• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th



Twilight begins investigating the recent appearance of a monster by the name of Skull Mask. Desperate to prove that it doesn't exist, her investigation leads her to a horrible realization.

Edited by Viperxix, and Ryan Darling

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I'm intrigued. This seems fairly legit.

That ending. It is horrible.

I dunno; Same preferences I guess.1419292

1419110 For future reference what is it about the ending you disliked. If it's the twist, well can't help you there because that was the whole point but was it something in the way it was written?

I just didn't really like how it didn't exactly fit the rest of the story. It was a little rushed, and the elves' hatred for ponies was a little weird too. Maybe it would have been better to have a human help her, or something. Something to just give it a little more closure.

1420056 I didn't mean for the elf to look like he hated ponies more just that he was a psycho, the part about it feeling rushed on reflection i do see. I will admit also to having trouble balancing hinting towards the twist while also trying not to spoil it. The part about lack of closure is also something that was semi-intentionalish. I wanted the story to have kind of an ambiguous ending (despite the fact that in my blogs i mentioned that i had already planned a sequel story) mostly as a stylistic choice.

Also technically Nero helped her by not killing or restraining her while the elf caught up :trollestia:

But seriously thank you for the constructive criticism :heart:

You are welcome. I hate people who dislike fics for no reason, and then don't give feedback.

“Are you afraid?”

reminds me of a TV show something about being afraid and then told its a joke.

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