• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 314 Views, 4 Comments

The veiled truth at Twilight - -Personwrites-

Twilight has a secret that very few know she has a job, that deals with national security...one that not even Celestia knows about.

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Entering the fate part 2

Twilights POV:
Princess Luna lead the way through the doors and into the throne room that I knew very well, and there she sat... one whom I loved dearly... the one who cared for me for many years. Her bright alabaster coat shimmering in the sunlight she had brought. "Celestia" this was the only thought present in my head. " This was the person who played with not only my fate but all of Equestria's... What is noble about that?" I thought bitterly as I gritted my teeth and bowed. Once the respectable amount of time had passed I stood back up and fixed my suit in one fluid movement.

"Why, how unexpected Twilight how are you?" Celestia said her teeth glinted into her usual perfect smile.

"I am well, I can only assume you are fine aswell." I say my tone holding a cold undertone, but I hide it quickly not wanting to draw attention to myself.

" I am doing quite well, will you be staying? I would love to have tea with you later this week."she says raising off her throne, her crown blinds me for a mere moment. "She turned me into an "equal" by taking away everything that makes me a mortal. How is that fair?" These thoughts have been with me throughout the night and day filling me with anger. Shouldn't I get a choice? Or is it more of the destiny and good of Equestria, crap... I'm pulled from my anger and distasteful feelings by a cool armor clad hoof forcefully lifting my face. It is when I advert my eyes is when I come face to face with Celestia's neck. She shuffles and I am forced to stare into the light magenta eyes that seem to be searching through my very soul. I feel my control slipping, but I have to keep my ground I desperately tried keeping any and all emotions from my eyes. Whether this was a smart move or not even my brain couldn't figure it out.

" I do believe Cadence will be arriving later today..." Celestia states continuing to stare through my very being before gently removing her gold clad hoof from under my chin. "Oh great another person who will ultimately know about my secret life...Great, just great" I internaly grumble.

"Yes it truly has been quite a while since I last saw Cadence and Shining Aromor," I state as I reform the mask I had on before."You would think I'd be able to spot her tricks and games by now... but no, I should really read up more on the tactics those law ponies use In the court room. " I glance over at Luna and she makes a gesture with her eyes towards her throne and then up at the clock. I discreetly nod, as I make my way towards her.

" Oh yes," I say stopping in my tracks I turn around and look at Celestia " My friends and I will be staying according to Luna's wishes. I would love to have tea with you. Well I must be off, farewell." I say clearly and confidently. I was told this is how a princess and operative is supposed to act. " If only this wasn't an illusion... me being confident in anything besides literature or math even would be quite absurd." I think striding confidently towards the large gold trimmed throne room doors. I hear the wispers amongst my friends "Not like they'll remain that after you're exposed. " The Voice deep in my head says, it seems like it's always been there telling me about all the negative outcomes and how horrible I am." Oh, hush now isn't the time for all the thousands of possible negativeout comes and thoughts." I reprimand not like it does much. Hey, you know I'm right. I'm always right...No matter what" "No you're annoying that's what you are. Also why do you have to be so pushy, and ominous. " I smirk to myself knowing that I have bested the thoughts running around in my head. I am surprisinglyclam for something this drastic and life altering...it's probably because I was focusing on something else and now I am going to need a paper bag." I think my eyes frantically moving around taking in every sight and sound.

" Pardon me, Twilight but we think it is the time you should meet the newest member to the team." At the sound of Luna's voice I jump to what I can only assume is a height even Pinkie Pie would be astonished by based on the split second view of the castle's ceiling.

" Of course, ma'am. If I may ask could I have a bit of knowledge about you're newest recruit?" I say blushing from embarrassment.

" You already doubt thee Moon princess's judgement? We assumed better of you head informant Sparkle." Luna states a small smirk graces her pale blue muzzle.

"W-what no! I didn't mean that at all I just- just wanted to know about the recruit if I am to be working with them, for the task ma'am." I flush even deeper in embarrassment using one forehoof to hide my face.

"We knew what thy meant but tis so joyous to tease." She says looking ready to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Well you're modern Equestrian is getting better." I say adjusting my suitjacket.

" We suppose it tis, however we would like to know if we used 'member' correctly."

" You did indeed according to all of the dictionaries and Equestrian language books I have read."I say as I walk toward the location of the C.C.I.O. Entirely unaware of the mission or challenge ahead.

Author's Note:

So this story takes place sometime after season three but before the birth of Flurry Heart in season five. I am not the biggest Celestia fan but I do not hate her and her relationship with Twilight is very strained at the moment. I hope you enjoyed this chapter feel free to comment things I should add or fix. Thank you!

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