humans were an irritating race at times, but they were also the only race in all of Creation (and Creation was, and still is extremely large) that would rush headfirst into a situation that they knew could go very, very badly and could still somehow come out of it alive even if they were not successful in whatever it was that they were trying to achieve. This could perhaps have been due to interference of another Deity that chose not to reveal itself, but if that were the case then why would he in later years allow them to be annihilated?


Deleted scene 5
This was to take place in place of Deleted scene 4, but I felt like being lazy.

Still hiding behind the Earth's moon, Ditzy and The Doctor watched as the Dalek ships began to assault Earth. First, (according to the TARDIS' scanning system) they ran a scan on Earth's satellites, hacked into them, and then, having gleaned all information they could from them, destroyed the satellites and began entering the atmosphere. At first they did nothing other than spread out across the planet, but then smaller objects began to leave the dozen or so ships that had come and entered the cities. Within minutes the places they attacked were burning and within the hour the forces were splitting up and individuals headed outward to more inhabited areas.

Three days later, Earth was dead. Humanity had hit their attackers with everything they'd had, including nuclear weaponry, and it had proved useless when the Daleks (if that was what they really were) shot them out of the sky before they could come anywhere close to their destination. The few that did go off served only to speed their own world's demise because their shielding or perhaps their armor was too effective at blocking out the radiation.

At one point a strange craft that had not been built by Humans appeared as if from nowhere and began destroying the invaders, but the TARDIS had no record of what it might have been in the data banks. It's attempt at planetary defense had not lasted long, however. Minutes after it had destroyed one of the ships, all the others converged on that one spot along with the individual nearby 'soldiers' and they shot it down and destroyed it before it could hit the ground. Ditzy had gasped when the ship had been shot down, and covered her mouth with her hooves when it exploded.

“Isn't there anything we can do, Doctor?! We're just letting them all die!”

“They're already dead, Ditzy. It's far too late to help them now. We'll need to go farther back.” That had been one day ago. Now, with it all over he turned away from the door and walked back to the controls.

“Doctor! The moon!” Ditzy gasped again. The Doc ran back to the doorway to see cracks spider-webbing along the surface as if it were a glass ball that someone had videotaped dropping to a hard floor and shattering. He and Ditzy stared wide-eyed for a few moments, and then he galloped back to the controls once more.

“Ditzy! Shut the door and come help me! We need to get out of here!”

“What's happening?”

“Moons don't just crack apart on their own, Ditzy! Even if it did, its own gravity and momentum would still keep it mostly in the same shape until something else smashed into it from elsewhere. When we first popped up a ninety years later the moon had been a few million chunks of rock orbiting Earth, but there wasn't nearly enough of it for the amount that there is here now, which either means that someone mined it later, or that the moon exploded and a good portion of it flew out in all directions, and since that would be detrimental to our survival to our survival, we're not going to be staying here to find out.”

When they reappeared again, this time they were on the ground. More specifically, Earth's ground.

Deleted scene 6
This one took place after the Doc's and Ditzy's moment.

the door to the TARDIS suddenly opened and an Asian Human walked in. Both Ditzy and The Doctor's heads turned simultaneously and stared, their mouths agape. She was dressed in a bikini and was toweling off her head.

“Stupid starship and stupid magicians and-” She stopped when she realized that the floor beneath her feet. She tapped it a few times with a bare foot and then pulled the towel off her head and stared around the room, her own mouth agape.

“What?” The Doctor said, staring at her in stark disbelief.

“This...is not a beach changing hut!” The Asian girl said, stating the obvious and focusing on The Doctor and Ditzy.

“What?” The Doctor repeated. Her eyes focused on the control console and her mouth dropped again, this time all the way.

“No way!” She said loudly, and walked closer to it. “This thing parks itself next to two changing huts and I just happen to walk into it! There's no way this is coincidence!”


((This would have been the end of the chapter))

Deleted scene 7
It just felt drawn out.

How can I meet someone that I've killed? That doesn't make any sense.” She patted me on the head.

Not to one bound to live in linear time, it doesn't, but to one like myself, it makes perfect sense, and if you take the job, in time, you will understand too. Payment will be given to you upon the day you encounter him.

“And what is it you'll be paying me with?” This sounded like the stuff of insanity,

The same thing that all Deities give those that choose to work for them of their own free will rather than being born into some ridiculous prophecy of destiny. I will grant you a portion of my power imbued in an object we genuine immortals call Deity Marks. They are shaped like what your military call 'Dog tags'. Or, if you prefer, I can give it to you in the form of a tattoo instead. The Vikings rather liked that idea.

“And your power would give me...what exactly?”

Well, given that you can never have too much good luck, I could imbue your reward with the same power that I blessed you with when you first came here, though to a slightly lesser degree.

Something about this didn't feel right. My gut told me there was a catch, and my gut was rarely wrong (except for those times when I thought my stomach was telling me that I was having hunger pains when in reality I was about to need to really use the toilet). Apparently my expression wasn't expressionless.

Lighthand, I've seen many Poker Faces in my eons. You do not have a good one, and yes, I'm not telling you everything. But trust me, I can't. If I do then you'll go down a path that will end badly for everyone.

“So you can see the future too?! Then why bother asking me?”

Because I don't see the future. I see the chances of how the metaphorical 'Dice of Fate' can fall and guess and try to manipulate it, but I don't control time's flow. That's where you come in. So, do you want the job, or not?

