• Published 9th Jan 2024
  • 161 Views, 3 Comments

The Aftermath - Lord King Cocoon

After the events of the Eternal Night and the return of Princess Luna, the Trixieverse 6 need time to recover before return to their normal lives... well, as normal as their lives can be.

  • ...

1 Trixie

It had been two days since the dark Alicorn, Nightmare Moon, was defeated. The day was saved from Eternal Night. And now, there were new wielders of the Elements of Harmony.

When Trixie told Ocellus that they were going to move to Ponyville, the weakness that she felt after nearly dying seemed to disappear as Ocellus hopped around in joy. It was short-lived as she was still recovering her energy. But it was a reaction that filled Trixie’s heart with joy.

Now, Ocellus, back in her Unicorn disguise, was fully recovered and was going to Canterlot to get their things and to spread the news to Twilight and Spike. They were on the train to Canterlot with their new friends, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Silver Spoon.

Vinyl had her own goal in mind in Canterlot. She was silent on the train ride. Not by choice but because the Element of Loyalty that she was using as her voice synthesizer was no longer with her. Celestia had insisted that the Elements be taken to Canterlot to be shown in a museum. They were considered artifacts, after all…for some reason.

Vinyl didn’t understand why it was necessary since the Elements, without the six of them to use them, were just jewelry. That and the fact that the artifacts that should be in a museum should be the Element Stones. But Ocellus theorized that it was because the Elements were from the shards of the Elements Stones, they were still the old artifacts…more or less.

As the train pulled into the station, Vinyl used her magic to talk, projecting words on solid surfaces. ‘So, will we get to meet your friend? Starlight Twinkle?’

“It’s Twilight Sparkle. And yes, you will,” Trixie said, correcting the name as they got on their hooves to approach the exit, “You and the others were bound to meet her sooner or later anyway.”

“What’s she like?” Silver Spoon asked.

“She’s nice. And smart,” Trixie said as they exited the train car, “But I gotta warn you. Twilight is a real nerd.”

“A nerd, am I?” a familiar voice asked, causing Trixie’s face to go white and Ocellus and Silver Spoon to giggle at the reaction, “Well, I’d rather be a nerd than a boasting show-off.”

My little pony, My little pony
Ahh ahh ahh ahhh…

(My little pony)
I thought I had all the friends I'd need
(My little pony)
But in Ponyville I found a new lead

Raving music
Kindness flying high
A generous rhyme
With an honest eye
Sharing laughter
A great and powerful feat
And magic makes it all complete!

You have my little ponies
Will you all be my best friends?

Trixie saw a jovial smile on her friend’s mouth, showing she was just playing into the joke. Trixie didn’t know why she was so worried. She supposed it was from how serious Twilight’s tone of voice was.

“It’s good to see you,” Trixie said, hugging her friend and fellow protégé, “So what was it like being Celestia’s body double?”

“Ugh! You have no idea just how frustrating the Canterlot Nobles are to deal with. I have a newfound respect for what Princess Celestia has to do on a daily basis,” Twilight groaned at the memory, “Although I was surprised by how helpful Prince Blueblood was.”

“Considering what I’ve been through, my mind is warring between being surprised about that news and completely ignoring it,” Trixie said with a groan of her own, “I won’t claim to know what being Princess for a day is like. But I do feel glad that I’m not the only one who had a tough time. But enough about me. These are my new friends, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and her daughter Silver Spoon.”

‘You might want to get a doctor, Twilight! The Attention Seeking and Boastful Trixie said she doesn’t want to talk about herself anymore!’

“Trixie can’t talk about herself all the time,” Twilight said, “Once in a while, she has to rest her voice and let the Ponies around her talk about her instead.”

“Oh, ha ha,” Trixie deadpanned.

“So…is Vinyl mute?” Twilight asked, not knowing if it was an awkward topic.

“During the Rainbow Storm, Vinyl was struck by lightning, damaging her vocal cords beyond repair,” Octavia explained, “We’re here in Canterlot to get a new voice synthesizer for her. But personally, I’m enjoying the quiet.”

‘Ha ha.’

“Let’s go back to the library. I need to hear everything that happened,” Twilight said, leading the way, “And I’ll tell you what my night was like.”

‘I’ll meet up with you later. I have a voice synthesizer to get fitted for.’

