• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 1,046 Views, 17 Comments

A World with One Demon - PoH

Before Kokushibo can experience true peace, he must overcome a final promise he made to his brother.

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The Broken, the Beaten, and the Damned

Kokushibo, taking advantage of the fertile land his cottage sat upon, had become an accomplished gardener over the years. Sweet would come over for some weekends and assist in his gardening chores. While Kokushibo would do the heavy lifting of soil, tilling, and fertilizing, Sweet would sow any seeds and water any plants that needed tending to. His cottage became overgrown, the lush nature living symbiotically with the demon. The vines began to hang freely over the brush and moss that took hold on the roof of his abode. Grass grew tall and strong around every inch of his home, minus the pathway leading to his front door. The flowers grew bright and healthy in any spot in between. It was today that he finally cultivated healthy spider lilies. The deep red they gave off reminded him of home. From what faded memories of Japan he can recall, the flowers were the most beautiful and memorable to him. He gave each flower a special set of attention, making sure they didn’t fall to rot or overhydration. His tender care led to bushels of flowers he grew and gave to the Smith family as well as many villagers within Ponyville. But today bore forth something new, as Sweet called for Kokushibo to come outside to his special lilies.

“Koki!” Sweet called through one of the windows of the cottage, surprise struck a smile across her face. “Come here! Something just happened while I was watering the flowers!”

Kokushibo raised an eyebrow while knelt over his potted living room plants, a small watering can in hand. He placed the watering can onto a table and exited his home to go around to the back where he had a low fence to defend his most precious flowers. Sweet stood amongst them, careful not to step upon any. He approached and saw nothing out of the ordinary, each lily gently swaying to the light crosswind that floated by. The lilies grew some of the brightest reds, standing out amongst his garden of cultivated flowers of pastels. Even so, he worried something may have happened to his most precious plants.

“What’s the problem, Sweet? Did something get into the garden?” As Kokushibo approached, Sweet looked over her own shoulder towards him, waving her hand forward for him to stand by her. He did so and followed her eyes towards the ground. His eyes grew wide at the sight before him. Among the pond of vibrantly red lilies, sat a singular lily with the most contrasting cobalt hue to it. It almost glowed with the glittering water droplets that rolled around in its petals. It grew at no size difference from the other normal lilies, making Kokushibo understand further why he never noticed anything out of the ordinary. He knew for a fact that every day for the past few months, all of the flowers grew red, including this one.

“Nothing got into the garden. But look at that one!” Sweet was excited, staring in absolute awe. Her eyes transfixed by the beauty of this flower she’d never seen before.

“The Blue Spider Lily…” Kokushibo whispered to himself. He then addressed Sweet. “Where did it come from, Sweet?”

“You’re not going to believe me,” Sweet said, tearing her attention from the flower, “but it was one of the regular ones. Then, suddenly it turned blue while I was watering it right as the sun rose! Like the sun turned it blue.” She put her water can down and squatted down to get a closer look at the lily. She began reaching over for it, curious about its strange transformation. “Can I-” She was pulled back on her shoulder by Kokushibo’s hand before she could finish her question. She stumbled back, trampling a couple of lilies by accident as she yelped in surprise. Kokushibo paid no mind to his ruined group of flowers.

“Don’t touch it, Sweet.” Kokushibo scolded worriedly. “I’m sorry for pulling you all of a sudden.” He pulled her up to her feet and helped her dust off her clothes as she expressed her forgiveness before switching quickly to curiosity again. “That flower may be beautiful…but it carries a terrible curse that I don’t want to risk befalling onto you.” He looked at the lily again. He couldn’t believe that the forefront of his work as a demon sat just before him. The flower that Muzan had done nothing but obsess insanely over for centuries longer than Kokushibo himself had even been alive now showed itself here. A flower that seemed to transcend universes as it appeared to him now, as far as possible from the man who so desperately sought after it. The amount of lives lost and destroyed for such a small flower was deplorable and disgusting, to say the least. It almost made Kokushibo laugh morbidly at the thought. He found it as the most cosmic form of justice and irony towards him and the demon king.

“What kind of curse?” Sweet asked, now wary of the flower while still finding it as the most beautiful flower she’d ever seen.

“Eternal life…” Kokushibo said, Sweet scrunching her face at that.

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” She chuckled.

“But at the cost of your humanity?” Kokushibo’s eyes fell with a melancholic tone to his voice, Sweet’s chuckle and smirk fell at the thought. “It’s how you…become a demon. You’d live nothing short of a cursed eternity that you would want nothing more than to be rid of, Sweet.”

“Ohhhh.” Sweet oohed, understanding Kokushibo’s concern. She took a small step back from the flower, now intent on avoiding it altogether. Kokushibo stepped forward with care, donning his gardening gloves. He took up a tilling shovel and carefully dug beneath the flower. Assuming the flower would be very fragile due to its elusive nature, he was very gentle in each movement and shift of the soil. As he lifted the soil and the flower’s roots perfectly with it, his and Sweet’s eyes widened at what happened next. The flower wilted and withered rapidly before their eyes. The brilliant blue faded into the most depressing gray. The petals grew wrinkled as every part of the once beautiful flower crinkled into a sickly black. “Oh no! Koki, the flower!” Despite Sweet’s worry and distraught reaction, Kokushibo only looked in intrigue. It was then, Kokushibo knew that this was indeed the same flower that turned Muzan into the demon king. He could almost feel and smell the curse leaving the now dead flower. He let the corpse of the flower fall to the soil, the flower now crumbling to an ash-like substance and drifting away with the light spring breeze, never to be seen again.

“How interesting.” Kokushibo pondered out loud. “Perhaps the hands of a demon could never hold the lily to begin with. Ha.” Kokushibo smiled almost into another chuckle. His thoughts trailed back to the Infinite Castle. The demon slayers..,they were strong…as strong as the Golden Age of Demon Slayers…perhaps even more so… If Muzan were not defeated… then I’d wish to see the disappointment and rage in his face to find he’d need human hands to help him achieve true immortality with the ability to conquer the sun… just as I have… and the Kamado girl. No. The Demon Slayers most definitely persevered… but to never see my true home with demons eradicated…

“I’m sorry about your flower, Koki.” Sweet interrupted his thoughts with a voice as smooth as silk. “I picked this one for you.” She held out a particularly deep red spider lily, roots completely intact, toward Kokushibo. Once he laid his eyes on her smiling face, the morning sun skating lightly over her youthful features, he couldn’t help but feel the same joy that filled her heart. The red complemented her auburn hair and bright blue eyes. “I hope you like this one instead.” He reciprocated her beaming smile, happily accepting the lily. He couldn’t help but feel the unyielding wave of emotion that fell over him at the kind gesture that Sweet offered him. The crown jewel of his garden now sits in his hand, strong and vibrant. All the while, the blue spider lily blew away with the breeze, not to be seen again.

