• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 1,780 Views, 162 Comments

New Moon - Majestic_Donut

"This... is not what I was expecting to happen when Nightmare was defeated..." ~ Celestia

  • ...

"Welp... that wasn't supposed to happen..."

Those darned little foals think they can defeat me? Ha! I'll show them, I'll show them all- what is that? Oh sn-


"W-what happened?" Twilight asked.

"I think... we just kicked butt!!!" Rainbow responded.

"Equestria is safe now," Fluttershy noted softly.

"Indeed it is," a voice said. A ball of celestial looking light appeared in the sunrise to reveal, who would’ve guessed it, Celestia!

"Princess Celestia?!" Everyone said in awe before bowing before her. Twilight skipped such formalities and just up and hugged her.

"Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student," Celestia welcomed the hug.

"Um, what's that sound?" Rarity asked and everyone stopped.

"Something doesn't seem right..." Applejack noted.

"There's that sound again. It sounds like-" Fluttershy started.

"A foal..." Celestia finished as everyone looked to where the terrifying Nightmare Moon had formerly stood. In her place was a powder blue filly crying and making little cooing noises.

"Is that?-" Twilight started to ask.

"My sister... I... wha..." Celestia looked on in confusion. Her baby sister looked back at her as best she could, craning up her neck to see this giant before her and then sneezed. "This... is not what I was expecting to happen when Nightmare was defeated..." Celestia began to silently panic (not that anypony else noticed).

"Wait wait wait, your SISTER?!" Twilight shouted.

"Awww, it's a family reunion! Let's celebrate!!!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled out her party cannon.

"Hold up now sugarcube! Ah'm guessing the pony who tried to overthrow Princess Celestia and inflict eternal night WASN'T a newborn foal?" Applejack speculated the obvious (more so to make a point than anything).

"Indeed. She was very much a full grown alicorn... this, was not supposed to happen," Celestia explained.

"So what happened?" Twilight asked.

"Hm, perhaps your magic was a little too strong and the elements went a bit overboard on their heali- OW!" Celestia started trying to speculate before Luna decided Celestia's mane was the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen. Therefore, she must yank on it with every fiber of her strength (which was a surprisingly large amount for a newborn foal).

Little Lulu giggled at her giant sister's reaction and pulled again. "AH OW! NO! Luna, please stop!" Celestia said firmly, prying her hair away from Luna's hooves. Little Lulu proceeded to cry. Loudly.

"Oh, it's okay, don't cry. Princess Celestia just doesn't want you to pull on her mane," Fluttershy cooed, her maternal instincts overriding her shy instincts as she picked Lulu up and cuddled her.

While Fluttershy snuggled Luna and cooed at her, the others continued asking the important questions.

"How do we turn her back into an adult?"

"What are we gonna tell everypony?"

"When do you want the 'yay my sister has returned as an adorable filly' party to start? Oh I can start right now-"

"Are you going to raise her if she can't be reverted back to normal age?" Twilight asked, interrupting Pinkie's rambling.

"Let's just take everything one step at a time, starting with what to tell my little ponies. We'll state the truth, Nightmare Moon is no more, and in her place my sister has been returned as a harmless foal," Celestia explained.

Perhaps harmless was the wrong term to use as Luna chose that exact moment to try out some magic and knocked down a pillar. Luckily, it was only decorative and not load bearing.

"Oh... I forgot how inquisitive she was as a filly..." Celestia sighed under her breath as she picked up Luna from Fluttershy and put a temporary magic inhibitor spell on her to prevent any... accidents. "Let us head back to the village now."

On their way back to Ponyville, Celestia remembered that Luna would also need a diaper and magicked one on her before they finished the trip back. Upon arriving in the village, everypony was relieved to see Princess Celestia and the others safe and sound. What they were not expecting, however, was for the Princess to be toting around a tiny blue alicorn filly.

Cue the diabeetus overload!

Luna's return was well received thanks to her new form's infinite cuteness and adorable noises. It didn't hurt that she also constantly explored her surroundings (much to Celestia's chagrin) and made not a few cute, photo op worthy messes. Nopony seemed to mind Luna getting into things too much, but after the welcoming ceremony was concluded, Celestia quickly whisked Luna away and took her home.

Finally behind closed (soundproof) doors, Celestia could go into full panic mode.

"WHAT THE HAY IS HARMONY THINKING?! IS THIS SOME SICK JOKE?!?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF AN ALICORN FILLY?!?! I'M TERRIBLE WITH FOALS!!! LUNA WAS ALWAYS BETTER WITH FOALS THAN ME, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RAISE HER?!?!?! I CLEARLY DID AWFUL THE FIRST TIME" Celestia screamed in fluent panicking. Having forgotten who was in the room with her, Celestia's very loud rant had scared the life (and poop) out of Luna and she began crying.

"Oh my gosh Luna, please, not now! Ugh, how do I make you stop crying?" Celestia asked herself as she picked up Luna. More than one sniff might have killed Celestia, so it's a good thing she only sniffed once before quickly putting Luna downwind. "Oh Faust that's awful..." the now green princess gagged. Luna was still crying, mostly due to her dirty diaper.

"Ugh, okay. Happy face, happy face, smile!" Celestia pep talked before opening her bedroom door and calling for some assistance. "Could somepony please change Luna's diaper? Thank you!"

-One diaper change later-

"Okay, clean diaper. You're fine now right?"

Luna was still a little fussy.

"What else, what else..." Celestia said as she held Luna in her forelegs. She at least remembered Luna liked cuddles as a small foal.

Then Luna reached out for Celestia's teat.


Cue crying baby Luna.

"Okay okay! I'll get you some food! Patience foal! Ugh how I wish you were grown right now..." Celestia grumbled as she once again donned her mask and got Luna a bottle (with no small amount of help from one of the maids).

Celestia fed Luna her bottle and watched as Luna magically stopped being fussy and downed her bottle in record time. With a clean diaper, a full belly, and a warm sister to snuggle with, Luna promptly fell asleep in Celestia's embrace. Celestia may not have known much about how to care for foals, but she knew well enough not to wake Luna while she was sleeping right in her forelegs...

"Ooooh... I guess I'm stuck here for awhile... I'm not exactly in any position to move without waking her..." Celestia quietly realized to herself. But the longer she looked down on her adorable sleeping sister, the less she minded her predicament. As Celestia let out a yawn herself, she decided, "Perhaps this isn't so bad. I don't think I've seen Luna this little and peaceful since, well, ever. I could use a nap myself -yawn-... eh, why not." And with that, Celestia too fell asleep, the sun and moon at peace (for now).

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! What do you do when you have a long story ITW? Make another long story of course! But I really couldn’t resist trying my hand at writing this idea. I don't doubt others have written with a similar concept, but this is my take on it.

Some theories say the Elements of Harmony were slightly overpowered and regressed Luna's age to her S1 form. Based upon this theory, I'm writing a story that has Luna turned into an infant instead of a teenager. How will Celestia do as a parent to a baby? (My head-canon says she raised Luna from an older age like elementary or middle school. I know other head-canons have her raise her from infancy like in my story, but I choose to have her raise her after their parents die/disappear at a later time.) Luna is great with foals, but we see little interaction from Celestia with foals, so I feel like I have a lot of wiggle room to work with for this story.

Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter!