• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 2,859 Views, 72 Comments

Remnant - Tofazz

"Take it easy; drift through life!" Rainbow Dash’s life has mainly been about two things: Wonderbolts and her friends. But in the end, we all need to grow up, to take choices that you normally wouldn’t consider.

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Through a Ghost

Through A Ghost

Celestia’s magenta eyes moved from the light brown parchment she held in front of her as she heard the doors to her chamber open up. The sun cast colorful shadows through the tinted windows of the room, draping the floors and walls in a blanket of colors, a red carpet stretched itself from the throne through every room in the castle. Celestia smiled as she spotted a small violet mare standing in the doorway, waiting for approval to enter.

Putting down the parchment, she quickly nodded towards Twilight before she said. “What a pleasant surprise, come on in.”

Dulled echoes of hooves hitting fabric was heard as Twilight made her way towards Celestia. Her eyes wandered over the columns as she passed them, before landing on the white alicorn. She let go of a sigh, before she sat herself down at the round table that was filled with documents.

Celestia’s horn glowed as she gently moved the parchments away from the table, she nodded towards a servant that stood next to the throne. He jolted up and left for the kitchen. Turning to face Twilight, a frown manifested itself upon her being, letting go of a small sigh, she spoke. “I felt that something was wrong, and seeing you now, I know there is. What is on your mind my dear student?”

Twilight’s eyes stared past Celestia, without focusing them, she said. “I don’t know! I try to study, but my mind only look forward to the evenings I spend with Rainbow Dash. I look forward to them more and more.”

“But isn’t that a good thing? Spending time with your friend is something you should look forward to.” Celestia said with a soft smile.

Twilight hastily ran her hoof through her mane and looked ruefully at Celestia. “It’s the extent Princess, I just can’t focus. I’m failing my studies because I can’t stop thinking about Rainbow Dash… I-I think I’m falling in love with her, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia looked at Twilight and said. “Is it only that you can’t stop thinking about her, or is there more to it, Twilight?”

Letting go of a sigh, Twilight’s eyes rested on Celestia’s figure. “I made a list of what I admire in Rainbow and why I look forward to see her. She’s loyal, kind, confident, trustworthy and I can go on, but most importantly… she’s my friend.”

A gentle chuckle escaped Celestia’s lips as she said. “That sounds a lot like your brother.”

A shade of red sprung to her face while she muttered. “I-I haven’t thought about that really…”

Celestia smiled at Twilight as she said. “My dear Twilight Sparkle, I have known how you have felt towards Rainbow Dash for a long time.”

Twilight blinked at her princess. “How could you have known? I haven’t told anypony about this before.”

A gentle laugh escaped her lips as Celestia placed her hoof over her heart. “I can feel what the Elements feel, their inner fears, and their pride. “

Biting her lip, Twilight’s eyes darted through the room before they landed on Celestia. “Then… then tell me what I should do, does Rainbow feel the same?” She squeaked.

Celestia shook her head, “It is not my place to interfere with such things. I am your teacher when it comes to your studies, Twilight, I can not guide you in matters of the heart.”


Raising her hoof, she looked at Twilight. “No buts; you must figure this out on your own my dear student.” Celestia nodded at the servant arriving with some tea, he placed a delicate set of tea equipment on the table before he poured a tea that basked the room in a lush smell; he bowed slightly before he headed to his spot next to the throne. Taking a sip, Celestia smiled at Twilight. “I will tell you this, matters of the heart is something you must let happen, for better or worse. If you try to suppress it, it will eat you from the inside.”

Twilight swallowed before she bowed. “You know best, Celestia.”


Rainbow tapped her forehead repeatedly with her hoof. How could I be so dense? It was so obvious!

Celestia’s form bowed down to Dash, letting a soothing white mist flow from her being. What Twilight feels towards you is not that uncommon.

Dash turned, facing the white form that stood next to her. It’s not? I mean, I know some ponies are attracted to mares, and some to stallions. But what do you mean ‘not uncommon’?

Celestia’s wings flared out, releasing a wave of energy into the black veil that surrounded them. The bonds of the Elements goes further than through me, often, they share a bond between themselves they do not realize.

Turning her head down, she stared at the orb in her chest, it flickered with all of her manes palette. They swirled around with a small ball of violet hue in the center. But… The violet ball burst, sending a wave of its color through her being, followed by her own colors, reaching to the very tip of her hooves, before retracting back to her chest. I don’t know if I can return those feelings…

Dash’ eyes rested on Twilight’s figure within the rift; her body emblazoned in a violet spike as she saw a tear trickle down from her friend’s cheek. Stretching out her hoof, she watched as Twilight’s colors washed around her, her mind echoed out. I… really don’t know…

Celestia released a small pulse of energy from her horn, embracing Rainbow’s being in a soothing white mist. Rainbow Dash I think it is time you must meet a special somepony.

Dash floated next to Celestia while they moved away from the rift, each step the alicorn took released a wave of energy, bursting downwards, weaving itself in the fabric. Each hoofstep lingered with a flickering light, before fading into tiny specs of dust. She watched as a crude blue planet moved past them, white streaks lined themselves over the surface. She turned her head as a loud rumble echoed over them, letting go of a quick whoa! A huge grey beast swam in the air, its white fins reached out to the sides seemingly endless. In its featureless face a slit opened, revealing a mouth riddled with teeth like combs. As the tail swung up and down, it moved lesser planets in its wake. Huge yellow orbs moved around in their sockets as the beast moved forward, its eyes landed on the two beings that walked under it. Dash watched as the creature leaned down scooping up white dust left in the trail behind them, it let go of a satisfied groan as the dust disappeared before it slowly swam away.

Celestia chuckled as she turned to face Dash, she nodded slowly. That’s a Tempest Whale, it feeds off pure energy, so it coming here trying to feed of some of the energy I released is only natural.

Dash’ jaw hung open while she looked at the back of the beast while it swam away. B-but it’s so big… I bet it could swallow whole planets if it wanted to.

A small red orb floated mid air, bobbing as if on a watery surface. Small specks of the energy dust around them gathered at the tip of Celestia’s horn, merging into a ball of pure energy. The princess turned towards Dash, This may feel a little uncomfortable, Rainbow Dash.

Dash quickly nodded as she watched the small white ball leave Celestia’s horn, slowly floating towards the red object. A violet beaming circle emitted as the orbs crashed together, contracting back and blending together, creating a single entity of violet hue. Her inner eyes were wide with amazement as she watched it pulsate. Her mind being numb from the sight, she could only think. Whoa!

The violet orb pulsated faster, releasing small hums out in the air. Small cracks slowly began to emerge on the surface of it. Slithering out of the cracks, a glowing white mist spread itself around the two ponies, slowly contracting itself around them, enveloping every part of their being. Dash felt her body stretch to unimaginable positions, before the mist pulled her down into the orb.

She tried to scream, but the air wouldn’t escape her lungs. Her eyes watched as a world passed by her in speed she only had dreamed of, the colors passing by with a blur. The haze before her eyes stopped instantly, and she felt soft grass under her hooves. She snarled, feeling her stomach in turmoil, it threatening to rid her of her dinner. Shaking her head, she looked around. Trees circled a massive square, in the middle of which stood a fountain. The round shape of it was engraved with ponies wearing the Elements around their neck. The top layer laid bare, except for a small engraving of Dash wearing her Element. The field of grass stretched as far as her eyes could see, the green field weaving as a gust played on its surface. A house stood to her left; the style was old, garnering a dark color in its wooden texture. The corners and windows were adorned with small figurines of Celestia and Luna. Ponies walked back and forth on the square, not even flinching towards the white pegasus that appeared out of nowhere.

Dash looked at her hooves as her being slowly faded, shifting over to her normal blue body. The orb in her chest slowly diminished in form and reached out to fill her mane with her natural colors. She moved a strand of hair from her eyes as she looked at Celestia’s body materializing in front of her, the solid form starting to grow from her hooves, and slowly working its way up. As the white being evaporated into the air, Celestia stood left and smiled towards Rainbow Dash.

“Ah! There yeh are, Lass.”

Turning her head, Dash spotted a male unicorn approaching them. His coat was a light yellow color, with a mane of deep icy blue. His eyes were green like emeralds; as he drew closer, Dash noticed his cutie-mark being that of a wand dancing around a piece of paper. As he stood but a couple of hooflengths before them, he stopped and revealed a crooked smile. A scar ran deep from over his right eye and down over his lip.

He poked Dash in the shoulder before he grinned at her. “How’s it lass? Found it to yer likin’ yet?”

Dash pushed away the hoof as she raised a brow towards him. “Do I… know you?”

He stepped back and glared towards Celestia. “By yer own bloody ass, yeh haven’t told the lass yet?”

Celestia shook her head and stared back at the unicorn in front of her. “No, I have not. She needs to figure it out on her own.”

He snarled towards Celestia. “Don’t come ‘ere and blow some hockum muckus to me, this is tha fourth time she is ‘ere. It is clear she don’ want tah realize it.”

Celestia bowed down and glared into his eyes. “Hold your tongue! You might be free in this realm, but I am still your princess!”

Dash lifted her hoof before speaking up. “Excuse me, the fourth time? I have never seen this place before.”

He sighed towards Dash before turning to Celestia. “That’s it! I’m showin’ ‘er.”

Flaring her wings, Celestia stared at him. “No! The rules must be followed!”

Flailing his hooves in Dash’ direction, he shouted. “Tha rules can take a bloody hike! By yer sweaty plot! Can’t yeh see that she’s either denser than a wooden doorknob or something is holding ‘er back! If not, she would’a realized it by now!”

Stomping her hoof down, Dash yelled towards him. “Hey! I’m not stupid! And can somepony tell me what’s going on?!”

Celestia’s eyes rested on Dash’ figure, before she let go of a sigh and turned towards the unicorn. “Very well, before we upset her even more, you have my permission to show her. She must still realize this on her own.”

A grin drew itself over his muzzle as he spoke. “Now wer’ talkin’, c’mer lass, I will show ye everythin’.”

Cocking her brow up, Dash stared at him. “Hold on, just who are you? And why should I listen to you? Considering you called me stupid like a doorknob…”

Massaging his forehead with a hoof, he let go of a sigh. “Ah, I guess I can do this one more time…” Turning his head, he shouted. “Velvet Spring, c’mer Love.”

A light green coated Pegasus turned her head as the unicorn’s voice reached over the garden, she started to make her way towards them while a smile drew itself over her muzzle. Her yellow mane was braided down to her side, gently tied with a red ribbon at the end. As she reached them, she leaned over and nuzzled the unicorn’s neck, before she turned to face Dash. Her eyelids slowly closed over her mint green eyes, before she let out a small giggle and bowed before Dash. Her voice was smooth as silk as words left her mouth. “Pleasure to meet you again, Rainbow. How long will you be staying this time?”

The unicorn bowed his head before he spoke towards Dash. “I am Magic Scribe, but aroun’ ‘ere it’s just Scribe.” He leaned over and softly placed his lips at Velvet’s neck. “An’ this ‘ere, is my wife.” He placed his hoof at Dash’ shoulder and smiled. “I am tha first Element of Loyalty, an’ my wife is tha first Element of Kindness. And this ‘ere,” He circled his hoof around the area surrounding them. “Is what we call tha sanctuary, it’s a haven for tha Elements after they ‘ave fulfilled their duty.”

Scribe gently took a hold of Dash’ shoulders and led her towards a small light brown set of table and chairs with a wooden texture. He sat himself down and raised his hoof, indicating for Dash to sit down over him. Standing next to them, Velvet Spring stared at Scribe with her brows arched down as she said. “You’re doing one of your memory tricks again, Dear? I will go and get some lemonade and cookies for us.” With a spring in her step, Velvet turned and headed towards the big house that stood behind them.

Scribe stared at velvet as she left them, a grin drew itself over his face before he turned to Dash and said. “Alright Lass, yeh got any questions fer me before we start?”

Dash shook her head and glared at Scribe. “Let’s just get it over with, whatever it is you’re going to show me.” She said quickly as a bothered expression grew on her face.

Placing his hooves over hers, Scribe’s horn started to glow with an orange hue. His eyes shot out a mesmerizing light, and his voice echoed as he spoke to Dash. “Be warned Lass, this ‘ere experience will not be all that enjoyable. Velvet! C’mere and hold the lass tight if yeh will, Love!”

Her muscles tightened as she began to rise up from her chair, only to be forced down again by Velvet’s hooves on her shoulders. Velvet leaned forward and softly whispered into her ear. “I’m sorry, but it must be done. Please forgive me when you wake up.”

Dash felt her heart beat faster as she lost her sense of feeling in her hooves, her vision started to blur, she saw only an orange glow, along with Scribe’s glowing eyes staring right at her. Panic filled her mind, she tossed her body back and forth, trying to break out of Velvet’s grip. Her throat tightened, and pressure built up in her eyes, spikes of pain shot down her spine, forcing her wings to flare out. Tears flowed as she felt ribs crack, she croaked towards Scribe. “Stop! Please… it hurts… it hurts!”

Clenching his teeth together he hissed. “I know damn well it does! I’m experiencin’ what yeh do, now sit still!”

She opened her mouth, gasping for air with short, forced breaths. Her body started to shake as her neck snapped back, sending a spike of pain up her head. Forcing her mouth together Dash let out a desperate cry. “No more… please, it hurts so much.”

Velvet whispered with a broken voice to her. “It’ll be over soon, just a little longer.”

A beam shot out of Scribe’s horn hitting Dash in the forehead. She felt stillness wash over her, the feeling of her body being lost in a water of warmth. Her lungs filled with air as she felt magical tingling all over her body. Her vision faded into nothing, she felt her hooves slip down, every muscle in her body stopped functioning. Consciously fading away she heard Scribe cry to Velvet. “I ‘ope that’s enough, I can’t do anymore of this.”


Dash stood at the end of the pavilion, staring down into the garden. The lush forest embraced the edges, stretching over just enough to tingle at the sides of any pony that strafed too close to the walls. Making her way downwards she smiled as she spotted Fluttershy down in the garden surrounded by birds of all shapes and sizes, the gathering of birds chimed their song through the night. Dash stopped and took a deep breath, she would always do this when Fluttershy practiced with her birds. The gentle song from the birds was so relaxing to listen to, not that anypony knew she did that. She always kept her little quirks to herself, it made her feel comfortable around her friends.

Focusing her eyes down at the end of the pavilion, she let go of a nervous chuckle. Arriving this late for her appointment, it was a good possibility that he had left, but it wasn’t everyday a Wonderbolt asked to see her for a private chat, she needed this time to gather her thoughts. Her heart pumped faster as she saw the shadow of a stallion moving back and forth at the end, his form stretched over the rough stone surface of the pavilion under the bright moonlight. Flaring her wings, she let go of a small squeal; maybe he would really do it? Maybe he would talk to Spitfire about letting her into the Wonderbolts?

Drawing closer to him, she heard faint thuds as she saw his hoof moving back and forth to his forehead. Hearing low angry mutters, her ears perked up. “How could I be so stupid? Making a fool out of myself like that? No wonder she didn’t show up! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Soarin’ made his way towards one of the benches near the edge, as he sat down small glimmers shone as they fell from his cheek. “I’m a failure, I probably won’t get the chance to see her again.” He lifted his hooves causing loud thuds to echo out once more.

Her hooves clinked towards the stones as she approached Soarin’, while her eyes rested on the stallion that huddled on a bench before her, she uttered. “H-hey…”

His hooves quickly swiped over his eyes before he jumped up, fumbling over his suit he pulled the jacket down and faced Dash and yelled. “You came! I’m so happy!” Furrowing his brows he leaned backwards onto the edge of the bench. “I mean… of course you came.” As the jacket let go of its grip of the edge, he fell backwards with a loud thud, exclaiming a short. “Whoa!”

A smile drew itself over her face as she watched Soarin’ trying to fumble himself up on his legs, her smile faded as she saw the frustration build up in his face. Biting her lip, she hesitantly made her way to him. Stretching out a hoof, she spoke to him with a brow cocked up. “What’s going on Soarin’?”

Accepting the offered hoof, he pulled himself up and a sigh escaped his lips. “Well… you see…” He halted his sentence as a shade of red sprung to his face. “I… well… I, you know… kind of like you a lot.”

A chuckle escaped her lips, Dash grinned at him. “Does that mean you’re willing to get me into the Wonderbolts? I mean, if you like me, that must mean you think I’m awesome as well.”

Soarin’s ears flopped back and whatever blue he had left in his face succumbed to an increased shade of red. His emerald eyes met Dash’s cerise which glistened with a brilliant luster. A wavered smile drew itself on his face as he stuttered. “N-not like that, I mean… I would help you get into the Wonderbolts any day, but what I mean is… I like you.”

Dash cocked her brow up and stared at him. “Yeah, you alrea-“ Her eyes shot up as she halted her sentence, leaving her mouth wide open, she exclaimed. “ You mean…?”

Scratching the back of his head, Soarin’ slowly nodded. “Yeah, and… well… would you like to go out for dinner sometime?”

Letting go of a short, “Bhuuh.” Dash froze. Not in her wildest dreams had she imagined being asked out on a date by a Wonderbolt, and yet, here one of the most famous of them all stood in front of her with a hopeful smile. How awesome wouldn’t it be to date a Wonderbolt, not that she cared about that sort of thing, but if she was going on a date, who better than a Bolt? Snapping out of her trance she flared her wings and gave him a sheepish grin. “I-I guess.”

