• Published 16th Jan 2024
  • 159 Views, 0 Comments

Remembrance - Amaranthine Thought

Sweetie's dead, Applebloom's forgotten, friendships are torn asunder, and Scootaloo finds herself struggling to matter.

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Chapter 1

Scootaloo was running. Running outside of town, along a trail less made than trampled, the grass starting to recover, as fast as she could run, until she came to the base of a small yet noticeable hill in the land near the town itself.

There, panting, she swiftly looked around, appearing almost fearful of finding somepony nearby, her face damp with tears. Seeing nopony nearby, no cloud for any pegasus to be hiding behind, she relaxed, taking a deep breath and heaving a relived sigh. Then, with a firm sniffle, she wiped her face with a hoof, and began walking up that little hill, looking up to the little tree planted on its top, and the two graves that laid before it.

One of those graves was made of plain stone, and it was surrounded by flowers, singular blooms and small collections of common flowers. In the bare dirt in front of the grave was a small blue cloth, atop which were two pony dolls; both white unicorns, one a mare, the other a filly, the filly made well, the mare lumpy and poorly, though lovingly, made. Both dolls had fallen over sometime, and Scootaloo couldn’t help but notice that almost all the flowers with the grave were dry and stale.

Scootaloo moved to put the dolls back up and reached to her back before realizing that the flower she’d had with her had likely fallen off sometime during her run. The thought stung a little; more, considering the clear age of the majority flowers. She shut her eyes and took a breath, trying to stop thinking sad thoughts, and then looked at the grave’s inscription:

Sweetie Belle

Age 9

She faced a nightmare alone to save those she loved and countless more

Winner of The Game, the victor over Emptiness, the Horn Hunter

Dearly loved sister, she will be missed

The day that Scootaloo realized that Sweetie was gone had been the worst day she could remember. It had come at the worst time too; after weeks of Sweetie being missing, nopony knowing where she was or what had happened to her, itself following Sweetie acting rather concerningly and worryingly, refusing to tell anypony what was going on with her.

The grave declared what Scootaloo already knew: that Sweetie had died a hero. And that helped, a little, but it didn’t help nearly so much as to make anything better.

So what if Sweetie had died a hero? So what if Sweetie had defeated a monster? She was gone, and Scootaloo had so much she wanted to say and so many things she wanted to do and plans she’d made for when Sweetie came back and none any of it mattered a single crumbling dandelion because Scootaloo’s first best friend was dead.

And she may have just lost the second.

Scootaloo paused then, and almost aggressively wiped at her eyes, forcefully beating back the sorrow she felt. Looking at Sweetie’s grave made it hard, so she turned to the other, glaring a little.

That grave was made of pristine marble, decorated in gold and beautifully encrusted in tiny sparkling diamonds. A small army of expensive toys laid in front, and behind it towered two huge arrangements of flowers, taller than a stallion could rear up. The flowers were fake, made of some special fabric that made them look real; expensive things you wouldn’t find in Ponyville. A couple of real flowers, lilies, were present, but both had gone stale

There had been a third, and Scootaloo e4asily spotted it, having fallen over at some point. Seeing something to distract herself, Scootaloo went to push the arrangement back up, took some of the fallen fake flowers to put around the grave, and put some of the toys back up. Those little tasks done, she looked at the grave and read its inscription:

Diamond Tiara

Age 11

She found the courage to give her life up, so that Sweetie had the chance to bring Emptiness, the horn hunter, to her final end

Dearly loved daughter, her father’s light

Even then, it felt… wrong to think that Diamond, Diamond Tiara of all ponies, had done what the grave said she did, what everypony else believed she did. Diamond Tiara, that nasty, cruel, mean bully, not only doing something good and right, but giving up her life? And for Sweetie? The filly she had hated and bullied each and every time the two ever crossed paths?

It felt so wrong to say that Diamond did that, like saying up was down or hot was cold, but… it felt worse to say otherwise.

Scootaloo sighed, and looked at the toys. All those had been Diamond’s toys before. The super special grave, the huge fake flowers arrangements: those were due to her father. Scootaloo remembered him at the funerals. It had been almost frightening to see a stallion cry as hard as he had over Diamond. But he hadn’t of been the only pony to cry over Diamond Tiara.

Silver Spoon had cried over her too. The lilies there by Diamond’s grave had been left by her. Scootaloo remembered seeing her leaving them, accompanied by a mare she felt confident in saying was Silver’s mother a few days past. Remembered how the earth in front of Diamond’s grave had been wet after they’d left.