My old home… is just that. This here… this is my true home.


“You understand the…! The impertinence We see in this decision, by Our sister, yes?” Princess Luna looked out of her large window, her arms folded behind her. Her eyes were trained on the moon, her flowing hair more snappy and irritated. Captain Arrowhead stood next to Luna’s desk, his expression obviously disgruntled as well. Kokushibo’s old emblem now sat welded to Arrowhead’s right pauldron. Kokushibo stood, centered and opposite of Luna's desk, giving his utmost attention to the Princess and not her Champion. The moonlight spilled into the room, making the tense air a little bit less thick. Still, the air hung heavy, able to leave normal men’s stomachs wound in the tightest knots.

“‘Impertinence… is a strong word, Princess.” Kokushibo answered carefully so as not to anger her. It had been a few months that Kokushibo had been Celestia’s Champion. In the meantime, Luna had made herself invisible to Kokushibo’s senses. This was the first time she made herself available to speak. Even so, he was there solely upon her request. “It’s not a word I’d use lightly in the presence of you or your sister.”

“Then what word would you use?” Luna shot back immediately, cutting off any other thought Kokushibo wanted to express. Kokushibo thought carefully once again. He knew the decision was uncalled for and was seemingly inconsiderate of Luna’s own decision for her choice of Champion. All just to be overturned by her older sister. He saw the similarity between these two sisters and him and his brother. The same way she felt enraged about this decision that wasn’t hers, Kokushibo felt about the decision made for him that wasn’t his. His brother was then meant to stay home while he was meant to be sent to a monastery.

“Perhaps I’d use… something along the lines of… unconcerned?” Kokushibo shifted in place, Captain Arrowhead looking at the demon with stoicism that Kokushibo could read past. He was very clearly unhappy with the decision made as well, yet he held his tongue as the conversation didn’t concern him directly.

“Unconcerned.” Luna repeated Kokushibo’s choice of word. She played with the word in her head, examining each angle of the word and what it could possibly mean. “Kokushibo, do you know why We chose you to be Our Champion? Above strength and diplomacy? The true reason?” Kokushibo waited in silence, motionlessly signaling Luna to continue. “We chose you because We felt you of all people could understand our position.” She turned around entirely, now approaching the desk. Kokushibo noticed the major difference on her face. Her once cyan eyes were now obviously a brilliant aquamarine. Cat-like slits took the shape over her normally round irises. Her gaze pierced the space between them, striking Kokushibo at his heart with resentment. “Something between us had resonated. We thought… you would understand Us.” Her face contorted bitterly as she leaned forward over her desk, all the while Kokushibo held gloomy eye contact. “You with your brother, We thought you also see the resemblance…”

“I’d be a fool if I hadn’t.” Kokushibo responded bluntly but in low volume. Before he could continue, Luna fumed as her eyes began to glow.

“Then why?!” She exclaimed, her volume nearly expanding the room and weighing greatly on Kokushibo’s spirit. “Did you not accept the position?! Are you not bearing Her sigil?” She looked down on the emblem sitting at Kokushibo’s collarbone with disdain. “What have you done to defend Our decision?!” Her flowing hair of stars and space flowed more erratically. It almost became alive in how it slowly began to rise from her shoulders. The moon behind her poured more and more light into the room like a spotlight to where Kokushibo stood. The once gentle light now seemed to burn him like the sun would on Equestria’s hottest days. His body now became unnerved and fearful. His palms perspired lightly as he tried to develop a response. It had been weeks since the Transparent World had completely left him at the Fillydelphia festival. His extra set of eyes grew dim and unhelpful. The eyes upon his sword also lost their sight. With his original two human eyes that remained clear and unhindered, they couldn’t see the growing fury that now flowed through Luna’s body. But there was enough information upon her face to give Kokushibo the most obvious clues.

“I explained to Princess Celestia,” Kokushibo began, standing as tall as he could against Luna’s overwhelming presence, “that such a decision was not wise, no matter how beneficial she made it appear afterward. She is a Princess, such as yourself… Perhaps, convening and speaking amicably could benefit-”

“ENOUGH!” Luna’s voice now thundered, her eyes now glowing so brightly that the finer details hid behind the emanating light. Her hair flared indigo, the stars twinkling fiercely. “We will not be lectured by you! Remember your place, Champion!” Kokushibo didn’t flinch. He stowed his concern and fear. He had no advantage here should Luna get violent and he knew this. His worry faded as Luna’s flaring hair calmed as it fell lightly back onto her shoulders and the shining light from her eyes faded. She craned her neck and took a deep breath and exhaled, still leaning over her desk. She brought her head back up, her eyes filled with defeat. “Our word, when compared to Our sister’s, feels trivial. We feel…”

“...Forgotten…?” Kokushibo attempted to finish her sentence as she fished for the word. He disregarded Luna’s outburst, standing true to what made him so valuable to both Princesses: his ability to be honest and observant in the face of authority and power.

“Such a strong word to use in regards to a Princess, Kokushibo.” Luna’s face returned to a bitter state as she stared down his own. “You use it so loosely with Us. What word would you use in place of Our sister, I wonder?” Kokushibo felt boxed in. He knew how this looked, and it didn’t look good for him. Luna’s gaze did not relent, her eyes locked on Kokushibo's. “The question is not rhetorical, Kokushibo. Speak your answer!”

“I… have… no answer.” Kokushibo’s eyes were glazed with many emotions and thoughts. Luna visibly tried to relax her gaze and stance, but her true feelings were overpowering her physical attempts at softening her posture. She stood up straight with her chin up.

