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City Escape

*Rainbow Dash*

Welp, school's out today, but something's been bugging me as I got to my friends. "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll or Michiru lately?"

Danyelle spoke "I thought they were with you Rainbow!"

Pinkie's hair started twitching before her bang spun and pointed upward. "Oh! They're up in some kinda airborne vehicle."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer after looking up.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... That's a G.U.N. helicopter!"

"Better fly up there and find out what's goin' on." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "No Rainbow! You might be caught as well! All of G.U.N's officers hate beastmen."

"You really think I'm just gonna leave friends behind?" I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "For heaven's sake Rainbow, you can't morph to a human form!"

"Beastman or not, I'M headin' up there. Our friends need help." I said before taking into the sky.

Despite the bullet wound, Danyelle flies after me causing the whistling sound to be heard again.

Danyelle spoke "YOU BIRDBRAIN!!!"

The two of us were soon in earshot of the pilots of the helicopter.

A Pilot spoke "Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. We're en route, everything's a go."

A voice spoke "This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured beastmen aboard, over!"

Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "That's a 10-4. Cargo secured on board and... What?!"

Control Tower manager spoke "Didn't copy that, over!"

Sigma-Alpha 2 spoke "The hedgehog, tanuki and fox are gone, they've taken everyone out aboard and..."

Control Tower manager spoke "What's wrong?! Come in, over!"

Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "What in the world!?"

We then saw the door burst open with Sonic, Michiru and Roll coming out as they hung onto a wing of the helicopter.

Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot spoke "Freeze! What do you think you're doing!? Get those beastmen!"

The three got onto the wing of the helicopter.

Sonic spoke "Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies... we're outta here! I like running better!"

Sonic jumped off on a makeshift snowboard before Danyelle and I grabbed Michiru and Roll before flying after him as we dove down towards the sight with Sonic trick-spinning downwards.

Sonic spoke "Yeah!"

We were close to solid ground now as Dany and I pulled up, landing as Sonic landed and started snowboarding down.

BGM: Escape From The City

Danyelle spoke "With my injury, I'll only slow you four down!"

“It’s okay. You did plenty by helping Roll and Michiru get down here safely. Get goin’.” I assured as Danyelle ran off to hide before the three of us followed after Sonic.

Michiru had taken on cheetah mode to keep up with Sonic and I.

Roll spoke "I don't think it's a good idea for the four of us to be running around together."

A female voice spoke "Attention all units. Suspects has been seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture the suspects."

Roll spoke "On second thought, let’s just go!"

The four of us jumped off ramps and kept going down while dodging moving and parked cars as Sonic did some tricks after jumping off ramps. We dodged a trolley before stopping on flat straight ground as Sonic got off the snowboard.

Michiru growls "They have the wrong hedgehog beastman..."

Roll spoke "I don't think they're in a mood to listen."

We then ran up, down the alleys and on walls before busting through some crates and riding some rails on our feet before we were soon running down the road again, dodging trucks, trolleys and jumping off ramps. We then ran up stairs while taking out some G.U.N. robots as we went down the road again and rail riding again and bouncing off springs and going down a park before we ran a loop-de-loop and down a building on its walls and bounced off more springs. We moved forward while wrecking some robots as we soon started rail riding again before we jumped and swung off bars like pro gymnasts and slid under a blockage that said "Do Not Enter" and "Pass Under" as we started running down the road again.

Michiru glances back in horror as a G.U.N. truck shows up.

Michiru spoke "Shit!! MOVE IT SONIC!!!"

We then started running faster as the truck brought out three arms on its back with buzzsaws while we were dodging cars and jumping off ramps. We soon got past a small tunnel, causing the truck to crash as we ran out of road before we landed in another area.

Sonic spoke "Yes! Too easy, piece of cake!"

“Mission cleared!” I whooped.

Michiru asks "You three thinking that was too easy?"

Roll spoke "We lost Danyelle along the way."

"Dany escaped since she said she didn't want to slow us down." I pointed out.

Michiru spoke "She might have been caught by those jerks!"

We then searched for Danyelle as it was later night.

A familiar voice spoke "There you guys are!"

We turned around, seeing Danyelle as she approached us.

Roll's left ear twitched.

Danyelle was growling.

Sonic spoke "This game of tag is boring. I'm outta here!"

But then we felt the ground rumble as a giant G.U.N. mech showed up.

Sonic spoke "Hmm! Finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on!"

A pilot spoke "Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to Headquarters. Intruder and accomplices have been located."

The female voice spoke "Copy that."

The mech then took flight as it looked ready to fired at us.

Roll pulls out a katana before moving at insane speeds, slicing the mech's legs off.

Roll growls "Mess with me, you mess with the Sakurai clan!"

Sonic was shocked with a blush before the mech fired bullets as we dodged them.

The pilot spoke "This is Spider Troop Big Foot. Big Foot to headquarters over! Reengage the enemies and request back up!

The mech then started firing missiles at us.

Danyelle whips up a hurricane with her wings, blowing the missiles back at the mech.

Michiru, Sonic and I attacked really fast as the mech went down with mini explosions.

The pilot spoke "What?! They're just five beastmen!"

Sonic chuckles "Hey guys, take care."

Glaring at the pilot after the glass was shattered, Danyelle growls "You dare attack the grandson of the Lunar Terror?"

We heard sirens from police cars approaching.

Sonic asks "*Notices someone* What?"

We saw that Mewtwo beastman from before on the mech.

The male spoke "It all starts with this... *Brings out a green jewel* A jewel containing the ultimate power..."

Sonic gasps "That's the..."

Roll and Danyelle spoke "Chaos Emerald!"

"The what now?" Michiru and I asked in confusion.

Sonic spoke "Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you! So... where you do think you're going with that Emerald?! *As he, Danyelle and Roll charged at him* Say something, you faker!"

The male spoke "Chaos Control!"

An explosion of light burst from the jewel before it faded with the Mewtwo beastman standing right behind us with the jewel.

Sonic spoke "Wow... he's fast!"

"How'd he get there so quickly though?!" I gasped.

Sonic spoke "Hey, it's not his speed. *As the Mewtwo was on the roof* He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!"

The male spoke "My name is Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games... farewell."

Shadow and the Emerald suddenly vanished in another flash of light.

Sonic asks "Shadow... what is he?"

G.U.N. Officer spoke "Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air.

We found ourselves totally surrounded.

Sonic spoke "Not again!"

Danyelle spoke "*Groan* I thought I had all seven hidden away..."

A bolt of magic crashes down, revealing Vice Principal Luna in her dark form.

