• Published 16th Jan 2024
  • 844 Views, 30 Comments


When she was in middle school, Sunset Shimmer suffered from what is called 'Middle-second syndrome'. Finding her past embarrassing, Sunset will try everything to start her high school journey quietly after moving out from her city.

  • ...

VI - Fluttershy, compassionate doormat and a little bit of kindness

“W-Wait… I-I can’t…” Sunset Shimmer tried between laughs. She had a hard time refraining her laughter at the sight in front of her.

“Not funny.” The boy in front of her responded.

Sunset, who had grabbed her desk chair to prevent herself from falling, looked away from the boy and tried to take back her breath.

“W-Wait a second… I just need a second…” She tried to calm herself as she breathed slowly.

When Sunset finally managed to retrieve her composure, she looked back at the boy…

And laughed harder than before.

“Nah man, I’m really sorry but I can’t!” She exclaimed, swiping out the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Flash Sentry sighed, “I don’t blame you… At least you’re sorry.” He stated as he glared at Red and Thunderlane who were both staring and laughing at him at the front of the class with a few of their classmates.

“Yeah… I was just trying to be polite.” Sunset admitted, her gaze not leaving Flash’s now bald head. A sunray through the window made its way right on top of it, making it shimmer in light.

It only made Sunset laugh harder. She turned around when she heard the classroom’s door opening, revealing Pinkie Pie.

“Good Morning everyone!” She greeted with a cheerful smile as she walked towards them, “Sunset, I can hear you laughing from the other side of the hallway! What is so funn-” she stopped herself at the sight of Flash in front of her.

She looked at him for a moment, remaining silent. She just stared at him with a shocked stare.

“P-Pinkie Pie, are you alright?” Flash tried as Pinkie couldn’t leave him from her sight.

Sunset laughed when Pinkie Pie didn’t make any answer. “I-I think you broke her!”

“W-What… Happened to your hair?” The pink girl asked in a whisper.

“What hair?” Sunset added with a devilish smirk towards Flash.

A single chuckle escaped Pinkie’s mouth. Then, another one. Her chuckle intensified and it quickly grew louder. Soon, she was laughing as hard as Sunset, falling on her back and grabbing both her sides.

“No way! He really did it!” Pinkie shouted as she repeatedly slammed her hands on the ground, “He really did it!”

“Of course I did!” Flash Sentry replied with a frown as he stomped the ground with his foot.

Thunderlane, Red and another girl Sunset never spoke to walked towards them. Thunderlane still laughing but Red seemed to have calmed down, even if he had a hard time to do so.

“H-Hey Flash,” Red started between two chuckles, “The reflection of your head is blinding people from the other side of the room.”

“You did a great work, man.” Thunderlane said to Red, “Not a single hair left.”

Pinkie only laughed harder and Sunset snorted. Flash rolled his eyes and crossed his arms with a sigh.

“W-Wait Flash, hair me out.” Sunset started, making Pinkie Pie tear up. “When you wash your face… How do you know when to stop?”

“Oh, I have one!” Thunderlane exclaimed, “You know what is pointless now? To tell him a hair-raising story!”

“Hey, don’t get a head start on me. I have one too,” Red added, “You know why Flash always seems calm and collected? Because he knows how to keep a cool head.”

“Guys, come on…” The other girl Sunset didn’t know started with a roll of her eyes as she tried to hide her snicker. She had long brown and curly hair with green eyes. “Don’t be too hard on him.”

“I-If he had his own Netflix show,” Pinkie started as she tried to get up, “It would be called Balding Bad!”

“Okay, okay I get it. I’m bald now, it’s funny. Ah ah ah.” Flash grumbled with a frown and a forced laugh. “We all had a good laugh. Can we move on now?”

“Whatever you say, Balder White.” Red snorted, making Pinkie Pie fall back on the ground.

“At least, his never going to have a bad hair day.” Sunset pointed out. “I’m kind of jealous.”

“A bad hair day for him would just be… A day!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Red helped her stand up.

“I’m never going to hear the end of it, right?” Flash sighed in defeat.