“Kokushibo, you of all people know exactly as We feel. In fact, We’d say you know worse.” Luna empathized, trying to soften her frustrated tone. “We lay in Our room, sunrise to sunset, wondering if there would be anyone else that could begin to understand.” She turned her back towards Kokushibo and returned to the large window once again. “And We thought that person could be you. Children, one born of moonlight and the other of sunlight. Both bound by unbreaking love and care. Still, one must bear the lesser light. Our…Brother, bore no light, yet he became the light that dots our skies every night. Neglect runs in our family. The greaters have rule over the lessers. Perhaps, it was meant to be. Perhaps, this is the law of the universe and all universes outside of Our perception!” Her head raised to the flickering stars of her night. “Perhaps there is justice in what you chose long ago, Kokushibo. A crucial moment between brothers that were set worlds apart.”

“Princess, there was no justice in what I chose that day.” Kokushibo, with pleading eyes, crashed his words into hers. “You know it was cowardice and weakness that drove me to turn into what I’ve become!” Kokushibo raised his voice more, trying his best to be heard by Luna’s deepest, darkest recesses of her mind. “Princess Luna, I implore you, do not make a rash decision as I have. The fate of Equestria may now be in your hands.”

Princess Luna did not move or react openly to Kokushibo’s words. Her emotions and plots are now a complete mystery to her former Champion. He couldn’t help but see a specter of himself standing next to her at the window. His human self alongside the Princess stood against a wall of darkness, the abyss staring back at Michikatsu. It beckoned and called, a sound once inaudible to him when he was human. Having been consumed by the darkness that now stared Luna in the face, Kokushibo wanted nothing more than to grab Luna and pull her away from that edge. It’s a leap he knew not many are capable of taking, and even fewer could even think of coming back from. He made the leap, thanks to his own brother, but his circumstances were an exceptional exception. His human self took that step in that moment, his form fading into the darkness. Then walked back his demonized self from the same abyss, six-eyes with the capability to bring scores of demons and demon slayers to their knees with just a look. Pure evil emanated from this version standing at the precipice of the dark, almost reaching out to Luna. Her body continued to not move, not seeing the darkness but inching her first step forward.

“Thank you for the advisory, Kokushibo.” Luna said flatly, her eyes locked onto the night sky. “You may remove yourself now. We apologize for distracting you from your duty here.” Every ounce of anger that had once populated the air around Luna had now evaporated. Kokushibo felt no malice in Luna’s words or tone. It haunted him, leaving a ghostly dagger hanging over him ready to drop. He bowed respectfully, earning no audience from the Princess. He left as quietly as he entered, the hallway lit softly and dim. The spectral guards stood vigilantly on either side of Luna’s study doors and paid no mind to him.

He stood for a moment, quickly rehashing the events inside the room. Everything said now came back to him with more clarity each time he recalled it. He couldn’t help but dig into what Luna was saying and, above all, what she implied. Her frustration was elementary to understand, but it was her intentions that still bothered Kokushibo to his core. She was just vague enough to keep Kokushibo from going to her sister with alarm, but specific enough to have him keep his guard up. He worried that she would take that final step; her power and range far exceeding his, ready to turn the whole kingdom upside down. Still, she hesitated in a moment of vulnerability. She showed Kokushibo that she was there, ready to jump in the dark and never be seen again. He couldn’t help but think that, even though he was in no place to talk on equal terms with her, he should’ve done more to pull her away from the cruel fate she was considering damning herself to.

He sauntered through the hallways, making his way to his true purpose of being here under order of Princess Celestia: the Twin Forge. A massive forge built deep in the rock from a well of flame and magma. The well split into two exposed vents that made a natural forge within the cliffside that the two sisters sat upon. When the castle was built, the chamber was exposed when the King and Queen of old ordered the miners to access the known power within. The Forge had two wells: one pooled molten magma, the heat able to be used in the smithing process of some of the hardest metals Equus had to offer. This magma was particularly formidable and akin to “the dragonfire of a horde of a hundred dragons,” or so the first smithy of the forge quoted. The second was another pool of magma, but this one did not have the natural qualities of molten magma. The pigment was a calming aqua, and the heat would be nearly nonexistent. It didn’t writhe or bubble, rather it would sit calmly, waiting for its next weapon. It worked as a treatment for forged weapons from, and only from, the first forge. Any weapon worked on in the first forge that was brought and placed within here would drain the contents of the pool. The properties that would enchant the weapon were of some of the most powerful magic seen throughout all of Equus. The weapon would be a conduit for magical abilities and enhance the base physical sharpness and strength of a weapon beyond the capabilities of the best smithies Equestria could offer. Once the weapon would be pulled from the magma, the pool would grow dark and cold for an indeterminate amount of time outside the knowledge of even the Princesses.

Kokushibo descended the stairs into the Forge, noticing the brick of this section of the castle to be particularly old. The stone ridged where condensation would have trickled down over eons since the initial construction of the hallway leading to the Forge. Open gutters lined the edge of the walkway towards the Forge, running water from the surface flowing in a stream towards the growing heat. Passing through an archway, the Forge’s heat laid over Kokushibo like a blanket. The main forge generating the most heat, it seemed to grow from the blackened rock to ten feet high. Scaffolding surrounded the Forge, for the smithy’s apprentices to tend to any weapons potentially being worked. Only some weapons were worked in the Twin Forge, usually officer or ceremonial weapons. Next to the towering first Forge was the second Forge standing at a contrary one-foot tall. The contents were cold and black, as many of the apprentices sat on its edge and seemed to use the coolness to take their breaks and lunches. Smaller forges using normal coals surrounded the Twin Forge for training and general smithing. As per tradition, the head smithy and his journeymen were the only ones trained to use the Twin Forge via word of mouth and ancient text stored in the forge’s very small archive. The Forge was a loud place. Noise filled the entire space with metalwork. It was almost deafening for Kokushibo’s unacclimated ears.

As Kokushibo stepped forward, wary of the dangerous nature of this forge, the head smithy noticed him enter. He made his way over to Kokushibo with quickness, moving between and past his many apprentices. Kokushibo noticed the stocky man approaching him and took note that he was the head smithy, his elder age giving Kokushibo the biggest clue of his seniority. His apron was as stained and aged as the old man’s skin. His eyelids were visibly thick, definitely from years of working near the forges and defending his eyes from embers and soot. His toolbelt was strapped tightly to his sturdy frame, hand tools hung from hooks and straps off of his belt. He had a cheery demeanor, his lips curled into a smile.

“Good evening, Champion!” The head smithy stuck his hand out to Kokushibo. It was blackened and, when Kokushibo shook his hand, it was as hard as concrete. “It’s an honor to have you here.”