His face tugged back into a grin and his wings shot out while he tip-hoofed in place. “Really?!” He squeaked. Taking a few loops he landed in front of Dash and tightened his suit, before clearing his throat to face her with a faint shade of red growing in his cheeks. “I mean… that’s cool.”

Turning his head, he flopped his ears back, biting his lip, he turned to face Dash. “Oh boy… that’s Spitfire yelling, she sounds mad, I better head over there.” His eyes shifted away from her and landed on her braid. “I’m really glad you liked the ribbon I sent you” He said with a smile. Turning around he flared his wings and took off in a swift motion. He turned around mid air and smiled at her. “Well… I’ll contact you?”

Giving him a short nod, she watched as he flew away. Her eyes stared emptily at the spot he was at a second ago, a small smile drew itself over her muzzle as she slowly muttered to herself. “Well… I guess this is interesting.” A gust of wind cast itself over the pavilion, tufting her mane from side to side. Her braid snapped up in the wind, sending the red ribbon flying as her braid loosened and weaved itself in the air. With a flare of her wings, she took off in a sweeping motion, catching the ribbon before it disappeared. Flapping her wings lazily, she hovered still as she looked at the small accessory. Doesn’t hurt giving it a shot, does it?

She tightened the ribbon around her mane and took off towards the gate leading to the dining hall. Landing with a soft thud, she made her way in. Twilight will be so happy for me. Her eyes rolled over the room; spotting Twilight she jumped into a trot and scurried past a couple that was dancing to Octavia’s music. Drawing closer she waved towards Twilight while bellowing towards her. “Twilight! You will never guess what just happened!”

A smile formed on Twilight’s lip as she spotted Rainbow approaching her. She lifted her hooves up, welcoming her friend in a warm embrace and said. “Oh Rainbow, I’m so happy for you!”

Holding her out on a hooves length Dash stared at Twilight, before she furrowed her brows and said. “Yeah, about that, you shouldn’t have done that. What if she had gone to Celestia with that letter?”

Twilight shook her head and smiled at her. “I just wanted to help, and I would take that problem with Celestia later, I’m sure she would understand my reasoning.”

Letting go of a chuckle she slapped her hoof over Twilight’s back and grinned at her. “Whats done is done, thank you for what it’s worth. But can you believe it? I’m having a personal tryout for the Wonderbolts! This is so awesome!” Taking a step back, Dash ruffled her mane and looked at Twilight with a faint shade of red springing to her face. “And… well something else happened as well. You know Soarin’?”

Twilight looked at Dash as she said. “Yes, what about him?”

Letting go of an erratic chuckle, she said. “Well… he kinda asked me out on a date.” Holding up her mane, she held her ribbon in front of Twilights muzzle. “He’s the one who sent me this.”

Twilight’s ear flopped back and her eyes bored a hole in the floor, her voice weighted heavy with tension as she said. “And...?”

Dash smiled as she said. “I said yes, he seems like a decent enough guy, and he’s a Wonderbolt! I saw no reason to turn him dow-“ She halted her sentence as she saw a small watery pearl fall from Twilight’s cheek. “Twilight?” She stretched out her hoof and lifted Twilight’s head, staring into her violet eyes, watching as tears welled up in them, she slowly said. “What’s wrong?”

Twilight jerked her head away from Dash and turned away from her. “Nothing!” She yelled before she left the room in a fast gallop.

Dash watched the back of her best friend leave the room, leaving her alone. Alone, wondering if she had said something wrong, or even done something to hurt her. She thought Twilight would be happy for her, wasn’t that what sisters and best friends was supposed to do? Support each other? Her thoughts wandered as she stared at the door Twilight had left through. All she could do while her mind processed what just happened was to squeak out. “Twilight...?”

Author's Note:

I guess I should use this box then?

I am terribly sorry to have kept all you wonderful folks waiting for this chapter.
That being said, the reason for the slow updates have now been terminated, and I have used the time to make sure everything is right in the story line for the coming chapters.
What does that mean for you wonderful people? Basically more frequent updates/chapters, part of this is that I decided to stop doing one-shots between chapters, and the next one is currently in works.

I hope you all enjoy the new addition for the story, and as always, comments are highly encouraged, I love reading any feedback you fine folks might have.


On a side note: The new interactive Dashie almost killed me with D'aaaws.