“I’ll come with you,” Octavia said, “I can act as your temporary voice. Silver Spoon, you go with Trixie and Ocellus. We’ll meet up with you later.”

“Wait, do you even know where to meet us?” Twilight asked.

“The Canterlot Library, right?” Octavia asked, receiving a nod, “We know where to find you then. We grew up in Canterlot, and we know our way around.”

The group walked into the library, Twilight’s home away from home.


Silver Spoon and Ocellus covered their ears as Twilight called for her number-one assistant.

“Twilight is loud, isn’t she,” Silver Spoon said, “Kinda like Sweetie Belle.”

“I think the reason mom is as loud as she is is because she’s losing her hearing because of Twilight,” Ocellus said with a giggle.

“SPIKE!!!” Twilight called again, “TRIXIE AND OCELLUS ARE BACK!!!”

“Have you checked behind the door?” Trixie asked.

Twilight closed the door to see Spike in a daze against the wall.

“Oh, my!” Silver Spoon said in worry, running to the baby dragon, “Are you okay?!”

Spike shook the dizziness out of his head, “Yeah, I’m okay,” Spike said, getting back up, “I’m a dragon, and dragons are tough. I’ve had a bookcase fall over on me once and only had a bruise.”

“And Twilight was in a complete panic when that happened,” Trixie added, “She spent several days asking if you were alright.”

“It’s not funny!” Twilight said grumpily, “That scared the life out of me!”

Trixie told her story to Twilight, and Twilight told hers.

“You actually met a Zebra?” Twilight asked.

“With everything that happened, it’s meeting a Zebra that interests you the most?” Trixie questioned.

“You’re one to talk,” Twilight countered, “The part of my story that you enjoyed the most was the noble who wanted to build a beach house.”

“Well, the part I enjoyed the most was your reaction,” Trixie counter countered, “He refused to talk to anyone other than who he believed would be the most gullible, he refused to take no for an answer, and you apparently lasted longer with him than even Princess Celestia and actually threw him out!”

“As frustrating as the noble was, I must admit that it was satisfying to throw him out,” Twilight said with a small smile, “I think we need to reevaluate who deserves to be a noble. I don’t even remember that noble’s name.”

Ocellus, Silver Spoon, and Spike were in the next room, peeking out from behind the door at their conversation.

“Why are we over here if they’re over there?” Silver Spoon asked in a whisper, “If we wanted to hear what they’re saying, what’s the point of being so far away that we can’t hear?”

“It’s less about what they’re saying and more about Twilight’s reaction,” Spike whispered, “I don’t know what they’re talking about either.”

“Don’t worry,” Ocellus whispered, “If I know Twilight, we’ll all know what they’re talking about when mom says it.”

“Do you know what they’re talking about?” Spike asked.

Ocellus just grinned. She didn’t tell her new friends about the news. And Silver Spoon being here would be a quick way to inform one of them. Showing her Twilight’s reaction was just a bonus.

“You and Ocellus are moving to Ponyville?!” Twilight exclaimed in shock.

“You’re moving to Ponyville?” Silver Spoon asked in a much more controlled manner.

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Ocellus said, “This was still primarily to show you how Twilight overreacts.”

“In Twilight’s defense, that is shocking news,” Spike said, “But why are you moving?”

“Mom originally planned on us being able to visit once in a while since we both liked Ponyville,” Ocellus said before revealing her Changeling form, surprising Spike with how willing she was to show that form in front of others, “But not only did I make friends, when Nightmare Moon returned, all of the negative emotions all around Equestria and coming from Nightmare Moon was poisoning me. Before passing out, I dropped my Unicorn form and revealed my true form. But my new friends didn’t care what I was. They are my friends and accept me in this form. And it’s because of that that’s the reason why I’m still alive now. If I had been here in Canterlot when that happened…”

Ocellus didn’t want to think about what could have been. Picking up on her mood, Silver Spoon gave Ocellus a hug. If Ocellus’s newfound confidence in her natural form didn’t surprise Spike, seeing a Pony that she had just met hugging Ocellus in that form to comfort her did. But it was a good surprise.

“Well, you’ll keep in touch with us, won’t you?” Spike asked.

“Of course. You’re like a brother to me, after all,” Ocellus said, “But you’ve gotta promise me that you’ll come visit Ponyville too.” Ocellus then said in a whisper, “And I’m sure Twilight will be interested in their library.”

