• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

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Chapter Red(2): Rain The Sniper

In the infinite multiverse, there are many worlds, each with its own unique differences and features. Some are more advanced than others, and some are primitive.

In a particular world, a young girl's

coming-of-age story all started when she found a power drill—a drill that would forever change her and the whole universe's lives. With that drill, she found a mecha in an underground ruins and used it to escape the surface with her non-blooded big sister,


On the surface, they meet Rain,

a young girl living off the surface as a wandering adventurer skilled with a sniper rifle. Along their adventure, they met others they would call friends and then fought against the Queen of the world, as she wanted to suppress the human race to continue living underground. Before the final battle with her, Tara and Rain lost Aura, who was killed in battle.

Years after beating the Queen, the technology quickly advanced for the human race that they could mass produce mecha, just like the one that Tara used, but unaware that Tara's mecha was sending an S.O.S signal into outer space, starting an alien war with the Anti-Drillers, who are the collective consciousness of the Anti-Drillers. The Anti-Drillers believed that the Magical Spiral Nemesis was an apocalyptic event involving spiral energy overuse and would destroy the whole universe.
Tara and her friends quickly became heroes and protected humanity from the Anti-Driller Invasion after Rain saved Tara from being jailed for starting the war.

They fought the Anti Drillers in the most epic galaxy-sized mecha battle ever, and it ended with the defeat of the Anti Drillers...

"And!?" shouted Terra, grabbing Discord's fur chest and shaking him non-stop. "What happened after that!? Why did you stop at the end?"

Discord pushed her off him and dusted his fur. "Because that's the last episode. The show ended after that episode." Discord put on orange shades and started to sing. "ROW ROW! FIG-WHOA!" he couldn't finish as the door opened, and everyone spilled out like always.

"My knees, where are we?" asked Amazement, but she quickly went silent as she and everyone could see a super futuristic city in the distance, with spaceships and mechas flying into outer space.

"Welcome to the end of a story," Discord answered, sitting at the phone booth. He pointed to the old, small building near them. "Everyone new, stay here. The rest of you, go get Rain." He looked over to Amazement. "You can go, too. Speak with them."

This was unlike Discord, where Amazement and everyone else were confused by this order, but they followed it. Amazement was with the original group that met Rain and got closer to the small building.

"I do not like this," Terra replied to her friends, feeling something was off, as she held the grip of her rifle handle.

"Yeah, something feels wrong," answered Berry, flying close to Flare, who nodded.

As they got closer, they noticed a female figure sitting outside the building's entrance, like she was waiting for someone. Before they got closer, they could see her looking at the night sky, watching the giant spaceship and mechas fly off to wherever they were going.

"All the lights in the sky are stars. They're the stars where our Spiral friends are waiting." said the old woman, not even turning her head to see who was coming.

Wanda, Terra, Aaira, and Heat stopped, realizing who was before them. It was a universe version of themselves, but much older-looking.

"You are Tara, aren't you?" whispered Heat, bringing the woman named Tara to the group's attention.

"It is, and just by looking at you and others, you must be the group that Rain met in that multiverse adventure. That was—" she couldn't finish as she coughed and opened the door for them. "I'm guessing you are here for her, right? Another multiverse problem." She started to cough more but quickly covered her mouth and pointed inside. "She will be happy to see you."

Amazement could see everyone's worried faces as they kept looking at Tara before finally walking inside. She was gonna enter, too, but Tara stopped her with a drill staff.

"Hey, what's the big idea?"

Tara didn't answer and signaled her to look at what would happen, which she did. Amazement watched on as Terra and the others looked around the classroom. The small building was just a classroom, and at the end of it was an elderly teacher who was putting things away.

Everyone stopped far from the teacher, only Terra was the one who stepped forward and had the most sadden look on her face as she called to the teacher.

"Yo, Rain. Long time no see."

The teacher, known as Rain, flinched when she heard that voice and slowly turned around, revealing her face.

"Terra?" cried Rain, her eyes widened in surprise. "And, and the others? Is that really you?"