“Never!” All of them replied in unison, except the brown haired girl whom just giggled.

“Well, I am glad you kept your word Flash Sentry. As a true gentleman should have.” Rarity stated with elegancy as she approached them with a smile on her face. She made a small wave at Sunset, making her blush and look away. “And be reassured, I won’t be making fun of you.” She then looked at his head and made a polite chuckle that she tried to hide with her hand. “Or, I will at least try to.”

“Geez’, thanks.” Flash responded, unamused.

“You guys seems to have fun.” A voice behind Sunset stated.

Sunset turned around and grinned at Twilight who just came back from the restroom.

“What’s going on?” She innocently asked. “Did someone rolled a twenty and casted Tasha’s hideous laughter?”

“Tasha’s… What? No, Look!” Sunset laughed and stepped aside, pointing Flash’s head with her finger. “Flash’s aerodynamic now!”

They all laughed harder at Flash, whom accepted his fate as he just glared at them. Twilight remained calm and scratched her chin. After a second, she just shrugged.

“I think he pulls it off.” She stated.

“Really?” Flash asked with a faint blush on his cheeks, his eyes wide in surprise.

“Really?!” The rest of the group of friends asked.

“Really.” Twilight nodded. “A bald head is the ultimate power move.”

“Hopefully,” Red stated as he shrugged and started to walk back to his desk with Thunderlane and the other girl following him. “Now we can expect to see Superman coming around… Now that Lex Luthor is in our class.”

“At least he’s not in a wheelchair… I would be afraid if he tried to read my mind!” Pinkie Pie chuckled as she sat at her own desk.

“I’ll reassure you Pinkie, no one’s ever going to try to read your mind.” Sunset replied as she sat on her chair too. “I at least hope so, for their own sanity.”

Pinkie laughed, “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Flash Sentry silently sat on his own chair in defeat. “I deserve that.” He mumbled.

He quietly watched Twilight as she walked to her desk and took place on her chair. He thought back at what she said earlier, making him blush.

“So... Sunset…” Twilight started as Sunset and herself walked through the gates as they headed home after a long day of school. “Tomorrow is the school’s club day. All of the clubs are going to make presentations for the new students.”

“Yeah, and?” Sunset asked.

Twilight made her way in front of Sunset and stopped, facing her, forcing the fiery haired girl to stop as well. “Do you know what club you’ll be interested in? I heard Pinkie Pie wanted to check out the pastry club.”

“I don’t know. There’s that girl, Raven I think, who invited me in her literature club.” She shrugged, “I’ll see tomorrow I guess… And I’m surprised you’re interested in those kind of things.” Sunset replied as she raised an eyebrow.

“Of course I’m interested!” Twilight quickly glanced around her as she made a step forward and continued in a whisper, “I’m convinced that the evil organization is secretly watching over this school… I’m pretty sure one of those clubs is just a cover for their malicious intent.”

“Uh-uh.” Sunset nodded with a deadpanned stare.

“And tomorrow, my mission will be to discover what those intentions are!” The glasses wearing girl stated with conviction as she raised her fist. “They don’t know what’s coming for them!”

“Oh yeah, they have no idea.” Sunset rolled her eyes and walked around Twilight to resume her walk back home.

“P-Please, someone?” Both Sunset and Twilight heard a small voice begging.

Sunset looked in that direction and saw Fluttershy handing flyers to the students who were completely ignoring her as they walk past her.

“C-Canterlot’s animal shelter could really use your help!” Fluttershy tried with her quiet voice. “Think about all of those p-poor animals that only wants to be loved and cherished!”

“Hey, I remember her!” Twilight started, “That’s the cat girl!”

Sunset sighed, “Fluttershy. Her name is Fluttershy, Twilight.”

Fluttershy handed a flyer to a passing student. “Would you want to-” The boy walked past her, not even giving her a look. “No? Oh, that’s okay…” Fluttershy stated, defeated. She tried again when a girl approached, “And you? Those kind animals surely would…” The girl ignored her and continued her walk. “Oh alright…”

Sunset started to feel bad for the poor girl as she watched the students ignoring her.

