• Published 19th Jan 2024
  • 125 Views, 2 Comments

Service for Wings - warpd

Scootaloo thinks she has a chance to get wings to fly, she hopes this visit to the Gala will be the night that changes everything.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Father

Celestia and Blueblood enjoyed breakfast in relative silence while the chaos of maids, soldiers, and bureaucrats danced around them in typical morning prep. Celestia calmly opened up a new letter from a stack of morning casual work while some butler screamed about a new fire erupting in the garden. This lettermade her eyebrow raise in surprise. Rainbow Dash.

“Curious.” A quick swipe with the paper cutter released a small letter. The contents did not take long to decipher. “Gala tickets.”

Blueblood dabbed his mouth from a heavenly pancake syrup mess. “A request for gala tickets?”

“Four in fact, Rainbow Dash’s entire family.” Celestia’s horn glowed a strange purple color, a spell that checked for invisible ink or any kind of shenanigans to suggest a prank. “What would compel her to come back to the gala, bring the family, and him?”

“Ah yes, that night. It was quite the disaster.” Blueblood couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ve been a witness to their wedding, and with the brief interactions I’ve had with Alex Roberts the Gala would not be a function he'd be interested in.”

They pondered the curious situation, ignoring the poor traumatized maid that seemed to make pouring orange juice in her majesty’s empty glass a profound event. “Twilight has told me that Dash was interested in the past. I’m honestly not sure what to make of this.”

“Will you honor her request?” Blueblood shooed away the grumpiest fuchsia colored maid, he no longer needed more pineapple.

“Yes.” Celestia answered quickly, then an idea came to her. “I have a request, Blueblood. Could you have a meeting with Alex Roberts. Check in on how he’s doing and try to get a read on him. I feel between all of them you have a better chance of making a rapport with him.”

“Any reason for the concern?” Blueblood tilted his head at the proposed idea. “I wouldn’t mind meeting with him.”

“Alex Robert has a tendency to throw me false warning signs, everything he does vexes me.” Celestia floated the letter over to Blueblood to let him read. “I wish that wasn’t the case, but it seems to be a weakness I have trouble bucking.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind seeing how you’re doing. Do you have any questions about the event?” Blueblood sat in the same spot a few weeks later with his guest. Alex Roberts looking around as ponies mull around.

“I mean, I’ve been to fancy shindigs before. Already got a sharp suit lined up.” Alex accepted a cup of tea from the grumpiest looking pink mare he’s ever seen.

“I’m fuchsia, sir. Not pink.” The maid answered before leaving. Alex shook his head, not even sure what he just heard.

“Did… did she just correct my thoughts?” Alex looked over to Blueblood, who didn’t seem all that concerned.

“Hmm, oh yes. She has a knack for knowing when others get color theory wrong. Got a cutie mark for it.” It was a simple explanation to Blueblood. The poor human was having trouble wrapping his brain around it. So, Alex wisely moved on.

“So here you are, Celestia wanted me to make sure to give these tickets to you.” Four golden tickets were produced from an envelope. “To tell you the truth, Alex, your request surprised us.”

“I can probably hazard a guess as to why.” Alex acknowledged as he looked over the golden tickets. “I think my daughter wants to meet someone, but I’m not sure why, nor do I know anything about them.”

Blueblood tilted his head at the information. “Who?”

Alex Roberts took out a note and slid it across the table. “Know anything about them? I was hoping you could help.”

The secrecy intrigued Blueblood as he peaked at the information. Pomeline family. “Oh, yes. I do know about them. Lovely folks, a bit strange, but well, you know. They’re not quite like the ponies you’re familiar with.”

“They’re Thestrals, right? I was told they were tangentially related to vampire bats.” Alex asked, picturing some kind of Dracula-style pony.

“There are actually quite a few pony offshoots, the three are common in this country, but more exist. Thestrals are one.” Blueblood pushed away his tea as he started to explain. “Would it surprise you to know they’re not associated with Princess Luna in any way?”