Rain dropped the box in her hands, ran to the group, and hugged them tightly. Amazement quickly realizes what is wrong with the group, as it makes sense now.

After the group hug, Rain stepped back and pointed to Terra's grey hair.

"You look good in grey, you know that," she wondered. "I thought we were around the same age, right? Shouldn't you have white hair by now? It's been 40 years since that day, in fact." She turned to the others. "Why are some of you still young or aged not too much?"

Wanda sat in a student chair, fixing her glasses, and quickly explained the time difference between the universes, what was happening, and why they were here. Rain took it all in and sat down at her desk.

"I see." She turned to the entrance and looked at Tara, who waved at her. "I think I'll be no help in this battle, like, look at me. I'm not that young girl who helped save the universe anymore. I'm an old teacher, teaching kids the basics and the history of everything. Maybe you should ask Tara over there. She can still fight, unlike me."

Tara sighed and stood up.

"They're here for you, not me. Those twins need your help, Rain. If anyone can help, it's you. Besides, I bet those kids will be happy to see you again. I know they will."

"But-but-" Rain was gonna argue, but she knew there was no winning with Tara. Instead, she looked at her friends, giving them a sad look. "I'm sorry, but I can't help. Sorry, you had to come all the way out here for nothing."

Amazement was shocked at this. How could Rain refuse, and just like that?

"Rain, you don't have to be afraid," replied Terra, stepping forward and placing her hand on Rain's shoulder. "Come on, we need you! The twins need you! The fucking multiverse needs you!"

"Terra, look at me. I'm an old lady. What can I do? I'm useless. I can't shoot a sniper rifle anymore; hell, my fingers are too stiff, and I can barely move them." she answered, showing her fingers and slowly moving them. "I can't go with you."

Terra let her go. "Rain."

Berry flew towards Rain, landing on the desk and touching Rain's old fingers.
"It's okay, Rain. I know you're scared, but you need to be brave! You can't stay here when all life is in danger." She started to rub her fingers, but Rain pulled them back and petted her, telling her she was sorry.

Layla walked over now and looked at the pictures on the wall, it was Rain and childrens who once studied here. She could see how happy they were.

"We can't force you, and I don't want to, either. We respect your decision, but I have a question," Layla said, not turning away from the pictures. "You saved this universe, didn't you? Along with Tara and the rest of your friends, correct?" She could see Rain nodding. "Then you brought all these children a wonderful dawn. So, if the dawn you created is in danger, you must protect it, right?"

Rain didn't answer, making Wanda join Layla's side in looking over the photos.

"You created a better tomorrow for the next generation. We can see that," Wanda explained, pointing to the photo of the first generation and the next one after it. "But there won't be a tomorrow if you give up like this. Even if you have doubts about yourself, we are here with you. If you can't trust yourself, then trust us."

"I can't do that," Rain said, standing up and taking down an ancient picture. "You can't understand. I'll be just a burden for all of you."

Tara knew what picture Rain had taken down and grabbed Amazament's shoulder, getting her attention. She looked over, seeing her signaling her to follow her somewhere. Amazement nodded and followed, leaving Rain and the others alone as they tried their best to get her to accompany them.

"Where are we going?" asked Amazement, walking away from the school and towards the barren part of the area they were in.

Tara kept walking and looked up at the stars in the sky.

"Getting something to help Rain and get her confidence back."

"Huh? Like what?"

But Tara didn't reply; instead, she said something else to her.

"So, you carry hate for someone, correct?"

Amazement flinched when she said that. "What do you mean? I don't hate anyone. I have no enemies or anything." she lied through her teeth.

"Your heart says otherwise, and it's eating you up." she slightly turned to her, giving her a stare. "I have seen those eyes before. You lost someone important to you, and that's what caused the hate to start. To drill towards your heart, making it grow. That hate will never die until you get the closure you seek."

Amazement was silent and looked at the ground as they kept walking. She hated this, everyone trying to be all-wise, thinking they knew what was right for her.

"You are right; the hate and pain won't ever end until I kill the person who murdered my honey bun." she held the handle of her sword, gripping it tight. "That's the only way I can get closure!" she looked up at her, her eyes filled with determination and anger.

"Then go, kill your enemy. But if you do, what will be left of the real you? Will you become someone you aren't?" she asked, making her stop in her tracks. "You'll be drilling the same spot, never moving on and drilling deeper. Your soul will become a hole—a hole that can't ever be filled with anything. The more you dig, the emptier it will become."

Amazement didn't answer, and the two stayed quiet. Finally, after some time, Tara pointed to something in the distance. It was an old shed that looked like it had seen better days. They walked up to it, and Tara opened the door. Inside was nothing, nothing at all, just the dirt ground.

"So we came out here to an empty shed?"

"No, we didn't. Watch."

Tara held her staff out, and with a glow of spiral-looking energy, it became a large-sized drill. With the drill in hand, Tara started to dig for something. Amazement didn't know what to do, so she just sat down and watched her dig.

"Whoever you lost, they're gone," said Tara, still digging.

Amazement quickly stood in anger. "I KNOW THEY'RE GONE! STOP TALKING LIKE THAT!"

Tara stopped digging and stood up to her, tossing the drill towards her, who caught it but had difficulty holding it. "Dig."

"What?" asked Amazement, but Tara pointed to the hole. "But why?"

Tara said nothing, only pointing to the hole. Amazement wanted to refuse, but something in her made her do it. She took the drill and started to drill.

"This is stupid."

"Then stop, walk away," said Tara, who sat down and watched her.

Amazement wanted to drop the drill and leave, but she didn't. She kept digging like she was asked to. It was a while before Tara spoke once more.

"They're dead. They're gone." Tara could see Amazement flinching again, but she kept going. "But they're right there on your back." she placed her hand on her back, stopping her from shaking. "And here in your heart. They live on as a part of you! If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens. Dig until you reach the stars! Then maybe you'll find them! Or maybe they'll find you! Dig and don't stop. Never stop, no matter what. You'll never know until you do." she could still hear digging sounds but was met with soft crying. "Don't let the rage, hate, and vengeance stop your drill, and never dig in the wrong direction."

She patted her back and got up, leaving the shed. Amazement kept drilling until the digging started to get slower, and the tears kept falling.

It wasn't long before Amazement hit something and called out to Tara, who returned and noticed a half-buried item. Tara and Amazement pulled out a long briefcase with a handle strap on it. Tara placed it on her shoulder and returned her drill, making it a staff again. They started to walk back to the school, but Amazement had to ask Tara something. It was the same question she had asked others, and Tara gave her an answer.

"Second chances, huh? Everyone gets a second chance, even the most evil of people. I'm not saying everyone deserves one, but some do. Even though you might have given up, the others didn't. That's why they're trying their best to help you, even though they know they can't."

"Yeah, but still. If everyone gets a second chance, why her!? She took away the love of my life! She's even going to kill the whole multiverse! That's trillions of lives! Why should she get a second chance when she's a monster? I won't give her one!"

Tara stopped, looked at her, and pointed to the stars above them.

"All lights in the sky are stars."


"All lights in the sky are stars," repeated Tara, and Amazement just stared at her, not understanding. "If you were a star, how would you feel if people only saw the darkness surrounding you? They don't even try to look past that and see the actual spark that shines inside. They never see the true beauty of that spark, never appreciate that star. Will you be like that? Or will you try to see past that darkness and try to see the spark?"

"Tara, I don't get any of this. Please, tell me."

"It's not up to me; it's up to you. You have to decide, and only then will you understand what I'm trying to say." She pointed to the heavens, giving off a ray of purple light and pink sparks. "Believe in me that believes in you!" She lowered her arm and returned to walking, leaving Amazement to look to the stars before catching up with her.

They returned to find Rain yelling at her friends as she exited the building.

"Enough, just get out already! You guys don't need me! Not when you have so many better, stronger people with you!" she pointed to the waiting group near the phone booth. "I'm just a useless old lady who isn't in her prime anymore!" she kept going, but Tara called out to her.

"Rain, grit those teeth!"

Rain quickly turned and was met with a fist to the cheek, knocking her down to the ground. Everyone was shocked at what had just happened.

"Here," said Tara, tossing the long briefcase into Rain's lap, shocking her at what she held.

"I thought I tossed this away years ago," she said, looking up at Tara, confused. "How?"

Tara kneeled and smiled.

"I wasn't going to let you throw that away. It's part of you, no matter how old you get. You need to learn, old friend. Never give up. Never stop drilling for the future. If you think your prime is done, keep drilling, even when you feel you've reached the end."

Rain looked down at the case, slowly opening it. Tears started to flow, and Tara patted her head.

"You are amazing. Look at you! You became a school teacher like you always wanted, helping kids."

Rain wept as she answered her. "It is? I'm just doing it for the money."

Tara placed her forehead on Rain's.

"But you are helping others. That's good; don't forget that. It doesn't matter why; you are making a difference. Even here, right now. You are still doing that. Do it once more for those two kids that you saved all those years ago. Make them proud of the hero they knew."

Rain slowly placed her arms around Tara's neck and hugged her tightly.

"But how? I'm not the others! I don't have superpowers! I don't have anything to help them!"

Tara shook her head in disagreement and pulled away, pointing her finger to the heavens.

"Don't be distracted by the what-if's, should-have's, and if-only's. The one thing you choose for yourself is the truth of your universe and why you are here! And don't let anyone tell you differently, not even yourself! Believe in the you that believes in yourself. You are here because, even if you are just a normal and boring human girl, you are still amazing. You are an inspiration and role model for everyone. Even for me." she pointed to the photo on Rain's desk, the same one she took down. "To Aura." then pointed to Rain's friends. "To them." then, finally, pointing to the item that was in the case. "To those kids that you saved. You inspire them to keep moving forward."

Rain looked down inside the case and slowly took out her old sniper rifle. Even though it's been many years, the rifle still looked brand new. It was an older-style rifle with a few modifications. It also had a long strap that Rain put around her shoulder. She stood up, wiping the tears away.

"You are right, Tara. I need to help Blitz and Braver to keep moving forward once more because no one will take that away from them. No one will ever take that away." She looked back at her friends and walked over to Terra, placing her hand out.

Terra looked at her hand and then her face. "So, still lost?"

"Nah, I found my way back. Sorry. I just got scared. I don't like being useless."

Terra grabbed Rain's hand, and they shook each other's hands.

"Good to have you back, Rain. Let's go save those twins and the multiverse once more!"

Everyone got inside the phone booth, but Rain and Amazement were the only ones not inside. Amazement was watching Rain talking to Tara.

"You sure you don't want to come? Your strength is needed."

Tara sat back down in the same spot she was in, looking at the stars.

"Nah, my story is over, but yours isn't Rain. Go on without me. I'll be here when you come back." She closed her eyes and almost looked like she had fallen asleep.

Rain closed her eyes, trying not to cry. "Right, you will be right here waiting for me. When I return, my story will be over, and our books can finally close." She looked at the phone booth and walked towards it, giving Tara a wave goodbye.

Amazment watched as Rain walked up to her and smiled.

"Tara and my friends told me. Here's my answer to your question about giving others a chance, even if they're evil." She raised her hand and punched Amazement in the cheek, making her fall backward, but she was caught by Rain, who helped her stand. "I can't answer it; asking anyone will never be the answer you want. It's up to you and only you to find that answer. If you can't, then I'm afraid you'll have a hard time with your journey." she patted her head and went inside the phone booth, finding a spot next to Terra, and both started to talk about their rifles.

Amazement held her cheek, feeling the pain. "Guess that means I have a long journey, huh?" she walked towards the booth, closing the doors behind her and the booth fading to the next universe.

End of Chapter Red(2)

Author's Note:

2 more chapters left before this spin-off is done