“Thank you for having me.” Kokushibo strained to respond, trying to keep his eyes open in the heat and harsh air quality. His nose and throat burned with the growing heat. “The Princess requested I fetch something for her. A package?”

“Yes!” The smithy exclaimed loudly. He turned quickly and began to speed off as Kokushibo tried his best to stay close behind. As he moved deeper into the chamber, Kokushibo’s breathing became more and more labored while the head smithy was unhindered and unbothered. He guided Kokushibo to a back room built into the rock where they stored commissioned weapons. Right at the entrance of the room was a packaged box, wrapped in parchment and knotted together by string. The head smithy lifted the box to Kokushibo. “Here you are.” The smithy confirmed with a jaunty smile. “Between you and me, that one was a tough one.” He gestured to the box now in Kokushibo’s hands. It was a particularly long box for what Kokushibo could only assume was a weapon.

“Thank you, blacksmith.” Kokushibo thanked the man as the smithy led him out of the room. They passed the second Forge and Kokushibo glanced into it. The pool contained nothing but blackened rock. “Excuse me, blacksmith.” The smithy stopped and gave his guest his full attention. “I’ve read about this pool.”

“Ah yes.” The smithy backed up to the forge’s side. “We call it ‘the cooler’ down here. What about her?”

“It’s been used recently?”

“You could say that. Recently in the Princess's lifetime.”

“Meaning, it hasn’t been used in the past few…centuries?”

“Yup. The last recorded weapon to be quenched in the cooler was Princess Luna’s Night Splitter, the sword she always carries. I’m sure you’ve seen it?”

Kokushibo shook his head. “I’ve seen the scabbard, but I’ve never seen the blade drawn.”

“Well, I’ve also never seen it in person, but I can only imagine the beauty from the records we have in our archive.” They arrived back at the entrance to the Forge. Kokushibo turned to the smithy to bow, but was instead met with a soot-stained hand extended to him. Kokushibo swapped the side that carried the box, allowing him to use his right hand to shake the smithy’s rough skinned hand. “May the Princess appreciate that work as much as the work that went into it.” Kokushibo hummed in agreement, releasing the smithy’s hand. Kokushibo retraced his steps back to the spiraling staircase that would lead him back to the ground level of the castle.

He opened the door that led into the hallway and noticed something strange. The dawn was approaching by the time he had his conversation with Princess Luna. The sun should be well on its way up. But the light that shone through the windows that lined the hallways was an unnatural mix of magenta, crimson, and vermillion. It was unnerving and concerning. He quickened his pace to reach Celestia’s chamber to not only deliver the commissioned weapon, but to see what was causing this phenomenon. As he moved from hallway to hallway, and up staircase after staircase. He passed Luna’s study and noticed the guards who normally stand guard were now nowhere to be found. His sense of urgency did not slow his pace at the small detail since the lack of guard at the doors usually meant Luna was no longer in the room. He could only imagine that both Princesses had convened with Arrowhead in Celestia’s quarters to discuss the worrying atmospheric phenomenon that gripped the light that shone all over Equestria. He climbed the final staircase and moved quickly down the final straight hall towards Celestia’s quarters. It was at this moment he realized something even more concerning: the night guard will switch with the day guard at dawn. Posts and patrols are at their peak at dawn and dusk, yet none were found anywhere on his path to Celestia’s quarters.

They must have allocated troops elsewhere…

Kokushibo knocked at Celestia’s ornate chamber door. The patterns were big and extravagant, each line inlay with sparkling gold and silver. No guards were present but he can only imagine it would have been the same guards that watched over the main hall when he was first introduced to Celestia. After a few moments with no answer, Kokushibo carefully let himself in with another set of knocks. He peeked his head inside the room, noticing that no one else occupied the study part of the room. A white granite desk sat in the center of the room as opposed to Luna’s desk which would sit in the back of the room. Large, white curtains flowed down from the high rotunda ceiling to compliment the large set of three towering windows. The eerie reddish light filled the room from the massive set of windows, now worrying Kokushibo further on the absence of the Princess in her room or anywhere that she could possibly be.

“Princess?” Kokushibo called out to the room, his voice bouncing off the bookshelves and fine decor. He approached the large double door to the right of the entrance that led to her bedroom. He listened closely through the door as he knocked on it. “Princess Celestia? I am coming in.” Kokushibo operated the golden latch and entered the room. The ceiling was lower here, and there was less furniture. The room had a contrastingly simple architecture. Still, the walls and flooring were exquisite. Pillars were built into the walls, separating the walls into large sections. An enormous circular bed that could fit five of him side-by-side sat in the center of the room with a velvet canopy that took up a lot of height within the room. He scanned the room and found no one within. He moved across the room to the next set of double doors paned with glass that led to a balcony. His head filled with more unease as he saw the doors were wide open and the cream white curtains waving with the incoming breeze at this altitude. He stepped out onto the balcony that overlooked the castle.

The eerie light almost hummed from an eclipsed sun. Today was the longest, brightest day of the year. Because of this, the moon, in an attempt to cover the sun’s light, reflected its light within the atmosphere to give this carmine glow and tint to everything the sunlight could touch. But to find the sun eclipsed gave Kokushibo every clue he needed to know that something was definitely wrong. Peering over the stone railing, Kokushibo could see fighting occurring in the yard. He couldn’t tell who was fighting who, but he could only imagine the castle was defending itself from a foreign invader taking advantage of a celebratory day to catch the Princesses off guard. His eyes floated to where the main hall was located. The high windows flashed glints of bright light indicating a battle was also taking place within the castle itself. The Princess was down there somewhere, either caught in the fray or willingly there of her own volition was still not clear to Kokushibo. He didn’t want to wait another moment to find out the hard way.

He turned quickly, still carrying the package meant for Celestia as he made his way down the winding maze of staircases and hallways. With such quickness, he arrived at the main courtyard where the large-scale fight was taking place. Kokushibo tied the package to his back using the string and rope that contained the package within the parchment, keeping it as close to him as possible at all times. He drew his flesh katana, locking his eyes onto the fighting parties to discern who the invaders were. They wore black and indigo robes and armor and wielded a wide variety of exotic weapons. Curved blades adjoined by pikes, axes, and halberds all seemed to be cheaply yet strongly made. Many more of the invaders lay dead or dying than the royal guards. Casualties were heavier along the palisades of the castle, indicating the attack began from within the castle.

They infiltrated…somehow…but no matter. They have to be dealt with.