“Hey, if it isn’t my favorite doormat in school!” A boyish voice called.

A girl with short white hair and a brown leather jacket walked towards Fluttershy with a smirk on her face. Sunset could swear she saw fear in Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Oh, h-hi Gilda…” Fluttershy started, curling up on herself.

“Didn’t I already told you that it was Miss Gilda to you?” Gilda stated as she stopped in front of the shy girl.

“Y-Yes! Sorry!” Fluttershy quickly replied.

Gilda rapidly grabbed Fluttershy’s pile of flyers, making the poor girl wimp. “What the hell is that?” She asked with a disgusted look. “You’re still trying to recruit people for your stupid animal shelter?” She made a forced loud laugh, “You really are pathetic! Who would want to go in a dirty and stinky place like that?”

Fluttershy didn’t answered as she started to tear up.

“Oi! I asked you a question!” Gilda shouted to her as she shoved Fluttershy on the ground and threw the pile of flyers over her shoulder, the papers scattering away with the wind.

Twilight frowned at that sight. “Sunset? Shouldn’t we… Sunset?” She tried as she looked next to her and saw that Sunset was already gone.

“Hey, you!” Sunset called, now only a few feet behind Gilda.

Gilda turned around and gave her a dark glare. “What?!”

“How dare you speak to her that way?” Sunset stated, fury in her eyes. A few of their fellow students started to gather around them.

“What did you just said?” Gilda asked her, slowly walking towards her until they were just a few inches apart.

“I said…” Sunset continued, making the last step. Now both girls were face to face. “How dare you speak to her that way?!”

“Are they going to fight?” Sunset heard a student whisper.

“Should we call a teacher?” Another girl asked.

Twilight gulped, “S-Sunset…” She tried.

Both Sunset and Gilda stared at each other for a moment. Then, Gilda smirked and walked past Sunset, bumping into her with her shoulder.

“You’re lucky we’ve got a crowd.” She simply stated as she walked away.

Sunset watched her silently as Gilda disappeared in the crowd.

“Woaw Sunset, you were so cool!” Twilight stated as she ran towards her friend.

Sunset lets out a relieved sigh, “Yeah, well… I’m actually glad she didn’t start a fight. Pretty sure she would’ve knocked my teeth out.”

Twilight blew a raspberry, “What are you talking about? You’re the God Princess of Flames, she had no chances against you.”

“Sure.” Sunset replied with a roll of her eyes as she turned around.

She kneeled next to Fluttershy who was sat on the ground, hiding her face behind her knees.

“Are you okay Fluttershy?” Sunset tried as she put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Y-Yes…” Fluttershy whispered, “T-Thank you, Sunset…”

Sunset grabbed Fluttershy’s hand and helped her getting back to her feet, “No problem. What’s her deal anyway?”

“G-Gilda’s always making fun of me when Rainbow Dash’s not around…” Fluttershy admitted.

“Well, don’t worry. From now on, I’ve got your back.” Sunset beamed.

Fluttershy blushed as she looked at the ground, “You’re very kind Sunset…”

“Hell yeah, she is!” Twilight quickly added, handing to Fluttershy the pile of flyers she had retrieved on the ground.

Fluttershy gently took it and thanked Twilight with a smile. Sunset grabbed one of the flyers and took a closer look at it.

“So, you still need some help at that animal shelter of yours?” Sunset tried.

Fluttershy’s face showed a mixture of surprise and excitement, “Y-You’re serious?”

“Of course I am.” Sunset happily nodded, “Twilight and I would be happy to help you.”

“Uh… I do?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“You do.” Sunset stated, giving her a look.

“That would be great!” Fluttershy stated with glee. “W-Well in that case, if you girls have nothing else to do right now… We could go straight away.”

“Actually, there’s some magical perturbation near the park and I was thinking of investigating it-”

Sunset slammed her hand on Twilight’s mouth to stop her from talking, “We would love to, Fluttershy…” then she quickly removed her hand from Twilight’s face. “Ew, Twilight! Did you just lick my hand?” She asked with a disgusted look as she wiped her hand on her jacket.

