• Published 13th Jan 2024
  • 817 Views, 18 Comments

Fluttershy's Meaty Adventure - I Vicious I

Fluttershy harbored a dark secret for quite some time – a hidden desire to consume meat. She had diligently kept this revelation hidden behind closed doors, but unfortunately, Rainbow Dash doesn't knock.

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Palatable Plot

Ponies, being natural herbivores, would typically be considered prey for larger carnivores. However, they were innately connected to magic and the watchful guardianship of benevolent demi-gods ensured their safety. Predators wisely avoided engaging with equines, as they understood the dire consequences of facing an Alicorn's might or confronting a magically-equipped military force. The choice was clear – steer clear of the formidable protectors or risk obliteration.

Despite being vulnerable to predation themselves, ponies engaged in the husbandry of various animals, including cows, chickens, pigs, and an array of magical creatures. This not only allowed them to obtain essential resources such as fertilizer, wool, and high-quality quills but also led to an unintended byproduct – meat. While ponies abstained from consuming meat, cheese, or milk, other races, such as the Griffonian Empire, had a consistent demand for these products. Dragons, primarily sustained by gems, occasionally sought meat to meet their protein and iron requirements, beyond what an average ruby or sapphire could provide. This burgeoning demand transformed Equestria into a prominent exporter of food.

Within Equestria, although the demand was significantly smaller in scale, some ponies sought meat for specific purposes. For instance, those who kept carnivores as pets, like cats, needed a modest amount of protein to meet their dietary needs. Additionally, Spike, with a reluctant sense of chagrin, had to consume meat, a practice he kept secret to avoid potential ostracism. His discreet consumption reflected the societal unease that surrounded such dietary needs, and made him wary of becoming a pariah among his peers.

In Fluttershy's cottage, the sweet aroma of chamomile tea permeated the air, which crerated a comforting and inviting atmosphere. The scent mingled with the subtle fragrance of wildflowers that Fluttershy had carefully arranged in a vase on the kitchen table.

The soft, diffused sunlight filtered through the lace curtains, casting a warm glow on the table where Fluttershy sat. The wooden surface felt smooth beneath her hooves, and as she sipped her tea, the delicate porcelain cup warmed her hooves, and created a gentle sensation.

The room was filled with the melodic sounds of birds chirping and the occasional rustle of leaves outside. The soothing hum of a distant waterfall added to the natural symphony, creating a peaceful backdrop for Fluttershy's contemplative moments.

Rainbow Dash glided into the cottage, her entrance accompanied by a faint whisper of air. The distinct absence of a knock revealed her usual disregard for common courtesy. As she entered, her keen eyes swiftly detected Fluttershy at the dining table. "Hey, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with palpable excitement, her voice cut through the ambient sounds of the cottage like a hot knife through butter.

Fluttershy hastily shoved something into her mouth. "Pji hangpho hafh," she managed to mumble before she succumbed to a coughing fit, the sound echoed through room as the food had gone down the wrong pipe. Rainbow Dash responded swiftly, her hoof patted Fluttershy's back in an attempt to assist in dislodging the stuck food. "Are you okay, Fluttershy?" she asked, her words carrying a genuine concern that lingered in the air.

Amidst the persistent coughing, Fluttershy nodded vigorously, finally succeeding in getting the food down. Gasping for breath, she managed to rasp out, "Never. Better. Rainbow," accompanied by a wide, cheese-eating grin on her face. Her response mingled with a few more harsh coughs, and created a contrasted blend of relief and continued discomfort in the air.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, her gaze was fixed on Fluttershy, who sported an uncomfortably wide smile. After an awkward pause, Rainbow Dash decided to disrupt whatever Fluttershy was doing with her unsettling expression and broke the silence.

"Well, anyway, I just managed to snag some premium ice cream from the weather factory," she announced with an elated tone. "As a reward for being the coolest pony ever and actually doing my cloud managing job in a timely manner this quarter, they gave me some ice cream made with super small water drops. I didn't really understand the explanation; that's more Twilight's deal. But the result is the most amazing ice cream in all of Equestria!" she exclaimed excitedly, the infectious smile never leaving her face.

"Wow, that's great, Rainbow Dash. And you wanted to share it with me because I'm your oldest and kindest friend?" Fluttershy inquired softly, a sense of gentle warmth underlying her words.

"Of course!" Rainbow Dash replied with enthusiasm, her response ringing out loudly. "Also because Twilight told me you own one of those ice box thingies, and hardly anypony does. They gave me way more than I can eat in one sitting, so if I give you half, can I use it?" she asked, her big grin conveying both excitement and a touch of mischief.

Fluttershy's eyes nervously darted to the steel container in the corner and then back to Rainbow Dash. "I don't think there's any room, I'm really sorry, Rainbow Dash," she replied meekly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. There can't be that much in there. Nopony even uses these things," she replied, albeit with a hint of annoyance.

Fluttershy shook her head. "And besides, I don't think it would keep it cool enough," she said with a small grin.

"I'm pretty sure that ice would keep ice cream cold. Otherwise, why would they put ice in the name?" replied an overconfident Rainbow Dash. A bit confused, she gave Fluttershy a long, hard look. Her eyes seemed to pierce Fluttershy's very soul while Fluttershy struggled to maintain a semblance of eye contact. "I think I know the real reason you won't share," said Rainbow Dash in a snide tone.

Fluttershy shook her head, her voice filled with panic. "Oh, please don't judge me. I only meant to do it once, but it was so good, and I couldn't stop. Please don't look down on me for eating m..."

"You want more of the ice cream don't you?" Said Rainbow dash confidently as she looked over at the ice chest, and left Fluttershy in a state of bewilderment which was preferable to the sense of panic that had preceded it.

Rainbow Dash sprang off her hooves, soaring towards the corner of the room. Hovering gracefully, she came to a landing in front of the ice chest, her hooves made a soft click as they made contact with the wooden floor. "Alright, I'll give you two-thirds of the ice cream, but that's my final offer." She deftly inserted the tip of her wing into the oversized padlock, employing her wing and feathers as an improvised lockpick in her determined attempt to access the chest.

Fluttershy gazed in horror, unable to find the right words, as Rainbow Dash unleashed a string of profanities while skillfully picking the lock. "Um, Rainbow Dash, could you, maybe, please stop?" she muttered quietly. However, her plea went unheard, drowned out by the soft clicks of Rainbow Dash manipulating the lock. "I don't want you to open that. Could you maybe, please stop?" Her words were too hushed to be heard over the sound of the padlock popping open. Fluttershy's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Rainbow Dash!" This caused Rainbow Dash to swiftly turn in her direction. "I really don't want you using my ice chest. Could you, perhaps, ask Twilight for help instead?" she added, nervously fidgeting.

"I'm not exactly on speaking terms with Twilight right now. It's a long story, don't ask," replied Rainbow Dash, her tone tinged with frustration. She shot Fluttershy a puzzled glance, then shifted her attention between Fluttershy and the now unlocked icebox, uncertainty etched on her face.

"Rainbow Dash, please don't," pleaded Fluttershy as Rainbow Dash's eyes continued to dart back and forth. Trapped between a desire to respect Fluttershy's feelings and an overwhelming curiosity, Rainbow Dash hesitated. Finally, with a flick of her wing, she swung open the door. A scream from Fluttershy served as proof that curiosity had won out. Both sets of eyes immediately fixated on the contents, and widened in astonishment. The ice chest was packed to the brim with various types of meat. Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy in bewilderment.

"Why do you have so much meat?" she asked, her eyes still wide with surprise.

"It's to feed some of the animals I look after," she replied nervously, her eyes were now fixated on her cottage floor.

"You told me that the carnivores take care of themselves in the woods. I remember asking you that question before," replied Rainbow Dash, suspicion laced her voice.

"I meant to say that I purchased it with the thought of accommodating any cats and dogs I might be looking after," she responded, her speech tinged with a hint of fluster.

Rainbow Dash surveyed the cottage with a curious glance. "I don't believe you're currently looking after any cats or dogs," she remarked inquisitively. A prolonged, uneasy silence hung in the air as Rainbow Dash awaited Fluttershy's response, but only silence met Dash. With narrowed eyes, Rainbow Dash gestured towards the meat freezer. Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as she put two and two together. "When I entered, you were eating meat, weren't you?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened, resembling two large saucers, as she began to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she managed to express amidst her tears.

Rainbow Dash observed the scene, uncertain of how to respond. While it wasn't illegal to consume meat in Equestria, the lack of a specific law might be attributed to the universal taboo surrounding it.