Kokushibo rushed forward with quickness and cut down five of the invaders, saving a guard per invader who had the upper hand on them. It was immediately apparent to him that his cuts were not clean. His foes fell one-by-one, but the cuts he made were rough and sloppy. His skill was far from inadequate and, he would consider, more akin to his skill in his final battle with the demon slayers. He glanced quickly at his gnarled and now bloodied blade. The eyes upon it had grown sickly and the yellow color was muted.

My blade…it’s dulled?

His eyes snapped back to the battle as two of the indiscernible foes now began to rush him. One carried two jagged and blackened swords and one with a pike pointed at Kokishibo’s frame. He deflected the pike and brought his sword up and through the wielder. He lost much of his speed over that past couple of years. This was well shown as the second adversary made a solid strike, digging his blade into Kokushibo’s back. It was shallow, but the pain was real. Kokushibo turned as quickly as he could, ignoring the embedded blade, and struck a true cut across the adversary’s chest, slaying him.

Kokushibo continued his assault of the black armored foes. He moved from man to man, sword to sword, slaying one after another. There were many, but their numbers stood little chance against the skill and organization that the royal guards had. Even with little organization and no apparent leadership, about 10 foes stood before Kokushibo with the intent to eliminate him. Kokushibo drew in a breath and thought of which form could deal with this small group the most effectively.

Kokushibo waited for the attack to begin from one of the men in black when he felt a force overcome the side of his body. He knew it was no weapon or single person who inflicted this blow as it was apparent over the battlefield. The shockwave knocked over any and all combatants indiscriminately. Kokushibo was knocked onto his side as he stopped himself on his elbow. His ears rang like a high-pitched, drawn out bell and disorientation took hold. Large rocks and some boulders fell to the earth and even crushed a few guards and invaders. Looking around, it was clear he took the sudden blast the best as all the other combatants, invaders and guards, remained on the ground either groaning in pain, trapped under debris, or completely knocked unconscious. He pushed himself up to his knees and regathered his vigor and hearing. Once his eyesight returned to him clearly, he looked around for the source of the blast. Some of the larger fragments from the blast had painted designs on them. The colors and lines seemed familiar. He noticed that one fragment contained the cracked likeness of the young Princesses from the mural in the main hall throne room. He looked to the main hall and saw the windows blown out and the roof gone in what seemed to be a large blast. He stood, feeling some sickness in his stomach but pressing on towards the hall. After climbing the steps and passing through the doorway with splintered and broken doors, he was greeted with a most tragic scene.

Princess Celestia stood faced away from Kokushibo, wide stanced, wings unfurled, and scantily armored as her long flowing dress filled the spaces in between each plate of armor. A shimmering golden yellow aura surrounded her like a shield from all directions as it ebbed and flowed like water. Her outstretched left hand had her fingers spread, apparently holding this barrier in place. Her right hand held a longsword of shining metal unknown to Kokushibo. The steel used for the blade glowed like nothing he’d ever seen before. Even with the bloodmist-like air and light, it almost emanated a dazzling and pure white light. The handle’s golden inlays complemented the platinum-like metal while the cross guard was simple and strong. He’d never seen the Princess wield a sword and can recall moments where Celestia denounced the idea of her wielding a sword at all times as Luna would.

“Sister!” Celestia’s voice boomed throughout the now roofless hall. “Please, cease this senseless jealousy.”

Kokushibo looked past Celestia to see the now altered Princess Luna standing alongside her Champion donned in blackened armor and a helmet with an ornament of the crescent moon atop it. Kokushibo paid no attention to Arrowhead as he cared more for his previous overseer. Luna now looked different. The first trait Kokushibo noticed was her height. Arrowhead was normally taller than Luna by around a foot and now she stood at Celestia’s height. Her once free and flowing hair was put through a simple ultramarine helm. Her hair was a lighter shade but more erratic and numerous in star count. Her form fitting raiment mirrored Celestia’s dress by filling the space between her armor, matching the color of her helm. As if to oppose every aspect of Celestia’s image, a deep indigo magical aura that writhed like flames from a hearth rose from a circle around her on the ground. Her sword glistened with dark violet with a platinum blade as though it had a thin deep purple film coating the blade. Her stance was exactly similar to Celestia’s, hinting to Kokushibo that they were, unsurprisingly, taught by the same swordsman. Luna’s eyes brightened and were lit aflame by her rage.

“Senseless?!” Luna responded, filled with anger-driven disgust, her voice cracking with emotion. “This is the most sense We have felt in a millennium!”

“There is no sense in us fighting and bickering like children!” Celestia rebutted, readying herself. “Please, stand down and We can-”

A sudden flash of light and a resounding clash of blades rang loud. Arrowhead had closed the distance between himself and Celestia. Arrowhead’s new helm covered the top half of his face, making the expressions of his eyes unreadable by Celestia. Their blades locked, each one feeling for a spot to give and riposte. None came as Kokushibo moved at his best speed and made a rising cut attempt at Arrowhead’s arm to disable him. Arrowhead saw this and retreated with one bound, stopping a few feet in front of Luna. Kokushibo took his position next to Celestia, sword reluctantly at the ready. Celestia’s eyes stayed locked on Luna, unmoved by Arrowhead’s assault.

“Thank you, Champion.” Celestia thanked Kokushibo with low volume as though it were scripted, her true focus being elsewhere. She relaxed her stance a small bit, hoping her sister would maybe relax hers. “Luna, please…”

“Enough with that name!” Luna shouted, losing her composure but quickly regaining it. “That is the name of a weakling! A lowly little runt that seeks nothing but her sister’s approval. A runt, slain by her own animosity and rage to create someone new to take her place and seize the heavens! The sky now belongs to Us! We are stronger than her! We are supreme!” The energy in the air built up around both Princesses, swirling around everyone present. “We are…Nightmare Moon!”

Luna, announcing her newly adopted alias, made a quick but elegant movement of her sword. The tip pointed at Celestia. A cobalt and aqua bolt of highly focused magic shot with incredible speed from her sword towards the Sun Princess and her Champion. Kokushibo readied himself as Celestia waved her sword in front of them, deflecting the bolt to the ground. The bolt’s strike kicked up dust and dirt from the loose debris of the destroyed hall, obscuring their sightlines for a brief moment. Within this crucial moment, the dust gave way and broke as Arrowhead aimed his slash for Celestia and Nightmare Moon came in high, her wings also unfurled and armored, intending on bringing her own slash down on Kokushibo. Both Celestia and Kokushibo moved to block the incoming attack, metal clashing metal. Kokushibo and Celestia were split up by the force and quickness of the attack as both Arrowhead and Nightmare Moon pressed their own individual attacks on their respective opponents, separating them.