Twilight’s only reply was a faint giggle.

She was cornered. Twilight had her back against the wall, sword in both hands, facing two gigantic monsters. She wiped out the blood on her face and tightened her grip on the sword as she raised it in front of her. Facing her, a monstrous Manticore and a starving Cerberus were looking down on her, waiting for her to make a move.

She concentrated herself as she lets her dark magic flow through her veins. Black tentacles made out of smoke appeared around her, she jumped forward and sliced at the Manticore with a war cry.

“Take that!” She yelled.

“Twilight… What the heck are you doing?” An unamused Sunset Shimmer asked, a drop of sweat on her forehead as she helped Fluttershy moving around big bags of pet food. She watched Twilight in the corner of the room, a broom in her hands, playing with a puppy and a cat. “There’s still a lot of those bags, so it will be great if… You know… You helped a bit?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and put the broom away. She kneeled in front of the puppy and scratched it behind its ears, to its delight. “I already told you, someone as to watch these monsters while you guys are working. I would never forgive myself if they attacked you while I’m here.”

“Twilight Sparkle. Come help this instant or I’m going to hurt you.”

“It’s okay Sunset…” Fluttershy stated when she dropped another bag in the corner of the room and opened it. “They’re happy to have someone to play with. Usually, it’s just me…” She then proceeded to put pet food on several bowls. “Can you take bowls over there and put some water in them?”

“Sure.” Sunset said as she quickly did was she was told to do, “But you and Pinkie said multiple times that you have a rather large group of friends. Why aren’t they helping you?”

“Oh well, you know… Rainbow Dash usually have soccer practice after school, Applejack has to work on her farm and Pinkie Pie is working with her aunt.” Fluttershy explained, “Rarity comes by, from time to time…”

“Wait…” Sunset stopped and put the bowl she was holding on a table as she turned around to face Fluttershy, “You are friend with Rarity?”

“Of course.” Fluttershy nodded. She gave Sunset and incredulous look, “Didn’t Pinkie Pie told you?”

“Well, she mentioned it, but Pinkie’s friend with everyone. I just… Didn’t realized Rarity was a part of your group.” Sunset stated as she looked away. An image of Rarity smiling at her appeared in her mind.

‘Damnit, I should really start to hang out with Pinkie more.’ She thought, not realizing the blush on her cheeks.

“S-Sunset are you okay?” Fluttershy asked with worry.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, why?”

“You’re red! You may have a heatstroke, maybe you should rest a bit…”

“Oh, no!” Sunset quickly added when she realized the heat in her cheeks and dismissed Rarity’s pretty face out of her mind. “I’m fine really!”

“Really? Because it seemed like…” Fluttershy started.

“I said I’m fine!” Sunset quickly squeaked as she looked away and started pouring more water in the bowls.

“O-Okay then…”

Twilight who was listening the conversation gave Sunset an inquisitive glare. Sunset noticed it and gulped, “What?”

“God Princess of Flames...” Twilight started, a serious tone in her voice as she marched towards her.

“God princess of… What?” Fluttershy asked, lost.

“Ignore her.” Sunset quickly added.

“You’ve soon reached your maximum potential and obtained the status of God Queen of Flames, so don’t let those trivial mortal things get in your way.” Twilight said, stopping in front of Sunset and folding her arms. Sunset could tell Twilight seemed bothered about something.

“Sometimes, I really have a hard time following you Twilight.” Sunset said, “And believe me, I try.”

“I’ve seen enough movies to notice what’s going on.” She then pointed an accusatory finger in Sunset’s direction, “You’re in love with Rarity!”

Sunset lets out a small shriek of surprise, dropping a bowl full of water on the ground, startling poor Fluttershy.

“W-W-What a-are you t-talking about Twi’?” Sunset stuttered as her face became as red as a tomato.

“Sunset is that true?” A curious Fluttershy asked with innocence.

“N-No!” Sunset yelled, maybe a bit too loud, “S-She has no idea what she’s talking about! And ‘love’ is such a strong word! I d-don’t even know her that much!”