And Scootaloo hated, just hated, how she had so perfectly understood Silver at the funerals, how she had continued to understand her afterwards.

Once, Silver and Diamond had been inseparable. They never went anyplace without the other, never did anything not together, the tightest knit pair of bullies you’d ever hope to meet. Diamond had been the leader, but Silver had been just as mean; and they’d done they’re best to make her, Sweetie’s, and Applebloom’s days worse whenever they saw them, tried their hardest to make them mad or cry. Silver even had a mother and Scootaloo wanted, dearly wanted, to keep hating her like she had hated her, but… but she just couldn’t anymore.

Because Silver had lost a dear, dear friend, and Scootaloo knew exactly how terrible she felt. Sometimes she’d spot Silver following her mother around town, sad, silent, and looking… lost.

It was fairly clear that Silver had been Diamond’s only friend; it had become clear that Diamond had been Silver’s only friend. And Scootaloo sometimes felt just as lost as Silver did, in these new days without Sweetie.

Scootaloo glared at the grave, feeling her eyes growing wet again. She didn’t want to feel sad for either of them, so she instead told herself that the lack of flowers were proof that Diamond had not been well liked. Unlike Sweetie, who had many flowers.

Lots and lots of old flowers, Scootaloo thought as she moved back to Sweetie’s grave, sniffling, blinking teary eyes as she felt angry. All those not old or stale were flowers she’d left.

It was like only she still cared.

Like only she still remembered.

That thought sliced through the frail anger, and Scootaloo lowered her head, feeling tears tickling her face. She hadn’t been the only pony to leave flowers, just as she hadn’t been Sweetie’s only friend. Applebloom was a friend too. Or she had been.

Scootaloo understood that Applebloom couldn’t make a daily trip to Sweetie’s grave like she could. Her family farm needed her there most often, the trees were covered in green apples and all sorts of things had to be prepared for the eventual harvest and cider season and all the rest. She just didn’t have the time to make a daily trip to Sweetie’s grave, not when it was on the other side of Ponyville from the farm, and Scootaloo totally understood that, didn’t hold it against her even a little bit.

But to ask her who Sweetie was?

It hadn’t of mattered that she’d remembered a second after asking. It had been too late the moment she’d asked.

The three of them together had been friends for almost a year; it was maybe a month before the anniversary of when Sweetie and Scootaloo had come to Applebloom’s aid against Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at her party, and ever since, they’d been the best of friends together. They’d played together, spent time together, fended off the terrible duo together, they’d even started a club together and swore that they’d always be the best of friends.

And Applebloom forgot who Sweetie was.

It had been so shocking that Scootaloo had honestly been unable to comprehend what she had just heard at first. But Applebloom’s own shocked realization had made it all too clear that it really had just happened.

Scootaloo hadn’t even of waited for anything more than just Applebloom’s gasp of remembrance and shocked eyes; she’d fled. Ran away as fast as she could, hearing Applebloom scream apologies and pleas for her to stop; she didn’t. Hearing those apologies had only made it worse, because they didn’t matter. How could they?

Applebloom had forgotten Sweetie. She’d forgotten one of her best friends as easily as she might forget a chore.

And then, as she was running away from the farm, Rainbow Dash had flown down to ask her what was wrong and Scootaloo hadn’t been glad to see her then. She’d been mad, so very, very mad that her idol saw her crying and saw her weak, and she’d screamed at Rainbow to leave her alone. And Rainbow had given her the space she’d demanded to have quickly, even sort of looked like she maybe understood that Scootaloo hadn’t meant to scream at her, but her having been there at all had just made everything so much worse.

Scootaloo stomped hard then, tears leaking from tightly shut eyes. She could feel sorrow welling up in her, and she tried to beat it back with anger. Tried to remember the terrible things that Diamond and Silver had said and done before. Tried to be angry at Applebloom for forgetting Sweetie. Tried to be angry at Rainbow for not realizing that Scootaloo would never want to have her idol see her crying and weak. But none of it worked, the anger just making the sorrow bigger and stronger and harder and harder to hold back until Scootaloo gave a tiny sob.

Hearing herself make that sound startled her a little, and she swiftly wiped her teary eyes and checked her surroundings once again. The skies clear and bright, nopony to be seen anywhere nearby, she relaxed a little, and sniffled as she moved to stand in front of Sweetie’s grave, trying to focus on it.

“I, I’m back, Sweetie.” She began, her throat feeling tight, her throat hurting a little. She swallowed, firmly sniffled, again wiped her eyes, and continued, her voice a little better, “Apple, Applebloom… did, didn’t want to come. S, so it’s just y, you and, and me.” She said, doing her best to try and hold back the sorrow welling up inside her for just a little longer. “S, Scootaloo an, and S, Sweetie Belle! Jus, just like, like… o, old t, times, r, right, S, Sweetie?” she managed, ending in a squeak before she sobbed, unable to stop herself any longer. She sat down and covered her face, muffling her crying despite that she was confident that she was alone, and struggled to pull herself together; she wasn’t done talking to Sweetie just then.

“…hear me…!?”

After a few moments, she managed to stop crying, and sniffling, she struggled to speak through a pained throat, “I, I… I, I don’t kn, know wh, what to, to d, do any, any more, Swe, Sweetie.” Speaking that aloud made it impossible to stop any longer; Scootaloo sobbed and dropped onto her belly, throwing her legs over her head to muffle her wails.

“…that you hear me!”

The last time she’d cried like that was when she really, truly understood that Sweetie was gone; and that had hurt worse than anything else ever had, but it had been better than what she felt right then. Sweetie’s death had been, if nothing else, final; it couldn’t possibly be worse than what it was. What she then faced could be, and Scootaloo had no doubt that it was worst it possible could be.

She couldn’t even imagine happening across Applebloom. The mere thought of running into her again seemed a nightmare to Scootaloo, sure that Applebloom would try and apologize, sure that she wouldn’t care about a single word no matter how many tears her once best friend might cry. The only thing she could determine was that she never wanted to see Applebloom again, yet, couldn’t deny the fact that, in her heart, she wanted it to be different, terrified that it never, ever would be different.

Thus unable to even imagine a future to look forwards to, unable to even guess as to what she should do, Scootaloo completely broke down, her legs tightly over her head, muffling what would have been her bawling.

“…crying and listen!”

She wanted, needed somepony to turn to, somepony to rely on, but who could she? She didn’t know anypony enough to be this sad in front of, or even somepony she knew that might be able to help her even if she was willing to try. She’d already driven Rainbow Dash away, if she’d ever have gone to her idol with such a problem in the first place. The only pony that came to her mind was Applebloom; and that only because Applebloom had sobbed over Sweetie too.

Except she couldn’t go to Applebloom because she hated Applebloom now and she hated hating Applebloom now and everything had gone wrong and everything was horrible and nothing would ever make anything better and,


Scootaloo gasped, an icy shard of fear piercing through her as she recognized her name despite her despairing sobs and how quiet the cry had been. She near forced herself to stop crying, hurriedly got back to her hooves and vainly trying to dry her face with wet legs, gasping in some fear. The idea of somepony having found her bawling like a foal was terrifying, and if that was Applebloom calling her, her nightmare was only just starting…

“…hear me now that you’ve stopped!?”

After a moment, she managed to wipe her face using her shoulders, and with blurry vision, looked to try and spot where she’d heard her voice from. Despite the blur though, she didn’t see anypony nearby at all; and now that she was being quiet, had she really heard something, or was just the faint wind?

Answer me right…!”

Scootaloo startled a little, hearing rage in what sounded like the quietest yell ever, before stopping suddenly; it hadn’t come from far away, it had come from nearby.

From the graves.

She blinked, tears slowly drying, but there wasn’t anypony there, and despite that having been an angry shout, it had been as quiet as Fluttershy’s shyest whispering.

She then heard something that she first considered to be the wind before realizing that the sounds weren’t much like the wind at all, before startling a little again as she heard what sounded a little like a yell somehow weakly whispered, “Can you hear me!”

Blinking, staring at the graves, Scootaloo weakly nodded, hardly aware of having done so as she wiped at her eyes with a damp leg again before moving to quickly check behind the graves. Failing to see anypony behind them, or down the other side of the hill, she moved back in front, looking up at the tree and feeling certain that nopony could be hiding within the young tree’s top.

Then confident that the voice had come from the graves, Scootaloo asked, “S, Sweetie?” in a weak, trembling tone, the idea of somehow hearing her again too appealing and desired to have her dismiss the idea just because it was impossible… right?

“I am not her.” The answer came, clearer, but still so weirdly quiet, the answer itself making Scootaloo pause.

“…Then, then who,”

“Who I am is not important.” The voice interrupted, Scootaloo pausing, hearing its iron tone despite its ongoing whisper level of sound. “You need to listen to me.” It told her, Scootaloo staring between the graves where… something was, maybe?

There wasn’t anything there, but… the best way she could think of it was as if the air between the graves had gained a shape. Like something was invisible, yet somehow able to be seen just… not be seen at the same time.

Her confusion over what she was seeing, and the start of tentative idea of what she was hearing stopped as the voice asked her, “This Applebloom… is it true that they didn’t want to come or… have they forgotten?”

Over everything else, the realization that the strangely quiet voice knew what she had said when she had been speaking to Sweetie’s grave triumphed. The idea made her blood go cold and her face to warm, but… that it had been the voice, the weird invisible but not thing that had heard her, instead of a pony she could actually see made it… different. Tolerable.

So she didn’t deny it or try to run, instead struggling to ask, “H, how did you know that she for,”

“They did not do so on their own.” The voice snapped, Scootaloo pausing. Before she could ask, the voice told her, “They have been harmed.”

“H, harm,”

“They will not have been the sole victim, and what has hurt them wants you.” The voice interrupted again, firm. “You are in great danger.”

“I, I don’t get it!” Scootaloo objected, shaking her head as she tried to understand what she was speaking to, what she was seeing, even as she tried to consider what was being told to her. “Harmed, I’m in danger?” she asked, trying to pick out what seemed most important.

The voice didn’t clarify, however, as it instead told her, “You need to find Gentle Flowers.”

“G, Gentle?” Scootaloo asked, only more shocked for hearing that name then.

“She is a white filly about your size with dark purple hair.”

“I, I know her, but, but,”

“If you want to save yourself, you need to find Gentle, and quickly!” the voice snapped, almost sounding pained suddenly; a tone of desperation followed as it continued, fading away fast, “You’ve little time, for its hunt has already begun! Tell her a nightmare wants you! And when you do make sure to also tell...!

Scootaloo blinked, the thing she was and wasn’t seeing gone, hearing the voice fading into nothing, despite sounding like whoever was speaking was screaming louder and louder. After a moment, she asked, “M, make sure to what?”, but no response came, and no matter how hard she looked, there wasn’t anything there anymore. After a few moments more, Scootaloo sat down, and tried to think about what she’d just experienced.

She felt fairly confident in thinking that she’d just spoken and sort of seen a ghost; there was no better explanation for the invisible but not thing with the weird, super quiet voice she’d heard. However, ghosts weren’t supposed to be like that: they were supposed to look like ponies made out of fog or something, haunting scary places and scaring ponies, or even hurting them. Not being out in the sunlight at a grave not theirs, being invisible but not, and saying some shocking stuff.

Applebloom had been made to forget? She’d been hurt, maybe lots of ponies had been hurt? What had hurt Applebloom wanted her? She was in great danger? Its hunt had already started? She had to find Gentle, and quick, if she wanted to save herself?

Find that strange filly that gave Sweetie something strange to drink that had her go from falling asleep to awake and hyper in moments? The one that Sweetie had called a good friend despite having just met her and told Scootaloo and Applebloom to treat like somepony they already knew? The filly that had thrown Silver Spoon through the schoolhouse wall? The thief she’d seen stealing stuff and hearing all about, ‘Ponyville’s Little Thief’, the one that Rainbow had been so frustrated about not catching? The one that had caried Sweetie when Rarity revealed the truth of what had happened to everypony? That Gentle Flowers?

As for her being in danger… that she needed to find Gentle, and quick if she wanted to save herself… that something had already started hunting her…

Scootaloo stood up and looked around again. The day was bright and warm, the skies clear and blue, nothing was out of place, nothing seemed wrong or bad. But…

She didn’t feel safe anymore.

She had a goal at least; finding Gentle. Scootaloo shut her eyes and tried to remember; when last had she seen or heard of her? Ponies still talked about Ponyville’s Tiny Thief sometimes; she stole a ton of stuff, but none of that was helpful. She carried Sweetie into town when Rarity revealed the truth of the past weeks, but that had been weeks ago. She could have gone lots of places by now, but…

She’d carried Sweetie, not Rarity. That had to have meant something, and whatever it meant, it would mean something to Rarity. If she was lucky, Rarity would know exactly where Gentle Flowers was.

With a nod, Scootaloo got back to her hooves, took a second to look at Sweetie and Diamond’s graves again, another to see if anything strange was present, and then turned to hurry towards Carousel Boutique.