This being the first time Kokushibo has fought with one of the Princesses, he didn’t know what to expect. He had no time to adapt to her movements and striking power. She slashed and thrusted at different heights, changing the elevation of what angle the attack would come from. Low stances attacking high, high attacking low, low attacking low, high attacking high. Her form was impeccable, as Kokushibo couldn’t even make an opening to use a breathing technique. Despite her angered look, her attacks were refined and quick enough that she nicked his nagagi multiple times, almost landing blow after blow. He couldn’t divide his attention to check on Celestia who was now out of sight, pouring all of his brain power into surviving Nightmare Moon’s assault. His movements and reaction speed became noticeably encumbered, jeopardizing his ability to defend himself. Despite this, he saw an opening to redirect Nightmare Moon’s blade elsewhere. He moved his sword to guide her momentum away from him, giving him time to jump back and create distance. Kokushibo now could see the expression of disdain strewn across her face.

“Kokushibo,” her newer, more mature voice drew out, “your presence brings…complications. But then again, assigning untrained followers to assassinate someone like you would’ve presented many issues on its own. Did you deal with them?”

Kokushibo’s expression didn’t change at the informing of a potential assassination attempt on his life. Never noticing anything out of the ordinary the past few weeks, he glazed past her plot to have him killed. He could only assume the assassins ran into complications leading up to the battle. However, under the unyielding and stoic visage he kept up, he couldn’t help but feel the pangs of a terrible feeling he’d forgotten. His eyes began to blur more and more in waves. His heart began to fibrillate, creating actual pains that sourced in the deepest recesses of his heart. He could’ve almost guaranteed that he was falling under a spell, but one of his own casting. Over one wave of the blurring sight, someone took Nightmare Moon’s place. Maroon and black exchanged places with indigo and violet. Her blackened blade grew longer and curved, a bright crimson hue overtook the blackness within the blade. The kanji for “Destroy” burned into the base of the blade. Young and strong hands held the katana as Kokushibo saw the body and face of his brother now in her place. The blur was strong, but he was sure who stood there; Fear, Regret, and Death themselves combined into one person. A battle of impossible odds to reinforce what he already knew: that he could not press the attack. He would lose, and he knew it. His sword became heavier as his muscles began to lock up. Yoriichi’s mouth moved but he heard Nightmare Moon’s voice lain over his brother’s.

“Shedding tears now, Kokushibo?” She addressed the flowing tears from his eyes that drew the details upon his face. “Hardly appropriate for the battlefield, and from the Sun’s Champion no less. Have you only just come to realize what you and the Princess’ actions have wrought?” Kokushibo didn’t flinch as the tears continued to flow with no end in sight. “You cannot deny your nature, Kokushibo. Under my rule, you can return to becoming the strongest. Our subjects who have cast Us aside as the lesser Princess are yours to…make examples out of.” She relaxed, standing up straight and pacing left and right like a wolf stalking its prey. A wicked smile creeped across her face. “The people you’ve grown close to only fear you and your power, Kokushibo. Why not exploit that fear? Never have anyone judge you, your power, and your actions ever again.” Nearby crackling explosions and clangs of steel colored emerald and gold were resounding off the surrounding debris and illuminating the area. “Join me and rule an eternal night at Our side forever!”

“Princess,” Kokushibo came around to respond, the image of his brother fading and reshaping back into Nightmare Moon, “know that with a heavy heart and stern posture, I will do anything in my power to help you see the error in what you plan to accomplish. As a creature who has skulked through every night there was for over 400 years…eternal night is not a desire of mine.” He was quickly reminded of every dark deed he performed in the dead of night to the poor unsuspecting populace he secretly terrorized. And now, the night would never end. Although it’s been only about 6 years since his arrival, he has enjoyed every morning and day possible. It was then that Nightmare Moon voiced her disdain and disappointment in Kokushibo, her smile quickly dissolving into a look of fury.

“And you, Kokushibo?! You disregard Our night as well? Our Light? Celestia has done nothing but weaken you! Your movements are sluggish and your defense is flimsy. Your spar with the Captain seems so long ago.” Nightmare Moon halted her pacing as she readied herself, Kokushibo now completely blind to whatever movement was to come next. “Well then, We will make quick work of you now. It saddens Us, knowing such limitless potential will go to waste.”

“There is more to existence than things of trivial nature like power, life, or admiration.” Kokushibo winced at his own words, knowing all too well in seeking the first two. “I saw power in other things…power that is beyond wielding but can be felt. I found it in myself along with my family, just as I’m sure you can find it in yourself for your sister.” Nightmare Moon guffawed at Kokushibo’s response.

“Drivel!” Nightmare Moon stopped laughing abruptly, shaking the rubble around her with her voice. “Any power We can find within Ourself is already known to Us.” She gripped her sword tightly, unbeknownst to her opponent. “And any power We can find within Our sister or anyone else for that matter…is power that We can simply take for Ourself!”

Kokushibo only just started tightening his grip around the tsuka of his sword as Nightmare Moon was now mere feet from his front, moving at a speed even Kokushibo had trouble keeping up with. The tip of her sword came hurtling towards him, the point becoming less and less visible. His sword only just began raising, but he knew it wouldn’t arrive in time. His regenerative ability has dwindled since first arriving in Equestria. He felt it leave him just as the Transparent World blurred into complete obscurity. A blow like this may do irreparable, potentially lethal damage to him. The blade neared the center of his brow as his focus shifted to Nightmare Moon. Her expression was strong but full of resentment, her eyes not leaving the spot on Kokushibo’s head she targeted. Her sword hand did not falter, it drove true and showed no sign of letting up or hesitation. Her eyes spoke many emotions to Kokushibo. It spoke something the Transparent World could never see. So much sadness and rage filled the blackness of her irises. The blackness was short-lived as a brilliant spark emanated from Nightmare Moon’s sword. The spark deviated the attack she intended for Kokushibo’s skull, a separate blade clashing with Nightmare Moon’s. Her expression lost detail as she quickly retreated, stepping back several yards with a look of annoyance.

“Enough, Luna!” Celestia’s voice rang out, the sword that saved Kokushibo belonging to her and now close enough for him to get a closer look at it. The same film that coated Nightmare Moon’s blade coated Celestia’s, the only difference being the shimmering gold pigment of the coating. Celestia didn’t look at the falling-behind Kokushibo, rather her eyes refused to leave her sister’s for even a moment. White streaks stained the skin on her face leading from the tear ducts of her eyes. “Please! We are begging you, sister…We don’t wish for harm to come to you or anyone else.”

“It’s too late…” Nightmare Moon said with an undertone of forewarning. “Our followers lay siege to Equestria’s infrastructure and major cities and farms as we speak. Casualties are a jagged stepping stone to progress, Princess. And many more will perish unless you relinquish your position as Princess and leave Us as the sole ruler of Equestria’s day and night forever!” Celestia lamented, her expression falling, another tear falling from her eye.

“You know We can’t do that…” Celestia regrouped, her expression hardening and the energy around her swirling and writhing. Nightmare Moon scoffed through her nostrils.

“So be it…” Nightmare Moon began to rise at the beat of her wings, Celestia matching her low hover. “Let today be the final day of the sun! And tonight…the first night of the moon’s eternity!”

Kokushibo was hit by the invisible shockwave of both Princesses giving one strong beat of their wings, shooting themselves to the clouded crimson sky. The pair engaged in high altitude combat, flying in smooth arches being followed by trails of light, colored respectfully. Along their melee, they mixed in spells of great magnitude and power. While Celestia used her magic to mostly defend herself, Nightmare Moon remained on the attack. She relentlessly casted bolts and chittering shockwaves at Celestia, one after the other, some layered on top of another. The spells cast would either be dodged or, more spectacularly, be blocked and deflected in a spectacular show of golden light and sparkling fuschia. The perfect backdrop of the eclipsed sun spotlighted their duel to be seen far and wide. Many nearby towns noticed the flashes and heard the resounding booms across plains and valleys. Some towns, however, were dealing with the impending Nightmare Moon followers issue. As raids and pillaging overtook strategic towns and farms, the Princess’ duel raged on in a lethal deadlock.

Kokushibo’s attention was torn quickly from the duel above to a clamoring form across the rubble. Captain Arrowhead appeared beaten and fatigued. He trudged forward, his helmet cracked showing his left eye, emitting a ghostly violet essence. His armor was torn to shreds, deep nicks and full gashes peppered the plated portions showing signs of an overwhelming foe. Blood streamed from many of the gashes and rips in his raiment underneath. The blackness of it hid the spots where he received damage, but it showed on the bloody drips that painted his path. His blade was also full of nicks, now imperfecting his sword. The shield he normally wielded was nowhere to be seen.

“Kokushibo!” Arrowhead strained to call out, his voice now raspy from the intense battle with Celestia. “You fool! You could have grown strong…!” He stumbled and used his sword to keep him up like a cane. “Strong like me…” Kokushibo gave him a skeptical squint, re-examining the state of the man’s armor and health. Arrowhead chuckled at Kokushibo’s disapproved face. “Don’t look at me like that…only a small handful of legends have survived an assault by Celestia herself.” He continued stumbling. He brought his sword down to lean on but the blade snapped, clattering to the floor in two. Arrowhead fell with a pained grunt but remained on his hands and knees, his breathing labored. “Even as I am now…I join legends like King Sombra or Discord himself.”

“King Sombra was banished and Discord was turned to stone.” Kokushibo responded monotonously, showing little compassion. “They are remembered for the deeds they’ve done and the legacy left behind. Their immortality only prolongs the legend. People like you or…demons like I are not remembered for following in the shadows of legends.”

“Nightmare Moon promised that her followers would be revered in the new Equestria she would build!” Arrowhead pushed up to his knees and threw off his damaged helm to address Kokushibo clearly. His face had two streams of blood that oozed down the left side behind his eye. “You could’ve been among an elite few to be remembered forever! And you threw it all away to become the little sun child’s lapdog…! Talk about living in a shadow. If light had a shadow, you’d find a way to live in it.” He spit at Kokushibo’s feet, the deep red pigment of his blood creating a more congealed wad. Kokushibo shook his head in pity.

“And yet here you’ll die.” Kokushibo approached Arrowhead. “You’ll be forgotten by history. This day will live in legend, I know.” Kokushibo brought his blade up to Arrowhead’s neck. “But you and I, live or die, will be forgotten against the march of time.” Arrowhead looked into Kokushibo’s eyes and saw nothing but truth in all six of them. Arrowhead sat back on his ankles, letting out a huff of air, eyes still locked on to Kokushibo’s. “It’s something I’ve had to come to terms with. I too was once scared to die in silence. But accepting defeat when shown the evil you’ve become, your death can mean something even if you aren’t remembered.”

“Don’t patronize me. You know nothing about how I feel…” Arrowhead bitterly responded, his head dropping. Kokushibo, in response, scoffed.

“If anyone could understand how you feel…it would be me.” Kokushibo responded, a little bit more gently now. “I died once…in a way a not too different than what we see here…losing it all. And…I was content.” Kokushibo’s eyes fell, remembering his unnatural death. They returned to Arrowhead’s weary orbs.

“Spare me your bleeding heart… Either kill me or let me die… I’m tired and I want to sleep…so make your decision…already…”

Kokushibo held the blade to Arrowhead’s neck, deciding what to do just then. The duel that raged above neared the castle, so he knew he had to decide quickly. He slowly retracted the blade from Arrowhead’s neck, waiting for a reaction. As it turned out, Arrowhead was relying on Kokushibo’s blade for support since Arrowhead fell over with a heavy thud, a small shallow cut on his neck where the blade had been. He was completely still, the pool of blood evidence of the cause of his silent death. Again, pity was strewn across Kokushibo’s face as he looked down on the now fallen Captain Arrowhead. A morbid thought crossed Kokushibo’s mind as he envied Arrowhead’s post-mortem form.

At least his body remains for a proper burial…that’s where we really differ…

A loud clash sounded above his head. He snapped out of his gaze, and turned in an instant to the dueling Princesses. Their blades locked, bodies unyielding to each other’s force. Kokushibo could see their mouths moving, the two Princesses conversing aggressively, the eclipsed sun completing the scene of their deadlock. The energy around them shimmered and sent ripples through the air that Kokushibo could feel as he took in breath after breath. The energy shifted to a wave crashing over him as Nightmare Moon found an opening, diverting Celestia’s blade. She took the opening, swiftly bringing her own blade down onto Celestia’s armored chest. The armor protected what lay beneath, but the force was overwhelming, as Celestia fell as a meteor would. She landed beyond Kokushibo’s vision past the rubble.