I said yes in the end, though more out of curiosity as to how I could meet someone that I'd killed?

Deleted scene 8
This was going to be part of a mini-story that took place during Thanato's explanation as to their race making Humans, Unicorns, and Pegasi into what they are today.

An undisclosed amount of time long-since passed)

“I am in anguish to admit this to you all, but the vast majority of our people will die in the coming months due to the illness that I'm sure you've all seen signs of.” The dying leader of the Magi-Time Lords said as he spoke to his people. The bio-weapon had not been expected, because never before in all the centuries of their fighting had they tried such a tactic. It seemed that if they were to be destroyed that they were determined to take their executioners down with them. “Neither our expertise in healing magic, nor the technological capabilities of our other-world brethren have been capable of finding a way to stop this plague. It is predicted by those that have studied the disease's progression that those afflicted will survive for a total of two weeks after infection, and then their bodies will begin liquify over the course of the next two days after the victim's death. While we will never stop searching for a solution by studying those that seem to be immune, more than half of our total species' population are already showing symptoms, and it is likely that the rest will follow over the course of the next six days. I would like to thank you all for the time you've defended your people, as well as the lives of those living in the Echo Dimension. For those of you that have had the great fortune of falling into the


Deleted scene 9
This happened towards the end of Chapter 5. It wasn't really relevant to this story, so I cut it out.

“Doctor, I'm curious about something.” Twilight began.

“Curiosity is healthy for the mind! Ask away!”

“All of your people chose a name that means something. Thanatos means 'gentle death', Mantle is, according to earth schoolbooks, the layer of molten magma that is in between the solid part of a planet's surface, and the core, so I guess you could say his name is 'Fire'. You call yourself Doctor, which means you make ponies (or people) better, and The Shield is a defender.”

“Yes. I assume your going somewhere with this?”

“The Nightmare, Doctor. Was The Nightmare a Time Lord as well?” The Doctor opened his mouth to answer, and then shut it, and then opened it again.

“Does it matter? You defeated her.”

Deleted scene 10
This (would have) happened during The Doctor and The Shield's visit to the old castle

“How can you bear it?” The Doctor asked, thinking briefly of his own losses. Nearly a thousand years' worth of linear time had passed from his perspective since he killed his entire race and (most) of the Daleks of his reality in an attempt to save the rest of his universe. Or perhaps it has already been over a thousand. I'm not really sure. Having to save the universe (but mostly the Human race, as it never seemed to stop getting into trouble) almost with every stop he made was rather distracting, and he sometimes forgot things along the way. “How can you bear having lost your home planet, your family, all your friends and neighbors, and then also burying all that remains of your civilization under the ground? I know what such a loss feels like.”

“I have not lost it all. To quote something that the Humans used to say, 'Home is where your heart is'. My heart is with the ponies of this world, and my two nieces. They cannot completely fill the void left by the destruction of our kind, but it is...enough. What about you two?” The Shield answered first.

“I refuse to believe that all of my people are gone. I've been searching the universe for them one solar system after the next, one galaxy after another. Occasionally I come back to either Earth or Mythica to relax and let my ship recharge for a month or two before setting out again. Once in awhile I find signs that they were on one world or another, and it gives me hope.”

“And you, Doctor?” The Doctor looked up at the blue sky above him. Almost instinctively, he could point out the star that his now-ash world (if it had been in this universe) orbited.

“I don't really have time to miss them.” He lied. “There is too much to see and do in the universe- well...multiverse now, I guess, and too many alien races that think they can just waltz on in and take advantage of the less-advanced races. Particularly Earth.” The Doctor raised a hoof up with the bottom facing up. “I cannot tell you how many times I've had to intervene to make sure that history took the course that it was supposed to.” The Doctor chuckled. Thanatos looked at him a moment, then asked The Doctor if he'd ever considered that the reason that those things kept happening were occurring because he had stepped in in the first place. The Doctor nodded and sighed.

“I try my absolute best to not get involved in major points of history, but the problem is I already know how it is supposed to go, and I get this odd tingling feeling in the back of my head when I see it going wrong.” The Doctor looked down from th esky and looked at both Thanatos and The Shield. “Does that happen to either of you?” Both of them shook their heads.

“I have been told that it happens to those who have spent a large amount of time traversing the time stream, but because I am not one of those myself...” Thanatos trailed off.

“Nope!” The Shield answered as well. “Most of my time traveling sessions are far from liesurly.

Deleted scene 11
I was originally planning ot have younger-Celestia find out about the future ahead of time, but decided against it as I'd had writers block for awhile for this fic and didn't want to get mentally stuck again trying to find a way for them to undo this little issue.
This took place during chapter 7.
A sound outside the door drew their attention to it and when nothing was forthcoming as to what caused the sound Ditsy walked to it and pushed it open and looked out into the hall just in time to see young-Celestia's tail pull around a corner.

“What was that, Ditsy?” The Doctor asked from the couch he was lounging on.

“It was Princess Celestia knocking a painting off a wall. I think she was listening to us talking.” Both the Doctor and The Shield licked their lips. Both of them knew both from personal experience (and from the experience of others in The Shield's case) the problems that might cause. The pair both stood from their seats
Yeah, this is all I've got right now. I promise I'll be posting more chapters, but my time has kinda been sparse lately. I'll get the next chapters for this and Necro Walk when I can.