“Er, yes. Princess of the night and all that.” Alex Roberts mentally scratched off asking his boss and Captain Nightshade for help in the matter.

“Right, so they are their own nation out west. They cultivate massive mountain size trees to live in. A sight to behold, I must tell you.” Some nostalgia sparkled in his eyes.

“Do they eat insects? Or drink, um, blood?” Alex Roberts dropped his voice to a whisper at the final word.

“Oh, my dear aunt, really Mr. Roberts.” Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Whoever you asked gave you bad information, a common misconception from the public sadly. They eat fruit.”

The human had the decency to look slightly ashamed about his assumption. “No, that’s my fault. I should not have made assumptions.” He grew thoughtful for a moment, as if remembering unpleasant events. “I’ve encountered creatures called vampires. They look like humans, sharp teeth, creatures of the night, so I made the association...”

“Terrifying.” The unicorn couldn’t help but shudder at the implications.

The older human cleared his throat, “So, the Pomeline family. What’s their story?” Alex Roberts relaxed, taking a sip of his tea.

“Right, so they're a branch of the Thestral royal family that runs diplomatic relations between our two governments. The matriarch is Duchess Umbrielle, I quite like her. Smart as a whip and twice as charming. That accent can be hard for those with lazy ears.” Blueblood recalled a time when an associate had trouble speaking with her.

“That’s not as scary as I thought. Puts my mind at ease, actually.” Alex looked up at the ceiling as he scratched his chin, “Why does Scootaloo want to meet her? That’s the part I don’t get.”

“Sorry, my good sir, but the plans and machinations of youths are beyond me.” Blueblood grinned cheekily. “Maybe one day, when I’m a father, I will have a clue.”

Alex chuckled, “You never really figure that out.” A slight worry returned to tickle Alex’s mind. The strange alicorn. “Blueblood, were you here in Canterlot when Nightmare Moon came back?”

“That’s quite the whiplash on topic.” Blueblood leaned back and tried to recall that night. “Yes. Though I was in a safe location, an emergency went out, so my security took care of me. Why?”

Alex gestured with his hand absentmindedly, “My daughter asked Dash and me to go to the Gala. We later find out she’s been doing research into this specific event and into the Pomeline family. The alicorn that attacked Canterlot that night…they seem to be related.” Alex Roberts paused when he considered what Blueblood told him. “Doesn’t make sense, given what you’ve told me. Didn’t this pony have bat wings?”

Blueblood tapped his hoof on the table as he thought. “Captain Shining Armor was in charge at the time. He’s in the Crystal Empire now, so asking him would take too much time. Though at this point, he’s probably already on the train with Princess Cadance for the Gala event. Princess Celestia was indisposed, but she would've been brought up to date the moment she came back. I’ll be honest, Alex, I think this alicorn was taken care of. If the Pomeline family was responsible, I would have known about it, and they have no sanctions placed against them.”

All this left Alex was the ‘why’ now. Nightmare Moon was defeated, and this other alicorn most likely suffered the same fate. Captain Shining Armor was alive and well, after all. “I think I would like to visit this Pomeline family. Do you know where they live?”

“Of course I do. In fact, allow me to escort you there.” Blueblood bounced off his cushion seat. “Worry not, Mr. Roberts. I’m sure this will all work out.”

Alex Roberts found the idea that Blueblood was escorting him to be amusing. When that escort involved Blueblood’s own escort escorting him, escorting Mr Roberts. Peculiar phrasing aside, the horse-drawn carriage ride was nice enough. “So, do I tip the puller or the driver?”

“Neigher.” Blueblood answered. Roberts paused, trying to decipher the horse noise as the word ‘neither’ or a ‘neigh’. “Oh, don’t worry about it, I pay them just fine.”