“But you would like to.” Twilight quickly added with a frown.

Sunset looked around to find the nearest exit, “You’re imagining things Twilight!”

“Am I?” Twilight asked again. Her scrutinizing glare not leaving Sunset.

“I… I…”

“Twilight, that is quite enough.” Fluttershy gently stated as she put a gentle hand on Sunset’s back, “You’re making Sunset uncomfortable.”

Twilight then realized what she did and quickly looked away, biting her lips. “R-Right, sorry Sunset! I didn’t want to-”

“I-It’s okay! Let’s just not… Talk about that ever again. Like ever. Again. Ever again.” Sunset said with panic.

“R-right.” Twilight said, scratching her arm.

Both girls were standing in front of each other but looking in opposite directions. Fluttershy’s eyes went from Sunset to Twilight and her eyes went wide. A small chuckle escaped her mouth when she saw Twilight’s expression.

“W-What?” Twilight asked, embarrassed.

“Nothing.” Fluttershy stated with a smile as she resumed putting food in the bowls, “I noticed something too.”

Both Twilight and Sunset looked at each other, trying to understand what Fluttershy meant by that.

Author's Note:

sup guys

you should watch Frieren, its quite good

Comments ( 1 )

“Yeah… I was just trying to be polite.” Sunset admitted, her gaze not leaving Flash’s now bald head. A sunray through the window made its way right on top of it, making it shimmer in light.

Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

“At least, his never going to have a bad hair day.” Sunset pointed out. “I’m kind of jealous.”

he's never gonna have a bad hair day."*

“I’m never going to hear the end of it, right?” Flash sighed in defeat.

Nope. :ajsmug:

“I’ll reassure you Pinkie, no one’s ever going to try to read your mind.” Sunset replied as she sat on her chair too. “I at least hope so, for their own sanity.”

You did in another reality. :trollestia:

He quietly watched Twilight as she walked to her desk and took place on her chair. He thought back at what she said earlier, making him blush.

took place in her chair.*

Twilight blew a raspberry, “What are you talking about? You’re the God Princess of Flames, she had no chances against you.”

If she had actual powers. :pinkiecrazy:

Sunset slammed her hand on Twilight’s mouth to stop her from talking, “We would love to, Fluttershy…” then she quickly removed her hand from Twilight’s face. “Ew, Twilight! Did you just lick my hand?” She asked with a disgusted look as she wiped her hand on her jacket.

And here I thought only Hunter from Owl House did that. :applejackunsure:

Twilight rolled her eyes and put the broom away. She kneeled in front of the puppy and scratched it behind its ears, to its delight. “I already told you, someone as to watch these monsters while you guys are working. I would never forgive myself if they attacked you while I’m here.”

someone has to watch these monsters*
Also, they're not monsters! :flutterrage:

“It’s okay Sunset…” Fluttershy stated when she dropped another bag in the corner of the room and opened it. “They’re happy to have someone to play with. Usually, it’s just me…” She then proceeded to put pet food on several bowls. “Can you take bowls over there and put some water in them?”

in several bowls.*

“Oh well, you know… Rainbow Dash usually have soccer practice after school, Applejack has to work on her farm and Pinkie Pie is working with her aunt.” Fluttershy explained, “Rarity comes by, from time to time…”

usually has soccer practice after school,*
At least Rarity does which is good. :pinkiehappy:

“Wait…” Sunset stopped and put the bowl she was holding on a table as she turned around to face Fluttershy, “You are friend with Rarity?”

friends with Rarity?"*

“Well, she mentioned it, but Pinkie’s friend with everyone. I just… Didn’t realized Rarity was a part of your group.” Sunset stated as she looked away. An image of Rarity smiling at her appeared in her mind.

Pinkie's friends with everyone.*

“Sometimes, I really have a hard time following you Twilight.” Sunset said, “And believe me, I try.”

Same. :applejackconfused:

Glad to be caught up with this story. Aside from Twilight's behavior and a few mistakes, I've been enjoying this story. I've read only a few eqg stories where Sunset has always been human and there's no magic business whatsoever. :scootangel:

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