Um... It's okay, Fluttershy. You can stop crying now." Rainbow Dash's feeble attempt at consoling managed to halt Fluttershy's tears momentarily as she looked up. "So... how did you start eating meat exactly?" she inquired, the unease evident in her voice, a sentiment not lost on Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nervously tapped her hooves together. "Well, the first time was sort of by accident. I was trying to get a picky-eater cat to try his food. I put some in my mouth to show him it wasn't that bad, and..." She paused, observing Rainbow Dash's uncomfortable stare. "It turned out to be the best thing I had ever tasted. I was immediately hooked. I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash."

Starlight would know what to do in this situation, Dash thought to herself as she grappled with trying to understand Fluttershy. "I mean, it's not as if other species don't eat meat, and we're friends with Spike... I know he eats meat, even if he tries to hide it." Fluttershy simply offered a blank stare to the conversation, uncertain of how to respond. "Where do you even acquire all this meat?" she inquired, a hint of bewilderment in her expression.

Fluttershy averted her gaze, nervously tapping her hooves together. "Well... um... it's actually from Applejack's fa..."

Rainbow Dash cut her off abruptly. "Applejack sold you this meat!? My Celestia, you think you know somepony," she exclaimed, a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

Fluttershy shook her head. "She doesn't know; she sells to griffon traders, and I buy directly from them." She turned her gaze back to Rainbow Dash, her eyes once again welling up with tears. "I'm sorry, please don't hate me," she pleaded with a slightly flustered Rainbow Dash.

"This is partially my fault" said Rainbow Dash as she sighed deeply. "I'm going to start knocking before I come into a friend's house from now on," she said softly. Fluttershy responded with a look of confusion. "It's okay; I can look the other way with your... meat eating." Fluttershy gave a small smile. "This isn't the first time this happened to me. If I told you what I walked in on Twilight doing, it would give you nightmares; this is actually tame by comparison. So don't worry; we can still be friends," said Rainbow Dash with an unusual degree of understanding.

Fluttershy practically leaped across the room to embrace Rainbow Dash with a warm hug. "Thank you; that means a lot to me." Rainbow Dash returned the gesture with a somewhat uneasy hug. After a moment, Fluttershy was the first to break the silence this time. "So... would you be interested in trying meat for the first time?" Her smile barely concealed the mischievousness in her expression. Rainbow dash pulled away and gave Fluttershy an uncomfortable look. "You're right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went too far." Fluttershy exposed wildly, she closed her eyes and her voice becoming high pitched.

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. "It's ok, just don't mention it again. Also, let's not hang out for a few days or a week or so ok?" She said as she turned to leave.

Fluttershy nodded and observed in silence, her gaze focused as Rainbow Dash walked to the front door and closed it behind her. "I wonder what pony tastes like," she mused aloud, the curiosity evident in her tone.

Comments ( 18 )

Fluttershy nodded and observed in silence, her gaze focused as Rainbow Dash walked to the front door and closed it behind her. "I wonder what pony tastes like," she mused aloud, the curiosity evident in her tone.

Is she going to...?

That would be really interesting. Rainbow decides to visit Shy, falls asleep somehow...never to wake up...

lol, I think this was already done with cupcakes


Fluttershy just wants a bite of Rainbow’s flank.:raritywink:

Fortunately, there's the mirror pool. Or at least Spoiled Rich. :pinkiecrazy:

Maybe twilight can whip something up

"If I told you what I walked in on Twilight doing, it would give you nightmares; this is actually tame by comparison." I smell sequel bait! What is it!? Nothing is worse! :fluttershbad:

"Fluttershy nodded and observed in silence, her gaze focused as Rainbow Dash walked to the front door and closed it behind her. "I wonder what pony tastes like," she mused aloud, the curiosity evident in her tone."

I intended the twiggles thing as a joke, but I think a sequel would be fun. I'll try to think of something.

That is one of the most precious pictures I've seen in this website.

And that burger looks darn tasty too. :pinkiehappy:

Gotta say this, but is that AI generated? The fork looks weird.

Given the lack of credit, the alternative is that it's (more directly) stolen.

That, and Fluttershy's cutie mark is wrong. I'm almost certain it's A.I, and therefore trained on stolen art.

:duck: Spikey, That's for Opalescence . . .
:moustache: She gave it to me
:raritywink: Very well
:facehoof: Spike you're not a cat
:moustache: meow meow meow
:raritystarry: Who's a pretty kitty!
:twilightoops: Rarity!

This sounds like the start of a bizarre clopfic

Shoot. I've seen a horse just gobble up a squirrel.

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