“Right, sure.” He gave them a jaunty two-finger salute, “Good job, fellas.” Alex nodded respectfully, getting a smile in response from both of them. He turned around to see what was probably the spookiest house on the street, maybe even the neighborhood. Thin trees, tall gated fence, a cold wind. “What is this? An Addams Family remake?”

“Excuse me?” Blueblood looked up at his companion being weird, again.

“Sorry, old human show. Mysterious and spooky.” Alex waved it off.

“Mr. Roberts, a human thing can only be a fine excuse for so long. It can become rude.” Blueblood and Alex walked up to the locked gate. Alex grabbed the lion-shaped knocker and used it twice.

The doorbell rang out, carried by the barren yard to the house. Alex waited for a response of any kind. The mansion seemed to creek back in response. The human looked around the neighborhood, it was all very normal pony types. High-class pony, but one he could easily see normal ponies living in.

“Good afternoon, sirs.” Alex almost jumped. The low drawl of the tallest earth pony he’d ever seen looked him in the eye from behind the gate.

Alex made sure he wasn’t clutching his weapon before he got a better look. Bulky, slightly green, with odd scars.“Good grief! How did you—”

The giant interrupted him with a groaning voice, “Do you have an appointment?”

“Excuse us, sir, but we do not.” Blueblood tried to save the situation, “But this here is Alex Roberts, Princess Luna’s knight and we would love to be acquainted with the Duchess if she’s available.”

Eyes looked between the two indifferently. “I’m afraid the family is unavailable.” He turned away slowly before trudging back to the house. Alex could feel each heavy measured step, slowly thumping towards the house.

With a shrug, Alex Roberts turned to Blueblood and said,“I shouldn’t be surprised. This was a bit of a shot in the dark.” he muttered. “Sorry to drag you out here.”

They turned around to return to the carriage. “Think nothing of it, old boy. Not everything can be easy after all.”

“Wait!” A voice stopped them. Turning back, Alex caught a glimpse of an orange pony leaping off the back of the giant, over the fence, and landing on the other side. “Sir Roberts, Prince Blueblood.”

Alex resisted himself, he wanted to laugh. The pony was actually posing like an action star. “I am. Dusk. Sentry!” He heard Prince Blueblood groan next to him. “I am honored! That you have come to visit this household today.”

“Alex Roberts, nice to meet you, Dusk Sentry.” Alex whipped out his hand for a shake, Dusk reached out and gripped it. It was hard, and felt filled with purpose.

“Sir knight of her majesty. We’ve been hoping that you would visit our humble abode.” He whipped back his mane towards the castle wistfully. “Alas, this is a most busy of times. The Gala approaches.”

“Dusk.” The warning sound from the green sentry rumbled.

“Silver Platter, I haven't forgotten my duties. Run along, I’ll entertain them for but a moment more.” Sensing a repeating pattern to the relationship between the two, Alex watched the butler stomp his way back into the house. “Haha! So serious, but only has manners for those in the household. Practically a puppy, that one.”

“I’ll take your word for it..” Alex shook his head. “Look, I won’t take any more of your time. My family and I are coming to the Gala as well.”

“Excellent!” Dusk Sentry declared, but remembering something. “Er, your wife doesn’t plan to throw down any more statues this time?”

“No. We had a little talk about that.” Alex confirmed quickly, hoping he wouldn’t be proven wrong.

“Excellent!” Dusk Sentry declared again. “Then, if you wish to speak with the family, they’ll love to lend an ear. Your exploits have not gone unnoticed, and as a fellow paladin myself, I feel we truly bond at our core!”

“Really? You’re a paladin too?” Alex Roberts knelt down to eye level with the pegasus. “What’s your station?”

“Nothing as grand as your pateron, the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna herself!” Sentry smiled proudly. “I come from a long line of chosen guardians for this household. To protect it from those who would exploit and bring harm to them.”

“I’m sensing more than just physical protection,” Alex speculated out loud.

“Too true!” Dusk explained, bringing a hoof to his chest. “The Pomeline family is a prime target for those seeking power. For they are pillars against the darkness that wish to consume our world. I must always be prepared for any kind of foe!”

A ring from the house twitched the ears of the pony paladin. With an impressive leap and flutter of wings, Dusk Sentry landed on the other side of the fence. “Apologizes, Paladin Roberts. We are busy at the moment.” The little protector turned and yelled with impressive volume,“Fear not! For Dusk Sentry is here!” The commanding yell of the pony galloping back into the mansion offset the mood the place gave.

Alex stood back up and gave a half smile. “He’s certainly something.”

“Indeed he is.” Blueblood sighed. “I suppose that does end our visit.”

The human nodded, and as he turned back, he stopped. Alex had only caught the briefest of glimpses of something vanishing from the uppermost window. He only had enough time to register a white, pony-shaped, ghost-like spectre.

Alex Roberts smiled and breathed deeply. Ponyville’s familiar scents, sights, and sounds filled his senses as soon as he stepped off the train. All in all, a pretty good trip. Prince Blueblood was extremely helpful, and the threat was minimal. The idea of going to the Gala doesn’t thrill him, but his baby girl is worth it.

The four golden Gala tickets in his possession, he started to think about how to make the most of this trip. Important ponies do visit, and he might be able to garner further interest for his theater. He just needed to keep his expectations low.

“Alex Roberts? Ah, good, you’re back already. I heard you left town for Canterlot. Rather a sudden trip.” Doctor Emerald was returning from a shopping trip as he bumped into his human friend.

“Don’t even know the half of it, Doc. Feels like the past few days have been a whirlwind of activity.” Dr Emerald slowed down his pace to let his friend catch up. “Probably won’t let up until the Gala is over.”

The frown of empathy covered Emerald’s mug. “Do try to keep your wife from attacking any statues. That should make it nice and boring.”

“More worried about Scootaloo. She’s the one that wanted to go to the event.” Alex explained. “She wants to meet with some pony. Just visited their place, House Pomeline.”

A shimmer of green rippled across Dr Emerald’s form. “What?! Alex, do tell me that you said anything else but that.” He didn’t let the human answer. The changeling paced in a circle, looked all around him. Sniffed the air. “Hive, hive, hive this can be bad.”

“Whoa, calm down, bud.” Alex Robert’s placed his hand on Emerald’s whither. “I've never seen you this worked up.”

“Your daughter seeks to play with forces beyond your comprehension Alex!” Emerald leaned up and placed his hooves on the human’s shoulders. “Bat ponies are terrifying creatures. They kill and eat changelings.”

“They eat fruit,” Alex repeated what Blueblood told him.

“Not that family, Roberts.” Emerald had a faraway look, memories returned before he collected himself. “When Chrysalis tried to invade Canterlot they were one of our priority targets. Like you, they can see right through a disguise via sight, smell, and magic.”

Alex felt a chill. “What happened?”

“The plan worked.” Emerald explained, “The family was caught with no one any the wiser. But She wasn’t home.”

“I wasn’t involved in the operation. I just cared for the lone survivor after we were expelled from Canterlot. He described what felt like a shadow falling over the domain.” Emerald really wanted to share the emotions that he felt coming from that changeling. “Alex, we took no chances with that family. Our warriors there were elites. It did not matter, they were picked off. All he saw was a red glow of eyes. He felt wrath and hunger. Each one she killed made her stronger.”

Alex Robert’s threat assessment of the situation turned from minimal to extreme as he processed this. Emerald paused as he collected himself. “Before Princess Cadance threw us all from Canterlot, he had dragged himself from the house. The white figure stalked him from the darkness. Then by a stroke of luck, he was saved by magical expulsion.”

That ghost pony he saw at the mansion; that was her. Alex was sure of it. ‘Now what should I do?’ He made eye contact with his friend Dr Emerald, “Who is she?”

The good doctor answered grimly, “Erebus.”