• Published 31st Jan 2024
  • 252 Views, 4 Comments

A Blazing Bowser Bash - Big Imagination E

Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?

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Start Of The Show and Rescue

Nighttime came in and we see all the ponies buying the merchandise and trying it on. Then they showed a security Koopa their tickets and they entered to watch the big performance. Even all of Twilight's friends were allowed in and some were wearing the merch. Now Rarity wasn't much of a rock and roll fan but her friends insisted that she come. But the most excited out of all of them was Rainbow.

"Girls I am so pumped for this show! I wonder what songs The Blazing Koopas are gonna play? Maybe some crazy rock and roll songs!" Rainbow replied.

"Rainbow. Of course they will play rock and roll songs! I mean they look like rock and roll players." Pinkie said.

"Um girls? I noticed Twilight isn't here? You think maybe she didn't want to come and see Spike play in the band?" Fluttershy asked.

"He'll be disappointed when he sees that she's not here. But I'm hoping she'll make it." Rarity hoped.

"I don't think she'll have enough time to make it. Cause the show starts in like ten minutes and I don't think she'll make it." Rainbow replied.

"Well maybe we can give her a CD when it's over. That way she'll have something to listen to." Pinkie suggested.

"I guess so Pinkie. I am excited for the show but it's not as fun without Twilight here. Well I guess we'll just have to take pictures so we can show her the excitement." Applejack said.

The girls all agreed and waited for the show to begin. Then after ten minutes a Koopa announcer came on stage and prepared to open up the show. The audience saw him and clapped.

"Alright thank you all for coming tonight. Before we begin I just wanna remind everyone that there's no smoking, no fighting, and no stealing allowed. This is a fun event and we want everyone to have a great time tonight. Now without further ado please welcome Bowser and the Blazing Koopas!!!" He announced.

Then the curtains rised and they see Bowser and the Blazing Koopas with their instruments in hand as the audience applauded and cheered for them.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! Whoo! It's great being here tonight! Because you're all gonna hear some crazy rock and roll songs that will knock your feet off!" Rockpunk started.

"And our special guest Spike is gonna help us rock through the night! Are you dragon rocker?" Blazer asked.

"I sure am! We hope your ready Ponyville cause this night is just getting started! So Bowser what song are we gonna sing first?" Spike wondered.

"I'm glad you asked Spike! I'm thinking we can get the crowd pumped up by having them hear my blazing beats!! And this song we'll all sing is called Knucklefest!!" Bowser answered.

"I like that! Okay hit it guys!!" Flame said.

After he said that everyone started playing and Bowser started singing as the relics in the equipment did they're job.


(Play it twice so Bowser gets the crowd pumped! And stop at 1:58 after the second time.)

Soon as they were playing the ponies all started being placed under his control. Then they started dancing and Bowser was commanding them to dance along and they obeyed. While that was happening the ruby on Spike's chain began glowing and his eyes glowed under his sunglasses. Then they repeated the lyrics again so they can make sure that the crowd is pumped for the show. After the second time he sang the Blazing Koopas posed and everyone cheered.

"Thank you! Now your feeling pumped up for the show! Now let's REALLY tear the house down!!" Bowser yelled.

Meanwhile outside one of the airships the Koopas were knocked out by a stomp on each of their heads. Then two beings landed and kicked the door open. They were the Super Mario Brothers! Mario and Luigi! The two burly turtles saw them and were super angry.

"Mario?! Luigi?! What are you two doing here?!" One of them asked.

"We have-a come to stop the Bowser! Now release the princess for prepare for the wrath of-a the Super Mario Brothers!!" Mario answered.

"Oh yeah? Try and stop us!" The other one said.

They charged into battle and the Marios first punched them making the helmets come off. Then enraged they ran towards the brothers and they jumped and landed on their heads instantly knocking them out and they threw the turtles out. Then they went to Twilight's cage and grabbed the key and got her out. She came out and hugged them for rescuing her.

"Oh thank you! I take it that your the heroes that came to save Equestria?" Twilight asked.

“Yes!” Mario greets in a loud friendly, cheerful tone. “So nice to meet-a you! It’s-a me, Mario!”

“I’m-a Luigi, number one!” Luigi followed. “And I’m-a his brother!”

"And together we are the Super Mario Brothers!!" Mario finished.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Mario Brothers. I'm Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship. And I need your help. My home is in grave danger." She said.

"Mama mia!! What's seems to be the danger-a Princess Twilight?" Mario asked.

"Well today is our Friendship Festival and I was originally supposed to have the Quintet Flyers perform but their lead singer is sick. So then Celestia informed me that a new band was taking their place. Bowser and the Blazing Koopas. Then I had a feeling that he was planning something evil. Turns out he was! He convinced Spike to join the band and when I overheard his conservation he must have stolen a few relics from the Canterlot Vault and now he's using the show to take over my home. So I called you two to help me stop Bowser before it's too late." Twilight explained.

The Mario Brothers took some time to process everything that she said and knowing Bowser he always had a evil scheme planned.

"We should have-a known that Bowser is always up to his evil tricks again." Mario sighed.

"Yeah. He's always done this in the Mushroom Kingdom and there's no doubt that he's done this in other kingdoms too. But never fear princess! You called the right guys!" Luigi added.

"We will help you stop the Bowser and rescue everyone in Equestria! You have our word princess." Mario said.

Twilight smiled hearing that the Marios are more than willing to help her stop Bowser and his evil band before all of Equestria becomes a never ending Bowser Bash.

"Thank you Mario Brothers. Now let's go save my home and my friends." Twilight declared.

And so Twilight and the Mario Brothers went off to Ponyville to stop Bowser and his evil band. Can they do it or will all of Equestria be under his command?

Author's Note:

The Mario Brothers arrived! Now time to take the fight to Bowser!!