A moment later, Twilight opened the door, “Did I hear something about a library?!” Twilight said excitedly. The three children fell on the floor laughing.

“So, do you understand why moving to Ponyville is the best decision for both Ocellus and me?” Trixie asked, finishing up explaining herself.

“I suppose it makes sense,” Twilight admitted, “But what about your-” Twilight’s ears perked up, seemingly hearing something that Trixie didn’t. She then went over to the door and opened it to reveal the children snooping behind it, “Did I hear something about a library?!” Twilight said excitedly.

“Ocellus,” Trixie said to herself with a smile, “You and your friends are going to become real troublemakers, aren’t you?”

The group of five, Ocellus back in her Unicorn disguise, were walking down the street. Twilight had left a note for Vinyl and Octavia in case they didn’t return in time. And Trixie left a second note to fill in the gaps that she was sure Twilight’s note would miss.

“I thought you guys lived in a library,” Silver Spoon said.

“For as long as we’re there, we might as well live there. That’s why a kitchen was installed,” Trixie said, “But I’m not as comfortable surrounded by books as Twilight is. So we have a place that actually feels like home.”

“If it were up to Twilight, we would be living in the library,” Spike added.

“So where are we going?” Silver asked.

“To my parents’ house,” Twilight answered, “If Trixie and Ocellus are moving, then we have to get their stuff ready to move.”

“If we’re lucky, Twilight might be able to fit us in some time actually to tell them the news,” Trixie snarked. Twilight rolled her eyes but said nothing. After living with her for so long, she had gotten used to Trixie’s snarkiness.

The group opened the door to Twilight’s house and entered. In the living room was Night Light, Twilight’s father. Seeing them come in, Night Light got up and approached.

“Ah, there’s my favorite mare!” Night Light said.

Twilight opened up her hooves to accept a hug. But Night Light just walked past her and gave Trixie a hug.

“Really?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Oh, come now,” Night Light replied to Twilight, “Trixie may be my favorite mare. But she’s not my little girl.”

Night Light then gave Ocellus a big hug.

“Daaaaaad,” Twilight whined.

“You’d better acknowledge your daughter before she blows something up,” Trixie said, earning a giggle from Spike and Silver Spoon.

“Oh, you know I’m just teasing, right Twilight?” Night Light said as he hugged his daughter. Twilight tried to let out a groan, but her mood just made it come out as a content sigh.

“Although, I would like to know why I no longer hold the title of ‘favorite mare’,” Twilight’s mother, Twilight Velvet, said as she came out from the kitchen.

“Aw, Honey,” Night Light said, nuzzling his wife, “You’re great and all. But you can’t deny that Twilight and Trixie deserve that title. And if it means anything, I don’t think the term ‘mare’ applies to Ocellus.”

“Well, I suppose I had to let go of the title eventually. The competition is just too much,” Velvet said, “And I see you brought a little guest with you.”

Silver Spoon took this as her cue and did a slight bow of respect, “My name is Silver Spoon,” she said, returning to an upright position, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“And so polite, too,” Velvet said, “It seems so rare to come across such politeness. Then again, maybe it’s just the residents of this household.” Velvet finished teasingly.

“Politeness is nice and all,” Trixie said, “But you know that my style is all about flare!” Trixie then set off illusionary fireworks to emphasize ‘flare’.

“Silver Spoon is one of three new friends I made while in Ponyville!” Ocellus exclaimed, transforming into her natural insectoid form, “They even accept me like this!”

A warm smile spread across Velvet’s face, “Well, I’m glad you could make friends that you can be open with,” she said, “My name is Twilight Velvet. And this is my husband, Night Light.”

“You have the same name as Twilight does?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Twilight is a family name. It dates back several generations to the first Twilight, Twilight Twinkle,” Velvet explained, “Or at least that’s what my grandmother, Vivia Twilight, said.”

“As much as I’d love to continue talking, I do have some news that I’d like to say,” Trixie said.

Author's Note:

I initially planned on making this story a webisode rather than Episode 2. But I figured that it's enough content to make a short Episode from, and it's a good, short, cool-down story after the previous one.

I also planned on making Twilight's reaction more exaggerated for comedy. But the way I wanted to do the scene as a whole just works better this way.

I'll make a Chapter for each of the Trixieverse 6 (although I may combine Flutters and Zecora). Also, can you find and identify the videogame reference?