Worried about her condition, Kokushibo moved covertly behind the wall of rubble, peeking over to see the events before him unfold. Celestia had been struck down at the foot of the dais, the dust around her settling into the cracks of the marbled floor below her. The pillars of the once great hall crumbled further at Celestia’s impact. The dust swirled and cleared at Nightmare Moon’s descending wingbeats. Kokushibo remained out of sight, Nightmare Moon’s back toward him. She gracefully landed at the opposite end of the hall, her face growing in pleasure at the sight before her. Celestia slowly rose where she’d fallen, a massive gash in her armor under her right arm.

“Sister…! Please!” Celestia pleaded once more, seemingly at the end of her wits. Her off hand slightly stretched out behind her to the dais, her dominant hand dropping her sword to the ground with an echoing clattering of metal. Her right hand was now open and aimed at her sister, as a shimmering golden glow emanated from both hands. “Please…do not make Us…” Her voice quivered and cracked, her eyes holding back tears. Nightmare Moon’ pleasure melted away to contempt.

“Do not make you what, Princess?” Nightmare Moon prowled left and right. “Turn Us to stone? Banish Us to the Frozen North? Lock Us away in Tartarus? Or scatter Us across the sky to be forever shattered and forgotten?!” She scoffed.

Kokushibo squinted his eyes at what Nightmare Moon was referring to. He looked to where Celestia stood as her left hand lowered and the dais began to split down the middle and open up behind her. From the dais, an ornate statue rose slowly from within. A large, translucent violet sphere sat at the statue’s center, hovering upon a thin pillar. Five stone arms extended from this pillar, each one cradling a smaller sphere each colored separately pastel pink, light gray, cerulean, gold, and a brilliant gamboge. The orbs hummed with power, an eerie, rainbow colored mist poured from the base of the statue that stood several feet taller than its current wielder.

The power could be felt more apparently as a gem with elongated hexagonal cuts emerged from each of the smaller orbs. The center orb’s gem was different when it emerged, as it was shaped as an elongated six pointed star. The gems quickly zipped around Celestia, as the rainbow mist followed their lead, forming a small twister at Celestia’s feet. With her right hand still outstretched, the star gem stopped a foot away from her open palm, the other five gems stopped at equal points around the star, beaming white streams of focused magic into the center star gem. Celestia’s battle dress and hair began to flow and wave aggressively as her furrowed demeanor held determination but her tears held sorrow.

“Oh Celestia,” Nightmare Moon dragged, bringing up her hand and gathering her own magic at her palm. “such displaced aggression. You know as well as Us that the elements cannot be controlled alone unless the caster sacrifices themself. Our magic, however, needs no sacrifice…but the world that We will leave behind!”

The ambient energy began to build as Kokushibo could feel his own nagagi and hakama become lighter and flowing on its own. It was then he noticed a small but dense gathering of indigo aura at Nightmare Moon’s heels. Kokushibo knew he had to do something, and acted in the only way he could think. Emerging from his concealment, he rushed to Nightmare Moon remaining unseen until the last possible moment. With his sword sheathed into its scabbard, he put it over Nightmare Moon’s head and brought it down, tapping her arms to her sides.

“Huh?! Unhand Us this instant! Or else..!” Nightmare Moon began to roar and thrash, and then realized who restrained her. Her heart burned with such fury, Kokushibo could almost feel the heat. “You! You have done nothing but stand against Us in Our time of revolt!” She looked to Celestia, who’s power only grew, her mauvelous hair being the apparent show of the power being gathered. “You will be destroyed as well! You may not even be a remnant of what you are now!” She caught a glimpse of Kokushibo’s eyes, the now fogging orbs holding a look of pity.

“You are wrong, Princess Luna.” Kokushibo said, feeling the power gathering reaching its peak. It’s nothing he’s ever felt before. The sheer force weighed him down as he stood strong using all of his own strength to hold Nightmare Moon in place. “I have done nothing but try to save you from the most terrible fate: dishonoring your only true family… And I have failed. But me holding you here and now…is the best I can do for you, your sister, and…for me.”

A minuscule moment before casting the spell to be rid of the evil that now threatened the land, Celestia could see what happened. She saw Kokushibo in this crossfire, and her heart broke a second time. The world continued to fall apart around her, unstoppably and definitely. This final moment played out as slow as anything possible to her. The power channeled through every muscle, bone, nerve, and cell in her body. It all passed forward to her hand, the golden glow at her palm surged and connected to the star gem that flowed in front of her. A large, rainbow-colored beam of magic emerged from the front of the gem, writhing and almost alive. It ripped the air around it as it moved with incredible force. The beam reached Nightmare Moon and Kokushibo, the former’s thrashing continued in slow motion to Celestia as the light enveloped both of her closest friends. The light burned away her target with near complete certainty.

As quickly as the spell was cast, it ended and Celestia collapsed to the floor onto a knee. She brought her head up slowly, but quickly enough to see the beam of magic soar towards the eclipse. It struck the darkened moon, splitting into all of the colors of the rainbow for just a moment, as an image of a unicorn mare etched itself onto the surface of the moon. The darkness had been banished, but at the cost of her sister and her Champion. Her hair fell slowly back down to their original flowing position as she struggled to remain on her one knee. Bringing her eyes back down to the spot that Nightmare Moon was held in place, the swirling and twisting dust settled, and the crumpled form of her Champion lay in the spot, still. She tried to call out to him, his face turned away and presumably unconscious or worse. She could hear the scattering of voices around her that was once the clashing of blades. Her vision blurred, hearing multiple guards call out to her as they rushed inaudibly to her side. Her vision faded completely to black as her hearing slowly failed her.

Comments ( 4 )
Big boi #1 · May 7th · · ·

My best guess is that the elements of harmony somehow turn him into a human But we'll never know until the next chapter

I wonder if our demon friend is gonna live to see Princess Luna again

If you have not read the Demon Slayer manga and are only watching the anime, please read forward at your own risk as there will be spoilers from the manga not yet discussed in the anime.

But isn’t the anime complete?

PoH #4 · May 7th · · ·

No, the anime is about three arcs away from completion

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